
:31 Fiddle 2004: Recitals, Talks and Sessions Mwmhl} Rumm. (icnijgc SHch. 335 I I“ I Iain ~1pin I_I| it7i.\1u\u IIHIII. .nnnncxl nlhcix. 'lin} \Iadhllnia}. .Icnna chI and Ihc \iunh (ianhciin \hmxcaxc. [‘Ilh laII.\ almul \.umu\ II\[K'\I\ HI IiiIdhnj: Ynunj: \hcilanii lll.n'\llii ( ‘hn\ Shun (Il\\'ll\\k'\ Ill\ IIIc Ill lIIll\I\ I’ail HI Ill/(Ht fin/‘1

3:1 Fiddle 2004 Grand Concert .'\\\\‘lllIiI} RHHIIIN (iL'HIjJL' SIH'L‘I. .335 I I“, " Winn II; II- III I. *3. Ianul} lickcli (‘Inix Sluul II'HIkIIL'I\ Bul. Salxa ('cIlicai IIL'.’I\I\ III\ mm hand. \\ nh II(I(II\‘I Sarah .Ianc I-iIichI. and (iiahani .\I.'icI\cn/ic. lhc _\nun_uc\l c\ci (‘cIIIc ('nnnccliunx Mann} -\\\anI \klllllt'I. I’ai'l HI /l(/(//(' 3””‘1

3:3 Ceilidh Dance .-\\\cinhl} Runnix. (Icnijgc Sliccl. .333 IISS. liiiun Iain. LN (UH. I)ancc In BcIIa .\Ic.\'ah\ Band Iickcl Includm Scxxinn and ()pcn Slagc. I’ail HI lll/l//(' JUN-l.

I Ceilidh Dance with the Occasionals Si Bi'nIc'x ('cnllc. ()iucll Ici'lacc. Nb I-IIIS.

Spin lllliIllljJIII. £7. Scc III I‘).


I Alania ( ‘aIc ('uxxachuk. Rnxxian ('uIluraI (’cnlrc. King: Slrccl. 55 i H," i i. .\'. iIIlilll. £5. 'I'hcxc lnui' fJII'IN Imin chlan lll Ruxxia I‘clui‘n \xilh lhcn \xnIc ianpc HI lqu. inn. and cnnlcinpnl'al’}

I The Clachies Bar INS. Buchanan IInch. Buchanan Slrccl. ‘33 723-1. Spin. I'i'cc. Rcyulai' Scnliixh and Iriin Iradilinnal inuxic \cxxmn.


2:1 Fiddle 2004: Recitals, Talks and Sessions .v\\\cinhl_\ Rmnm. (icnrgc Sii'ccl. 225' I I55. ||..15ain. (II ([7). .\Iu\ic Irwin I)unlci‘ni|inc Sll'alIhpL‘} :llHI RL‘L'I SUCIL‘I}. (.L‘IliL‘a Snichica'x kIc/inci'. qu Scnlx Iiddlc Imin _\nung_' c\ ('rnIl No 5 Imunian Adam Sulhci'land. lel\ [alkx ahnul

' ‘1 «i‘ i r. - Kimm Pi

98 THE LIST ‘8 .‘ [‘c-q

IithIc niainicnancc and a cclchiauun HI III.i\lL‘I Highland I'uItIIci \unjghax (iianl I’al'l HI III/(Hi .‘IHI-J

I Jack Beck and Sandy Stanage \\cc I'HIIJ‘Iub. RU\.II().1I\. IIIIIIIIMH ~\‘liccl. 5V I‘Iqlr 5.‘;III\III L: \iilipN‘ and \iui} IIHIII I)unlciinhnc\ .lack Bcck \xnh _L'lIII.lI \kl/.II'\II_\ IlUIIl Sand}


I Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies Sln‘hng I-ulk (‘InIx chl Bar \unc. l 'ppci ( ‘iaigx. III 35‘) 3 I hi} I ani Ur. I'Hlll piccc II'UIII lhc IIHIIII caxl HI Izngland. Icalunng.‘ \Hcah. puilai. IItIlIIL'. I\c\ImanI\ and \IHllI‘Ik' ham '

Tuesday 23


I Allan Jones and Fraser Spiers I.cilh I'nlk ('Iuh. Ihc Villagc. \iuih I‘Hl'lII SII'L‘L'I. UII I'L‘l'l‘} RHQMI. IclIIl. Spin. [5. Paul .lnncx «chcnhcx I‘iaxci ax ‘a grcal harp inuuilh HI}.‘;illi pla_\ci \\IIII a fJHI'fJL‘th lnnc' and .\I|an\ cullcclinn HI \ inlagc _‘_‘llll;ll\ l\ II\\'\I In aulhcnlicall} i'cci'caic lhc I'CjJIUIMI rural hlucx nl lhc I\\L‘IilIL'\ and lIIllllL'N.

