I Opera Alba Roxy. \ll llouw. 3 l<ii\.l‘lllL'll l’lacc. 55(i‘1333 " illpni

é. Ill I lit \ gala opcialn coiiccil. lcaluiin: opcia\ '_'lt'.ilu'\l Inlx'

I Royal Scottish National Orchestral \llt'l llall. lotlnan Road. 335l155 H “lltlll \\allci \\cllci \l‘lltlllkl\ a pciloiinancc ol \lo/ail\ Stan/rho”. \u ‘7) III]. aiid llic ll.lll\\k'lltlk‘lll In (/1414 m

Saturday 20


I Scottish Opera: Tosca llk‘allL‘ l\’<>_\.tl. 3S3 llHPC \llk‘t‘l. 55.: ‘Nl‘lll.

" |5pni Li 5” L55. Scc lllll IS

I The Best of ACE ( 'l}dc \uditoiium. | llllllL'\lHll ()iia}. MSW) ll-lll lllllll, illpin. Llll L In \li\cd clioial pcrloimancc.

I Cappella Nova: Music from the Sistine Chapel and Beyond Si \lopmx‘ (lunch. 25 Roxc Sliccl. (iainctliill. i5; Silllll. illpin. U) L' l: 1U) SH LOX Sill. \t't' lllll

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra lx’o)al ('onct-n Hall. 2 Sauchrcliall Sticcl. i5; Stillll. ", 5llltlll. Scc l H l‘).

I Theatre Cryptic: Books of Silence trauma). HMS Ho :Slri, Spin. L") 1L5». Scc 'l'hu IN.

E. dinburgh

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)l|k'k'lli\ llall. ('lx‘llx SIIL‘L‘I. (“MS :lll‘). 7 illpm. Scc l'l'l l‘).

I Chapterhouse Singers: New World, New Beginnings Si \lar} '\ ('alhcdral. l’dllllL‘lSlUll I’Iacc. ii" M93. '7 illpm L75”. accompanch \chtmlchildrcn lrcc. ('horal \\Hl‘l\\ h} (‘opland Randall 'I‘hompxon and lillllllfJS arc complcmcnlcd h} Harhcr‘x undcmahl} mining: tilt/gin [or Sir/nus. undcr llic dncction ol .lolm (irund).

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir ( 'anongalc Kirk. l5 i ('anongalc. M5” 3123. Spin. Ur (Hi. laric \on llilcr conduch lhc choir in \\Ul'l\\ h_\ |)c\prc/. l’lnlipx. Succlinck. l'in/i and 'l'a\cncr.


I Eleni Mavromoustaki Si \lar‘) '\ l’tll'hll (lunch. lhc Sidcgatc. (llolll SZVSS. Tillpm. [5. .\ rccital h} talcnlcd )oung pianixl Izlcni .\la\romou\laki lo includc Hcclhoxcn'x Sir/mm (i/i Ill/ and \xorkx h} Bach. Sclmmann and (iranadox.

I Gould Piano Trio Si l.conard\ School. 'l'hc l’cndx. (ll 3H ~17} 733. Spin. (S. ’I'hc lctcd trio pcrlorni lla}dn\ (i\/r\\ Rout/u Ii‘m. Kol'ltgold\ I’llmo Inn and Schul‘ci'l‘x I’I'lmu [no ()/r Inn,


>11 Paragon Ensemble with James Crabb: Last Tango Anywhere it‘thUlll. .l.lll \\"\ lid. “qu0 ZE-lllllll, Spin. t Ill 1 L'h.5llr. 'I‘hc inno\au\ c conlcmporar) mmic cnxcnihlc inx llL'S _\Ull to din o” )our dancing \hocx tor a CUIICL‘I‘I L'llllllL‘d /.(I\I limg'u .\I1\u lli‘l'i'. l’caluring l’ia//o|a\ (imm/ ltlllL'l’ and a nc\\ composition h} Sa|l_\ Hcanmh.


