
Kinnairtl Park. Neyyeraighall R11;111.11131 (1(19 0777. 1111111& 11111411190571“) 102030. [1)], [1:]..1\1111e11e1\.111 \ereeningx: £3.95.


Altran112.-\1 5.00. 13.311.

Alfie1151 0.00.

Alien Vs Predator1151 1130.

Bad Santa1151 4.40. 9.15. Blrth1151 1.00. 5.45. 13.10.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 151 2.45. 3.30. 4.211. 530. (1.15. 7.00. 11.15. 0.00. 0.40.

Finding Neverland11’111 4.10. 9.10. The Grudge1151 4.50. 7.111. 9.30. Ladies in Lavender112.1\1 3.50. (1.211. 11.50.

ShaollnSoccer112A1 3.15. 11.011. SharkTale11'1 4.00. (1.10.

Veer Zaara11'1 3.40. 3.00.

FRIDAY 19 11*1UHSUAY 251

After the Sunset 1 12.»\1

Daily: 4.20. (1.45. 9.10.


Daily: 4.40. 300.

Bad Santa 1151

Daily: 4.50111111 .5111 1k 511111. 7.1111 111111 Tue). 9.20.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 151 Daily: 3.011. 3.30. 4.110111111511111. 5.411. (1.10. (1.40. 15.30. 9.00. 9.30. A1s11 matinee .501 1& 51111: 12.10. 1.11).

Finding Neverland 11’(11 Weekdays: 3.10. 5.50. 15.15. Five Children and it 11'1 Matinee .501 1% .5110: 1 1.200111. Garfield 11’(11 Matinee .501 1% 51111: The Grudge 1 151 Daily: (1.50. 9.10. A150 matinee yy'eekdayx: 4.30.

The Incredibles 11*(11

Sat 1& Sun: 10.300111. 11.00am.

1 1.3011111. 11111111. 12.31). 1.30. 2.00. 2.30. 3.10. 3.40. 5.30. (1.30. 15.30. 9.20.

Ladies in Lavender 1 12.41 W'eekdays: 3.20. (1.00. 15.30.

The Manchurian Candidate 1 151 Daily: 2.50. (1.00. 8.50.

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement 11'1

Matinee .5111 & .5011: 12.21).

Shark Tale 1171 Matinee .5111 1% .5101: I Stage Beauty 1 151 .5110: 4.00.

Tue: 7.00.

Taxi 1121\1

Daily: 3.50. (1.20. 8.40. Also matinee .501 1% .5110: Veer Zaara 1111

Daily: 4.11). 15.20.

UGC Cinemas Edinburgh

Fountainpark. Dundee Street. 24111: 1111'11rmati11n 1% Credit (‘ard 1311111111112 Line: 01571 200 2000. (‘al'e Bar. Adult: £5.50 (£4.70 M1111 1-‘ri 11e1‘11re 5pm). Child/Student: £3.30. (1101': £3.41). liai'lyhird l’riee: £2.95 all pei'l‘11rn1aneex he1‘11re 11111111. Family tieket: £3.51) per person. Yearly pass 111nliinite11 11111y'ie\1 £9.99 per 1111111111.



.500111. 2.11).


LHLJRSDfiiffi Alfle1151 11.10.1111. 1.311. 4.011. 11.30. 9.00.

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood

0rchid1121 114011111. 2.10. 4.311. 11.50. 0.15.

Bad Santa1151 11.000111. 1.10. 3.20.

5.45. 8.15.

Birth1151 112011111. 1.45. 4.10. 11.40. 0.10.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 151

11.101110. 11.550111. 12.51). 1.511. 2.411. 3.30. 4.30. 5.20. (1.10. 7.20. 15.00. 8.45.

Finding Reveriand 1P(11 12.31). 5.25. 7.51).


74 THE LIST 18 Noy—‘2 Dee. 2011-1

Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon in Taxi


The Grudge1151 11.30.1111. 1.411. 3.50. 11.10. 3.30.

ladies in Lavender 1 12.-\1 2.511. 5.40. 3.20.

Look at Me (Comme une Image) 1 12.\1 11.000111. 1.30. 4.00. (1.35. 9.10. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 0.40.


Shaolin Soccer112..\1 105511111. 1.05. 3.311. 5.511. 8.55.

SharkTale11‘1 11.05.1111. 1.25. 3.511. (1.15.

FRIDAY 19— 111URSDAY 251 After the Sunset 1 12.-\1

1'11 1& .501: 11.550111. 2.30. 5.00. 7.30. 10.00. .5110 1110: 11.55am. 2.50. 5.15. 7.45.

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid 1 121

\Veektlayxz 11.100111. 1.30. 4.10. (1.35 9.10.

Bad Santa1151

Daily: 3.21). 15.11).

:\1\1) 1111C 1'11 15 .5111: 111.31). .-\1\11yyee11110y\: 11.000111. 1.10. 5.45. Being Julia 1 12.-\1

Daily: 12.411. 3.10. 5.501& 15.301001 \VL‘tll.

.'\1\11 “1‘11: 9.00.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 151 Daily: 11.10am. 11.550111. 12.511. 2.411. 3.311. 4.311. 5.21). (1.111. 7.15. H.111). 15.45 111111 .5111 1& 511111. .1\|\11 matinee .\11111 11111: 1.30.

.-\1\11 131i .5110: 1.50. 91011111115111. 9.511 10111 511111. 10.4511111151111k 511111. Finding Neveriand 1 1’( 1 1

151‘i& .501: 1.110. 3.30. (1.00. 15.30.

