Twisted techno and dancehall night Subscience welcome

back Shitdisco. ‘They were the first guitar band to ever play Club 69 in its ten year history,’ explains Subscience's Tom Scholefield. ‘Their last gig was amazing. Basically they were part of the audience, performing on the dancefloor.‘

f l - .. ru‘ ' ' :4 1' AI/i l, u' us v) ' II ". ‘.. ., I

I Subscience at ('liih (t‘l, llpin iain t5 1‘) .\'o\, Monlhl}. Shililixco pla} Inc. Koii\ oin l’.i\ anil (‘loxc xpin it all up.

I Timelines at llic Stilt (‘luh .\'c\t tlatc lltc.

Utter Gutter at thc Rncrxiilc ('luh, Midnight {am to. In .\'o\. \lontltl}. lluxlipupp} antl Mailainc Sannc\ picxcnt a glitl) i‘auixhacklc gathciing tor all _\ou xc\} nnxtitx anil lunlonng part} l\ltl\. pla_\in;_' liltli} honiorclccti‘o. tllll_\ tlixco. xkank} iunk rock and cnough pop to makc _\ou \\ ct _\Ulll‘ 3: xti'ingx. oi' ilancc likc a lt‘t'llagt‘l' \\lt;llt‘\cl‘ lttkLN )ittll lilllt‘}.

I What? at lhc l,ii|uiil loungc.

lltpni Sam. (5. \Vcckl}. \Vliat i'cxiilcntx M.~\Sll anil ('lii'ix ll;ll'l‘l\ “ClU‘lllt‘ (‘anaila‘x lincxt l).lx in tlic xhapc ol Nordic 'lia\ anil Sonar cluh i‘cxitlciit lukc Mclx'cchan on l'i'iila} .ii'il l)cccinl\ci' at thc|llltl |.oun;_'c. (ilaxgow

Chart & Party

I Babaza at liclu ()pltl 3am (l).lx Mom I lpllll. l'i'cc hctorc | lpin; t5 altci: \Vcckl}. 'l‘lic \cnuc'x lcgcntlai'} l'i‘i niglitx takc llic nanic ol' tlic cluhhing inxtitulion that llSt‘tl to hc hci'c. l’aiil 'l'i'a}noi‘. Hill} .Ioncx anil Roxx Macmillan arc in cliai'gc ol thc iiiiixic. and thc_\ '\ c hccn lxltimtl to tip ll up in tlic paxl.

I Pop Noodle Fridays at tlic (iai‘agc. llpin .iain. t5 it‘Si. \Vcckl}. Rctro. lh‘itpop anil allci‘iiatix c pop ix plincil oiit in thc attic. \xlnlc lh‘ian Macqtiillan. liiian anil (‘hrix llcxkcth pla} in thc main hall.

Glasgow Saturdays


I The Buff at thc lhitt. Spin 3am. l‘rcc hclorc lll..§ll[\lll'. t5 altci: \\'ccl\l_\. lx'c\an Stcxcnx and Mark Rohh cook up a liiilc nc“ xchool ia/x hiixincxx at (ilaxgim 'x tic“ (an. xotil anil lunk club.

I Caledoniasoul ‘tpni Jam. (5. I" \m. Monthl}. Martin 'l‘hoinxon. rcgtilai‘ at l.UlltlUll.\ xttcccwl'lll 'lllt‘xc ()ltl Shocx' xoul cliih. appcai‘x at tliix uttci‘l} grcat nortlici'n xoul and mod part}. (ict in thc llitlt‘.

I Club Cuba! at (him .\'oi'tc. ‘lpin 2am. tllt it'5t. \Vcckl}. (ict in touch \\llll _\oin‘ l.atin xpii'ii at tliix night ot‘ claxx_\ dancing. Duncan and Shannon xuppl) thc llllL‘Sl l.atin hcatx. Makc xurc _\ou arri\ c carl} to guarantcc cntr}.

I Club Noir at thc (’arling .-\cadctny \C\l tldlt‘ l3 l)cc.

I Colours at lltc x\l‘t‘llt‘\. Nc\t tlaic J DOC.

