Black 80':

I lalil‘: Mott rtl- ', (it « 1.:,t . Bar Union IL"

r t Black Bo’s Swan-f r Brass Monkey t-l 't’t»‘..

;Il'i:’i, infill ()21ftr‘l‘.lr..

.'."l'tt"<. "w ' ritll‘fl T‘r’ll' 1'" i‘llglr l‘lllit."

l).'|i."i" 'wl .‘it't'tr? .'.l it it alum the Y' ‘7’

U“fll‘;t i it" ’lttl‘fll: WI it lJttl h '71')ll /\ i'Vi/l'fl

tails: "mtt a mt ‘:i'l":ll“,‘: (art lit.- iia'i tliw

r is; N‘t'ilnt ' tf',



tattlt- v. in Star Bar t‘: N’Jtllll'l‘linllgtllfl Ma. '7, .'.’ll|<’t tilt: tlfillttl lioattt {lillllrrfr a“. .‘wl! gt‘; lair wt tll‘: art/m". an: also Catwwtl for Ni tilt:

utwt’V tux Bannerman’s WW 0 txittatm, .'.ll|i


lln: (itllliit".'.ltl,i, a litutorir:

additional initiatil a l't'» .trttt old ‘rl\|llllftt‘l"

iiatk. lil"ll'(ll" ll|"lll, ri‘ groin,


a pool talilt: glint the mural tmaitl littriw

(:oiititr. l or tilt: ll‘tilt: Ta’tllfNiiS poo. lltlthitfl Diane’s Pool Hall 0-33 Mt )lli‘a‘ll Stitrtrti if; iirolxtll, ttit:

Hum! ldlllfltlf; Itillll .ii f'r.'.ii. liking; .Joiiritnoiio


I Annie tron‘ the clubs iitoiioi. Espionage ‘-1 littitzt

thldintttz. VittoriaStreotl 18a popular l£l§§t amp. two vitwm tittnt‘olloots and trait; spread mot fr.

lloottl, lilt‘lt‘t‘x it :;tit‘i|;tt. timttttli Silttlltl“. tiltltat ttio.‘

Madogs m‘tltt Georgie Sttoott. Medina I ' l_0tlllttll Street». a Mott\ttean-tltontotl oar

drinle promos and Dds. it; more sophisticated. Opium

Cl Congtate: it: home to all things 'ioiit‘ottt‘. .‘ati'



.itlt (ltx‘téti’.

\lant‘otlooi upstairs for flintti'ai totnsolt around ot‘,

ior a more :zettate UN“ to. Bar Union '35}

Coxatttteu ‘.‘.lllt‘il 5:1.ttllll‘ttlt“. pro eittolv. txir tlt

iolgt‘iS to Shut t‘t‘tlf‘.. Eltlt“.‘.llt‘lt‘. .‘T‘t‘ \‘f tilt" :3.

Favorit:: no t exet‘ Street; in ~ lt“.l\‘l 05;: \t'

\‘.\‘Llu‘. t‘t‘ t‘\\‘\‘llt‘llt it" .1 step tti'. Slt‘x‘otl‘iletz thallttitlt“ next to the Teuot Place l‘ltlilt‘ll .s ot‘or‘ to


For oath. otteriiittt to. {W- Penny Black ‘5» Register btteet . an iritart‘eus roaxt." .t".t watt.

tl‘ttt. \‘l‘t'l‘rb .t'. t‘.tll‘ it :x \ :t‘txt'tl .‘l‘ bo'Ttla.

the route. toe Scotsman Lounge dogma.

bttu k‘ :x o. t‘ . a' .1 COL-ot‘ :x" 242'. Ct t'"

k\\ki\\\l‘b\rt}\1...l{'l‘ ‘t ‘.t.t'°.\‘'.'.‘

v- a . . \ v .1) V .\ \ne n4

ix x '\\ e. x \‘ t 1 '0x dun Ux e‘kv i{

.'.:'.l‘ tartar; .tltt‘ ".tttt titLift vr to


Lott‘taii btieeti "tit; .t t§il“tl.i' a t...

illt' littortitttt‘. fil\,l(: int City Cafe "‘

Blair fitttrtrtitttrlllttt'tl‘.<il‘r.ltttlt;-i'1(>|(ittill till"‘|l.