.5110 11111: 12.30. 3.00. 5.25. 7.50. The Grudge1151

Daily: 11.000111. 1.20. 3.40. (1.01)_ 8.21).


“1‘11: 15.4.5.

The Incredibles 11’( 11

.501 1k .5011: 10.200111. 11.100111. 11111111. 1.00. 1.50. 2.45. 3.40. 4.30. 5.20. (1.20. 7.10. 15.00. 9.00. 9.501& 10.40 111111511111.

Ladies in Lavender 1 12.-\1

\Veekdayx: 111.4110111. 1.15. 3.50. (1.211. The Manchurian Candidate 1 151

1-"ri1k .501: 10.50am. 1.40. 4.40. 7.40. 10.50. .5110 11111: 11.20am. 2.211. 5.30. 15.30,

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151

\VCL‘lxtlayv 15.50.

Shaolin Soccer 1 12.\1

\Veelytlayxz 111.511.1111. 2.00. 4.30. 11.40. 9.00 1001 “1'11 1.

Shark Tale 11 1

.\101111ee.5at1k .51111: 11.000111. 1.10. Taxi 1 12.\1

1'11'i1\ .5111: 11.300111. 2.00. 4. 30. 7.00. 9.311.

.51111 11111: 11.100111. 1.311. 4.1111. (1. 311.


We Edinburgh

()111111.(ii'eei1\111e l’laee. 11111111111'1115712 240240. .1\1111|1\: £51111 1£4.(10 .\l1111 1'1‘1 11e1'111‘e 5111111. ('11i1111'e11/511111e11txz £3.30. ().r\1’: £4. 1":111111y 1ieke1: £15.50. (111111 ('10\\11el\e1\ 1010\1‘1‘ 115\11111y1 £5.50.

11 1111181)/\‘( 11'")

Alfie1151 12.30. 3.10. 11.20. 9.00. Alien Vs Predator 1 151 11.40. Alien Vs Predator (Gold Class) 1 151

2.111. 4.35. 7.05.

Bad Santa1151 12.45. 3.20. 5.40. 750. 111.1111.

Birth (Gold Class)1151 12.50. 3.20. 5.411. H.011.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1 151 11111111. 1.00. 2.45. 3.45. 5.30. (1.30. 15215. 9.15.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Gold Class) 1 151 1,00. 3.45. 11.30. 9.15.

Finding Neverland 11*(11 1.15. (1,00. H.311.

The Grudge 1 151 2.00. 4.111. 0.30.

Ladies in Lavender 1 12.\1 5.20. x110. Layer Cake (Gold Class) 1 151 0.35. SharkTale11'1 2.15. 4.45. White Chicks 1 12.-\1 12.10. 7.30 0,50.

3. 30.




FRIDAY 1‘.) i11-1URS1N‘1Y35;

After the Sunset 1 12.\1 Daily: 2.1111. 4.30. 5.00. 1130. .\1x11 late 1:11 1k .5111: 11111111132111.

Alfie 1 151 Daily: 12.30. 3.10. (1.211111111\\e111. 9.111).

.r\l\11101e 1"1'1 1k .5111: 11.45. Alfie (Gold Class) 1 151 \VL‘L‘lulayV 11111111. 2.45. 5.30. .501 1k .51111: 15.50.

Alien Vs Predator 1 151

1011‘ 1‘11 1k 501: 10.45.

Bad Santa 1 151

Daily: 4.011 (1.311, 3.43 .1\l\11 late 1:11 1k .501: 11.15. .1\|\11 mannee yyeel11layxz 1.31


Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

1151 Daily: 11111111. 1.00. 2,45. 145. 510. 11.311, 3.20. 9.15

.v\1\11 1011‘ 1'11 1\' .5111, 11 15 .\|\11111.11111ee5.111\ 51111 10 10.1111 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Gold Class) 1 151 Daily: 1.1111. 3.15. 9.15.

Finding Neveriand 111111

Daily: 12.50. 120. 5 411. .\’.00 Finding Neverland (Gold Class) 11’( 11 5111 1\ 51111: 12.50. 3211. 5111 The Grudge 1 151

111-1111.114; 3.311. 1.15. 7.15. 5011\ .51111: 12 50. 120. 5 40. .'\1\11l111e 1'1'11k 5:11. 12 05.1111, The Incredibles 11’( 11

.51111\ .5011: 1010.101. 11.10.1111. 300. 4.011 5,011. ".1111. x110. The Incredibles (Gold Class) 111111

5111 1\ 51111: 11111111. 1.1111. (1110.

Ladies in Lavender (Gold Class) 1 12.\1 Daily: 7.45.

:\l\11 \KL‘L'lx1111)\l 1 .5. 4.45.

The Manchurian Candidate 1 151 1111111: 12.10. 3.10. 11.10. 9.00,

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement 11 1 .\1;11111ee5at1k 51111: Shark Tale 11 '1


9.15. 11.15



.5011k 51111: 11000111. 1245. 1,311. (1.011.


1)a11y: 12.115 3 111, i011 7111. 10,00, White Chicks 1 12.\1

\Vet'lx1l11_\\i 3.15. 15311

Weston Link

1111\1111111‘11111‘11 1.ee1111'e '111eali'e. \1111111101 Gallery 111 .51‘1111111111f111e\111111111.01 31 (124 (12011. '1 Ielxeh ale 11\11110111e 111 pei'wn 11111111111: 1.111k 1111111’1110111111 Dexk 111‘111011y011ee11111110111 (124115110 hetyyee1190111 1110111.\11111 1'1‘1. £4 31.

81151111“! 9?“. 1103/

The Son’s Room (La stanza di figlio)

1151 2,011.

For films showing between