I Death Disco at tltc .-\i‘chcx.

llpin 3am. L'Ill it'S‘i. Ill .\'o\. Monthl}. 'l'hix brilliant iii-houxc .-\i‘chcx part} coincx on xtrong oncc inoi'c “till a xhintlig that t'cattircx thc xpinning xkillx ol' Stcx c Mackc} ic\—l’iilpt and Nathan (ircgor) \Vilkinx ot' lilcctric Stc“. 'l‘hc M} xtcr} mcn

pla} li\c .llltl thcn thcic'x lt'SltlL‘lll l).l Mingo (lo,

I DiVine ;ll (il.l\j_'it\\ Sc’llititl ill \ll ltltl\\ll\l.lll\| lltpin iam. Ur ([5 H t.

t *5” (ES.\ xtuilcntx. “ct-kl} l)ccp lunk. Mix and "ttx giomcx and a lo_\al cioml go into thc llll\ at thix \ci'} long: running: (ilaxgon rcxitlcnlx‘ llllell.

I Emergency at the Universal at llic l'nnci'xal, \c\t ilalc lltc.

Eskrima at (ilaxgou School ol .\i'l llpin 3am. t" «til tin. \\ccl\l_\. ('laxxic Saturila} nightcr ll'itlll Spuiltl and thc ho} x. (in 3H \m. thc} ha\ c hlixtci‘ing gucxt action li‘oin .liixtiix Kohnckc ol lx'oinpakt Dirt} l.ari‘_\ ix llic i'cxitlcnt on that ilatc.

I Freakmenoovers at (llaxgoxi School ol .'\l‘l. lllpin 3am. t" itli tin. “cckly 'l‘hc hcxt ilcilicatctl hip hop cliih lll thc (H). in thc mclting pot ol thc .\i‘t School cxci) Saturila}.

I Haptic at thc l.|tlllltl l.oiing_'c, \mt tlatc ll‘t‘.

I Homecookin’ ai liclo. lilpin .‘~ain. lircc hcloi‘c l lpni; t5 altci: \Vcckl}. l).lx Sicnart Mc(‘alluin anil ,loc lli;_';_'inx kccp tlic tlancc t‘looi' tuniping‘ all night long. llll\llt;j Rikli ti‘ackx \\ itli thc Utltl claxxic oi' olil—xchool linouritc. .~\ nc“ \cnuc conccpt. hut tlic xainc attilutlc to ha\ lll_L‘ a good iiinc. xo gci on ll.

Homegrown at Bamboo,

Ill.,illpiii 3am. [S (UH. \VL'L'lxl}. Stc\ c Mitlillcton. Dominic Martin. and Scott} ll likc to put on a hit ol a xltou litl' thc Bamboo inaxxcx on a Sat. l'iink} liouxc intixic antl xoinc top notch Rtkli. ()n I" \in. l).l (il't‘fJiH') itl lh‘lt‘clt‘tl [‘l;t}x at llllx l'iinlt} part}.

I Inside Out Birthday Party at lltc .‘\rclicx, Ill..‘~llpin 5am. (lo. 3" \o\. Monthl}. \Vcll. \\ hat can onc xa_\ in thc tacc ot a hii'thtla} part} at lnxiilc ()ut. \\ llll a latc liccncc'.’ .Matt llai'thiick. .v\nnc Sa\‘.ig_'c. .lolin lx'cll}. (ilca\ c. .-\tlain Slicritlan. Barr} ('onncll. ,-\lc\ Kltltl. Shan. \Villiam l)anicl. l.con anil i'cxitlcntx all pla} otit hci‘c. until thc cai‘l} morning; light,

I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at ltiitltla.

I lpm .‘fillll, L'thc. \\'ccl\ly (‘oliii Barr and .laincx cht tlccitlc to turn on thc l’iicci

xl} lc at thix nc\\. glainoroux part} at litiiltla. l’ati'onx arc in\ llCtl to hook a tahlc and :JL‘l tlt‘catlcnl.

I Life at l.itc 1(‘oi‘inthiant. lltpm Rant. (5. \Vcckl}. .-\ toi'initlahlc night ot tunk lot' thoxc \\ ho likc thcii‘ cntcrtainincnt maturc. hut xtill iaininin'. Roxx Macmillan pi'cxcntx a xclcction ot xoiil. lunk antl tlixco augincntctl \\ itli original loopx anil xainplcx to guarantcc a tic“ takc on tainiliai' xountlx I Lite at ('orinilnan. ‘tpin Fain. Ulk‘. \Vccltl}, Bcatititul ncxx inotlcrn bar and club at thix gorgcotix lngrain Sti‘cct mcga- \cnuc. ’l'hc} a|\\a_\x put a lot into thcir \cniicx. xo tr} to makc an ctloi't. \\ lll yin .' I LUSh ;tl lllC l’itlit l.\‘llll:_'L‘.

