{3' ~ w . ‘.. \J()l Hull]

Gooqlewnack Adventure

Now. no one with half a mind is ever going to insist that the good old days were where it was always at. But on the evidence of the current batch of pre-Christmas live comedy DVDs. this is exactly the scenario. 80. Al Murray: The Pub Landlord wins absolutely hands down with the release of his Perrier-scooping show from 2000. So rammed to the fore with brilliantly written and expertly executed material is this show that it seems a crime that he wasn't given the gong before that year. Even Germaine Greer loved him. The extras are less impressive. amounting to a link to his website (push the boat out. Al) and an unintentionally amusing commentary which consists largely of mine host guffawing at his own jokes. . . . And a Glass of White Wine for the Lady! (OOOOO/ Extras: .0 ).

Dave Gorman is. however. nothing if not original. His latest brush with intrepid insanity

sees him traipsing the globe in search of like- minded ‘netheads who can come up with 'googlewhacks'. A tragi- comic tour de farce. this is an unexpectedly moving trip, and at least he knows how to throw together the extras. with an utterly excellent kids' pop video and invigorating Q&A session. Goog/ewhack Adventure (“0. / Extras: 0000 )

Ross Noble is something of a stand-up maverick. As anyone who has seen him live will attest. no two shows are ever likely to be the same (unless his front rows start containing the same people each and every night). And in this one. his freeform skills work beautifully in the surreal setting of the round at Regent's Park and not quite so electrically in his Unrea/time show. A splendidly irrational trivia quiz and behind the scenes look are among the extras. Unrealtime (om /

Extras: 0.. ).

50 THE LIST 18 Nov—2 Dec 2004

Ricky Gervais often gives the impression of someone who can barely be arsed giving a monkey's; though other evidence. such as the fact that he is producing work in almost every cultural field you can think of. may well actually suggest the contrary. And so. extras on his DVD are less than impressive. Particularly if you've already seem them on the big screen at his Politics show. Live 2: Politics (0” / Extras: .0 ).

Kevin ‘Bloody’ Wilson is the pointless exercise of the batch. While equally as offensive as the Pub Landlord. you actually would need to be completely out of your face to get through this torpid selection of ‘comedy' songs and ‘jokes'. Extras? Two totally lame musical sketches which are as Crude as they are banal. Live Down Under

(0 /

Extras: 0 ). It's hard to believe that even Australians find this man funny. (Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 18

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctitx. l'(i(’ Budding. chli‘cu Sticcl. 0h“— S7070" Spin. L". Jinn lining aitd la~l paccd coincd) ltoiii ;\ndrc \inccnt. \iith ahlc support from litllc lad) ‘l'ainalcc i).t\l\. Jon} i.a\\ aitd Richard Morton

The Thursday Show 'l‘lic Slattd. 3.3.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 0055. S 30pm to iL'5i. R;t}lllttllti .\1carn\ lltlltkillct'\ c\- (inmci' III/l \lai' i't'anccxca Mat‘ltnc/ l\cc pltolo caption l. Jolttt (ioi'don and Richard 'l’hotnxon.


Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'lic 'l‘i'oii. ‘) Htinlcr Squatc. High Sti‘cct. 33h 093d. lipin. L3 1L3» Dcadpan Dominic \Va\ing l.}rical. I’clci .-\lc\andci‘. Richard Mcdrington and \llllll-llll\ll't‘\\ Sarah \thxon toll otil tltc L‘UlllL‘ti) \L‘l\L'\ \Hlil .\l(\ Jcnn_\ i.lltti\il} and Jcin Rolls.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'l'lic 'J‘hrcc 'l‘unx \Vinc Vaults. 7 I | Hanmcr Sti'ccl. 0700‘) 553345. lipin. l‘i‘cc. .-\ iiit\ of l'rcxh l'accx aitd cxpcricnccd coiitcd} lalcnt\ ol' lltc ('apital (‘onicd_\ ('rcu.

