
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 4


I Music in the University: Duets and Solos (ilaxgou l'iii\ci\it_\ (’onccit Hall. I lll\t'l'\ll_\ .\\ciiiic. Hll MN}.

| Ill lpiii licc Soprano.\iiiicttc ('liapiiiaii. iiicx/o \opiaiio .\ll\till Ilcll aiid [llitllhl (‘laiic llttxllll pciloi‘iii a it'cilal ol poptilai dticl\ .‘iiid \ttllH including picccx li_\ .\lo/ait. l’ucciiii and lL'll;tlkii\\l\_\.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Young Adventurer l \llt'l llall. lolliiaii Road. 3:3 H55. 915“ tcliildt'cti L5. laiiiih tickch £35i. lhc lii’xt iii a iicu \t'llt‘\ hand on an iiiitiatn c to loxtci‘ aii llllt'lt'\l iii \‘l;t\\lc;tl lllll\lL' at an cail) agc. l’cttci Suiidlu l\l conducts ll/It’ll l/lt' liuili Singx. a iiiiixical laii‘_\talc ol l)aphiic. a _\ouiig dccr. ,\ ioiiriic} ol tilcllt‘\ll;tl dixcmcr} lroiii Sucdixh coiiipmcr Karin Rchntp l\l dc\i\cd lor t'lliltll‘t‘ll til till tigt‘\.


I Eternal Source of Light Divine RS.-\.\ll), lllll Rt‘tllt'cu Sll‘t‘t‘l. 552 5ll57. lpiii. Ur til i. ('otiiitcrtciior RL‘llo ll'ttlllh. ti‘iiiiipctcr Mark (l'chlc and [littllhl aiid Ul‘gttllhl .lolin l.aiigdoii pcrloriii llaiidcl‘x l‘.l('l‘lltl/ Sou/i (' u/ liq/it lhl‘lllr'. and \\Ul'l\\ Ii} Bach. \'i\aldi. 'l‘clciiiaiiii. .\lc\\iacn and \‘aughan \Vllllilllh.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca 'l'licairc Royil. 383 llopc Sli'cct. 333 Will”. 7.|5piii. £3.50 [55. .-\ \xclcoiiic rc\i\al ol this production ol 'l'oxca. \ihicli hriiigx l’iiccini'x political talc ol' l.\’th ccntiir} Roiiic loi‘\\ai'd to thc l'axci\iii ol I‘Htlx. Dark and dixttirhing. .'\ltl;tll |.aiig\ rcalixaiioii ol' :\llllltlll_\ llcxch‘x original production \\il| illtiiiiiiiatc l’iicciiii'x \corc and lingcr long in thc lllllltl\ ol‘ lhoxc \\ho L‘llt'tttltllt‘l' ll.

I David Paul Jones and Guests ll'tlll 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 ’l‘rongatc. 553 4207. Xpiii. L'Ill (L'h’i. .\ ini\ ol' MC“ and latiiiliat' iiiatci‘ial li'oiii llti\ piaiiixt and coiitciiiporar} \ong dc\otcc. iiicltidiiig original \xork lroiii hix :llllllllh iii pi‘ogi‘cxx. l’ii/mxltu' l’n/r/n' aiid /Hll('\ o/ l’i'r/u'liui/ 'Iii i/ig/il. l’ai‘t ol' ( ilmga}?


I Matthew Owens lx’t‘ltl ('oncci‘t llall. lidiiihurgh l'nhcrxit}. llrixto Squai'c. hos lel‘l. |.l(lpiii. l'rcc. .\latthc\\ ()\\L‘ll\. Ill;t\l\‘l' ol‘ thc nitixic at Scotland'x higgcst callicdral. Pt‘l'ltll'llh a rccital ol‘ organ music h_\ l’achclhcl.

I RSNO with Sarah Chang l'xhcr Hall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7..‘\(lpiii. t'l |.5tl £27. K\\;iiiic R};tll coiiductx |)\oi‘ak'\ Noon Hilt'll. a griicwinc \}iiiphoiiic pociii haxcd on (Vcch t'olk lll}lll. lll\ lib/I'll (‘UIH'UI'IU \\llll \Ulttixl Sarah (hang. and Shoxtakm ich'\ llllt‘lht' Nini/i/ioiii .\'u 5. \\rittcn tindcr thc guixc oi Sm ict conl'orinit}.

I The Dunedin Consort National Portrait (iallcr). l ()ticcii Strcct. (84 0200, l2.45piii. l'rcc. Madrigalx. partxoiigx. l‘olkxongx and c|o\c harinoii}.


