Notre Histoire (Our History) 1* .... III-111.11.1II’1M': I:.:t:.‘ I‘ ' .\I.III. I)_'I1|.' \.:'I‘.I.Z.‘ II\’Y.:.' I I).I.'.'?.11'. II'111.11. I).'.117:.:71«I

II" 11131.1” 111.11.

1111‘. 111111111111J I11\ \ll'I.I'21'.'. Hm;

I111'I'II11‘I IIII'.'..".;'.' I).'Inr -::..'3.1:...’.1-I:. IIIIIIIIII' .1;'1'1I:11.'.I1.1111. ‘1.'..11:..'\ :I:.:.‘.1\111,'Ij. 11I1\1'»‘.'.I.1I.' Il.1'.; \III\IIII.'I\‘\’1I~II‘\ I1n' In III- II1.II.' I.1 ;~.1\\1-1:. I).'In:. 31.111. .1 (15.11 I11 I11 11.111 :1. '2'1.‘ TII111, .1x1I11I III.~

\. 1.11.1111. I’.11'. n? I 11.11. I1 I 11111 I .'~I;'..II \cg' II'III'III 1111 31.1.? ‘1 /' 11' /m..~'1.

(I 11' I'l‘n l'.""‘.""l" IIII'I'IVI’L'V

Old Boy I ‘1 ..... I’.1II ('I1.111'.*.nnk. \nuII1I\nI.‘.1 .T'I‘UII'IInI \IuI \II. .\u II I.11' I.‘IIII1111 I\11I11.111111'1I, In.l..‘1I1111In1 I‘ Imrx .1111III11-11II'II‘.1\.-1IInt1111.11111.11I‘11I11'.1\nII.()I1 I).11‘\111(’I1nI11\11nv. .1 111-.1IIII1'1III.1I nu IIIK' 1.111111.1:'1‘ III' '.1..111I\ .111\'1.|.1~1\ .11111 11". 1-111'1' .1111I I11-'.|.1|II.1I.1-1I11‘111l11.I.1‘.'. I1.11111111'1nI

\. I\\Hl I’.11I 1‘\.1\I1-11I1.1I IIIIIIII'I. 11.11I ()k'llIPIIl 111j»I|1,I’.uI.'\ \k-\‘lll\I 11".I'11:'I' I11n\11‘ 1\ II1I' :‘1'111‘111 1‘11111'..1I1~III In.111t'I1'.IIIt .11111‘11I IIIInII:'I1 IIII' '.'HII.III\ II1'\II\I‘\.IIIII1IIH‘\ leuwu.1I1\uI«I1\I.111111'1I}.I11111nI .1111I 1‘1111.'111.1I1. plulnxnph} ‘.\.1II1I111-.1II1I.1I.111;'

\I.1II \ 111.1\I1'11111'.1- (I I (Human:

Once Upon 3 Forest II 11( ‘I1.11II-\ (I111\‘.1'|1HI,I \_ I‘I‘I I I\\ III] IIII‘ \HIHN III \III I1.11'I ( 1.111. lnIII. III-11 \1'11'1'11. l'llk'Il

III.1111 \ lull I\‘lli'III .1111111.1II'1I I\‘.lllll\' lInIII I|.11111.1 Il.11lw1.1III.1I.1IIII\.111I'tnIng'It.1I

I\\ N In .1 1111111111: nl .II'I' I.1|1' .1I1nuI

\xnI 11I|.1111I .1111111.1|\ tanII;'\\III1.1In\1t \\.1\II' 1 InuII \1111;'\.11c I1} \11 I1111'1/1 1111 III/l'xI.11111‘\IInIIIcI.I\uIIIII'III1111I\I'II. \1I11I1‘..1|1IIIIIII;' \I‘lllt‘lIllllt' nl \‘I.I\\1t' tIIIIIIII'IIx \I111}l11111l\ .1111111.1IInII. 1\ 1111 \I1I\\l\ ll\I'II (111n1111nl.(1/1;\1\'1111

The Philadelphia Story 1 l’( i1 .00.. 1(11'nI)..'1‘ (‘uknr I \. I" “ll I\'.1I|1.quc III-11I111111.('.11_\ (i1.111I. .|.1111c\ \'I1'\\.11I