lltfiltpin 3am, £5. \Vcckl}. .'\ll\l_\ 'x in thc

m l\ I“ (but

liotth} lx’oon: lkllli lizfx tiort‘. th \ttx. xxhzlc lon‘. t‘io'. :ilcx at: art tron! ilancc xclcctwn lt‘. thc main room llax to hc thc (‘ictticxt :a} club 1:: Iltc cll:\ I Melting Pot a: l\'l‘~c't\iilc' thin \liilni;hi lani L I“ I" \o\ \lonthh lhll} \\ooilx and Simon ('oiihnci t‘rcxcnt thix l‘iilhant ihxco f.‘all_\_ ‘~‘-lllcll haxn‘t c\ci loxt itx xhccn I Mish Mash at (‘ul‘a \oitc ‘ti‘m lain Ll“ :— \o\ \lontlil} lltc \lixh \laxh cit-xx \t'lt'l‘lalt' thcn cichth lnitliila_\ part} on thix ilatc ('oinpic \lt' \oiilin /aoui. illllllllllt'l l)c\ in Stcuait anil l).l ()xcai l tillonc all t‘l\‘\ itlc thc inuxical background to what v. ill no iloul‘t hc a ilamn linc hiithila} hloxx out at thix git-at xcnuc I Monox Fourth Birthday at lht- Sounilhaux llt‘lll inn L‘Mfr I“ \o\ \lonthl} loi_\ l) »l\’c]\hlc\. Sountlx \c\ci SccnI out o! lx’oinc .it‘t‘t‘alx alongxiilc thc ;_'cniux lt'Sltlt'lll at thix lctt ticltl l\'\llll\‘ anil clcctionica [‘all} llapp} ltnthila} to llan and thc cu} x I Red and Gold Room at \iia lllt‘lll iain l icc ltcloic llpm. LS altci \\ccl\l} Ilill} \llllljJall inanx thc \lt.\l\\ at thix tinc llllell ot l atiii houxc It _\t'tll litc llL't'\l\ xpicing: up. look no tuitlici

The Roots Aftershow Party at tltc Suh ('luh llll‘lll 1ain L1 31\o\ onl} lhc iaicxt ol llllllfJS an altci xhou [‘atl} uhcic thc hantl tloiit onl} xhou up. inxlcail donating: a l).l loi thc night 'iicxtlo\c ix thc inuxical inaxtci xtanilin; in that big concictc l).l ho\ I Rub Down at tltc Rut-rxiilc ('luh Mitliiighl iain. LS it.“ I” \o\ \lonthl} l).l Hoalt. l).l lhllion .llltl \lano\\ ilc all .ippcai at thix latcxl inxlalincni ol thc cia/_\. haxx hcaxt Rub l)o\\tt ()h _\cah I Shine On at ('oi‘inlhian llpin iain tthc. \Vcckl} (iortlon Millci antl Roxx Macmillan ioclx tltc toint altci a xcxxion in thc l.ilc hat. l.otx ol llllllx and Inn all lt‘lllltl ax thc i'cxiilcntx takc in thc gcni'cx thc} I Sola at (‘luh l.l\ lll;_'. ‘lpin iain. t" \Vccl‘l). l).l .liilcx play xoullul houxc and Man Mackcn/ic plinx i'cti‘o claxxicx lll lliix nicc antl laxt} tic“ hai‘ ' club in .\clxon Manilcla placc. I Subculture at lllt‘ Suh ('lult. llpin .iain. tllt. \Vcckl}, llai‘i‘i .llltl l)oincnic”x houxc part} ixtill thc hcxt in thc counti‘} i gctx hack to haxicx thix litl’lllllell \xith a i'cxiilcntx-onl} linc up. I Traxx at thc liquid l.oung_'c. llpin iam. LS, Ill .\'o\, Monthl}. chiilcntx 'l'oin Churchill. l.atii‘cncc llughcx anil .lainic 'l‘liompxon pi'cxcnt a ll|j_'lll ol houxc and inacliinc lunlc I Upstart at thc|lllil loungc. llpm iam. [S I" .\'o\_ Monthly ()\ct'tonc .\l\’.v\ Michacl l’cck antl 'l'oni Rcm c pi'cxciit lhc laxt l'pxtai't part} ol loot “till a _~_'ucxt xloi ti'oin ('axa l‘iiliii'a'x ('hi'ix I VEGAS! at thc Rt‘lllt't‘“ l'L‘l'l’_\. \cxl ilatc 4 l)L‘L‘. I Voodoo at tlic ('athouxc, 5pm ‘tpin t5 Itit. \Vcclxl}. Scotlanil'x onl} altci'natn c unilci‘ le cluh, 'l‘hc xight ol all tltc \\ cc puntci'x qucuing up l‘nion Sti'cci hax put lhc tcar ol gotl into thc good pcoplc ot (ilaxgou toi‘ xoinc tinic non. xo it )ou arc untlcr tlic agc ot IS. uh} iiol xcc “hat all thc tiixx ix ahoiit’ I Winchester Club at lllc \\‘ootlxiilc Social. \cU ilatc lhc.