The Thursday Show 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55K 7373. 0pm. to (L5i. l-rankic Bo) Ic plans host to coincd} pouci‘houxc Junior Silltpxttlt. thc not so ctiddl} 'l‘cdd} aitd John Rtixx.

The Snatch Social 'IAhL' i.lqlllti Riitilll. ‘ic Victoria Strccl. 335 3501. l0.30ptii .5001. H 03.50). l-ilth) calmrct-dixco lthiolt lcaluring 3003 hp Watci' .-\\tai'd \\ innct' Tony ('artcr aitd Hat'r} :\lll\\\til1il. liahcx and 'l‘rcnd) \Vcnd} ltlllllllhi} l‘cxitit'lttl \tippl) hip ltop and limb tuncx.


Bruce Morton Introduces . . . ()rati Mol‘. 731 735 (ircat \Vt‘xlcl'n Road. 555 8000. Split. £8 rim. llardcorc coincdian Ian (‘ogiiito takcx to thc xpotlight \\ ith support from John l‘lint arid coinpcrc Bi‘ticc Morton. Not for tltc caxil} ol'l'cndcd. \cciningl}.

Ha Ha Comedy ()‘Ncill‘x. 457 Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 353 4370. 8pm. to Hi). Alan Anderson L'llii\l\ thc L'UlllL‘ti} ltliL‘llls ol' l‘rank l'unn} lad} and not (’-1\ cxcnttial King u/(‘umr'tlv Janc} (iodlc_\ aitd (ilaxgtm conicd} lcgcnd Ril)llltlltti Mcarnx. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctii'x. l'(i(' Building. chlrcn Strccl. 08707 870707. Spin. L'l3. Scc Thu 18.

The Stand Thc Stand. 555 \Vtkidlanth Road. 037” (Ml) 6055. 8.30pm. £7 (UH. John (iordon stands tip on hoinc tcrritoi'} in thc cotnpan} ol‘ Ricltard 'l'hoinxon and chattcrhox host Stixan Morrison.

The Vault Comedy Club The Vault.

l I ll) i’tiiltikxhttux Road. 0100007. 0pm. £5. Full lorcc host Raynond Mcariix introduccx lcllott inoitkc) bins Sand} Nclxon and .-\llcn ('halntcrx. \\ ith Wood} and x\ll\lln [am standing tip in support.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jtillgictll'x. ()inni (‘cntrc. (irccnxtdc l’lacc. 03707 870707. 8.l5pin. L'IZ. ('oincd) accs l)a\c Williams. Todd Sawwr and ()ti\ (‘rcnxhau'x hudd} ('hrixtian Rcill} Iinc-up alongsidc :\ll\\lc giant ('olin ('olc tor a ttight of‘ laugh.

The Stand Thc Stand. 5 York Placc. 558 7373. 9pm. 9.7 thl. (‘oincth cncrgixcr Junior Simpson joins citcck} laughtcr- mistress l-‘ranccxca Maninc/ (\L‘L‘ captioni. John R()\\. hourhoii-sniggcr ('hristian Rcill} and host Janc Macka).

The Bedlam lmproverts Bcdlani Thcatrc. 1 lb Bristt) Placc. 335 ‘)h").‘~. l0.30ptn. £3.50 033i. Long standing latc night laughtcr institution. intolting tnuch audicncc participation. drtinkcn rcwlr} and spontancotix cotncd} gaincx.

