
I Folk and Friends \\a\crlc_\ Hal. 81 \lar} \ Sticct. 550 3555 ‘tpin

\on \iiiiikiiig loll and countrj. \L'\\lHll\ I The Zealots l.L'llll l'Hllx ('llll‘. lllL' Villagc. South l‘ort \ticct. ott l'crr} Road. V3 "NIH. " illpin L5 \nd} laing on guitar and \ocal\_ \iilh .\tltllc'_\ \lill'l'lvtll on accordion and \oca|\. ~\lhaiii ()'\ci|l on liddlc and \likc} ('aincion on tll‘lllllx ()rigtnal inatcrial lroin thcu ncu alhuin /.('II( I‘\ III jut/(1‘

Wednesday 10


I Malinky ludinhurgh l-olk (‘luh. (‘aharct llai. 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. (i5ll 3 ‘4‘). " illpni In incinor} ol thc latc llllllll\ll llcndcrwn. and thc traditiom ol Scotland. lhc (arr) ing Strcain l'c\ll\;il gclx undci ua} \iith lhc laxt pcrlorinancc at lhc l-.l'(‘ ol thc currcnt linc»up ol lhc l2d1nhui‘gh-haxcd quintct.


I Duniermline Folk Club Session l)unlcrinlinc l'olk ('luh. lllhllt‘ 'l'a\crn. llaldridgchurn. “I 385 TI‘HWF. Spin, l'rcc. Sing a \ong. play a tunc or iuxl hxtcn.

G asgow

I Niamh Parsons and Graham Dunne St Andrcii \ in thc Squarc. oll Sallinat‘kcl. Sl .'\lltll'L'\\ .\ Sll'L'L‘l. 5-13 (illlll. Xllllli £7 it'5 l. ‘l'hc tll\llllL'll\ c mac and inainl} traditional \ongx ol li‘cland'x .\'i;unh l’ai‘wih. accoiiipanicd h_\ gtutarixt l)unncr


I Out at the Bedroom \Vawrl} llar. St Mar} \ Slrcct. 556 8855. 9pm inidnight. SL'L' lltlt 4,


I Falkirk Folk Club Session l-"alkirk l'olk ('luh. 'l'hc I’ohxh ('Iuh. Arnot Strccl. (Nil-1015305. .\',3llpin. £5. .»\n_\thing gocx.


I Shamrock, Rose and Thistle lidinhui‘gh l‘olk ('luh. (‘aharct liar. 'l'hc l’lcaxancc. 05” 334‘). Spin. L'h’ tL'7l. A triplc hill of arlixtx lroin li‘cland. lingland and Scotland. lcaturing (‘clinc l)onoghuc and Ruth liaxdalc. l)a\c llurland and ('ran. l’art ol thc ('arr) ing Strcain lr'cxlnal.

I Fine Friday North lidinhurgh Artx ('cntrc. l’cnn}\\cll (‘ourL .il5 315l. 7pm. £8 it'hl arid £4 tor incinhcrx ol' thc (iood .\'cighhour Schctnc. lop _\oungcr pla} crx Anna \Vcnd} Slcu‘ltxmt iliddlci. .\'ua|a Kcnncd} tllutcl and Kl'l\ l)i‘c\ci' Mouth and guitar) ciucrgcd out ol lidinhurgh'x Santh llcll'x rcgular \cxxionx.

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance :\\\L‘llll‘l) Rooinx. (icot‘gc Strch 230 434‘). Spin. L'h‘ 1L5). (’cilidh dancc hand lll.l \ch callcr Kcn (iourla).


I Danny Thompson Band Quccn\ llall. ('lcrlt Strcct. hhh‘ lel‘). Xpni. (1-1 llel, l)ann_\ 'l‘hotnpxon ix onc of thc lllt\\l l‘oruard thinking and c\pcricnccd haxx pla}ctx in l‘ollx/ia/l/roclu’hlucx. \\ ith a [‘t‘tllgl‘L‘L‘ l‘l'ttllt l’L‘llltlllglC In John \lttt'l)”. Richard ’l‘hoinpxon ct al.

I Transatlantic Connections lidinhurgh liollt (‘Iuh. (‘aharct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. 050 234‘), Spin. [5‘ it" t. 'l‘riplc hill \\ith artixtx li‘otti hoth \idcx of thc Atlantic: l)a\ id laxiticc). Sara (irc). Kicron .\lcan\ and thc liaiuonn ('o} nc Band. Part of thc (‘arr_\ing Strcain l‘c~ti\al.

I Ladysmith Black Mambazo [\licr llall. l.othian Road. 33* 1155. 8pm. “2.50 £22.50. The inaxmcl) acclaimcd Al'rican a cappclla \ocal group latnoux tor thcir contribution to Paul Siinon'x (imccluml album.

I Amnesty International Fundraising Ceilidh Dance Si Bridc‘x ('cntrc. ()r\\ cll 'l'ci‘racc. 3-16 l-lll5.

Spin midnight. £8 it'ht. Thc l.i.~niorc

Carol Laula

The reflective tones of Laula are given the respect they deserve here as she gets the backing of a full band at

this rare appearance for the singer/songwriter as part of Glasgay!

I l/lt,‘ fro/x (mutant; :m‘.‘ f, .1).

('cilidh Hand [um idc lhc lllll\lL'.

