
The Deserter and the Nomads (Zbehovia a Putnici) I<I 'llllal ,lal.lIhle.H. (in lloxln‘IIIlJa l‘NIN- \lclan ladI/IIleI -\II;'III Kuhan. Jana \IclIIIo‘.a l‘L‘IIIIn llHCL‘ aonIIIIdIIIg lIllk‘\ lIoIII llllL‘C ‘.'.(lll(l '.‘..IIxI xHIIlL‘Il III lilwul. lHlHHIL’ and hIIIpIc l.IIxth l’aII ol lllL' JIIIaI lal.IIhle.o lk'll<'\[‘t'\ll\k' II/nI/quu III’III/IIIIU: Earthquake II’IIIOOO «\IaIl. Rohxoul \_ I‘V-iI ( ‘haIlIoII HLWlHllI \\a (Iahlllk'l. (II'HlfJI' Kt'llllk'tl}. l Ullk‘ (llt'k'llt'

l2 iIIIIII lhIx Ilaxxu deaxII-I llItln IIIala'x IIx lllxl lL'llllll III IIx oIIgIIIaI loIIIIaI l'IlIIII'd III \I'IIxIIIIoIIIId [alum/Hula chx Ion atIuall} lk'k'l Ihc lllllll‘lk‘x and IIcIIIon ol Ihc qualw ax II hIIx Hk'\l(‘ll xIaIx .Ix \Icuail (iIall. a

\Hll\llll\ IIoII cIIgIIIct-I \xho'x \.lll_L'lll up III Ihc

caIIhquala' ax II dcxIIo} x IaIgI' x\\alhcx ol ()IIIIoIIIIa \\ hIlc Ihc llllll lecll Ix IIoI a

\ laxxu loI lllt' ploI xIIIIouIIdIng llvxlon. (l.ll(lllk'l cl al. ll \lllt'\ xIIll lt'llldlll laIIIoux loI Ihc laIIIaxlIt IloI l‘l'ViI xpu Ia| I'llctlx and IlIc non-III ol lhc \I-IIxIIIIouIId (\l‘t'llk'llt't‘ (mm o. /.I/IIl/'lll'.f/l

Enduring Love I IiI .000 ll<llj_'t‘l \llkht'll. l K. :lllHl l).llllk‘l ('IaIg. Rle llaIIx. SaIIIanIlIa \loIIoII IHHIIIIII \cc llllL'l\ II-u. [‘.l_‘_.'k' ‘3. and In W“. [Iagc 5*

(it In Ill/ Ii lulu

L’Esquive (The Dodger) l ISI I \hdcl Kt-t'lut‘ht‘. l'IaIIt‘c. Illll‘w ( )xIIIaII lulklIaIIal. \aIa l'HlL'xllL'l. SahIIIIa ( )ua/anI l.‘ iIIIIn l)cx[IIlc le l)\' oI'IgIIIx and unknown t'axl. IlIIx Ialc ol .III t-IIIoIIoIIall} \\IIlIdIa\\n )oung man and lIIx lHllldllllt’ \ldllldllt't'x hax ht'cn \'lt'.llll|_‘_‘ IIIIIII' .I hu// Kct‘hit‘h Ichcx. llllllxll.lll_\. oII \'\llL'lllL‘ (lll\k' upx lhal lt‘\llll III lllk' \ IhIanI _\oung (.le lIcquI-IIII} ohxt'uIIIIg lllt‘ l’dl'hlt'll houxIIIg xt‘ht‘IIch on \xIIIt‘lI II Ix chI Part ol l'I'cnt‘lI l‘lllll l‘cxmal. Scc lHllllIlrllll. pagc i-l. (i/mgou II/nI

III( um, (ill/\quu .‘ l'l/Hl/II'HH'. l‘a/lIl/lllIC/I. Exiles (Exils) I ISI I'l'on} (iaIlIl. l-Iant‘c. IlllllI RoIIIaIn l)lll'l\. |.uhna .v\/ahal. lula \laldiloul. IllSIIIIn. \Vlllllk‘l ol Ihc lh'xl lhu-cIoI‘ pI'I/c .II ('anIIt'x. I; ll/('\ lollo\\x a _\oung youplc ol :\lch‘I;III dcxt‘cnl dmdt'. on a \thIn. lo II;le Ihc lL'\t'l\C palh Iakcn h_\ llk'll' pawnlx III lllt'll' llIghl lI'oIII \oI'Ih .'\lll\'il. l'IllIng lllt‘ll IouI'IIc} \\llll ll‘Ill\lL'. (iaIIIl ‘x llllU\lt'illlll}_‘ llllll II‘It'x Io IllIIIIIIIIaIc ux ahoul llIL‘ hluI'IIIIg ol \‘lllllll‘t‘x III lliUtlL‘lll xot'It-I). l’aI'I ol l-I’cnch l‘lllll l't'\ll\.'ll. Scc IouIId up. pagc 5-1. (i/uxquu II/nI IlII-um: (i/mguu ,‘ Il/IIl/IHHH‘. I'xlllI/llll'g'll Exorcist: The Beginning l ISI

