I Opera Galactica Hruntoh llrmtrc. l..ul).v.cll \\;r_\. \luxxclhrrrph. (m5 I: W a ‘ftprh Ll l5llrL‘li \cc ill 5

Wednesday 1 0


I Edinburgh Quartet King's Hurltlrhjgx (iluxs \lkiltik'. School nl Agricullrrrcl rrncrxrl) ol i.tillli‘lll}_'il. \l.’t}ilt'iti Rudd. 05” 3-3:: 1 ‘l5l‘lll Ilk'k'

:\ pcr‘lor'rhrrruc ol 1 lrorrrux ithKlllL'. lull ot Kc”) \ (Jinn/i I III (‘nrruu/ .Hlti \.rtrj_'ll.irl

\Vrllrrurrx‘ Quin/fr \u _

Thursday 1 1


I Music in the University: Damien Thantrey and Peter Hewitt ( i|.r\§_'n\\ l'rincr'xrt} ('ohccr'l H.1H.l-Hl\k'l\ll.\ .-\\criuc. Hll »1ll‘)2. l.lllprh. l'r'cc ’I In- hurrtonc and piano [nrrtrrcrxhrp pcr'lor'rh Hirtlcr'\\or'tli\ mu}: cult- li’u r/HII llr// .lllti R;i\c|\ lust corhplclc \‘Hlllpttxlllrrll. [hm (hm hour (1 Hit/r IIIH

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra RS.-\.\l|). lllll Rcrrlrcu Slrccl. “I 5ll5". "A illprh L1 to. (icr‘hrrr'rl \lrirkxon coruliu'lx Kr/\_\ \/lri\ Mon-{x l/unrrrur rl .lu/rumrm Hui/inn. Rru‘hrlrulhhm \ /\'/Irl/um/\ uh (I I/rr‘mt' ul High/mu .lllti Hruhrrh' Sim/Ilium .\u /.


I Edinburgh University Chamber Music Club Concert Rt'lti (‘onccrr Hull. lirlrrrhur‘gh l'nncr'xrl}. llr'rxlo Squur‘c. 05“ 2433. l.lllprh. I‘r'cc. .\ \rrr'rcl} ol Mill) and chxcrhhlc prccm pcr‘lor'rhcd h} students.

I After Hours: Velazquez \ullohul (igrllcr') ol Scotland. ‘l‘hc Mound. (ill (erlll. (rpm. l'r'cc. Andre“ Rtlhllhttll pr‘cxcntx gr rrrrrxicrrl c\p|or';rlroh of the I‘ll) ccnlur'} Spuriixh :rr'lixr \'cl;i/qru-/\ ()lr/ llirnuur (lurking Ipuux \xrlh :r pcr‘lor‘rhruicc ol picccx l'or‘ \olo guitar.

I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra

(ir‘c) lr‘iar'x Kirk. (ir‘c) lr‘rur'x Place. 05” 3.122. 7.3llprn. LT" «Hi. Rrrxxcll ('ourcxon. in lll\ lll‘xl concert “llll litliiihur'glr'x htlltit'\l \llltlt'lll or‘clrmlr‘u. coritluclx Hi‘iltcn'x )irmru ’r’rwir'x (nut/t In Illr' ()n'lrmrru. lir‘uluux‘ \ill'lrlllulh NH (1 l'lrr'nu' u/ Hun/Ir and |)\ol';rk\ .X'r'n’nru/r'.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)l|L'L‘ll.\ Hull. (‘It'l'k 511111.603 30W. 7.30pm. £7.50 {23. Romantic \cr'cnutlcx and lrurnor'quucx h} Sihcliux :unl llr'ulirnx \xilh l-‘innixh \lltillll\l l’ckku Kllll\l\lH and conductor .loxcpli Sucnxcn. \\';ig_'ricr”\ licurl-l'cmling sue/null /r/\’// to \lur‘l.


