.. .A‘" if. '- emotionally and intellectually fulfilling narrative in its work. The term Eloize comes from a local dialect from their region, meaning ‘flash lightning', so let‘s not forget that spectacle element, but this is created by humans alone, through physical skills. Tumbling, juggling, clowning, trapeze, contortionism - you can expect the lot here.

Thematically, this piece concerns itself with childhood, transposing the everyday into surreal visions and wild fantasy, visiting the world of imagination still repressed within most of us, and very present in children. Its liberation comes through story and visual technique, as well as through a real life rainstorm at its climax, which will rivet any eye. ‘If I had to describe the story, I’d say it is full of hope, joy and sweet longing, and that it is made of the stuff of my grandmother’s stories. I dedicate it to all those who love to feel the rain pouring down on them,’ artistic director Daniele Finzi Pasca is quoted as saying. We might have seen too much rain by the time this comes to Edinburgh, but not enough Cirque Eloize.

(Steve Cramer)

RAIN ' Festival Theatre, Edinburgh. Tue 23-Sat 27 Nov

The inventiveness, creative energy and vision of the Quebec theatre scene has become a legend over the last couple of decades. The work of Michel Tremblay has established audiences throughout the world, with a particular rapport established with Scottish audiences through the splendid Martin Bowman and Bill Findlay translations of the dozenish plays produced here since the 805. But Tremblay is simply the outstanding example of a by now legendary writing tradition.

Yet it’s not just the writers who‘ve made their mark. Such is the broadness and liberality of the Quebecois arts tradition that everything from physical theatre to stand-up comedy has thrived and expanded throughout the world. ‘If only‘, to quote Tremblay, we had the same sense of vision from our own Executive.

The latest visitor from this theatrical tradition to our shores is alternative circus, in the shape of Cirque Eloize, a company that has established a reputation for both spectacle and the often missing element of

THE CHAIR WOMAN Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh. Fri 19—Sat 20 Nov

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This week. MARK THOMSON. artistic director of the Lyceum. gives his profession a pep talk.

the inst Coi‘iimte'l two pi'ot'lucticns tiara to track. people can‘e. people etijomtl. t‘i't t‘s sti‘ ml tit‘itii us arge —- a fer. :; L~'(lIt"lt38 but nothing; 'i‘ortal, Anti there t .5. My lesk plt‘iiiril‘ t‘troutin a". ain‘os’. arrttiaeoliitit‘ai [Illt' of letters, entails. i_:tllil."t}‘§ I read siiii‘etlii'iri lll();lll\ about tl‘eatre. \‘Jliezi are asked to speak about theatre :t is; almost {1'22}?ny in tit-miss (if itll‘itlllll] and its coiiseiiiieri<:e~‘.. Like most things Ill life. you get what ou put, for. but quite apart from the i_)rar;t.t;al limitations this places on our productions. it is the iiiiplierl valuation of art which is most dangerous. lt eats away at the single thing that will release artists to create great work: confidence,

It's Simple. really: there are plenty of books written about it for parents and businesspeople. but if I could iniect ()u" arts sector with one attribute. it wouldn't be “risk'; it would be confidence. Sure. there are rsky choices. but if we can programme our venues with the kind of vision that emerges from conviction and is released by confidence. that might iust he meaningful, forvilard-thinking and authentic.

Everybody needs this. The kid who doesr‘t feel valued at home is rarely going to thrive or prosper. and it's the same here. Our greatest strengths at the Lyceum are our staff and the artists who come here to play. All are betiiid by an absolute faith in and lore of their work: and we're not unique ll‘i that. Every compan, and buildings staff are underpaid and O‘.’Qf0fllllUSlaSllC. And this is where I get unbearably positive: Einstein discovered the awesome energy contained Within the atom. Just think what positive energy ‘NOuid be released in Scotland if all these amazing money- poor fools received the confidence of being truly valued. that their place in socrety was vital and that their fonvard-thinking shirtsleeves would not be constantly tugged on by fear.

PaSSion rationalised is misunderstood and confounded: Dassion redoited is an infectious and affirmative force that WI” attract and inspire. There is so much being dene so well on so little in Scottish theatre. Confidence. Confidence and belief. The potential is waiting. It doesn't want to be potential any mOre. Release the atom

5 33.54 .292 [.31 THE LIST 105