I Ijuun \[1II'IIII11II_\ \an11\IIt.1ImI IInII}\\nnd t'nIIII‘II} \\IIII \IquII .1\ .1 \\.lII\I.lI\Ilk'k'I II'IMIII'I tn\ c1111: IIII' \nt’lt'l} \\t-1I1I111;' nl Ik'kt'IlIl_\ 1I1\nit'cII IIcphqu. 1'\ IIIII1I1} (i1.111IIquIIIII111I|11'\\111;'\..1111I 111111.11111' Ict'uIIIIuII' tlt'\|‘llk' Ilwll $11.11kl111; III.1InI'uI-.1111It'I1.111\111.1I11‘ [11'1l111111.111u'\.1II InquI 111.1k1‘ II11\ nIII' nl IIIL‘ I‘k‘\l nl 1I\ kIIIII Ix’t'111.11I1‘.1\II1I*111u\1t'.1|.l/Izjl: Mn 11!\ \11111111111: \1111111113/1’1111111. / 1/111/1111 1.1/1. Poids Leger (Lightweight) 1 I51 III-.111 I’II‘III' \IIII'11\.I'1.111t'c.Illll~11\1t'nl.1\ I)u\.1ut'I11'I|1*. IIcIIMIII ('.1111p.111. \I.1I \11I1 I c. Illluuu 'IIII‘ I1;:I1I\\I-I;:I1Inl lllt‘IIIIC 1x \IIIHIIIL'. .1x1‘ll Ilcxuut‘ln 1‘ 111.111 nu .1 \IH\\Il\\.II\I ~1111.1I \\UII\III_L' .1\ .111 llllllt'll.ll\t'l\ .1\\1\I.111I.I11'.1I11'11.1II'\I11111w|l l1nIII.1I|I|1n\L' .unIIIIII I11u1 \lllk'lh pullx 11n puut‘hm .1111I II11‘1I-xullI\.1pn\\c1lulpu'u‘nlt‘1111‘111.1 I’.uI nl I I\‘Ilt'll I 1|111I'c\I1\.1I Scc II‘llIlII up. [Mpc TI (1/..‘xunl1 /I/111[/1111'111.(i/mgnu,‘

/1/111/11 11m. I1.’111/1111:;/1

Post CoitumlI511_l111'.11.I.1I.11I\1\Iw. ('/1'.‘I1I\’x‘l‘ul1|1t‘.IllIl-luI'I‘.111t‘n\c1n.I-\.1 I-l\111‘1n\.1. Ix’II‘ImnI K1.11t‘n ‘IIIIIIIII \I‘\lll'II t‘numl} IInIII IIII' (Vt-(I1 I\‘cpuhllt‘ .1I1nuI lnuI 1111‘11.1111I I1\c\\nuic11 I1\111;r 111.111 .1\1\11.1I1nI1.1I pnxl t‘HllIlllllllhI \\nII1I I’.u'I nl IIIL' .Illl.ll .I.II\III‘I\I\U II'IInxpct‘In 1' I1/11I/Inuu. III/lrl'mg/I

Princesa 1 IN C... IIII'IIIIquc (inl1I111.111. 811.1111 |I.1I) I‘1.111u'l K (ic1111.111). IIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIc$1111/.1.(\‘\.111‘lint‘t‘l.lIIIII I’I't'ni.11‘1. \I.1111n I’11n\.111n ‘l-luun \Inxuig. 11.11111‘.1I1~I1t' .1111I .1I IIIII\‘\ IInIIIl} 111;: .1t't'nuul nIIIII'IIII'.111III111II‘\nI.1II1.1/1III.111

I1.111\\ I\IIII‘ [1111\I1IIII1‘ \\I1n 111~I Hunk In 111.1kt'c11nugl1111nm} In gel .1 \L'\ t'I1.111§_'c I’InIIIIt‘cII I1} Rclwuu ( l'IIIIcII. I‘CIICI k11n\\11 .l\ Kt‘ll I n.1t'I1‘x lull I1111t'111ntlut‘c1 III'IIII'InIm. I JIM/1111311

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementuI 100

«(3.111) \I.11~I1.1II . I KIWI-11 \1111c II.1II1.1\\.1_\..|III1c \IIIIIC\\\_ III-.1111 I-II/nnIIn I I5111111 \InIc II;I1I 1n_\.1| I.111I.1\} unnxcnw 111.1111‘ p.1I.II.1l1Ic I1_\ IIIC n 01 c11Ic1’I.1111111; .1111I I.1Icnlt'II II.1II1.1\\.1) (11111 1111' 1'11’111'u

The Public Enemy II’( O... 1\\1III.1111\\I'III11.111.IS. I‘Hl 1.|.1111c\ ('.1;_'11t"\ II.11‘In\\. I'1I\\.11‘1I\\nnII\

54111111 '\l't'IlL‘I_\|‘.II ('.1;11c) \cIut‘Ic. 111\\IucI1 I1t'11I.1)\.111I'II} IIucl \\ I1n gI'.IIIu.1Ic\ In I\nnllcginrs. 111111'1Ic1‘.1111It‘1‘1111ck111gpm \l.Illl\ (‘I.1\~Ic \t'cnc' (ugm‘) 1111.11“ .1 g1‘.1pcl1'uu 111In 111nlI \I.1c(‘l.11kc\ l.1t'c [Illlll‘lll'g'lf /11"11: ([11111]. II."11:!1111‘;'I:.