I Holzmair and Cooper RS..\.\ll). ltltl chlr'cxx Street. 332 5057. lprn. to (Hi. Bur‘itonc \VoIlgung llol/rnuir‘ llllti pianixl lrnogcn (‘uopcr‘ pr'cwnl Ilk' lir'xt pci‘l'or‘rhuncc Ul lilCll‘ IIL‘“ I'L‘Clltll programme ol \xor‘kx h} Il;r_\rln. .\lo/;u'1 and Hugo Well.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca 'l'limrrc Royrl. 3V2 Hopc Slr'ccl. 332 Ulltlt). 7.!5pm. £3.50 £55. Scc Hi 5.

I Celts Meet the Vikings RS.-\.\ll). lllt) chl'r'cu Str‘cct. 333 5057'. ".Rtlprn. (Hi. Moldc Bra“ l'r‘orn .\'or'\\;i_\ join forum \\ith the RS.-\.\ll) Bill“ linxcrhhlc under lhc direction 01' \igcl Buddiu‘.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra RSAMI). It)” RHINO“ Sll'L‘L‘l. 553 Sllfi". ’.3tlprn. {l5 «(5 £7.50). Soc 'l‘lru ll.


I Organ Recital Rcitl ('onccr'l Hull. lidinhur‘gh l'niwr‘xil). Br'ixlo Square. 05” 2423. 1.10pm. lir‘cc. ()r‘gunixl \lichrrcl Bmxtr‘cc pcr'l‘or‘rnx “orb h} Kittcl. Landing. ()or‘trm‘r'\\L‘lt. Br'uria. Schumann. JS Bach and Man.

I Cello Latino (Xrnongatc Kirk. I53 ('unongalc. ool "[05. l2.3llprrr. L‘" r£5i. .'\ liigh-xpir‘itcd r‘ccitul h} ccllixt lintlxu} Murtindulc and pianist ('olin l)untl;i\. including Dchuxx}. Dc l-ullu and l’iu/mllu. and contributions h} danccrx ot' tango.

I A Bohemian Rhapsody lt:.;r;r~r~. [lit-.itrc. l .tti:.‘.‘-t‘ii \\.:}. \lrrssslhrrrgiz. (\(i5 ‘zill 5‘ HIP”, L\ .1“. \ turitlrurxrrryg cxcrrt tor liruhtorr [ht-air; 'lhc l’whcrrrmrk l )ih ()pcr.:( Hllll‘all} pit-writ .i \prrrtctl t-xcnrrr: of mu; trorrr .irr .rrr.r} «it l‘rtltllial \lrm‘.\

I Royal Scottish National Orchestral \licr ll.rll. l nrlutru |\'r‘.ui. 3:5 ll55 E 5Hl‘lll Lil 5" L.“ l’rrlrtll‘ai (‘orrtlutlur \ik'\.tllti\'l l .i/.rrc\ toriilrrtlx \lulrlcrk tlc\.r\t.rlrrrj,'l} [muncrlul \tIH/l/lrtll, \II (I


I Frederick Pugh Memorial Concert St \lur} \ lprxtolml (hurtli. \uclirhprurrrorrl Rt'dti. 5 lHprrr :5 d5. 1 hc \‘ilttll ml 81 \l.rr_\ '\ .rrul llrc \l.rrr.:rr ('lrrrrrrlicr i,ll\\'llli‘i\' Pt'liltllll Huntlcl's \Ir urn/r .tllti \trrrr: rrrrrxrt’ h} i)\|tl.ii\

St Andrews I Opera Galactica liyrt- Ilrculrc. \Iilw} Slit-ct. til H-l Violin \ltlll 1|i

it‘ll. Scc l-rr 5.


I Hebrides Ensemble lollmorli. .l.ul \\_\lltl. (H‘so 3".1lirili_ 5 trip... L In «Ur5tli, l’crlorrnrrij.‘ ax [nut ul rlrc Scottish ,\rt\(’ouricrl "luncl l‘ it‘lll.. lhc llchr'rtlcx Iznxcrhhlc pr'cxcnt .r rhr\ ol contcrhporur} .rrul Illllr ccntur} clrurnhcr rhuxrc lor‘ \\lll(i illlti \lrrngx.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra i\)(l_\;ll (‘nuccrr ll.rll. 3 Sulrclrrclrrrll Slr'ccl. ‘51 \llllll, “. illprh, L'li L23. Su- l'r'r l2.