I Opera Galactica (‘iiiiihcmauld 'I‘hcatrc. Kildrum. (HBO "3288". ".45pni. L") (UH. .\ comic. intiltiiiicdia c\tra\agaii/a l’tixing opcra and \ci-li. ax thc iniixical \\;ll'l‘l0l\ Dukc and (itll'tl go on a llll\\lttll to \a\ c l’rinccxx Sla} cr troni thc Dark lii\adcr. ‘lt‘x i‘ltcra Jim. but not ax “c knoxx it?‘

94 THE LIST -1 '8 Na. .‘ i ".

scorrisu OPERA: TOSCA Theatre Royal Glasgow, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24 & 27 Nov;

Edinburgh Festival Theatre, 30 Nov, 2, 4, 7, 9 & 11 Dec

If you’ve never been to opera before, then this is the one to go to. If you have seen it before, then you have probably already booked your tickets. Tosca. The very name conjures up everything that is grand about Italian grand opera. It has the lot. Passion, intrigue, murder, lust and, of course, death. Not to mention some of the most glorious melodies Puccini ever penned. As the opera singer - Floria Tosca - whose life and loves are portrayed throws herself from the battlements when her part in all this is discovered, the curtain falls. It could hardly be more spectacularly dramatic.

In Anthony Besch’s totally memorable production, first seen in 1980, Scottish Opera have a real gem in their repertoire. Set in Mussolini‘s fascist Italy of the

this time round is directed by the highly regarded Aidan Lang, who knew Besch up until his death last year. ‘This is a particularly popular production,‘ he says. ‘lt’s set in Mussolini‘s time, which gives tremendous extra impact. We know these people. We recognise the iconography of that time.‘

Puccini actually set the opera in Home at the turn of the 19th century, but Lang‘s view is that if its principal characters were to appear on stage dressed from an 18005 wardrobe, it would, in effect, be like fancy dress. ‘We are too distanced now from the history of that time,’ he says.

Although Lang and his starry cast which includes Matthew Best, everybody's favourite Wotan in the Ring are new to Besch’s production, they are remaining faithful to its spirit. “We can see what he was driving at,‘ says Lang, ‘but we're not doing a carbon copy. This Tosca will have afresh, new life of its own.‘

19405, the original production was revived in 2000 and


I Britten Sinfonia \lacRohci'l. l'iincrxit} ol Stirling. lllTHti .ltioooo. Xpiii. £17.51) it'l5. uiidcr 35x £7.5lli. 'l'lic ll‘t'\ll and ciicrgctic approach ol tlic lli‘ittcii Siiil'oiiia to pcrl‘oriiiaiiccx ot Itltli and 2 l \t cciittir} \\ttl'l\\ l\ iiitcriiatioiiall} l't‘clllell\L‘tl as a lcading c\aiiiplc ol orchcxtral intimation. .laiiicx .\lac.\lillaii conducts lll\ I’ll/Ill! ('oiii t'i‘tu .\‘u 3 \\ itli otitxtaiidiiig I‘lltlll\l .loaiiiia .\lac(ircgor. l’art\ \ciciic ('tuiltis and llai'tok'x aiiiiiialcd Minn for Kiri/tux. l’t'l't’llulltll (lllt/ (Hm/r coiiiplctc llli\ thrilling progratiiiiic. \ol to hc llll\\t‘tl.

Saturday 6


I RSNO with Sarah Chang lx’o}al (‘oiicct'l Hall. 3 Saticltichall Stt'cct. 553 fillllll. "..‘\llpiii. U3 [3%. Scc iii 5.

I Glasgow Chamber Choir: Take him, Earth, for Cherishing: Music for Remembrance Si Mar} ‘\ (attic-dial. .zllll (il'L‘ltl \VLNICI’H Rtltttl. .55- 3M): "Rilpiii. L'.\' lUtl. .\ coiicci‘t iii honour ol RL‘lllCllll‘l'dllL‘L‘ l)a} to iiicltidc \\ttl'l\\ h} .lohii 'l‘a\criicr. 'l'lioiiiax 'l‘allix. \Villiaiii B}rd. ()rlando (ill‘l‘tllh. Vaughan \Villiaiiix and iiiorc.


I The Edinburgh Light Orchestra ()uccth Hall. ('lci'k Sti‘cct. («is 30W. ".Rllpiii. (5 [8.50, .\ \Clccllttll ol light clavical l'a\ouritc\ including l'lit lliiuii/ Hf ().~ lit /('(4/\ li'l‘()l’(/lt'\ll'i1diltl lllt'lllL‘\ ll'ttlll Mar lit-l. \\ llll conductor .l.iiiic\ Bc}ci1

I l-laddington St .\lai'_\ \ l);tl'l\ll ('liui‘ch. lllole 833535. _.5llplil. {to HA \ttidciih ti‘cci. Stunning ('.iit.idi.iii \opt‘atio .laiict ()lwi'iiic‘}t‘i‘ ioiii\ iorccs \\llll [‘lallhl liigc

(Carol Main)

Spiiictlc tor a pi'ogi'aiiiiiic ol i'.i\ ixliiiigl} hcautilul l'i‘ciicli \tillf1\l‘) l)chii\\_\. (‘hatixxoii aiid l)iipaic. along \\llll thc lthcloth \t‘lllltl\ ill Sll';tll\\'\ loin/11W Xullg'x.