. Top pub grub

[)tiltl)11l‘xf(ilf)(rl1.(1ll(ii)l(itltIll(jsheep Heid Inn an: in H )"(:l til; I llétfl il‘n' .‘liit

Itl‘i tit)“ >, Lit it -f

Donald Reid hunts for life beyond the chip

erioux argumentx are made that puh lood

ix Britain‘x hext ehanee ol' making a mark

on the \xorld‘x l'oodie xeene. 'l'he t‘eeentl}

l‘uhlixhed (imu/ I’ll/t (ill/(Iv Still}— noted that

‘eommon xenxe hax eome haek into ptih eooking

. moxt puhx \xhieh pride themxehex on their

l'ood are no\\ working hard to lind loeal xupplierx ol‘good l‘rexh ingredientx.’

You don‘t go to pttltx lot” [on et'x ol~ tliix oi‘ a.xxiettex of that. The hext bar and puh menux aren’t eompeting \\ itlt xpeeial oeeaxion rextaurantx hut ol'l‘ering a eoml'ortahle. eax_\ plaee to get a l‘eed on a nigltt \\ hen _\ou ean't he hothered eooking. But good puh gruh ix no longer xole|_\ the domain ol‘ the deep lat l'rier.

()ne ol~ the lien plaeex \xhieh hax hoth aitned at arid aehie\ ed eredit ax a Hamilton’s Bar and Kitchen in Stoeklrridge (IS Hamilton l’laee. l‘ood xer\ed .\lon l‘ri noon -3pnt. o 9pm. Sat/Sun noon 0pm). .\'o\\ \xell extahlixhed. llamilton'x menu hax old ltnottt‘itex .xtlelt ax ('romhiex' xattxagex on leek and haeon maxh (note the loeal produeti alongxide more amhitioux ehoieex xueh ax pumpkin and amaretto ra\io|i in a xage and x'ermouth eream xauee. l-‘or unliuxx} hut high qualin puh gruh. meanuhile. tr} the Cambridge Bar (le Young Street l.

lt'.x worth looking out for harx linked to rextaurantx. The Cafe Royal Circle Bar ll‘) \ch Regixter Street) ix a line e\ample. or eheek out the Cameo in l.eith 123 (‘ommereial Street. l‘ood xer\ ed .\lon Stilt noon lllpmi. \xhieh Sltitl'L‘S kitehen xpaee \\itl] l'reneh xeal'ood xpeeialixt l.a ('amargue. .-\x a rexult the bar menu at the (‘ameo ineludex lohxter xoup. o_\ xterx. tried dox er xole and a dail} lixh xpeeial.

.\lan_\ puh meme xul‘l‘er lrom tr} ing to otter all thingx to all people. and are deprexxingl} predietahle ax a rexult. llenee a l'rexh approaeh. xueh ax that taken at Centraal (33 \Vext .\'ieolxon Street. lood xet'\ ed .\lon Sal llam-—l lptn. Sun l2.3ll~l lpm l. a popular .xtudent haunt. ean otter a rel‘rexhing ehange. Here _\ou ean order lootl that'x dexigned to highlight the eon\i\ialit_\ ol eating xteaming

‘gaxtropuh' ix


pan among Edinburgh’s bars.

Cambridge bar;

potx ol muxxelx to dip into or a \xliole roaxt ehieken \\hieh _\ou and xome l'riendx ean take delight in ripping lt'otn Iimh to limh.

ll )ou‘re inxpired to hunt doun xomething dill'erent on a puh menu then Brongliton Street'x long-xtanding t'axourite. the Basement l liltt lztt Broughton Street. lood xel'\etl .\lon Sun noon lllfillpmi. ixn't alraid to xhake tltingx tip. The dail} ehanging regular land \er} rexlk'etahlei menu hax dixhex xueh ax rump and merlot pie xer\ed \xith gt'tt}et‘e and onion maxh. \\itlt \Vednexda) tiiglilx dediealed to 'liliai lood and \xeekendx gi\en o\ er to \lexiean partieularl} ru'ommended tor the ettt'e-all hue\ox raneherox. or. l‘or that matter. a margarita lor £3.

'- THE LIST 33