I Georgian Concert Society Sr (‘ccilru‘x Hull. (1m garlic. Nth llll‘l. ".-l5pnr. £12r£57£0ifllrcRim-(lirrxort ol Violx. “th (lure \\ ilkrnxorr. inc/m \(tpldlltt. conic lo Iztlirrliur‘gli \\ rlli llrc r‘rclr \ourul ol llicrr gut \ll'lllf_'\ lll ;r progrurhhrc \\illL'il locuxcx on llrc dramatic \ttllj:\ ol lzriglurrtl'x i‘.il/;ti\‘lil;lll lhcgrlr'c. rrrlcr‘xpcr‘wtl \xrllr wrhc '|.rl|r\ and ;r lirl ol |i_\rrl.

St Andrews

I Opera Galactica ll} r'c 'l'licurr'c. ,\|i|w_\ Slr‘ch HIM-l ~l"5llfltl. 8pm. {I i 1U“. SL‘L‘ ill .5.


I Yamaha Music School .\l;rcl<olwrr l'nrxcr'xit} ol Stirling. (ll "so lootioo. (Lillprn. [5. ()\cr' |5ll kcflmurtl. guitar and Him] \llltiL‘lll\ lr‘rrm \urhuhu \lrrxic School \houcuxc llk‘ll' trrlcntx.


I Hayley Westenra l‘xlrcr Hull. l.ol|ii;rn Road. 333 Il55. ".illprh.

[l7 [I I. 'ch l7».\c;u‘-oltl pr‘rriccxx ol llrc popular classical “(Hid and tlotihlc platinum \clling :rr'li\l \xill \illllL‘ in lllh hlchd ol \‘i;l\\lL';li. opera. pop. lolk and .\l;ror' lulluhic»


I Long Ago and Far Away l’.tr\lc} limit Hull. .-\hlic_\ (low. 83" llllll. “.Fllprn. [Ill (Ur. lurhctl l'or‘ lik‘ll‘ inrimulixc protluclronx that tiring; opcr'a to tlic rnuxxcx. (ilgrxgou \ ()pcr'u on a Shocxlr‘irrg pr‘cxchtx a \|.lri\llc \lnp tour ol' uritiquit} in the tlr‘urrrulrc \xor‘ltl. \ r;r .\lo/;n't. Bcllini and l’ur'ccll.

Tuesday 1 6


I Lunchtime Concert (iurnncxx R0011]. RS.~\.\H). ill“ RClliil'L‘“ Sll'L‘L‘l. 333 5H5". lpni. .-\n llllhl'llldi cohccr't

\\ ilh \omc \tunnirig lllll\lL' tor \olri ohoc. plgr} ed h} (‘hr‘ixtophcr‘ Rcdgulc. Horn Stockhuuxch to \lrrtlcrnu. h} \xu} ot \niu

r...i‘.i‘-;\.: \ \i‘t...t.\ fl“

:izxtrzrtrckx .;:;t?1r-:w;r;fzi'. c\;‘iwtqti I Prizewinner of the Haverhill Sinfonia Competition l\‘.;i:.\i~..~:::

llrctrlzq. "\ l::;:.:r:r \trt'cf. ‘5.‘ il\"

l l5 :prr. L; \ :ter.:I “\ \lwrrt‘i; txzwrx: \.:rrrr llulnwl. l‘ll/t".‘.fl‘.flt‘l thzs l‘lcslrmwrh j: (.131) turrrgx‘trltnh Eight rrr \rrliwll.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca lli;.:ir.~ Kind. 5: Hurt; \lrccl. ii: ‘WN' ,rn 155"L<§ \‘c l r: i