Tais Toi! (Ruby and Quentin

Punktchen und Anton IIIm 1(‘.11nl111c |.111I\.(I1'1111.111}. I‘l‘l.\1\Ic11'IIII-t'kt'1.\l.1\ l'k'lllt'l. IlcunnI'uc1111.11111. |2|c.1(i1'1xxlt'1 IIIWIIIII ()xt‘.11 \\lllll\'l ('.11n|111c I 111k IInI \1111/1111 111 \I/II III .Itl.l[‘l\ .1 t'I.1\\It' t‘IuIIIIcuK I.1|c I'cIIuI): I|1c \IUI_\ nl IIlt' III\‘|I\I\Il|]‘I‘L‘I\\\‘k‘ll.l IIx'II‘L'lII .1111I.1ImnI l1n_\ \\IIn I1.1\ In \\nik In t'an lnI qu \It‘k IIInIIIt'I I|11x 1111114an I11'It'I1I\'.1\I11c1\ pnpulm unwl111nIIt‘IIIIxcx1I.1111Il11111g\1I IIIIn IIIc I\I'I'wIII 1L1} (1111 1/11 hull/III. (1/11'\;'nu,

Ouebec-MontreaII I511I<1..111In 1111;;1. (‘.111.11I.1. SHIN! I’.1II'1t'I' R11l11I.11I|1'._|c.111 I’IIIIIIpc I’c.11'\nn. SII'pImIIc Iii't'lnu Illluuu. I1111n\.1I1\c I'1'1‘11t‘l1(‘.111.IIII.1111‘n.1II111n\II-II1.1I InIIn\\\II1c gnlngxnux 111 InuI‘IIIllI'It-III t‘.11'\ I1'.1\ t'IIIll_L' IIIL' \.1111c \III'It'II nl 1'n.11I, I’.11'Inl I-Icnt‘hI-IIIIII-c\11\.1l,Scmnuutl 111111.121- 5»1,(i/1;\gnu /I/111[11111111.(i/uxgnn. /1/111/1nu\1. [.11111/1111'3/1.

Raining Cats 8. Frogs 1 I 1 1.I.111111~\ Rum} (iuI‘III. I‘I.111t‘c. IIIIIII .\(1111111 InIu.

I III.IllII \IIIuII1.1\c\111\1\c11.1111.1\\I\clInnII 111.1I1n.1I IllIIIlI .1111111.1I\. S\\I‘I'I.1I11111.1II'II I.1l\c nII IIlk‘ \11.1I1\ \II\ \Inl‘}.(i/1.'\;w'\z /1/111 [hull/L(1/1MQHII.

Red Lights (Feux Rouges) 1 I51 O... «('I'IIIIp K.1I111. I-1'.111t‘c. IIIIl-ln

.lc.111 I’Icuc I).111nu\\111. (‘.11n|c IinIIquI'I. \111t‘I‘IIIllt'111.111I. IIIFIIIIII I)1Ict'InI'I\'.1I111\ InIIn\\ up In IIlt' cu‘cllcul /\’n/11 1:11 \111111 1\ .111 111111;;111111: .11I.1|1I.1unu nl (it'nljgt'x Suucunlh \111c11t‘.111\cl 11nw|nl 111.111I.1I IIIwnIII. C‘k'III‘L'kl gnm lkI‘ .11111 Ik‘klk'Illl‘IlUlI I).111nu~\111 gum .111 I‘llI\I.lIl\Illl_L' pt'IlnIIu.111pc.1\II1cI'cxcnllul I111\I1.1111I \\I1n \\.111I\ ‘In I\' l1cc' .1111I ‘IIw IIkc .1 111.111. (1111\1113111, (11'..'\1;1111

Santa vs the Snowman 301M}. 1\.11‘1nu\. I .\. IIIIL‘I I3111111 I\I \\ I11; \uccn I‘ICN‘IIIJIIHII III I \' l1'11 1.111. (ilv..'\‘\'4'l'.