Saturday 20 ~


Ha Ha Comedy l l‘\cill\. J57 Sauchtchall Sliccl. ‘5‘ ‘1‘70 Spin Lo :lll Scc [it i". although \ ladiiiiii \L l.:\ l\il \\\.tt‘\ platcx \Hlil Raxittond \lcaiti\ Jongleurs Comedy Club longlt-uix. l(i(‘ Building. Rctitic\\ \‘ttcct. M7" V070" Spin Ll; Scc lltti l\

The Stand I'hc \land. 111\\oodland\ Riud‘ liS-‘H (\(NJ titl55 \ itlptn 0‘3 \\-i\- I H I". but \\ ith coinpctc Janc \lat kn Madcap Comedy Club l’lit- \lalc Hal. IJS Holland Sliccl, “3 315‘) "l‘lll :5 it it Huitipci coincd} ltnc up \\l[it iiionkcx liot Sand} \t'ivtll. i'ldllt'h Hcal_\_ ('anadtan :\lc\ I .l\.llt'\. |)a\ c Hcllion and Shaun \\ilkin\on. pltix coinpctc liillt Jioiikcix The Vault Comedy Club llic \allil. lllil i’ttiitlh\il.t\\\ Road. 01" 0007 ‘lpin N Na“ ill 1"


Jongleurs Comedy Club lonylctiix.

( )iitni (‘cntic. (iicciNdc l’lat c. “VH7 S7070" S |5pin L1; Scc i ll I”

The l‘ik' Sldllti. 3 \Hlik i’iatt‘. 33* "373 “pm LS Scc i'll l‘t. although \ll\.tlt \ittll'lutll\t‘\ il\t‘l ax ititxl


Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service 'l'hc Slaitd. ‘33 \\oodlaiid\ Road. 0S"0 of“ ()055 S. illpiit Ll ith (iingci man John Mint and John Rim ioiit dcadpan ill\itlll.lll \itchacl Rcdntond lot itl\ icgulai Stiiidat coincd_\ ollcitiig

Disposable Theatre 'l’lit- \altll. lllii l’ollolxxhanx Road. 01‘) 0007 ‘lptii Ll ()iiicktiic laugh\ and iiiipim .tlllk \ liotit lhc lllttxlclx til oi'gatnxcd cham

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway? iilt' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "373, lpiii ltcc l<cgulai tt'ccxt}|c cotiicd} \\l/;ll'ti\ l’aul (iiahaiii and Stuart \itii‘ph} lii'c up lhc iinaginalion \\ illt anothct' \licc ol iinpiox action Reg Anderson‘s Comedy Lounge 'l ilt' Lighthotixc. 33 U ihc Shoi'c. |.cilh. 551 0-105. Spin. L5 tLii. Stindci‘land’x ch introduccx Ratiiiond \lcai'nx. ('hiix Brooinlicld and ('anadian \|c\ i.;l\.'llt‘\ Bruce‘s Sunday Social Club 'I lit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 555 7373 S. illpiii L-l lUi. i’tll‘lllt'l‘ (i‘iuiiqi Ill/i \lai ildllkk'Skil Mattinc/ lxcc captioni ltlllh itllct'\ \tilh Richard 'l‘hotiixon and host Hi‘ticc l)c\ liii


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l ilt' Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0570 ()00 00.55 8.30pm. L4. 'I'hc inonkc} hots IS.iiid_\ .\'cl\on. R;i_\iiiond .\lcai'n\. Joc Hccnan aitd Dcx .\icl.cani litic tip \i ilh lltc aid ol guitar and piano lot a night of lllll\lt;li itnpiox coincd}.


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. H.30ptn. Ll. liar} l.itt|c and And} Sit hpr a gagglc ol llL‘\\L'tllllt‘l\ through thcii coincd} paccx.

Tuesday 23


Red Raw 'J‘hc Stand. 5 ‘3 \Voudlandx Road. 0870 600 (i055. S. 30pm L3. (it'acinc ’l‘hoiiiax and (icri') (irant lcad tlic ua} for a handltil ol’ coincd} \ lrlelh.


Comedy Benefit Evening 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55X 7373. ‘ipin. Hi i Mi. ('oincdianx stand tip to hclp raixc funds for Scottish limironnicnt Link Scc

\i. \\ uscotlinkorg tor dclailx.

Wednesday 24


The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill Charity Appeal 'l'lic Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0370 000