Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.



I LGBT Centre Cafe Bar 'l M (ildxgnu llilll (I'llllk'. ll l)i\nn \Iit'cI. 331 “Elli, ‘Itiin niidinght lit't' “ct-Ll} IIK lxaiankt' III‘..'lIl and an} xiaiinalit- \lal tan l.ll\t' up Ihc nnt Iln\ L'\t'lllll‘..’ \lw nn l‘ll. \at .\ \M'd I Quiz Night 8: Killer Kitty l)t-lninnit'.i\. (m \iiginia SIit't'I. 553 INN ‘lliin l‘lt't'. “with. Regular tlllll nighl. llii\\ \iiili pail} jJQIlllk'\ and liuign In lxlt‘lx nll }niii weekend In llIl\ [inliiilat 5.1a} llIIIIlI\l;I}.

C ubs;

I Hanky Panky ’l he l.It|lIlIl l.nungc. ‘H \VtNI RL'jJt'lll Sll't't'l. {5* (i i i i.

llpiii iillll. L5. \Vt't'kl}. ’l llt' \lniniliau and HI ('ainlt' phi} dt'cp linIi/hnuxc.

I Pink Devotion ( ‘Iuli |)t'\nlinii. l.\' .laniait‘a Sli't't‘l. N17 “XIII. llpiii iaiii. L'i Il'it't' paswx a\;u|a|ih‘ Ii’niii lllk' iicaili} |.( illl (unlit-I. \Vt‘t'kl}. :\llHlllL‘l' t'hant't' In mun} lllt' dt'lighlx nl this no“ g'a} iughl. :\l\n nn Sun.


I Simon Machabeli: The Devine Body lht' .\i't'hc\. 25 i :\l"‘._"\ lL' Sum-I. 505 Ill: i. l'lL'L'. Hail} Illllll Sun 33 .\'n\. \lachalit'li. a theatre dcxignci‘ Ii'nni (it‘nigia. hax t'l'llll‘lllt'tl lu\ knnu lcdgc nl \Iagt' and t'nxlunit'. alnng \\lllI .nit'icnl it'liginux and plnlnxnphit'al llIllllt‘lIt'L'\. In [ii‘ndut‘t' llll\ t'\hihiIinn nl lt'IllllL' lllUtlL'l'II Iiialt' iliiagt'x. I’url n/ (i/mmn'


Bars I LGBT Centre Cafe Bar llIC (ilélxgtm l.(ill'l~ (‘t-iiu't'. l| l)i\nn Su'ccl. III 7303. ‘llini inidnighI. l'I't‘t'. \Vct‘kl). Sec 'l'hu.


I Fresh lllt‘ l’nln l.IiIIIIf_'L‘. N-l \Vllxnll Sin-cl. 553 IZII. llpni iani. £5. \Vcckl}. Michelle and Mid} arc In charge nl Ilic inuxit‘al IlIllIL‘\ aI llIl\ dclit‘inm. g;i_\/iiii\cd \lt'i't'hanl ('u} t'luli. .\ln\I \\lIU t‘iilci' t'nnic nuI \niiliiig.

I Utter Gutter al the Riwrxidc ('luli. \litliiigliI 3am. U». l‘i'i 20 \m. .\lniitli|). .-\ glll/§ i‘aiiixliat‘klc gathering lIIl' all _\nu lun- lmiiig pail} hltl\. playng lilth} lIIillIn~ clct‘un. du'l} dm‘n. shank} junk incl. and t'nnugh pnp In niakc inn \xcl )IIIII' (i. \u'ing.


I LGBT Centre Cafe Bar llIL‘ (ilmgnu l.(ill'l' (‘cnIi'ta ll l)i\nn Sum. III "SM. “pm midnight. l'l'k't'. \Vt't‘kI}. Sec 'l'hu.


I Lush 'l'hc l’nln l.nungc. M \Vilxnn Sti'ccl. 553 IIII. lll..§llpiii Rain. ‘45. \M‘ckl} l‘t'aIui‘nig .\nd_\ III the 'l'i‘nph} Rimm \\ iIh lIIl\ Ii‘nni Ilic (ilk In Ihc Mix \\ll|lk‘ l‘nni lii'ni ltlL‘\ an IIII‘ll'UlIl daiit'c \clct‘unn in the main mum at Ihc (ll) \ [‘l‘t‘lllt‘\l ga} chili,


I Angie ‘O’ \lt‘i‘chanl l’i‘idc. Ill ('aiidlt'i'igg\. .504 l2.\'5. 4.3Ilpni .\ ‘lpni. l‘i'cc. \\L‘L‘l\l.\. ’l'hc canime kai'ankc in St'nIland .’ \Vilh .\ngic ‘(li ax IIII\II'C\\ nl' cci'cninnicx. lhc owning hlt‘ln nIl' \\ iIh calxncI Ii'nni 4.30pm. \inh the kai‘ankc l'nllmx nig Ii‘nni ‘ll‘lli.