Saw 1 IM .... I.I.1111t-\ \\.111. IS. 21111.11 ('.11'_\ l'.l\\L'\. I t'IgI1\\I1.11111t-II. I).1I111} (iIn\ c1. Kcn It‘un; lll_‘111111 I\xn 111cm \\.1I\c up 111 .1 IIII.1pIII.1Ic1I I\.1II11'nnIII.111II I't'.1I1\t‘II1t'}'\t' lwcn k11I11.1ppc1II1} .1 I\IIIL'I \\I1n \clx 11.11“ Ini Ill\ \ IcI1111x. t‘I1.1IIcII:_'111;_' II1c111 In L‘I'IIIIIIII IIIIII’III‘I‘ nI 1I1c 'I‘nIII I.11‘:_'cI_\ II1I'nugI1 I’I.1\I1l\.1gk\.II11\1\.111c\c1I111;11\}cI11~In;1¢.1I II11’IIIc1'\\III1 xnIuc \lll‘l‘ll\lll:_' I\\1\I\ 81.711311."


Seducing Dr Lewis (La Grande Seduction) 1 I41 LICIIII I'1.111t'nI\ I’nIIIInI. (‘.111.11I.1. Illll‘1I{.1111111111I IInIIt'IMIII, l)illllllll\ \llxllilll I).1_«_'1'11.11\ I IIIIIIIII ()11.1 \111.1III\|.1IIII111(‘IIII'I1t‘t.IIIcInt‘.II\.uI' IIt'II'IIqut‘II In \11.11c .11Int'InI lInIu Illk' I113: (11} I111 IIlt'll \111.1II t'nuuuquI} I'ct'lg'nnII (nun-II} III.1111.1 lIl.Il I1.1\ I\I-1'11 \I‘IIII‘IIIK'II In

II luxlx (in/1'11 I’.11I nl I'lt‘llxIl I'1|111 I-c\I1\.1I \K‘C lilllllII lll‘. [Mij 5-1 (1/1.'\;'11I1 ll/I’I‘

//11 11:11. (1/1.'\;'111-.. /11'111/1n.11\1 [.11’111/11113/1 Shaolin SoccerI I.‘ \1 COO I\II-pIII-n ('I1n\\. IInuf: I\'nuj.j. IINII 1 \It'pIIcII (‘l1n\\.

\ It‘ki /I1.1n. \I.111 I.1I \p. \111 In' .\"111111 /.\1 11/11 In \11.'nl\ IIII'I‘I\('1nIII/1111;' /I;'1 I. //11/1/111/)111;w111 I)Il\'\'IHl. \111Ic1. PIHIIIILK'I .IIIII .It‘InI (‘IInu I\ my I).111nl ‘111nIc1I.1u‘ IIIII‘1.1II} II.111\I.1II'II.1\IInIIwIIwt'nuIcII}1.11111 II11\111I‘I.111_-_'cnl \[1111'I\.1111II\1111§: I11 I\ \k'll.IIIlI_\ unnxcuxc I\uI II \IIIL' 1x IIIIIII} Inn \ t'uII111II1I'111.1I\1111_' \11'11.'11/111"111u

Shark Tale I I I... II1I1n

Iicigcinu \ I\I.) .It'nwn Ix’nI1II'IIt-1111.111.l \. 3111141 \\ III \1111II1. RHI‘CII My \1111, .I.1I'I. III.1t'k.\I.11I111\tnI\c\c ‘llluuu ()\t.11 I\IIIIIIII1\.1IIIIIcI1\I1\\I1nI1\c\I1.111[11I} 111 IIIc ntcnn IiuI nnc II.1} |1c;_\-I\1111I1'I1I In.1 \I‘gt-IJIIJII \I1.11I\ I III.1t In uhnw 111.1II11\1 I.IIIlL‘I I)nu I 11111 I )c \IInI 111Itw IIIU II'I'I. \\I1.1Ip.111I1t-1InlnyclI11111\1'|InuInlII11\ \IIII.IIIUII' I,I\t'|_\.\II|} Ilntt.1\\1nII.1I|} II.1I ('(i.1111111.1I1nIIIII.1I1x pluul} II_\111§: In IIII\III' 1111111/1111/11111 \111111Ic111lnI} (111111...v