I Scottish Opera Orchestra St .\ndrc\\ \ in thc Squarc. oll Salunarkcl. St .\ndrc\\ '\ Street. 332 ‘llllltl. 3pm. £5. lhc orchcxtra takcx time out troni lhc pit to pcrlorm liartokK INit‘l‘Ii/rn'nhi. .\lac.\lil|an\ I. a mcditalion on Iona. (iounod'x I’t‘mt' Soup/ionic plux \\ ind arrangcnicntx ol' Bcrlio/ and l)L‘l\ll\\). ('onduclcd h} Sir Richard .-\l’lll\ll'0lt:_‘. I Chisinau National Opera: Verdi‘s Aida Ro)a| ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 3.53 Slltltl. 7.30pm. {I750 Lit). ('hixinau National ()pcra bring to (ilaxgou a nc\\ |_\ (Ullllltl\\l0llctl production. combining traditional \taging. \pccial cl'tcch. ancicni-lig}ptian hallcl and a lit'c-xi/cd clcphani. ('oiilliclionx ol' taiiril) lo}a|t_\

‘.ci\u\ [Hillalllh lHlt_'_.'lll:_' lacc lhc hcioinc \ida a\ lhc l thiopian .illll} picpaim loi halllc .ij_'.tlll\l l.};_\pi. lll \cidi‘x liiurnpli

313 Paragon Ensemble with James Crabb: Last Tango Anywhere llic \iclicx. :51 \i;\lc Sliccl. 5H5 I'll: Spin LS '15: Scc Sat 3”


I St Giles at Six Sl (illLW- (allicdial. Rand \lilc. “I 5H5" (rpm l'icc lhc RS \.\ll) ( ‘hamhci (lion pit-\cnlx ll\ autumn progiainmc. which inc ludcx liadiK Smut I (ll III I]! rm. lillllx'll.\ Him/i In W (it l/lu‘ and work to cclchialc lhc ~5th anni\cr\ar_\ ol tlic hnth ol l'x'cnnclh l L‘llellHll

I The Magic of Mozart by Candlelight l'xhcr llall. lollnan Road. 31S |l55. ". illpin. Scc ill I”

I Scottish Sinfonia ( ilL'_\ lllal\ k’nk. (in-Uriahl’l.icc.(ioS31ll‘l. 5 illpin L") NJ (at. \cil \lanllc conductx lhc lllll \tion): oichcxlia in thc picmicic ol \\Ildc\/tlnlt1\\ loi \iu/il ll/ll/ XII/n: ()n limlm. \xilli \UlUlNl Julian \ldhlldll. llllll lik‘k‘llll“ L‘ll.\ l’lrlllr' (.lllll ( Ill‘ \1' .‘i. \\ Ilh \UlHl\l l)a\ id \\ ildc. lhc conccrl concludcx \\llll lhc lhundcroux lorcc\ ot lll'uckllcl \ ‘II/I Burnt/rum.


I Chisinau National Opera: Verdi’s Aida Ro}al (’onccrl Hall. 3 Sauclnchall Strch 353 Silllll. 5'. illpm. L'l".5(l UH. Scc Sun 3 l.

I Hibiki Strings of Japan ll‘alltua}. 35 MN” l)ri\c. “SL5 33H 35”]. Spm. L“) (UH. .\ \ihranl pcrlormancc h} lhc Ililnki Strings. rcnouncd lor thcir inuxical cncrg} and mnmalnc conihrnalion ol art lornix. lhc programmc includcx 'l‘arlini'x \iu/m

(out (71“. 'l'cliaikm \k} \ .Si'n'nm/c for Snmgx and \\Ul'l\ crcalcd in collaboration \\ ith thc Scollixh lilixcltlltlc and )oung pcoplc lrom local \clioolx.


I Gael Force Winds \ol'lll litlinhurgli .'\rl\ ('cnlrc. 1.5a l’cnn_\\\c|l ('onrl. 3|5 315l. 7pm. [3.5” ll'rcc lor childran ()uinlctx h} Hour! and l-aiii‘c pcrtorincd h} incinlwrx ol lhc Scollixh ('hamhcr ()rchcxlra.

Tuesday 23


I Chisinau National Opera: Cavalleria Rusticana 8. Pagliacci Ro}al ('onccrl Hall. 3 Saucliichall Slrccl. 3.53 Stillll. 7.30pm. U750 Lil). (‘hixinau National ()pcl‘a prcxcntx lhc popular pairing: ol .\la\cag_'ni\ ('am/lt'rm

