
Bored in Brno (Nuda v Brne) 1 151 1\'I.‘11I111111 .\I111.111'I11.(‘/1'1hR1'pt1hh1'. ZINIZ1 K1'tr1na II11I.111111.1.J.111 I!111!.1r. .\I11an.1\ l)1111t111I IU‘1111111 :‘111.1111at1'11r1xh.1rt} Iarl}

! \' !iI1111r1'1-. tr} tn 111.1I11' .111 1'\p1‘1'11111‘ltt.1I 1!1‘.1111.1.1h11111 th1' x1'\ I111'x n! th1' 111-1111I1' 11! th1' 1111 11! [$11111 111 th1' (‘/1'1‘h R1'1111I1I11 .\111I11I.111'11'1I1111111'1!) that lnIInu x tht1'1' 11111'1‘1111111'1I111111.111111‘ x111ri1'x I1111111I111'1'1! h_1 J.111('11I1I\. |1'1'tur1'r 111 \I111I1'rn('/1'1'h $1111I11'x .1l(il.1x1_'1111 I 'ttt\1'rxlt_\ l'1/111/1n1111. [21/111/111111/1

The Bourne Supremacy1 12.111 0... «I’1't1'r(i1'1'1'ngraxx. I 'S/( i1'1'1nan_\. 311(141.\Iatt I).1111nn.Ju|1.1 St1I1'x. I!1‘1.111(‘n\. Juan :\II1'11. Itlh‘tnin I..1xt xpntt1'1I1'hatltttg up th1' I11'.11111!11I .\Iari1'1I’1111'11t1'1 111.1(ir1'1'I11 111111111‘1'11'I1'hir1'xhnp.1'\»('I.-\ axxaxxin !!11ttt'tt1' 1!).111111111 h.1x xpirit1'1I hix 1111III11'|_1 1‘1111111atttnn nII tn thc I1'11I} x1'1'Itlx1111111!(in.1. B111 t!11'11‘11I}II 1x 11111'1‘1'111111'1! \1h1'11ainultipl1' 111111‘1I1'1'I1r111gx linurnc11111I1'rth1' x11xpi1‘1nn 11! (‘I.-\ 1‘hi1'! I’an11'la !.an1!_1 1.‘\I|1'111,:\

xalixl} 111g!) I1I1'aI1 .1111! 1111'an xp11‘111'1! x1'11111'I 111 [/11 [111111111 I1/1'111111. thix 1x xhaping up 111 111.1 I1.1I! 1I1'1'1'11t 111.1! 111 th1' B11111! x1'1‘11'x. .8111 (11111111 (111111111. [.1/111/111111/1.

Bread and Tulips (Pane e Tulipani) ill)... tSiI1111S11I1I1nt. ItaI).2t1lltll I.11‘1.1.\I.11_'I11'tt;1. I‘Il'lllttt ( ianl. (1111x1'pp1' Hattixtnn, | I21nin. \\'I11I1'nn a htix trip 1111h h1'r1'\t1'n1I1'1I !.11111I}. I11111x1'11il1' Rnxalha l!.11't1'!|1 1.\!ag_'li1'tt.11 1x I1'!t h1'hin1! .11 a x1'r111'1' xt.111nn. !)1xa[1pnint1'1! hut 11111 1'11111'1'I} \Itt11‘IxL'tI. \IIC Ittlt‘IIIttka in \1‘1111‘1‘ \kItL‘t'L‘. I11'lnr1' xh1' knn11x it. Mr 111111111111 hax I11'1'111111'a lr1'xh xt.1rt. I’I1'ax111g Italian .111x111'r 111.8'I111'l1'1 Ii1/1'1111111' 111 11hi1‘h 111' .11'1' tr1‘at1'1I 111 .1 glinipxc 11! th1' pr11'at1' \1'1111'1' nr1I111ar1|1 1‘1‘x1'1‘11'1! Inr th1' Inca! nr lhc Inxt. l'1/111/1111111'. [21/111/1111'11/1.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 I51 0. tB1'1'han Kidrnn . [11.201141 R1'111'1' 7.1'II111'g1'r. (‘11I111 I'irth. |I11gh(iranl. Itlfiinin. Il'xInur111'1'I11xal'11'r th1‘ 1'111! 11! th1' Iaxt 11111111' .1111! Bridgct t/1'II111'111'1‘1 ix happi!) itt I1111'11ith Mark l)ar1‘1 tI'irthi hut parannia. xlltplt!ll_\ .1111! th1' 111!\IC1‘ 11!-I161 t'itilctlinttx lttulcx lx tthnltl l1) IL‘tttI ItCt' Ill th1' tttnxl Iii/1111c11I‘1I11’1‘1‘t111nx. 'I‘11‘1'x111111' x1'11u1'l. lnur _\1'arx 11111 Iat1'. (it'ltt'l‘u/ I'1‘/1'11\1'.