O Ichn} ||.IIlIII. l‘S. III(HI Slcllan SkangaId. l/ahclla Scorupco. .laIIIt'x l)':\I't'_\. Rt-In} Succnt‘}. ll lllllllI l.;llllxt'\lk‘l' \lt‘ll'lll I Skal'xgal‘d I. Ix aII m—pnt'xl IIII'Ich alcohoht‘ .II't'hacolongl .IdI‘IlI III coloIIIal lxaxl .'\ll'|\'.l III I‘M”. llc I'cdixt‘owrx |IIx It'lIgIoIIx laIIII \xhcn hc uncoch'x a pagan xIlc ol huIIIaII x;It‘I'Ilit‘t' hcncalh a ll} IdllllllC church. II alxo unlcaxhcx a ICI'I'Ihlc a ll.

\ll'l\ IIIg \ch'I'III‘x pchu‘cxon' IIIad. l't'lltlt'l'lll}: local ho} .loxcph t‘aIaloIIIt‘. and IIIt‘IIIIIg a hlood_\ IIIqu‘I‘ct‘IIoII h} Ihc l'I’IgIIIcIch 'l‘uI'lIaIIa pcoplt'. RIIthxlI prcqucl Io lhc gI’t‘alt‘xl hoI‘I'oI llllll cwi' lold. Show Im- (‘IIII'IIIIL ('oul/II'II up. (i/mumr

The Eye I IS! ... Illann) aIId ( )\Idc l’aIIg. 'l‘haIland. III(le lu‘ SIII-JIC. laurcnt‘c ('hou. So \‘ul l.aII ‘l‘lIIIIII. 'l‘hIx chIllt'I lI‘onI Ihc l’ang hI‘oIth'x I/I'IIIIquA I’(lllk’('l‘l’1l\l Icuoi'kx an old lIoI'IoI' IIon II- Idca: IIt‘\\l} gI'alch hod} paI'Ix c\|IIhIIIIIg ll'dllx Ul lllt‘ \lt‘t‘t‘du‘xl \lUllUll llt‘l'L‘. .I (Ul'llca II'aIprlaIII hax Ihc unuanlcd cilch ol .Illo\\IIIg a l'oI'IIIcrl} hlIIId _\oIIIIg \\Ulll.lll Io xcc dcad pcoplc. lllIII‘I't-d IIIIang. \lU'lllU caIIIt‘I'auoI'k and an o\ civxaIuI'aIIoII ol lIghI and colour IIIala' III" In“ a \ Ixual II‘caI. quilt qulcd Io IlIc IIIIII‘k) l\\ IlIglII Ionc ol the :\\l.lll hoII‘oI' llllll. But uhcrc. xa_\. King had Induccd haII‘-I'aIxIIIg lIoI'I'oI‘. III(' [in l'allx xhoI'I \\ IIh a xlo\\ huIldIng xcnxc ol uncaxc and tlt‘llUllClllt‘lll IlIaI Ullt‘l‘x no xIII'pI'Ixcx. l'IIdcmlIclIIIIIIg. (iI/nIon/II1/(il3. (i/(HQIHL

Facing Window (La Finestra Di Fronte) I 15> .. Il‘cr/au (l/pclck. llal). 300M Raoul lloxa. .\laxxInIo (ill‘i‘lll. (iIo\aIIna \lL‘I/ogIoI‘IIo. l‘Illepo \IgI'o. ScrI'a \'I|III.I/. lllhnIIII \ouIIg IIIoIhcr ol' l\\o (i10\.lllll.ll\lL‘//\\glt\i'llUllt‘t‘lxllt‘l‘lllt‘ III RUIIIC Ix going llU\\hCl'L‘I hoI’cd \\ Ilh th' Ioh al a poulII'} factor}. xhc'x alxo dccpl} I'I‘uxII‘ach h} Ihc lack of aInhIIIoII xho\\ II h_\ hcr huxhand l‘Ilepo I.\'IgI‘oI. x\ll unlIkcl}

