
Dining out i _ Time to The hard

I the ' ~. 2 get into nuts are 'i Merchant : ~ ; surround falltn for \ tty sound fame S ,. it PAGE 119 PAGE 122 PAGE 121

all him .lantes. Snme _\ears agn nex er mind ltnw Inng

preeisel} ltis lather Riehard ha\ing little nt' tin

mnne} in his purse. and ttntltiitg partiettlat‘ tn interest him nn shnre. thnttght he wnttld sail ahnttt a little aitd see tlte water} part til the wnrld. Yet nn whale did lte harpnnn. ltil' Riehard l-‘airhairns was enm ineed tltat we shnttld all learn tn ln\e and nurture the dnlphins. pnrpnises. whales and sharks that he thttt nn nne elsel helie\ed la} heneath tlte etnetald green waters till the nni'th enast nl~ Sentlattd.

Riehat'd and a small teatn nl enthusiasts set tip tlte llehridean Whale and l)nlphin 'l‘rttst ill the tnwn nt 'l‘nhertnnr)‘ nn .\lttll. an attetnpt tn pinneer lneall} hased ennsetwatinn thrnttgh the studs nt‘ eetaeeans ill the llehrides. Riehard had man) snns and the} all tell itt ln\e witlt the hlulihet‘y heasls. Matt) years passed and nne nl his llt)}\ hrntight a hnat ealled Wild liree. and he and his triend l.ewis slatted ntl‘ering their whale watelting knnw ledge tn seientists. tilmtnakers and tnttrists.

'l‘his hny turned sealarer sits hel'nre tne nnw ill the salnnn eahin nt' Wild liree. llel‘nre

him are t'nur eity types w'hn

have dreamed nt‘ enmmttning

with w'hales. .lames l‘airhairns. a late twent_\- W

snmething pietttre nt

lllglllillltl health. is explaining the linztt's l'tlles but his attdienee are htts} 0 l rtthhing Sula‘s hell}; Sula is. .lalnes admits. the 'eaptain nli the .ship‘: a terrier puppy A with a penehant t‘nr the trayed hnttntn nt~ jeans. James is explaining what lies ahead: three da_\s nt' erttising arnttnd the lnwer llehrides w'atehing nut t‘nr heasts til the deep. pttnetttated h} regular meals and the ndd tipple nt"lnhertnnr_\ malts. The light is beginning tn tall h} the time the Wild l‘t'ee 0 leaves its mnnrings in 'l‘nhertnnry. James has deeided that nttr jnttrne_\s tn Mull ha\e lel't tts tnn tired tn gn nigltl whale I watching sn we will mntnr arnttnd tn l.neh Sttnart. ahnttt an hnttr‘s thrnttle awa_\. and drnp anehnr in its sheltered waters.

Paul Dale feels the influence of Herman Me|vi||e l.ew'is. meanwhile. h t-hhtmg up a slum} ill the kitehen while Whale watching Off the west coast of the rest nt tts dnn nur lite jaeltets and peer tntn the glnnm}

. . _ mist-strnked waters. SCOtland‘ BUt he does nOt find hls MOby Dle- :\ huge pnrtinn nt' Haggis. mash and hnx wine later. and mnst nl tts are read} t'nr nttr heds the hnttr is hat'el} ten

WHALE WATCHING TOURS WITH SEAWILD SCOTLAND n‘elnek. Belint'e retiring. as l peer at the tnnnn rising

H t’rwfi‘iw’m 19%,}? r W“; ‘4‘»: 1.” a v

. . . . . )nw'ert‘ullx' thrnttgh the mists nt‘ snme distant shadnwed Seathd Scotland does whale watching trips all year around. VtStt l . v_ r I I .g I i _ t ' V _ mnuntatnseatw. l teel as .tlne and w eat} as l etet haxe, email or telephone The next day the hnat is tnm'ing hel'nre I emerge truth the ' - - 1." ' z ' 'zh' . think I hav missed hrealdast 01688 302878 (mobile 07771 851349) for more details. The average price for h N“ hm. “.‘l'm‘m M“ L l '” l f . . .. hut Lewis steud)‘ hands snnn emerge limit his dwatline athree-day whale watching cruise like this one is 2250 per person. kitehen nn the lnw'er tit-ck with ptll‘l‘ltlgc. seramhled haenn and tnast.

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