I Opera Galactica (‘tiiiihci'iiauld 'l‘hcatrc. Kildi'tiiii. ill 3 Vi " QM" " -l5piii L“) it'tii, Scc ill 5.

St Andrews

I The Zephyr Wind Ensemble Si l.cilll;tl'd\ School. lllk' l’clld\. ill H-l

~15 i533. Npiii, LN. ,\ piogi'aiiiiiic to iiicltidc picccx h} .\riiold. ll.i}dii. lhci‘t. llolxt and (‘hat‘lic l’ai'kci'.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra \lacRohcrt. l'iinci‘xit} ol Stirling. lllqhh 40h (\Ni, 3pm, SCL' lllll -l


I Lesley Garrett Ro}.il (‘onccii Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sum. ‘53 Mill“. ". 5lll‘lll

£25 £40. l.c\|c_\ appcarx \Hlll thc \orthcrii Siiitonia and lhc \oi'thcrii Spirit Siiigcrx. to dchght thc ci'o\\d\ \\ itli ltlthlc troiii tlic \iorldx ol opcra. liliii and lllll\lcal\ h} l’ucciiii. \laiiciiii. llci'iixtcin and Rogch & littllilllcl'flL‘lll.


>11 Dunedin Consort with Harvey and the Wallbangers l'xhci' llall. l.othi.iii Road. 328 1155 ' 1llpiii L") L2”. childrcii £5. lllc Dunc-din (‘oiixori and .i cliildi'ciiK chorus ol owr Z‘lll [‘l'L‘\L‘llI thc Scolthh prciiiici'c ot'\c_\ lli‘oiighk

l\)( trait n1 1/) lifm 'lliix poucrtul \kiil'l’x

t'l'H\\L‘\ gciiicx on .i iciii.iil..ihlc \calc. \‘lllllllt)lllL' cail} lll\lllllllt‘lll\. a tan lll_\lllll| \cctioii. llugclhoiii. ccltic liaip .iiid tlicoilio to cicalc a highly .lctt‘\\ll‘lt'.tlltlllllll_1'llllli' \cttiiig ot thc l .itiii lll.t\\


I Astaria String Quartet lx’aimliorii 'l licatic. ‘lh liigiaiii \trcct. 55} i-lh‘l l.l5 2pm. 9. i, .\ \clcctioii ol llccthoxcii aiid l)\or.ik h} llll\ _\otiiig \llldllt‘l.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca lllt'dllt' Ro}a|. 353 llopc \tich. “3 ‘lllllll “.I5piii. U5” L55. \ccl-ii 5 I Lesley Garrett Roin ('oiitcii llall. ZSaticliicliall Sti‘cct. ‘5‘ hllllll 5 illpiii £35 t-lll, Scc Stiii "


I Edinburgh Quartet Rcid (‘oiitcii llall. ltdiiihiirgli l lll\t'l\ll_\. l‘lll\ltt Stpiai‘c. 05” J12: l lllpiii. l'lt't', \ pci'loiiiiaiicc ol \atigliaii \\ illiaiiix~ Quit/lit \u 3 and ll.itpci\ Ill/('4' Iii/l \HII'J .l/uiiizu'nii'iilx,

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (iic_\ lllitl'\ Kill. (‘aiidlciiiakci Row ".illpiii l'icc \ cclchratioii ot ladiiihurgh haxcd coiiipoxcr l._\cll (‘rcwucll \tlimc captnating. coii\ iiiciiig .iiid ottcii hcautilul \l}lc l';illl\\ liiiii .iiiioiig thc lorciiimt ll\ iiig c'ttllllltl\t'l\ ’l lic pcrloriiiaiicc iiicludcx lll\ troiiihoiic coiiccrto Km (1 u itli Siiiioii .lttllll\tili. Hciiiil. Schaclci' cttlltlllch llll\ iiotahlc c\cnt in thc coiitciiipoiar} \cL'llL’. to hc i'ccoi'dcd loi‘ Radio 1'\ 'llcar and Now. l'Hl' llclkch ttppl} lit l‘,( l(i ('lct‘XMiiitl (iardcnx. ladiiihtirgh. lullll hl’l tincludc S:\l:l or call “I ll ,5 5‘) hh—m,