Brodeuses (A Common Thread)

1 IX) tIiI1'nnnr1' I"au1'h1'r. I‘ra111‘1'. 3111141 I.11Ia


Les Chon'stes (the Choir)

60 THE LIST IS N111—2 Dec 2004

.\'.1_\111.1rI1..>\11.1111' -\x1.1111!1'. 'I hnt11.1x I..1rnpp1' bhniin \\ ritt1'11.1111I1I111'1l1'1I I11 I1I1'nnnr1' I‘.1tt1!t1‘.x! (11111111111: [1111 1.1." t1'IIx th1' xtnr_1 n! .1 1111.1! t1'1'11.1§_'1'1 1111111113; 11111'1111x 111th I11'1111111Iann1'1! pt1'g.‘11.1111_\ (‘111111'ntrating 1111 th1' hunian1'I1'1111'1itx. I-.1u1h1'1'r1'.1t1'x .1 x111'11r11111nt x1 11111.11h1'111 1h.11.11'11'1x .1111! h.1x .1Ir1'.11I} 111111 .1 (11111 x' .-\11.'1r1! .11 (‘.1nn1'x I’art nt I~r1'111*!1 [11111 I'1'x111.1I 81'1'r1111111I711p. 11.1;41' 5J1 (1/1.'1;'11'.-. I'll/H [/11‘1111‘1. (1111131111. 111/111/11111111.

C02 (Seek you No)1 1x11111111l1~ !..11111'. ('.1n.11!.u"I'1.11111: 3111141 (‘I.11.1 I‘1111'_1. I).11111'I|1' Huhhard.J1'.111-\I.111 H.111 IlNlinin [)111'1‘1111gh1'1'1111111!.1tight1'1 1111I11' I1'.11I1n!1'. !.attr1' 11'le lh1' xtnr_\ 11! .11‘1111111x1'1! .1111! 111ln1'r.1hI1'1111111; 1111111.111tt'1111;; 1111‘111111'tn 11'1‘nix 111th1'11'1‘11111xtan1‘1'x Sh1' 1'11'11111.1|I1 !nri11x.111.11I Itn1‘ 1.11111!) 111111 \11th 11111 111111111 1'1111111‘tx 11I11111x1'1Ian1'1' .1x .1 1111'.1nx 111;.1111 x1'I!-1'11n!i1I1'111‘1'. Part 11! I'r1'n1'h I'1I111 I't'\ll\1t!. 81'1'1'1111111I-11p. 11.1):1' it (11111141111 I'll/11 771111111, (17111111111. film/1111111. [21111111111141

Callas Forever1 l51 C. 1I-1.1n1'11 /1'!!1'r1'|I1. Ital}/!'r.1n1‘1'/Sp.11111I'K/Rninania. 3!!!)31I'ann1 .-\r1I1'nt. J1'r1'111_1 I11111x..l11.1n I’l11111'1ght.!.1_1 R111I1'n. “13111111. 81'1'11'111'11. pagc 55. I'1/111/1111111'. I11/111/1111'g/1