62 THE LIST '8 New: C‘z‘a‘

fIIt'IIdxlIIII 2|. IIh a toIItuqu and 113‘qu ottogcnanan \IIIIoIIc ‘(Illi‘lll IlIaI IIIx;‘;:;x (IIo'IaIIIIa Io act on hcr \l'tNlltW \IIIIIIIIc, :I cIIIch't-x. Ix a u'lltt'llllI‘Illwll \aIin‘ xIIz‘. Ion, ‘u‘ill'l\l\.\lk'kt1\l\'\llll Ix xIIll cIIoIItIoIlej. allthI'd h} Ih; Ilcth or hIx IIIal; long:

l la‘J. rd III‘IonIal IIaIIonIIIIaIIoII dIaIIIa IlI.:I II'lIt'x Ioo hua'. II} on IIx IIIclodIaIIIaIII \‘llllll\.lllkk'\ (“mo III’IIs'Ia/gi-

Festival Express 1* 000 III.le

\lllL'.IlHll.l l\ \I'IthlaIIdx. 3"“; HI; ’IaIIIl

lllk' ( lldlt'llll lh'ad. .laIIIx loplIII IlII" l lj.III-.' lhIIIIIo liIoIlII-Ix ‘HIIIIIII l.I\lll.Illll_f dotuIIIcnIaI} lk'xllhl ol IlIc tonx ( .IIIaIla IIaIn xhov. IhaI lllk' gII'achIl \ Io. l.. loll. toIIIIII} and mid haIIdx \wIII on III 1" '4' \ IIquI loI lllllxlt lanx (( l (,,I.\._'o.-. Finding Neverland II’( I O... l\l.ll\ \IIIchd k l \. QINIII ,lolIIIII} Hum» Raw \\ lll\lk'l. .lllllk‘ ( 'lIIIxIII', |)uxIIII llolIIIIaII. | chdIt' llIglIIIIoII' l'llIIIIII loIIdoII .II III( lIIIII ol Iht~ Illlh \t'llllll‘k and Ihc ]\|.I_\\‘.IIglII l\l llaIIIc'x Ilh-HM laxI luv. pla}xl1a\c ht't'n llopx IlII-II h} IlIaIIII' out- da} lII' Inn-Ix xotII-I} \xIdov. \leI.I

l lcuchn l)a\ lL'\ I\\ IIlecI I and lII‘I adoIahlIx

ll IIIIIIIl). hIood ol \llllillk'll llIIoII;'lI lllt‘lll llk' hu‘onu‘x IIprIch Io \‘Illlt' a ll\'\\ ltlllil ol pla} loI huh and adIIlIx allla' lht‘ lIle Ix ahouI a [lung ho}. a xuhIIIhaII laIIIIl} and a IIIagIt‘al [‘lau' t'allcd \I'wIlaIId lh‘lIglIIlul adapIaIIoII ol \llaII KIII‘I'K populaI xI.Igc pla) \kllll gIcaI III-IloIIIIaIIt’t'x all Iound

(ii II; III/ II /(I1\I

Five Children and It ll l...

IJolIII chhht'nxon. l lx'._‘llll-1Il\'cIIIIt-III lhanagh. /llk' \\aIIaIIIal\cI. l'lt‘tltllk' IlIghIIIoIc. .lcxxIt'a (d.llltl}_‘t'. l‘ddIc l//aId Hour» NHIIIII ('lIaIIIIIIIg adaplaIIoII ol l: \‘cthI‘x t'laxxn~ t’lIIldII‘II‘x hook. xt'l duIIIIg

\\ \\ l \\ hcn a hunch ol {ll} kIle an" hundch

oll Io xIa} \xIIlI IlIcII l nt'lc .‘\ll‘t'll

IlhaIIaglII Soon IlIt') det‘oM'I a lll_\\lt'llUll\

\‘Icalulc ll\ IIIg III a xaIId_\ alt‘ow llk'dll‘) likc llaII’} l’oIIcI “llll a llL‘IIll. .\I lit [(1/


Folle Embellie (A Wonderful Spell)