I Fundraising Ceilidh in mi Uchaltng llall. lero Squarc. 553 "32". 5.30pm. L'— it'll. llugh \lacdiarnud'x llaircut pi'midc thc tuncx lor llll\ ccihdh Ill \upport ol lhc lidinhurgh l'ni\ci\it} chaivancc Slllg‘c'lV tour to Arincnia in 2005'


I The Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra Ro}a| (’onccrt Hall. 2 Saucluchall Strccl. 353 Nlllll). 7.30pm. [Ill [l5 lllll incinhcrx. tnoxtl} liddlcrx hackcd h_\ ati accordion \cction. haw. tll'lllll\ and piano ln \upport ol' thc l)a\ id A/har Appcal.

I Angie Palmer and Hoobstweedle Ro}al ('onccrt llall: Strathchdc Stutc. I Sauchichall Strcct. “MI 353 Nllllll .\pin. ill). l'p-and—conting (ilaxgou liaxcd lolk hand lloohxmccdlc \upport \ingcr— \ongni‘itcr l’alntcr.

I The Clachies liar IH5. Buchanan llotcl. Buchanan Strcct. 533 7284. 5pm. l-t‘cc. Scc Sun ".


I La Volee d’Castors ()uccn'x llall. ('Ici'k Strcct. («is lel‘). ".Sllpin. Lll it'lli l'i'oin l'rcnch«pcalcing Quchcc. lila' l.a llottinc Souriantc. a cclcht‘atcd \i\-piccc ini\ing Acadian and (chic luncx and halladx.

I The Carrying Stream Festival Finale lidinhurgh l-‘ollt ('luh. (‘aharct liar. 'l'hc l’lc‘;i\;iiic'c. M” 334‘). Spin. L'h i£5 i. Singcrx/l'ollclorixtx \largarct llcnnctt and Adam AlcNaughtan. \ingcr .l‘.llllL‘\ (irahain \iith pianixt Jaincx Row. and liddlcr/guitarixt Anna .\la\\ic\ Band.


I A Tribute to lain MacKintosh Stirling l-‘olk ('luh. llcxt Bar \onc. 5H l'ppcr ('raigx. 0125‘) 3853 ll 8pm. to A \pccial gct togclhcr ol~ \olllc‘ ol lain'x trtcnd\ \uch ax Brian .\lc\cil. Strainaxh \xith Adain \lc\aughton. Annc .\'cil\on and UlltL‘h.

Tuesday 16


I Rory Campbell, Jonny Hardie and Donald Hay l.cith Folk ('luh. 'l‘lic Villagc. juxt otl~ l-‘crr'\ Road. 43 "hllli -._5(l[‘lll. ()ltl Blllltl l)U:_'\ and l)L';ll-

Shcphcidx hiing loot tapping. ncu traditional lllll\l\‘ \\llll .lll cdgc

Wednesday 1 7

Glasgow I Ladysmith Black Mambazo l\’il}.il ('onccrt llall. Sauchichall \ticct. 15‘ \llllll

ilmore ill G1 Glasgow , Tickets£l10) I a 0141 330 55 a,

Thur 25; New; .I' '1


5 5w 1., 5“ \x- \..'. ~

I Orchestra Macaroon \ atzw

( \( \ r‘ \- \\ V f 1‘ 17:; l \ l\

in ‘\ .h'i

\ '

I Michael Marra ll :-~ I.,;' \\ tl:‘\l\_“;lltlll .fii-lxv-H i'li tl\\|: l:;\:‘::::;_' '.\.‘Tf\ .z'it‘. '::‘..;i

l)l-‘-\.\\ \H.\,..c\........\l t“ui.‘.\u t

Thursday 18

I Vin Garbutt \T \utitc‘s. \ 1:2134

'\\;lt.::c tilt \.:ittz..:zi_ct \1 \iiilrcu. \ \‘ttx‘l ‘l\ NU" \tnt: f ' 1‘ \\iif\ .zziti hivutwt \i‘llfi'AflllllU lzwzn thy Luisa: i:~:'?\"‘ l ll:'ii\l‘. follr. \xlzw .:l\~' t‘lam .: twat: lrr: alluxllt' i i": I Eric Bibb Uncut: \ ll.1li ( It'tic \Zxccl “"5 .‘l'l" ‘l'mn tih 5" llit‘ atoll ltaxcilcti lllll\lt .:l liol‘w ;\l.i‘.\ an acolixlat \cl \lli“\‘.il1;‘~‘ll l‘.l\'.‘.l\it‘l.:?l"lll',‘ arrflucutm

lli‘lll lhc \ll\\l\\ll‘l‘l llcl'n lllli'll"ll l unlin- li‘ \llch

I Orchestra Macaroon Ila lloziw (luh. llol\tmnl lx’wad. llili‘l\ oi‘cn \i‘u: 11H !\i l \ “alt-iii. lilalcci ix \‘mtld inuxit hand Irwin \!,".ll \‘c ( Il.i\‘_‘«“~‘.. \\ctl l ', and rum.

I Out of the Bedroom \\.l\t‘llt'\ l‘ial. \l \ltitv\ \ltccl, 55!» \\5‘ “pin itutlnihhl \t't‘ lllll 1

‘.‘\ ll“

( \‘llll

l {lll\lll\

I Rudeigin l allatk lollt (lul‘. lhc l'olixh ('luh. \inot \trcct. Ill i.‘ 1 MI “"5 \ *Hl‘in L5 \ li\c [mac hour I .lll.lll\\llllt‘ pcthuunnc traditional unixit and win liotn \otland. licland and \inctn .:_ ‘.‘-llll winc ol thcu nun inalciial

.g..‘i,ir:iii Proudly l’torzarnlra


thequeonshall,._Ea rgh Tickets: £1 .(217r0131 '019 onlineb , ing www.theq enshallnet

3! O U.


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