Les Choristes (The Choir) 1 13.-\ 1 1(‘hr1x1nph1' I!arr.1111'r. I'ran1‘1'1'S1111/1'1'I.1111I (i1'l'ltt;ttt}. 31111410111111! .hignnt. I'1an1‘111x !!1'r|1'.1n1I. J1'.111-!!aptixt1' .\I.’1uni1'1. 011111111 I‘ran1'n1x I!1'r|1'an1I. J.11‘11111'x I’1'r1111, 011111111. Annthcr I‘r1'n1‘h I11'art11ar1n1'r. x1't 111 th1' x.11n1' Run! 11! 111111111} .1xI111g1'I_\ x111'1'1'xx!11I 1I111‘111111'ntat'}. [21111111111111'I‘hix IiI111 trnni


tirxt-111111'1I11‘1'1‘tnr. Barraticr. !11I|1111 x .1 n1ux11‘

t1'.11‘!11'1“x att1'111ptx 111 hring happnicxx 111111 th1' |1\1'x n! htx 11'1111I1I1'1! xtti1!1'ntx. Part 11! I‘r1'n1'h I'1In1 I51'xti1al. 81'1' 1‘1111111I-up. 11.1;1' 54. (11111111111 [51/111 'I'lt1’1111'1', (11111111111: [*1/111/1111111'. [{1/1'11/1111'11/1.

A Christmas Carol - The Movie 1t'1 O 1Ji1111n_1 'I‘.\Iural11an11. l'K. 2111)! 1 \11i1'1'xntkat1' \Vinxlct. N11‘11Iax (113.:1'. 811111111 ('all1111. 311111111. [)1'xpit1' th1' a1l1an1'1'x 111.11I1' in 1'1111111111112g1'n1'rat1'1I 1111.1g1'1'}. th1'1'1' 1x xtiII .11‘ax1' lni' th1' traditinnal Inrin. 8.11“). It'x 11111 11111' 111111I1' h} thix 1111111!) 1'\1'1'1111'1I tilin. 1h1'aniinatin11 ix Hat .1111! xt.1ti1‘. x1'ar1'1'l_1 h1'tt1'r than that 11111111! 1111 Saturda} 111111111111: ki1!x"!'\'. .\'11r1In1'x th1' xt111'111'lli11g