I Folk’n’Friends \Vawrl} Bai. Si Mar} \ Sli'ccl. 550 8355. “pm. I-nlk and cumin} \cxxmnx. .\'u \nmking.

Wednesday 24


I The Handsome Family and Robert Fisher ()uccn\ IIaII. ('Icrk Sll‘ccl. NIX ZUI‘). Nplll. L'IZ L'I-I. \ lllfJIll ul indic .»\inci'icana ax I.Hli\‘\(illlk‘ Ihghua} pi'cxcnl lhc Inmc Inungc. highlighting: lhc lalcnl un rcxpcclcd I.U(l\L‘ .\Ill\IL' I'L'CHIII\. Ii\|k‘c'l (I IL‘\\ \pccial gucxix.

I Finlay MacDonald Band Iidinhnrgh I-hlk ('Iuh. ('ahai'cl Bar. Ihc I’|c;i\aIicc. 050 334‘). Spin. (£5 I. I‘icxl) _\uung_' hand ch h) Icading cnnlcinpni‘ar} pipci‘. and pl;i_\in_~_' Iunk


DI:’"9""‘ “9'

I Sara Grey Ihniicinihzic Iu'fiw Ini‘ IIII\IIc‘ Iaxcin. Bahhnigchutn. MI “1 "3W7; MW; 1‘ 11‘ Ii.iII.:\I\ and M‘I‘.C\ IIHIII .: cIaxx}. aulhcnhc I \ MIR \IIIL'c'I. .lxxl‘IIII‘JIIIc'iI I‘} Inc \II1I1;‘ I‘.:I‘.lt‘

Thursday 25


I Jock Tamson's Bairns Ihc- \nnc\c. \Ic\|..:H\ IIIc' \uccl. Bunch

Winn 1* IIlc [up \nh IMIhI III . \[N‘cIJI cnnccil IHI \i \nihc-u'x I).:\ Ihn l‘I lii’fl'l like ll \.'./-14

I Palaver \m InIk( lqu \I \IIIIICU. \ III Ihc \klIIJIk'. ml! \ahniaikcl. \I

\IhIIcV. \ \hch. *1\ MI?“ \pni 1‘ 4&4! \II Icnialc a \.I[‘[‘\'II.1 :‘IHIII‘ I‘iinc lm'clhci Ihc erI .nuI lhc ncxx III \cuix \HII‘U

I Martyn Joseph ( Mum IIicaIIc. I|}I1\I|.iiuI\iiccl. W“ {\hx IIII I’HI‘IIIJI \IIIf_'\'I \HII;'\\III\'I

I dinburgh

I Eduardo Niebla ()uchiK II.lII. ('IciL \hccl. him SUI” Hiun :1 I it I .‘n

Supcih ;._'uil.ui\l \cc \u .‘U

I Out of the Bedroom \\.l\c'II\ Im. \I \I.n_\ \ XIIUCI. fin xx“ '

‘Ilun innlnn'hl \cc Ihn IN

I- alkirk

I Emily Smith Band I .ilknk I nlk (Iqu Ihc I’nhxh ('Iuh. \IIIHI \uccl. HI ‘31 M {Ni Mun \unngn

\infgci .iccnnhnnixl [‘I.IIII\I \th hci gfliillli

Friday 26


I Riverside Ceilidh Ix’i\ci\nIc ('Iuh. I'n\ Sli‘ccl. llh HII. Spin. Ur. \Iu\ic h'nni ('aixclnch.


I Callum’s Ceilidhs \Illlla} iicliI \Vandcici'x I\’ll_‘_'I‘_\ (‘Iulx \IIIII;I}IIK'IiI Slaihuni. UNIS 25" (INS. “pin inuhujghl L'" (Ur. I)ancc lhc niqu a\\a_\ in Scnlx I;l\IllUIl.

It’s accordion music Jim, but not as we know it. Nowhere is there such a scarin

I, - unique squeeze box player as Finland's Kimmo Pohjonen. As part of the Northern Nights series, he performs along with Shetland rootsers Bongshang. I Queens Hgix’. Ecr‘i"i“rc,'5;.’7. E' '9 \L‘i.

I St Andrew‘s Day Fundraising Ceilidh IIic I\‘u\.iI \cuhl Iub \I‘crcinniiw I‘Iacc. .‘.‘ 'iun inuhuz'Iu :.‘H Ihc ( it c .munak [um nIc Ihc nunn. \\ nh \umahan licx (Inkc .1an .I run \i‘III\c‘ incal \II III

.qu HI .1 hnxl‘icc IUI I\'~‘III.iIH.iII cInI‘hcn (all Hi cinail

\ci‘IIJIIxI‘ IIi‘\I‘I\\‘i‘IIii‘I‘k'Ii‘IIIJIIIJ 11cm ci\c \l‘ uk In! Inuic inluiinallnn

Iliisim I Gill Bowman I’.iI\Ic\ \c\\ \Iiccl. \\' IHIH

.1: iii.