Il.\I Il)oIIIIIIIIIuc ('ahI‘t-I'a. l'I‘aIIu'Ilh'lgIIIIII ('anada. lell-li \lIou .\lIoII. .lcan l’IcIIc l.\'.llltl. llllnIIn. .lulIcn Ix .I _\oung lin}

lIau'I‘xIIIg l'IaIIt‘c III llk' xIIIIIIIIcI ol Ill-ll llc

Ix lqu'd al a _\oIIIIg agt‘ Io lI'_\ Io Ichulld .I luIIt'lIoIIal laIIIIl} unII III Ihc law oi hIx

laIlIt'I'K \ ll‘lk'llk'k‘ and lIIx IIIoIth‘x dcluonIIx

lhal c\cI"\lhIng Ix a lot l‘L'llt'l llIaII ll Ix. 'l'hIx v '


' I,. lt l l’ ‘\ Ht l‘ I‘l ml

\;\ g x. I, /.~II II

The Forgotten 1.? \ .0 II»;;~'-

l\’IIhIII l \ :IIIIL la'IIaIII'I; \lIw'; (Iat'. \IIIlIoIIj. lIi‘.‘.aIle llI~:I.::.;I \\;x' ‘NIIIIIII \c; It". Ic'n. ‘7; III w

For the First Time MI 000 le'IIIlolI‘lI \lalg. l \ \\\-x'I ( It'IIIIaII‘I llal‘. l"<"' \laIIo l an/a. lolIar‘IIIa ‘.o:; l\-\ .':.I:. l\IIII l\.:x/ll.Il. \IIIII; lx’oxaI ".‘IIIIII IlII-In" tI‘lI‘lllllll \laIIo l .III/a \oIIIqu‘. ItI‘IIxIIal IlIat lcaIIIch \I‘lllt' of my ‘-t'l\ ‘It'xt onIJx IlI; .fII'aI III.:II\ cwI xaII_‘ on \chII \’ Ila.» I (usin GarfieldII’III O. .I'III-I III-um I x :‘l‘l'w HII'ILII‘I \lt‘II'I. chIIIIch I llu'az'i \II'IIhI'II IolIolo'«.I.\|>I_\ liIll \lllll.:\ \lIIIIII llopcx dIIIIIl‘ .Ixx 'Ix'l\l«‘ll ol IlII- IIoIIuIaI xllll‘ and l\ IaIIooII \I-I ll.:ll ax had ax Ion IIIax \ll\[‘t’\l.llll‘ll1'll\lllll.:‘I :x 'aaxII-Il I ( /( ( lI/ II'IHfl'HI/JII II."I'I:?'.II.II; Genesis I l’( h u( .IIIllilt‘ \IIIIleaII\. \laI It l’t‘lx'lllh'll. lIaIIIc. .‘H|'1~\HIIIIII \Cllllli' oIII

\kllll Iht‘ IIIIaIIIhIIIoIIx .IIIII oI \‘\[‘lI'l|Il ' IlII- oIIgIII and hIonII ol IlII~ lllll‘.\'l\x' III .1

\xalt hahlc and I‘lllk'lldllllllz' x'.a\. IlII- dIII'IIon ll.I\\'l lhc \KI‘lhl xlIouIIIz' 11x aIIIIIIalx and \‘\|‘Clllll\'lllx IlIaI IllIIxIIaII- lllt'll IIaIIaIIw \II'IIIIxIx IIle and loII'IIonI. \IIIIdxaII} aIId I’I‘II'IIIIoII.lIa\I~ pIoIlIII cIl a dclIghllul Ilik’lllllt'llldl} \llll.ll‘l\‘ loI huh and .IdulIx alIla' l’aII ol l lk'llkll l Hm I \‘xll\.Il \k‘t' lHIIIlIl up. [MISC ‘d (I'.'II‘\'.I'HI: //.'II:

I/II IIHI. (i/II'xgoI: II/HI/qun III’III'IUI GoodFellas IN ..... I \laIIIII \X'Ulu'ufll \. I‘l‘llll Rillk‘ll llx' \III‘. Ra} IIoIIa. ,Ioc l’cxt‘l. | oIIaIIII- lhan. I’aul SoHIIIo ll‘IIIIII lIoIIa [Il.I}x |chII_\ lllll. a Ical lIlc IIIII’llI'\4'. \\ IlII llv \IIo ax lIIx IIII'IIIoI \IId \\llll\‘ lllk' hullclx. lIxIx and (an Ing knwa llx. \I‘onI-xc hIIIIfsx llx hat lt

Io IlIaI llll.l\HlIl.ll‘lC t]l|t'\lli‘ll .wa II x glaIIIoIoux and lut‘IaIIw lo lI\I- llllx may hIII t‘aII among Icall} lI\I~ \\ Ilh lllt' (HHH‘IIllCle'kN ' \\ lllllt'l Ill H \l l \ .l\\.ll\l\ loI hcxI lIlIII. \lllk't'llll and x II-I‘IIpla}. and a lh'xl SIIppoIIIng \I‘IoI ()xt‘aI loI .Ioc l’I-xII 81¢ I ('I IIIIII\ (7114 um. l.(//’I/’Ill 4/1

3'1 Goodbye Dragon Inn ll .00..