1I11('I1.11I1'x I)11I11'11x :11x1111'. x111'1't1'11111; .1111! “1111-11111; .111 .1111'.11I_1 x1'11111111'111.1I 1111:1111! I!11'!in.1! x11.111.I1n111'11'1.1xth1'11111111I111ti1111 n! .111.111 11111111: \I.t(‘\Il1!\ 111111' I!.1It. I111111I111; \.'11l11:.'.11'. ( .1:11':.. l..":1:"~.1';/: The Clan (Le Clan) 1x. 11 "1.1111 \11111-1. I1.11111'. II N 1-11 \1111I.1x ( ‘.1/.1I1'. \11'11h.1111' I\’11!1'.111. Ihnn1.1x [)111111'11I11'/ \Mnin Ihix tiltn x1'lx11111 1111'\1\I1111' th1' .11111I1‘xx 1'111'tgi1'x 1111111111};1111'11 \11111 1111111I111'1' x1'1ti1111x_ II I11II11\\xl!111'1' hinth1'1x.1x th1‘1 11} 1111111‘1' 1111hth1'11111111I1111;1'1111111;111.1x11111111111'x 11h1l1'.1Ix111'\.11111111n;1I11'1I111.111111 x n! th1' 1.11111!) ginti]1 Part 11! I 11'111I1 I 11111 I 1'x111.1| \1'1'11111111I-1111. 11.1;1' .91 1111;11'1'11 [1.11: //11111'11. (111110111. Iii/111111.111. l1.’11:/':11;'1': Code 461 I51... 1\It1h.11'I \\111t1'1I1ntt11111.l 1133111111 I1111Ix’nI1I1111x. Samantha \Initnn. ( )111 I’1111. I 1111! Mama “3111111 I \ 1I1't1'1‘1111'(11'|1I1!{11I1I1111x1.1111\1'x 1111111'11111111I1'1I Shanghai 11111111'x11;_'.111' \1x.1 11.1111! .11 .111 111x111.11111' .11'1'111'1 I11111111111111tl1 !.1IIx tni I11x 1'I111'! x11x111'1t. \I.111.11\Init11111 Ih1'11t1'nt.11111'11'I.1t1nnxhtp x11.11I11x 11!! .1 1'1111111I1'\1111x11'1_\ 111111I1111; 1111'1111111 1'1.1x1111- .1111! th1' tittiIai 3:1'111'111‘ 1.1I1n11 In thix x1111 I1I1'.11’I11'1!111111.\\11111'1I1nttni11.1111!11:111.” x1‘11'1'n111111'1 I'1.111I1(‘11tti1'IIH11111'1I1'I1gl111n in11|!!111;.‘.1 1111.1x11111‘ 1111'I11n;_' 11111 11! I.1n)_'11.1;;1'x .1111! gungiaph} I1111'Il1'1tnaIl1 xnIt1I.th1'!iI1111.111'I11'111111111'1'x 1'11111111111.1II\. IUI.1III!11‘I\IHI11;:} 1Itx1'tlxx1'1I.lIt1' I111'I111I 1‘h1'1111xtr_\ I11't11 1'1'11 \111111111 .1111! .111 .111I111.111I RHI‘IHIIx tIUlttlllalL‘x \1'\1‘llIl1'I1‘\\.lItt\Ix .1I\1.1}x 1‘I1.1|I1'n;_'1n:_'. 1'11;_'111xx111;: .1111! 11x11.1II_\ xtrilxing; (11111141111 l1/111[11111111.(1/11131111 Coffee and Cigarettes 1 151 00.0 1_l1111.I.11n111x1'|1.I'S.Itttlii'l11111\\.111x. Igg} I’np. (1111' I!I.1n1'h1'tt.St1'11'!!11x1'1'1111. R/.r\. Sl1‘\ 1‘ (.(NtIJJII. .'\II!'L'1I \IUIIILt. IIIL' \\ Itllt' Sll'lpL'x. 011111111 \\'I1.1t 1111111-.11111'111'J1111 .Iarn1ux1‘h xt.11’t1'1! 1111h1' I‘le .1x .1 x1'111'x 11! 11!!-th1'-1't1!l xI111rtx111a1I1' 111111.11'1111'xI11"1I 111xt1‘11111pl1't1'1I l1'.11111‘1'x 1111I1. h1' !i111xh1'x n!! I11'r1'1111hthixanthnlng} 11l1h1' I I liInix I11"x 111.11I1' 1111!.111'. I344 .1111! ‘I‘nni'x 1.1111 .11‘g111111'1111111'1'th1'111'1'1I tnr th1' Iatt1'1' tn hii1' a1I1'111111111'1‘r1'niainxth1'h1'xt n! th1' I111n1‘h. aIthnugh R/..-\.(i/,:\ .1111! \Itit‘i.1}'xt.1|k 11! 't1'a' alxn 1‘111111'x 1'I11x1' tn 3:1'niux. S1'1'111gth1' lilinx 111.1x1n;_'|1'x1111113_' highlightxthc ia/l 1nII1'1‘11'1I 1.11‘1ati11nxnn.11111111I11'1‘n! 11111111113: th1'1111'x: 111-1111I1'I1I.1)111gt|11'111x1'I11'x1xn11n!'1. I1ar1'l} x11ppt‘1‘xx1'1! r11aIr11'x. 111111113: 11!

Set in 1948, director Christophe Barratier’s heartwarming tale is of a chubby, middle-aged music teacher who attempts to turn a bunch of raggle taggle misfit children into an award-winning choir. Like Etre et Avoir, this could be the French sleeper hit of next year. Showing as part of the French Film Festival. I GFT. G/asgow F11 79 Nov 8.309171. 511111101139. Edinburgh Sat 20 Nov 6131'? 3110 117017 22 2.305177.

1nnx1‘11a11 th1'11111'x \11.111_:1'1 than 11.11.11I1x1' 1111I1'1'1! ( ..1':11~ I..":v.'.";111-i:

The Corporation 4‘11» .000

1_I1-11111t1'1 \I1I111tt .1111! \I.11k \1'I1I1.11. t'.111.11I.1. .‘Ht'iI I~1»1111111 l 1111x11.1II\ x1‘.111I1111;_' (‘.111.11I1.1111In1111111'111.111 11!.1I1n1\ .111'111'1‘111! 11'.1x1111.1I‘I1'111'xx 1In.1!1xth1'1.131.1111111x .1111\1ti1'xnt111111I1'1111I.11 111111111.111nnx II11' ti!111111.1k1'1x' I191 .11;_'111111'1111x1I1.1tit tI11' 1111111!) (1111111 1111\1'11111111111at1nn 111'11‘ .1 111'1x1111.tt111111I1II1.1\1'111I11'1I.1xx1!11‘1I.1x.1 11x11hnpath .1111111.1I.1I1'11'1t111I. guilt 1111 .1111! 1I1'11111'1! tn x1'It 11111'11'xt |1111'I11;;1'111|1 111111I11111n; .111I11\ 1' 111111.121: 1:1.111h11 x .1111! 11111'1111'11 x 1111I1 (It )x .1111! \111I1 l1'tt 11111;; 111111 x. [1'11 (311511111111n1:111.11 11111I1.1\1‘1I11' 1'1111'1t.11111111'111 1.1l111'11l \I1111'.111\11111I111 k‘x 111,1.1 11.. 1.11 1111111'1111I1' ranging .1111! x11I1xt.11111.1I,

11'111x 1111111'11111aI.111.1|1x1x1x

111111111111.11111_: 1'\.111111I1'xnt111111111.1t1- 1'\|1Init.1tinn 111 I!11I1\1.1. Itt1I1.1 .1111! I111I11n1'xia. .1111I1'\11|.1111111;: hn11 II!\I111111111'1I11111111I11'

I 111.1! \nltilinn hint/1111111. lath/1:11.31:

The Count of Monte Cristo P111 0. 1I\1'1111I{1'11111I1Ix. l S. 31'1'31 .I.11111'x ('.1\11'/1'I. (1111 I’1'.111‘1‘. !\'11'I1.111I

IIattix I zI111111 \\ 111.1xI1I1111 I1I1'1x 3.111. \I1'\.1n1I11' |)11111.1x‘1.11111nIIn1 kxth1'xn1‘kx nt! 111an. I111.1x1111§: I11;I11I1.1111.1. 111111.1111’1' .1111! .11I\1'1111111'1111'1111.1I1111'.1x1111' Ih1' t.1|1'. \1I111I1 Itllllx 11!! .1 lll.tll'\ 1It‘\ltt' IUl l1‘\ 1'111'1'. 1'111111'111x11111113: x.11Int I'1I11111111I I).1nt1'x

1( I11 11'/1'I1 11hn 1x I11'11.1}1'1I I11 I11x 1'IttI1IItnn1I !111'111I I'1'111.1111! \I11111I1'33n1I’1'.1111'1 II11'11"x .1 lntnt x1111} 1111'1'11I111111ghin111x11111'1 11111 I111111x. .1111! 11 \Itt)\\x l!.11!I_\ II11'11.11‘111;:11! R1'1n11I1Ix'11I1111x xhnt In x11111'1'/1' 111 tI11' 1111x1x .1111! Hum 11! I)11111.1x'|1|nt. Ix’1'11111I1Ix pallnpx thinuph th1' 1'11'i1tx. I1.111'I1 .1II1111111_~._' I11x 1111111'1I1'11'11t1axt 111111'1Ini111. 1111i tI11' .11'11nn x1‘1lti1'111‘1'x tn tIntiiixh 111/111111111111 L)lltl\.(1/1l\g'l'\l.(1/11\L'1’H

Dark Water1 I510... iII11I1'n \.1I1.1t.1..l.111.111.IIIIIZ1II11111111K11111I11.R1n Kannn. I'111111_\11K11I1111.1t.1.x\x.11111 .\I1/11!1.111.1 I!!! 111111. \Vh1'11 \‘an111111 .1111! I11'1 1!.1111'I1t1'1 Ikttkn111n11'111111.11‘11'1'111 .Ipdlltttt‘tll 111 .1 I111! 111.111111I Ikukn'x !.1lh1'1 1‘|.11111111g 1‘11xtn1I1. xtiang_'1'tI11n;_'x xt.111 111 Itappctt. 11.111'1‘ xt.1itx dripping; !1111111I11'1'1'1I111;: .1111! th1' IIIII1‘ 3:1th I11'I1.1\1nti1' I11'§_'1nx 111 1‘h.1n;_'1'. ('1111I1I 11 I11' that th1' [111-1 11111x 111'1'111111'1x .111' 11_1 in); tn pnxx1'xx l|11'1n \.1I1.1t.11!111'1‘1x \111h tI11'.1xx111.11111'11! .1 111.11111h11hax 11.111'I11'1I I’11I.111xI11'x [1’1/111/111111 1111111' 111111'x than 1x I111xx1I1I_1 I11'.1Ith1 I’arannia .1111! 1.1111 x11.1k1'1!1l1x[11'11x1.1 [11'1'1111'at1' 1'11'1'1 !1.1ni1' III1'I1a11' 1x x111 1t 1111 .1111! 1'11'11 II th1' !i11.1| 11'x11I1111n11 111.11 11111 1‘111111' .1x 111111'I1 .1x a xhn1’I1 thix 1x .1x x.111x!1111§: .1x.11'I.1xx11'nI1I ghnxt x111r} I1r1'atI1I1'xxI1 11I11xp1'r1'1I 1111'1'a1Iainp 1111111! !i11' (it/1111111'l11/H1/3. (11111141111

Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer (The Flying Classroom) 111111 11111111 \Vtgand. 011111.111}. 3111131 IIanx I!11111‘h \thltkc. I’IL‘I KIHCIM'. SL‘Iitthtalt K111!)

I Ilhnin. Wigand'x.11Iaptatinn11! .11'I11I1I11'11'x 111111'II1_1 Iir11'h Kaxlttct' 1x x1't 1111h1' St 'I‘hninax l111.1r1!1n§_' x1'!)1111! 111 I.1'1p/13:.'I‘h1' lilni xhn11x 11x th1'1I1'11'Inpi111'111 11! .1 33111111111! I111_1x learning: th1' 1.1!111'11! 111111.1541' .1111! !1‘11'111Ixhip .1x th1') tr} 11111'1111111'11111 1'xtrang1'1! lr11'n1Ix. \Vinncr n! t!11'(i1'r111an I‘ilIlti.'\\\;1l‘1! 2U!!! (ind/11' [11111111]. (1/11\'."1111. The Day After Tomorrow 1 12A;

0. tRnIam! I21111n1'r11'h. [8.201141 I)1'nnix()11.111!.J;1I11'(i1II1'nh.1aI. I'.111111_1 R111111111. I)axh.\Iihn!1.Ja1 () S.1111I1'1x. Ian IInIni. K1'11111'1!1\\'1'Ixh. I24111111. ('Iiinatnlngixt J.11'I11 II.1III()11.111I1.1111! I’rnl1'xxnr Rapxnn tII11I1111 xpnt x111111'1!r.1x111' 1'I11nat1' 1'hang1-x 1I1'11px 1n 11.111'1‘ t1'nip1'ratur1'. trcak xtnrnix. haiIxtnn1'x th1' x1/1' n! hri1'I1x. \1111. th1'} lllllxl 1'111111111'1' x1‘1‘pt11‘aI \11‘1'-pr1'x11!1'111 !!1'1‘I111'r 1\\'1'Ix!11 that th1'1r initial 1'xtiinatinn Inr th1' 1111111111: 11! th1' 111'11 11‘1'11g1' 111 ‘Ititl 111 IIMH_11'.11‘x‘ 111111" h.1x h1'1'11 rapid!) 1'1'1ix1'1I 111 th1' 1!.1} .1!t1'r tn111nr1'n11, \V1thnut an} 1'hara1't1'r 1'111path}. 1111 .11111111111 11! (‘(i! 111II gcncratc an} 1Iran1a. .1111! 11 11hnut 1Ir.1111a th1'r1' can h1' 1111 x11xp1'11x1- .1111! 11nt1'ar. 'I‘hix 11111111'. 111 MW .111} 1'!!1'1'1 11hatxn1'1 1'1. 111:1'1Ix Ux tn !1'1'I IraII. 111I111'rahl1' .1111! thpICxx !.11‘1'1I 111th thc .1111'x111111' 111111. cr n! nature. It 1I111'xn‘t. I21111111'r11'h hax1I11111p1'1! Ht! IIiL' 11111111'-g11111g 11an1Iax1111II1'xxan1I xuh-xtandard1‘Ut-11111I-paxt1' 111htr11111 hix 111111 \1I1' .1111! r1x1hI1' [111/1711'111/1'1111' [)111. cntir1'I1 1I1'11111! n! x11xp1'nx1'. hun1nur.1'11111111111111 1‘r1'.1ti1 11}. (11111171. [21111111111141