\ihi unlic {High f‘ \H Ihc I \hnIunwh \Iiit‘t‘I \i‘IIj.‘\\lII\‘I .lI\\' hm .: hnc icix‘ilnnc ml IIIIIIIM \unvx


I Eduardo Niebla lullnmih. I.nI \\}II\I.III \h _"1Hiin iLh iii. \\luni\hin;' curtain! \‘c \u .‘H

Saturday 27

( ‘1 g 15;; ;< w: I Croft No 5 ( han \Inl. (in-.u \\c\lcin I\'H.I\I. i‘ \HINI \iun IIH (‘cIlic IlIIIIx\lCI\ [\cilnlni IIHIII ihcn Ialcxl .iIIunn lm’i m .'/h laim. \cc I‘I\'\l\‘\\ I La Rumba Caliente \ I l (' (ik‘IIIIk'. Hi \\iNHII.llI\I\ I\,l‘.llI. .‘.‘I SKIN) ‘I iii Illim QIII I [\i‘ [icilnilnam c luxinj.‘ lhc \tlIIII\I\ ml \uulh .nuI ( 'cnuaI \nicina In lumliu c uniquc. IunM .IIilI Iu;'hI.\ lI.IIi\\'.lI‘I\' Illll\I\‘ I’.nl HI lu Ii Ilu’ lu'.'I/.’u' I Glesga Belangs Tae Me! Ihc \nnc\c. \chxailullc \uccl. I’aiin k H)I‘Ill U) \IchcI.l\\l\ \Hllt'\ .IIIlI IIIll\|\' Inun ( ilaxmm I’an HI I'm/ill III/A /(\l/I41/ I Riverside Ceilidh Ix’i\cI\nIc( InI‘. I'n\ Sliccl. .‘ IN {I II NI‘III In \cc I II


Winn IIH

I dinburgh I St Andrew’s Charity Ceilidh ,\\\UIIII‘I_\ I\,HHIII\. (icuifxc \IIch. .‘.‘I I‘HH. Mun U) I I'm \luxu IIHIII lhc I InnuIcnInj.‘\. [ilux III~.'hI.nuI iI.IlIu‘l\. I‘deIHIK'N \ln\ Ic\. Inlx HI inn/m .qu \\I11\I\_\ f.‘.lIHI\" In aid ul \\.i‘.ci|c\ (Luc mppuhny lhc I|I\ cuninnuun Ill I-,iIiii|mi';'Ii I Fundraising Ceilidh \i Binch (.k'IIIIk'. ()HM'II Ik'II.I\'k'. I.“ WIN) Spin. L5 I)ancc yun \\.i} in I.II\III‘.' Innnc} IHI .\I.'uic('1nic \KIIII IIlc Bcii_\ S\\;1IIH(I\\ (ik'IIIlIII IiJIIlI I St Andrew’s Night Dance I’Hilnhclln 'Iimn IIaII. I’HIIHIN‘IIH. HIE" m _‘_“_‘,‘§(r 5pm I," ilfii \\ uh Iic‘IIII .\Ic.\‘ab\ I);III\‘\' IialIiI .IIIiI Sangxlicani

I Iaddingion

I St Andrew’s Day Ceilidh lin- 'IuII Binlfgc Bai. IhnI;'c \liccl. HIM“) 533 NH. Spin. I'icc Inc Illll\|\ .uul chInIh iI.‘III\'lII_L' Iun.

Ga asshiolss

I Karine Polwart \IIIII‘.‘ I.llII (‘Iuh Sahnnn Inn. Bank Sliccl. HIE“) 205W U».I1\ \Ialink} \HL.III\I. Kannc pcilniim IIHIII hci cclctln dchul .ilhuin Inn/I/im \, hlcnihnt' inihc. Inlk. Iunk and allcnunli} in I‘L‘leIIIllli'



I Eduardo Niebla \\_\mI "I Iicauc. Iillc‘cIL'llc'II SIICCI. IIIH‘N) HJIIIHT‘ ".iiipni. LIIIILHI.SCU\;1I 2H

Sunday 28


I Kevin Burke and Archie McAllister 'I Iic .\IIIIU\C. \Ic\|.;il'l\ illc Slrccl. I’aI‘Ilc'Ix. ". Winn, U». (Unccil HI II’|\II;1IIiI Scnlx IIlIlIIk' II;I(IIIIHII\ h} in.” j_'l'cal [iIa_\cI\. I’ai'l HI I’ul'lnl lu/l /‘(’\III(I/.

I The Clachies Bar I55. Iuchanan IIHIcI. Buchanan Sliccl. 443 "2N1. 5pm. I'i'cc. Scc Sun 2|.