Rio/Ii mm and l.conca\allo\ Ills/1m ( I. \\ 1th gucsl HPPL‘HI'JIIL‘L‘S h} clonnx traincd til lhc liolxlioi \lttSL‘U“ (.il'k‘tlx l"orhiddcn pimionx and plcaxanll} prcdictahlc tragcd} in lliix opcra douhlc-

hill. Edinburgh

I Benjamin Nabarro RL‘lLl (‘onccri Hall. lzdinhurgh l'nncrxil). Brixto Squarc. o5“ 3422. l.|llpin. I‘rcc. ()utxlanding \iolmixl Bcniannn Nabarro pcrl'ormx Bach. llindcmith and \'\a_\c. I Gael Force Winds (‘raigour l’ark l’rimar} School. \lorcdun Park Road. n04 5|(ll i.\lichcl|c Succnc} i. "pm. [3.5” tl'l‘L‘L‘ litl' \‘lllldl‘clt l. 3C0 \litll :2. iii Paragon Ensemble with James Crabb: Last Tango Anywhere Quccih llall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ins lel‘). “..‘\llpiii. {In if». Scc Sal Ill.

I Scottish Opera Orchestra Si .'\ll\ll'L‘\\ '\ and SI (iL‘Ul'gL‘.\ (illlllikill. l5 (icorgc Strcct. 333 ‘lllllll. ~.5ll[‘lll. £5. Scc Sun ll.

Wednesday 24


I Scottish Opera: Tosca 'l‘licairc Rit};ll. “UPC Strcct. 5.“: WWW. ".l5pin. 53.5” (55. Scc ’l'hu IS.

I RSAMD Strings Showcase

RS \\ll). 1”“ lx’ciilic\\ Slicct. “I

‘Ilpin licc llic RS \\ll) String llcpailincnt picxcnh higlilighh ol ll\ aulunin lciin pcitoirnancc \\i\ll\


I Aled Jones: Songs oi Christmas t \lici Hall. I otlnan Road. SIS l I55 5 2“pin LIS 5“ ('lnixlmax cliaiin lioui lhc clawital yoldcn ho}. lll cclchiation ot lhc iclcaxc ol lll\ ncu \c.i\oli.il album


I Chisinau National Opera: Verdi’s Aida ( and Hall. (it) Stiuaic. irllxj ll-l‘llll 3.75“ L)!» \k't‘ \tlll :l

Thursday 25


I Music in the University: Arta Arnicane ( ilaxyoxx l lll\L‘l\ll_\ ('onccit llall. l ni\ci\it_\ \\cnuc. “it ill”: Illlpin l rcc \ rccilal l\_\ llic pii/cxxinnin}: l al\ian [‘l.lll|\l including: liccllimcn and ('liopin

I Aled Jones: Songs of Christmas SH ‘( 5. l llllllL'\lHll ()na\. llSHlltlrlll mun lulu” [1x So 54-;- \\cd 2-1.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra |x’o_\al (‘onccii Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sliccl. ‘5‘ SUN“ 'liul} llhplldllnlldl programming lioin lhc RSNU undci conductor (ian_\ \\.Ill\Cl. lx’aula\aria\ (UH/1n \I( In In I\ .l L'Hliu'l'lii lUl tapcd l‘llil \Ullf.‘ alltl orclicxlia. \xlnlc (‘aggcix l/ll' Sci/win \\Ill dcmoiNralc lhc compoxci\ radical. id1o\}ncratic \l} lc. Strauxx' poignant loin lax! Sonux and (‘opland'x l_\pical|_\ triumphant .l/i/nI/m Illa/1 S/nin: complclc lhc programme

5 2llprn

5. lelll


I Edinburgh University Chamber ChOil‘ SI (iilLN. (.illllk‘lll'ill. l{tt_\.ll \lllL‘. 3350—143. ".Nlpiii. l'rcc. lzric \on lhlci conduch lhc choir in a l\’ii_\al \Ul'\\t‘j_‘l;lll .\d\cnl conccri

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (‘anongaic Kirk. I53 (‘anongale rm“ ""(i. ~.l5pni. l [2 Ni. l\’L‘Il.ll\\.lll\‘L‘ lllll\l\' l'or .\d\cnl. including \\ illiam Myth .lluu IUI' liti' lull ('\. l)a\ld Sa'c‘h Ix llll\ lcrni'x gucxt ducctor.


I Strings Attached: Primrose Premieres I<S,\.\ll). luu chlrcu Su'ccl. 332 5H5". lpni. tori-1i. HW‘ Radio .1 and thc lx’S.\.\ll) collaboralc loi ;l \\ Ck‘lNL'llll Hl L‘HHL’L‘I‘IM \\itl‘l\\llitp\ .illd l;lll\\ in cclchrauon ol lhc olt ncglcctcd pillar ol lhc \lring \\orld lhc \rola and onc ol lhc lelh ccntur} \ moxl proinincnl \litll\l\. \\'illiam l’rnnroxc. .Iapancxc \ litlhl \Ul‘lllxtt liiiai and pianixl Ian Bromt opcn llic lc\ti\al \xnh llrrllcn\ /.(I( lirunm' and llmdcmilh\ \lll/rl .\Illlillil.