I'I‘xaI \lIng | Iang. l.l|\\.lll. .‘llllin | I l\.Illf.'

This film has been a long time coming and may disappear just as quickly so check it out while you can. Made in 2001, it’s the tragic, disturbing story of Fernando/Fernanda (Ingrid de Souza), a 19-year-old Brazilian transvestite who travels to Milan and becomes a prostitute in order to finance a sex change operation.

I F'rw‘)\\\ lgi) )— ‘VI‘:\ 7 v!‘ '1‘ ‘IV‘ , p ,e

\l l.-.' x” \H :‘.:"

The Gr x‘:~-~ II; I..\ lig' \\ \I .I I li_.\.. "'I"". \.:“ lx‘..

udge \ O. I-wa ‘I: \Iuyt

Hannah and her Sisters ‘\

.... \\I\III:~. \ l \ I‘l\I\ \I_ l.‘.17~.‘. \1‘\'".;\' I I;_.III‘._.MH\.I\-I]\\ ll \: \i I'VUI ‘I t \ It l‘ \ i: \ 5.;It1le I'II l; \\II.-\i_ I (I l I,

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of

Azkaban HI .0. \ ' I'III

l\ .“H‘1 Ila? l\'.:IlI'lTl\ (Izzllvlftx l'aIIIlar'x lzoIII:\7'_I.a III: H'Il' .I Ill'I. l 'lI x II ""1


\."I..III.III \\ ha? llarz‘. dot-III I «'IHI‘I'I? Ix ilIa'

\I‘llll‘:\", howl. II~ .alaII'I IlIc:_ l~ IlaIl lIIIIIIoII: \I‘II..II:I.I1I‘llIxI-IaIIIl .Il‘l‘I'Jllll.‘ III-IIIIszI.:II\

III IlII' lI.IIIIlII»c HI l|.:I:'. l'I".‘. .IIln‘IIIIIII

Ix .leo l‘I'llxlI'lI‘ll .IIIIl o'._':IoI:‘ 'lll.ll ,I'Hi’ xI II'I'II‘.‘.:II:I \ZI nun l\lI~,~~ \I'llllhlllt' l.Ill|l‘lIl|‘ ~llll\llll.tll‘. IIIIIIIII‘II‘II xIIIIIl III \IlIII h I ll.:l.:I MI aHx .Il .IIIIl

IlIxaIIIII‘aI .lllIl Idol llllllx aII' llI"II'l II'alI \I-Il

lax-[Ix IlII' IlooI lllIlIl\ I loauIl oII IlII "II'..IlI'

Iluh /\/\\ lino". (I.I.\ Hero«l.‘\IOOOO I\IIIIIIII/lIaII-'

( lIIIIa. ,‘IIIIlI III I \la 'II' (’lII‘IIII-f ‘l‘hIIIII \IIIIoII-I \oIIIIo'.uI xl.Il Iala

loII\ lI'IIII'

on NI; lIlI‘ ol | llll‘x'lI'l l‘llll oIII' ol IlII' hlooIlval lx'l'_'l|\ III( lllllx‘ lII~IoI'. l IIxIIIIIIIxIII;'l\. lII‘ "max I'llI‘ ol \lao l lIIIch lII'IoI'x I]! III Ix a IIIIIIIl l‘lni.‘.lll olIl l.IlI I'll


xtlIool x'II.oIIl]~|a\ lll"ll IIIIIIIIIII‘ IlIIx II'IIIhlI' IIIIII' III lll‘-lI‘l‘. llllllx'xl h} \.llll\'l.llll.lll( lllIx [Lulu IlII l‘~ \ Io'I 'll Ion \.lll Ix'IIoII‘ IlII‘ llllIlCll‘xlll" la I I III

l‘lx'tllllldltllli' ax ll Ix II'aI lII'll.Il‘.

lillh'l [barf/131.11; /.I'/I,"",II III



/,' ,4

In I cup onI ll.ll‘l‘I'