Le Soleil Assassine (The Sun Assassinated) I.\II \IMIcIkiuu H.1I1InuI. I-1.111t‘c Hut-11.1. lit-Isuuu 'quI\1.1. SHIN: ('I1.11|1*\Ilc1|111_-_'.\IcIIIIII)t-I1I11.()u.1\\1111 I111I\.11t'I\ ‘III111111 \cI |ll\l .1IIc1 \Igt'1‘1.1'\ IIIIIt'IwIIIIcIIt'c. II11\ 1x Ii.1I1InuI\ I11I1uIc In IIIIII'IIcIt-II 11nd .Ic.111\t'II.1t Ilc1|u1gpl.1pII1c 1.11I1n I11n.11It.1\It-1 .lll\l Ic.11Ic1 nI .1g111111111l t'INIIIHI‘UIIldll I‘ncI\.1~II1I'_\ LUIIIL' unch 111.~\1I.1I1Ic11It'\\111‘t' I11~111II1c;_'1nu111;_' .1111111nx1I} In\\.II1I\ \Igcim'x I'I‘cuth LIIIIlIIdI I1c11I.1_;'c I’.1IInl I'It'IIt‘II I'IIIII I'c\I1\.1I Scc 1111111111111. [1.113 5-3. (,‘1'..-\g.11-. [1/111 [13111111, (1."1.'\;'11'~-.. /1.'111/1nu\1. l.u’111/1.'11;1/1

The Son’s Room (La stanza di figlio)1 151.... I\.111111 \InI'cIII. II.1I_\. Illll21.\.111111 \IUI'CIII. I..1111‘.1\InI.111Ic. (iuhcmw 8.111chIt‘c ‘l‘l111111.;\ ~1g11111t‘.111I p1‘c.1I1\t'Iicp.11‘1111c lnI' II.1I1.111.It‘InI'-\\1'1Ic1‘-

Jean Reno and Gerard Depardieu gang up in this silly but enjoyable crime caper about a loquacious, stupid petty criminal strongman Quentin (Depardieu) and a quieter, more professional thief Ruby (Reno). If you liked The Closet, director Francis Veber’s previous film with Depardieu, you will enjoy this. Reno will be introducing the second screening of this film in Glasgow.

I (E/

\lll\'\llll \.111111\InII'II1.II11~I’.1I1111‘II'III “111111111: /111 \111: 1/1'1111111111.1I.1wlnI .1 l.1\t111.1I111~_'pnil1.1}.1lnl I1nv. .11111111~\111'.I.~1I III'.1II1l1.1:'1111'11I\.11111'\Inu\|\ quII-II 1111II1lI1- \ I.1\~ l.111111_\ \InII-III III-111. I\ II11' . I11II111:' 111.1tI1t.1I III'I.11|\ nI Il1c luI1I'1.1I .111.111:'1‘1111'11I». .1111I IIII‘II \I1n\‘.\ I1n\|. x'IIt'l 1x I\nIII I‘\I1‘111.1|1\1'1I.1111I111I1'111.111\1'1|I1§ III.- I‘t'II'IHCII \IIII‘II I1_\ 11111I1'1xI.1II-1I I‘CIIUIIII.III\I'\ .1111I .111 uunI\I1u\1\1- \ 1x11.1I \IIII'. III|\ l\ .1 MM nl III'..']\I1\.- \111111I1.1I\ \kIIItII 1'11;‘.1;,'I'\1IIII'III} \'.1II1 my 411'. I.1InI\ 1*111nl1nux \|.IIII1‘ .I\HIIIlIl‘.' I.~.11luI

lk'kllllk |II.lIIHII\ II1\.'HI.'/II.'I /1//1.‘/1111.'15 Spider-Man 241.T\I.... I\uu Ix’.111111.l \ \._‘I1Illn Inlu'} \I.1-.'uut'. I'\II\I1‘II I)llll\I. I.1111c\ I 1.111\n I:I.llllll I’I'II'I I’.11I.I‘I I\I.1;'uuc1\I1uj..':'II'\Inp.1}IIII'I11|I\.I.1‘1'11I11\ Inl1. j._'1'I IIIInugIItnIII'Qc.111111.1.nn\\I.1'1'II11‘.11I \I.ll} .I.1111'1I)uu\I1 \\ III' 1\ .1I1nuI In -.'1'.1‘ up. \tII'IIIhI I)1 ()II11().I.1‘.111\ I\Inl111.11I11111\ IIIIn I'lL‘IlI IIIIIIwII l1t'.1I. ‘I )1 1. (I. If .1111I \1-'.-. \nII.11I'1'II\ .1 \11111'1 llk'II’ Ix’.111111\1'\..1'II1'11I \L'klllk'l In IIIC \l. I‘I1I1I'1I nut-k luxl IIIlII nquI-.' 1\.1I1‘\II1nnI. 1'\.111111|.'nl \IIIII'IIII'.1I. \IIIK‘IIII'IH I\Int I.I111\I1-1 I1I111111.1I.111-.' (111111.111... lllm //11 11:11. (11111111111



Who is it? See page 18

.1 L-v -'-THE LIST 67