I Edinburgh Quartet: Cesar Franck Remit urrtcrr ii.:ii \rruthtlitlc \rrrtc. I \uutlhcliuil \trccl. Hl ll ‘51 \tltltl \iirit 11f 1t“


Hrs truarlcl \lrarrri‘rorr llu' lrrxt rnrrs tlrarrrlx'r rrrusrt ml ("t-xii liarnlu rrr\ lrrtlrrr: tlrc r.ucl\ [\crlnrrrrctl (Um ' 'ur /"..r'~ \'r.r';\

rr‘l it"ij, VI

Wednesday 17


I Out of this World Rx \\ll). lHH Ix’chlrcv. \lrcct. “3 5H5“ 5 llrc |\’\ \\H) lira“ liurul. urrrlcr tlrc \lrrcttrorr ol “Hull \llcrr. pcrlorrrr I’.sirl |’.rtlcrwri\ /\’mrr.’ / :rimirii. Ilolxl'x lll\'\l|l\'ll\l|1f.' I’lum .‘x \mn. \lt( irrrrc'x It.'r.'?r/\’r\r .rrul l’clcr (ir.ili.rrri\ llrrrrlmz \

I" fl‘lr Hr" Lin"

itllirii Ur

i‘ :I

t drhliur'gli

I Band of HM Royal Marines Scotland with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Edinburgh l’xlrcr l|.r|l. l otlrmrr Nomi. SIN l|55

" illprh L‘l 5“ (115” \n uplmron ol wiry .rrul rcxclr} ol .r ( ilii‘t‘ll .\ \rrl|r\.ui


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra ('.irul ll.rll. ("in Square. ll|§XI-1i~l‘l~tll.fl illprrr \\.iltcr \\cl|cr \‘Hllrlllt'lx \lchl'lK .\\./u/r/ruir\ \u ."h llll. .uul llic \rrlwlrrric /\’4 (fill! in.

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra tourist-r Hull. .\or’t|r Slit-ct. lll iil “£330. a. illlirh. \i.lK|ll_L' Irrx \( '( ) lik'i‘lli. tlic .rcclurrhctl \lc\.rrulcr l rclircrt'lr \'Ulltil|\'l\ li.t_\till.\ (Ill/1’ (It‘llf I III' III (I. \\llll llic yum: l'rcrrclr ccllN (i.irrlrcr (Lipucorr. Jlrrllj: \\Il|l liccllimchK (firm/rm ()lt Him and ii.l‘\till.\ lirrru I Sump/rum.

Thursday 18


I Music in the University: Nils Franke (ilrrxgim l'rirwr \ll} ('orrccr't Hall. l'rrr\cr\rl_\ .\\criuc. Hll Jill): l.|llprrr. lrcc, I’rurro ru'rlul rht‘lrrtlrrrjg “.13:th |.1\/l\I’llgi/nix'c/ruirixlrorrr ltlll/l/ltl/IH I. .ldrlcl liturIK (tip/1.. ll ru/ / il K l’r'crhrcrci .rrul l.r\/t\ llm \ mu

/1 1 Hill ill! /)tll.ll(.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca llrcalrc Rwy“. “UPC Sllt‘t'l. 5;: ‘Hl‘l‘l ",l5prh. t; 35” L55. Scc In 5

:11 International Classical Season: Camerata Salzburg with Barbara Bonney i\)tt'\.ti (‘orut-r-r ll.rll. 3 Surrchrcliull Strccl. ‘51Mlllll [I5 (:5. Mn lti Slcr’h coruluch tlrc t'lrtrrrilicr' orchcslru in .r pcr’lor‘rhuhcc ol Huyan \inr/n’iuiii \II. \\ \erJllK [Mir/Inn .lIl/ll/(Ht. \mr/r/rum \u _\'\.' I’mgru .irul lirulirnx' [if /u \/[r (If; llu/rr \ llll thcrr' or‘clrcxlrul \L‘l'\litll i.