>21 Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Max’s Birthday Celebrations RS.‘\.\II). Illll chtrcu Slrcct. ‘33 5ll5~. ~.illpm. ;\l "ll _\car\ old. l’clci .\la\\\cll l)a\ lL‘\ appcaix to hc in a primc pliaxc ol ltl\ L‘Hlllpii\llltlll;tl carccr; tonight'x prcnncrc ot l/n I'll/l ul Ila Ira/c l\ a highlight on thc calcndar ot all conlcmporar} mu\ic alicionadox Rumon (iamha conduclx. concluding

\\ itli .ln ()I'Alim Hit/(lure. nil/1 Slur/1w. complclc \Hlll \kirling Highland bagpipcx. lhc S('() (‘ompoxcr l.aurcatc and ncu .\la\lcr ol lhc ()uccn\ \llhlL' giu'x a rarc pic-conccrl talk at (i..‘~llp1n.


I Edinburgh University Music Society Sinfonia Rcid (‘onccri Hall. lidinhurgh [inn-nit}. Brixio Sguarc. 0.5” 3433. "sillpm. £5 lL'Ri. loin Butlcr L'Umlllg‘h Sltlnlalxin lL‘ll'\ lltlu‘lllCMHh

I’M/In ('um ('11,; ,\',; _‘ \\ ill] pialiixl l’opp}

:1: Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Max’s Birthday Celebrations The 8(30 premiere of 7/18 / al/ of the Leafe. a new work commissioned for Sir Peter Maxwell Davres in CClUlll'éillOlt ot his 70th t‘)irth(_lay. Composer Laureate ot the 800. Max las he is universally known), has written no fewer than 19 works for the orchestra, including the famous Strathelyde Concertos No 2 for cello. also featuring til the special birthday programme. RSAMO. (Vast/ow. Fri 26 Nov; Queen '5 Hall. Edinburgh. Sat 27 Nov.

:11: Paragon Enmble with James Crabb: Last Tango Anywhere The Paragon Tango Trio ]()lll wrth the astonishing classical accordion player. James Crabh. for Piazzola's Grand Tango and a new (ZOlllllllSSlOlt by Sally Beamish. Very definitely all music to make you want to dance and party. Tolbooln. Stirling, Sat 20 Nov; The Arches. Glasgow. Sun 2/ Nov ,' Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Tue 23 Nov.

,\c'l\i'(r}tl. l)\oial\\ Sini/i/iunx \u \ and nc\\ oichcxu‘auonx ol Salic\ (rIlrI\\llllll(’\.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlici llall. loilnan Road. 33H H55. ”. illpm. Scc 'I hit 25


I Strings Attached l<S.\\|l). lllll chlrcu Sticcl. “3 5H5" Iprn in wt. .\lc//o Soprano ('hrixlinc Ricc. ‘-l|lll\l |.a\\icncc l’ouci alld [tldllhl \lillLHllll .\lartmcau pcrlorin cliainhci inuxic h} liralinix. lil'liljJL' and Ruhhia.

I Scottish Opera: Tosca lllcallc i{ti.\ill. llHPL' Sll't‘cl. 5;: ‘Hl‘lll. 2.l.5pin. L ‘5” £55. Scc 'lliu lS

I International Classical Season: Midori in Recital l<o_\al ("onccn Hall. ZSauclnchall Slrcct. ‘5‘ Sllllll " H’Plll. 512.5” £175”. 'l lic cxliaoidinai} \iolinN \lidoii pcrtormx l)cltu\\_\ \ H'ldcwclit \unalu lu/ \iu/m 41ml I'M/lo. )ounj: \mcncan UIIIIPHSL'I' \licliacl Hcrxch'x Midori comnnxxion. {/14

v. I'u AtlL’I' ml l/oi: r‘l \. lil‘altlnx' llu/ln \rtllu‘lll .\H ." tilltl JilllilLL'l\-\ \nllu'lrl lll llL‘l onl} pcrtormancc Hlll\ltlL' London on Illlx tour. \Vith Rohcrt McDonald on piano.

x ,-'. THE LIST 101