I Karaoke at Delmonica’s llclninnit‘a'x. ox Virginia SIi'ch. 55: 4MB. ‘ll‘III. l‘I'CC. \Vcckl}. \\'iIh _\nui‘ lln\l\ Jnhn .llltl Smu.


I Cabaret 'lhc lunut'l. \1 \Iittht'll \Iit'rt. Sill lHlNl lll‘lll Run 1-1 1:" \M't'lli llIIlIf_'\ .llk' delimit-l}\IllI'll\ .Il llll\ \unda} night pail}

I Pink Devotion (‘luli l)t'\nIinii. l\ .l.IlIl.ll\.I \Iit't'l. \1" “XIII llpni Run 1‘ ll lL'k' path .I\‘lt' linui Iht- llt'all‘}

llilil u'llllt'l \\L'L'l\l_\ \L't‘ lllll


I Passionalitytuhc. 1-1 (Jim-n \uct-I. 3% MN” ll illplll ‘aiii L3 L; \kal} ('hai‘lixu’} linni l)J Shaun Rnlit‘ih. \xhn IlHL'\ lIl\ l‘t'\l lH lL'\ll\t‘Il.Ilt' lllt' \\ t't'lxt'lltl lUI Ihc ga_\ ‘llll\L‘tl t'inxxd


I FUN (‘ulitz H ()Iit't‘n Slit't‘I. 320 NW”. ll illpni idlll. U \Vt-t-kl}. l'unk} llllltlllt' and \t-i‘} naught} packed \inh tilt-axing [inp IlIlI\lk‘. li‘nni Shaun and Shana llallmcll.


I LGBT Centre Café Bar 'l'Iic (ilaxgnu Hill’l ('t'nIi‘c. ll l)i\nn Slit-cl. JII "Elli. lclfllll niidiiighI. l'i'ct‘. \Vct'kl}. Sec 'l'hu.

I Allure ’l'ht‘ ’l'unncl. NJ \lilt‘hcll Sliu'l. Ill-l IIIIlll. “hillplll .iaiii. £3. \Vcckl}. (ilaxgnu ’\ IIL‘\\C\I ga} night with Ilic _\nuiig and \ci'} Ialcntcd |).l l)ai‘i'cn Ynung dispatching \UIIIL‘ \upt'i‘li IIIIIL'IIg‘t‘.


I OOT:Trendy Wendy’s Christmas Party llit' Slaiid. 333 \Vnndlaiidx Rngltl. (l.\'7ll (illl) (i055. 3.30pm. [7 (UH. \Vcd l Dec. Hiling han lane \lacka} and camp lIllIIIHl'l\l lli‘ucc l)L‘\lIII iniii Iniu-x \xilh lunk} l).l 'l'i'cnd} \Vcnd} lni‘ a nigliI nl' ga} rl'l'lL'IItll} laughs and IlIlIL‘\.



I Filthee Disco (it): lidinliui'gh. la Market Street. 220 USN). | lpin 3am. £3 liL'lIil'L‘ niidnighl; £4 al'Ici'. \Vcckl}. l'i'lian lIIIleC IUI‘ Ihc IIIUtlL‘l'lI clulilici' l'i'nni l).l l-illhcc and l)l\L'U l)aii.


I The Hub |.(ill'l~ ('ciili'c Int Health N \VL‘llliL'llIg'. ‘) llIi\\L‘ Sll't‘t‘l. .535 l llll). 4.30 7.$(lpni. Would}. l)rnp in Int I'i'it‘iidl} acct“ In lt‘xliitui. ga}. liixculal ni' Ii'anxgcndcr iiiI’n. :\l\n nn 'l‘uc «k \Vcd.


I Polysuper-Disco Club No“ lnuii liar. 3(ili |)uliliii Show. 538 7775. Illpni Zani. I-i‘cc. \Vcclxl}. .\ I’Iil}\iiiit‘i‘ \clcclinn nl camp and cliccx} :IlIllIL‘llh

\\ itli l).l\ l’|n_\ \upci' l’t‘tc. .»\li and guests. .'\|\n nu Sal.


I Blaze lign. I-l l’icai‘d) Place. 55.‘‘ l.‘~"l. I Ipiii .itllll. [4. Would}. I)! .lLIlIlL‘\ l.niig\\ni‘Ih igiiilcx Ihc ga} \xcckciid \xith a chart and limb linuw \nundu'ack


I Polysuper—Disco Club .\'c\\ lnu n liar. 20h l)ulilin Street. 538 7775. Illpni Zani. l-‘i'cc. \Vcckl}. Sec III.


I Joy llillL‘ \‘L'llllL'. l7 :l (‘altnii Rnad. 55" 30"}. I Ipni Rain. Hi licl‘nrc midnight; [X alter. Sat III .\'n\. .\InnIh|_\. l'p-li‘nnt. dirI} lIUIl\L‘ grnn\c\ nn the main llnni' I'i‘nni .-\|an tk Maggie


I .v

$4.. 5.

