Alex Lawrie feels Glasgow’s beating pulse I Glasgow hat; a|\.'.'a',:; hoaatorl a thrrurrig altorriatrvo mono. porhapt; holprrit; to oxplair‘. its; orwiahlo output of Vibrant musro and art. Arr (3‘.’(?lllllt] could oaialy ho spout taking to tho (iroat cottoo and toa shops; :; :attororl around tho (:rty. The Close it to?) Pollokahawa Hoatl) oporit; Ulllll ltlpm at wookoritls; and oftors; a krts;r:lry. rotro tool whrlo tho rnoro filttlétlllllllml Tinderbox (18S) lfiyroi; Roatlr opont; until t lpftl throughout tho WH-Ek. lvluiao pootry arrtl l)(?ll()llll£lll(l(—? havo hooomo inoroasungly popular in such vonuos. in particular at Tchai Ovna til? ()tago l arm and ltitl Doahsaori Dll‘Jtll ‘xrhroh loaturof; an (Ell()lltl()llf§ t;olo<;trori ol loaf; lit a laitl hack. slightly, hippyit‘li ouvironmoht. lo tako tho orloo off all that oa’loirio. f;()lll(} altzohol inroht ho lll ordor. Mono (Unit t2) Kraut; Courtl If; Scotland's largost vogan hard rootaurarit. ottorrrit; a (filoh Vogarr malt (if; woll (it; trilormal (lltlfi and art CXlltlHllOtlS. Nice’n’Sleazy vii/‘1 Sauchrohall Strooti has; long; hoon tho hoatiht; hoart ol tho Glasgow mume soono and rotarns; a pleasing orlgrnoss;. whilo slightly lator night gigs laud |rr;orr(:t->:;l (:an ho l0tltt(l at The Universal if)? 539 Sauehrohall lano) and The Buff Club 1 1-1? Bath 1 ano). Glasgow has; an oml)arr'a:;:;rnorrt oi rtehos; whon ll (:omoss to suporoool uhttonvohtioiial (:luh llltllllfi hut Doathkrllrltlut) at tho Barfly (260 (Ely/(lo Sh and Club Noir at tho Carling Aoatlomy r171 [Tolrnton Stl aro all oxooptionally good.

lrrrrrally, tor a truly uhtlorgrountl oxporroriro track down ovonts organrsorl by tho Ct’)lloctivo that oporatos out of tho ()hatoau. Chock out www.chatoatigatoaueouk for guorilla

art, grit), happonihg dotarls.

FIVE PLACES FOR A LIE DOWN Bargo it: v :‘u. i.tfx r

Brunswick Cellars:;.r.. mm :l'., mu: Brass Monkeyi" ":.‘§T.E 1': .' :’ Medinaiof-‘ur‘f‘x' E r"

McPhabbst‘ :.' ':§‘ 1 Lina


1 Rod Marrakesh

eer, bas and accy

after DARK

Edinburgh doesn’t work all that hard to be Bohemian, says Tim Abrahams. Which can, of course, work in its favour.

ohemia ix hard to lind (pedanticth it

ixn‘t all )oti ha\e to do ix go to Prague.

llnt that‘x not the point). 'l‘lie \xord more commonl} relerx to a m_\thical land ol‘ eax_\ hahitx. mannerx and moralx. an atmoxphere that. oul\\itlt the l‘exllHtl. ix harder to find in our rockhound capital than a xun—lounger.

'l‘hat‘x not to xa_\ that it ixn‘t there. l.eith har The Pond (3 -l Bath Road) ix the place to xtart. although onner/independent puhlixher .\lurra_\ might throu _\ou out l'or calling it Bohemian. lle \xax. lto\\ e\ er. pouring (melt and (ierman \xhite heerx doun the throatx ol' hix cuxtomerx hel'ore lx'ronenherg lllanc \xax a glint in a marketing man‘x e)e. llte xol'ax are coml‘}. .\lurra_\ pla_\x good Inuxic and _\ou occaxionall) get to xee the odd proxtitute xtanding in the xtreet outxide. lt‘x a hit like .-\mxterdam. With l'euerYankx.

The Village t lh South l'tll'l Street) ix a xpecial place ax \xell. prmiding an unlikel} l‘orum lior grump} old l.eithei'x. ne'er—do-uellx and a xrnall ga_\ ct‘o\\ d to ruh xhoulderx. 'l‘he} e\'en hang art in the lounge har. But _\ou’ll need to go into the

centre ol~ toun to l'urther }otii‘ e\ploration ol'

lidinhurgh’x alternalh e xide. Red Marrakesh (53 ('lerk Street) ix xuperh on a l‘rida} night. .-\l'lct' a couple ol' taxl) \ot'lh :\li‘ican dixhex like

auhergincx and. it. )trtr inuxt eat the l'lexh ol'

another heing. xardinex. _\ou‘ll leel _\our moralx looxening [k‘rceptihh l‘oi'_iuxt £8. The main drau ix the hookahx. through uhich )ou inhale lla\our'ed charcoal xmoke li'om tahletx. lli_\ou are

conl'uxed. the \\;i_\x ot’ the hookah can he explained to )ott h} an} one ol the chilled _\oung .-\rah gentlemen uho congregate here to pull aua} and check out the hell} dancer.

.-\l‘ter\\ardx. head to the Bongo Club (3 llol}rood Roadl l'or cluhx like .\lexxenger. occaxional exkilext Stet or hip hop llo—drmtt lleadxpin. You can reco\er at ('uriox on Sunda} lrom 2pm to lam. itx hoard gamex. lood and laid hack heatx pt‘mittg that. it an_xthing. the \ihe hax impro\ ed xince it mo\ ed lrom .\'e\\ Street in 2003.

Whether )ou go to Forest (3 llrixto l’lacc) hel‘ore the cluh or on the morning alter ix up to _\ou hut itx comhination ol' l‘.llt‘o—lllllel‘alllx and pretl}. poxh xtudentx in polo neckx rnakex it lidinhurgh‘x moxt Bohemian \enue. Not onl_\ ix it xtalled h} \olunteerx hut it ix run h} a hona tide grump} hipp} called Rip Van Winkle. Nut door i.x Total Kunst an artixt~run e\hihition xpace uhich \xax a hit xcrappx uhen it lirxl mmed into thix :\d\entixt ('hapel nearl} a _\ear ago hut hax imprmed immeaxurahl} xince. During thix _\car”x l‘extiVal. the cale-har and mini-galler} made tor one ol' the hexl xpotx to hang out. llair} t}pex lought oil the lake}x and l'logged lleather .-\le to paxxcrx h_\. You could alxo tr} Black 80’s (57 (ll lllacklt‘iat‘x Streell hcl‘ore a-Bongo—ing. lt hax good muxic. a gt‘orn} clientele and mellou lighting. hut it. it alxo had xome coml} xeating the hackhone ol' Bohemia

our praixe tor it uould he unequix‘ocal. But like the} xa_\. Bohemia ix xtate ol mind. Man.