I St Aloysius Choral Series Sr .\lo_\\ru\‘ (lunch. 35 Row \lrccl. (i.ir‘hctlh|l. “I 1ll“) —. illprrr, L5 it; i i. 'l'hc l<.\'.\.\ll) ('liurhhcr (‘lrorr‘ pcrlorrrr \wrkx h} Bach .lllti Br'rltch.

5. iltprrr


311 Cappella Nova 'l lu- Sucrctl llcur‘t ('hur'ch. :5 l.;rur‘r~torr Strccl. 33‘) “\31. _..5H[‘lll. W t; l: r‘Jx5ll LN5lli. 'l hc .ir'l nl plurncliurrt dllti curl} \ocul poluihorr} r\ tlcrriorixlrutctl \\ rth cuxc h} Scorlurul'x .i txrppcllu chxcrhhlc. in .\llc;_'rr\ lurhoux HIM/1n. rnotcis h} i’.iiL'\ll’lll.t .rrul (ir‘cgor‘urn (hum lll HIM/i ll'tI/ll l/Ir Shrine (lid/tr / (UH! “(Wu/Ml.

fl: Dunedin Consort with Harvey and the Wallbangers l. egent‘lan, 80s Vi’alltianger Manet Brough is the composer of Rt’agurerr‘ ,ri Blue. ah extr'aordrhan lllSi()ll of different music. styles ClétSSlCétl. jEl/x’. traditional. earl; which celebrates lite through the framework of the Latin requiem mass. And in a special guest spot. he reunites wrth his fellow Wallbangr-zrs for the first time since 1986. Usher Hall. Edinburgh. Sun 7 NOV.

71: International Classical Season: Camerata Salzburg with Barbara Bonney American soprano Bonney. hailed as ‘the greatest Mozart singer of her generation', rorns wrth one of the world's foremost clrarriher ensembles in a programme that includes the child prorligy's astonishing Exsu/tate Juhi/ate. written when he was only 16 years old. Part of the International Classical Season. Royal Concert Hall Glasgow. Thu 18 Nov.

77 Cappella Nova Escape the mur'idanilres Of everyday life in a Scottish Winter and be transported to the glorious sounds of Rome's Sistine Chapel through the rnusrcal equivalent of Michelangelo's stunning frescos. Allegri's Miserere. wrth its soaring embellishments. reaches straight to the heavens and in this performance could well take you there too. Sacred Heart Church, Edinburgh. Thu 78 Nov: St Aloysrus Church, Glasgow, Sat 20 Nov.

I St Petersburg Symphony Orchestral \ltt‘r H.rH. liilillarr Rout]. 335 ||55 iillprrr Llll L35 lrr tlrcrr lilxl cwr l \lrcr H.111.rppculurru'.Hilt'ril l<tr\\r.i\ lop ort’lu'xlrm pcrlorrrrx l<iikhiiltllilllll\ \ \tlpt'll.rll‘.t' \xnr/i/rrrir: \u 3 and (ilroprn‘x I’ruiiu ("our . [/11 \u/ \xrllr Igor 'lchctucx lopprrru lilt' Rrrwrurr hill \krtlr uh hilt-irrational ll.r‘.irlrr l\ liclmrlxm xix} K «it'lrfglilllrl I’ll/[till ( ri/lllr (' ('orulrrctctl h} .\|c\.rhrlcr Hrrrrtrrcx. \'.llil a pic cohccrt lull. .rl 0 5UP”!


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra \lucRnlwr‘t. l'nrxcrxrr} Hi Stirling. HIGH» -1(i(\(\(t(t. Spin, Mari [Minnow conducts l’rokolim \ \pur'klrrij.‘ (ll/nit rr/ \rnr/r/rmrx. H.r_\tlrr\ (t Hm (tr/Ir ('I‘lu \m 3 V. llil (.ill'l\l|.‘1l] I’Hllc'l'u. \lri/;rr'l\ (Lulu/‘4 In l/lr' .Ur/L’Ir //Hl¢ and Silthlitihtfi lcilK “\[Cil\|hi_\ pl;t}ltll Si/ir/i/runx \u ‘l.

'- THE LIST 95