Chart & Party

I Base at thc 'lunncl. Ill, illpin 3am. L" 1‘5». \Vcckl}. Him and Martin llcxkcth. along \\ itli (’hi'ix Matrix and .\l Kcnt.

\\ ca\ c a llllt‘ lahi'ic ot l'unk} houxc and Rtklt at Mitchcll lanc'x tincxt ilancc cinpoi'iuin.

I Cubism Hedonism at ('uhc

llt..illpiii 4am. LIS rim. \Vcckl} Scott plinx thc hcxt in llllllx} hoincgi‘oun and [S houxc. lllSL‘tl \\ ith commci'cial and club claxxicx in bar onc. ('tit/ and l)a\c M alxo c‘itllllltllc lit hCL‘P lllC ilancctloot‘x [taclxcil Ill ('uhc 4-1 \\ itli urban hcatx ()pcn lo Jain throughout xumincr

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at thc ('athouxc. ltt.3tlpiii 3am.


The latest club news

In what seems to be becoming a regular feature here‘s some more Hogmanay news. Nice to hear Optimo have confirmed they are taking over the Glasgow School of Art for another year. Twitch and Wilkes will handle the main floor with a (they assure us) very special live guest, while room two is ‘Girls Together Outrageously' with DJ Mingo-go, Sister Motivator and Ann Shelton (Add N to X). VEGAS! are back again taking over the Edinburgh College of Art with a live set from Dynamo‘s Rhythm Aces. Trendy Wendy’s Big Splash also returns for its third year at Ocean Terminal, Leith with Shapeshifters, Alison Limerick and Sammy Jo (Scissor Sisters’ tour DJ).

Nov." hon/f; something a bit <_littor'otit. Not out, l‘éi‘.’(} Rockfrtar produced one of host games; of tho S/oar ‘ll not over; in hit; ‘;lt(l(,t(' of Grand T/toft Auto: Sat: Ami/rm}, but E(lllll)tll'(tll techno liltll‘il A<:r,i::;r; make a chock“, woo (:arnoo. You have to complete a fair t.-./har‘:k of tht: game but it you ‘Jl‘clll the car paint shop on island tm; and liltI'K paint gob two you got tho i‘athor nitt‘,’ Access lotto Esprit, painter! across; your motor {see above).

You may have heard of alternative radio station Xfm‘s activities in Glasgow this month, but nice to hear they are putting a club night on as part of their events. Xfm's resident remixer Eddy Temple Morris will host the Remix featuring Slam, the Freelance Hellraiser and McSleazy, 9 December at the Arches.

Now for some freebies). We hart: three sets of guest passes two her manner: available for Heartandrealsoul's) lltSl Edinburgh event on 26 November at the Hone/con“). It's a night celebratino

the best in soul from soulful house to rrzodern SOUl. Send an email marked Boot and yOur name to promotionsmist.Couk by no later than 25 November and the first three Out the hat are Winners.

l'rL'L‘ hctot‘c l l.,:llpltl. L: (L l .5”! allL'l \Vccl‘l). .\ miltlci' llll\ ol inilic anil iock than _\oii'll find at thc cit}'x pi‘cinicr rock \cnuc on l'l'l ill Sat

I Brazilia at (’luh l.l‘- lllf.‘ ‘lpin iain. l‘icc hclorc l lpm. \Vcclxl} .\ ncxt. bar that turnx into a club. in lltc (‘orncr ot Mantlcla Squarc olt Buchanan Sti’cct, lt‘x l)J action and lnc pcrcuxxion all thc \ta}. ‘Allll iuhiquiiotixr l'L'SltlL'lll 'l'itt l’cachcx and a hoxi oi unincnuonahlc othcrx.

.. . ./ .: THE LIST 45