5 - ‘8'"

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Margarete Péffgen 1910 - 1910

NICO 4 Christa Pifigen 19:0 - 19“

Filmmaker Bruce La Bruce‘s new film RASPBERRY REICH has been deemed so filthy that it won’t be getting a theatrical release in this country. which is a shame. Here he talks about the film, the star system and the filmmakers he loves.

‘My two main filmic inspirations for The Raspberry Reich, from which I stole liberally, were Godard’s La Chinoise and Dusan Makavejev’s WR: Mysteries of the Organism. They’re both cinematic essays on revolution, sexual liberation. and Marxist or Maoist-based radicalism. The Makavejev movie is partly about Wilhelm Reich, the post-Freudian thinker who believed that sexual repression causes many of the ills of the industrialised world. I was also referencing some of my favourite 70$ terrorist organisations, including the Symbionese Liberation Army, who kidnapped Patty Hearst, and of course the Baader/Meinhoff gang (RAF) who emerged out of the student protest and anti- Vietnam war movements of the late 605 in Germany. I’ve always been a big John Waters fan, so perhaps I inherited my interest in the SLA from him. Also Kenneth Anger and Andy Warhol are two of my favourite gay avant garde directors so I often reference them in my movies. Anger is most heavily referenced in Hustler White, and Warhol in Super 8 1/2, but they’re always

lurking in my work somewhere.

’On set I tend to be somewhat of an availablist, which means that basically as an artist you work with whatever you are presented with, whatever is at hand. I don’t go through great long casting processes. I tend to work with whoever turns up from whatever quarter, I have virtually no rehearsals with the actors, and a ridiculously short pre-production period, so I pretty much just throw myself into the shooting and see what happens.

‘l’m really not very fond of stars and the star system. I’m afraid I’m of the school who relates strongly to Cintra Wilson’s excellent book A Massive Swelling: Celebrity Re-examined as a Grotesque, Crippling Disease. Celebrities carry so much baggage and quite often I don’t even like their style of acting. I would like to work with Paris Hilton though.

‘I see myself as trying to continue in the tradition of the gay avant garde cinema pioneered by Kenneth Anger, Warhol, Paul Morrissey, the Kuchar Brothers, Jack Smith, Curt McDowell, Fred Halsted and John Waters. But I also belong to the cult of Jerry Lewis. And I relate very strongly to the Cassavetes school, of very personal filmmaking, of mortgaging your home to make your movies when everyone else thinks you’re crazy.’ (Interview by Paul Dale)

I 9:33;)b53r", Reta,“ nu? W1.

.ln_\ and lii'cII King In \xnrk )nll up iiitn a lather. l’lux 'lrcnd} \Vcnd} and Bull} l-"\ check} Illl\ nl' \nul. Iunk and chart in the dnu anairx \llllc.

I Confidential The l.IglIIlIIill\L' Sludinx. 32 \VLNI llai‘linui' Rnad. (ii'aiitnn. 9pm 2am. U) IL'SI. Sat 27 .\'n\. The lll‘\l lidinliurgh night Mr llllx ‘linuliquc nightcluli‘ taking n\ or this nld llglllllnlhc \inh a llIl\ nI liw ads and [)1 \Cl\. 'l'hc IIIU\IL' ix liaxcd nn breaks. clcctrn. lititlxc and lunk liut lllh nn liniitatinnx.

I Mingin’ The Venue. l7 3| ('altnn Rnad. 557 5073. llpiii 3am. £5. Sal 27 \n\. .\lnnthl_\. Residents Brian Dumpster and .-\lan Jn) hmt the llxlltll

a"? DVD Par/grails Prim/(:3 .‘ .7371;

\liiigiii‘ llléltlllcxx. lillh} hnuxc and Iixixlcd Ii‘ancc. l’lcnl) nl drinks pi‘niiins Ii‘niii llpiii \n we“ \xnrlh [tuning up carl} as Ilic) lllIi\L' up the rnad In Ihcn' lic“ \CIIIIL‘. taking nwr illl IlIl'L'L' llnnl‘x.


I St Andrew’s Charity Ceilidh .'\\\Clllhl_\ R()()lll\. 5-1 (icnrgc Slrccl. 23l I‘Bll. 3pm midnight. L") (UH. Sat 37 NIH. 'l‘lic 'l‘liuiidcrdngs pla} the tunes. _\nu hurl rnund like a nutter? Willi Highland dancers. bagpipes. \ltnics. l()l\ ()l [WI/L's and \klilxh} galnrcl In aid nl' Wax'crIC} ('arc Suppnrting the HIV L‘IillIllIlIlIll} in lidinhurgh.

‘8 '48. '/_ Cm“, THE LIST 75