The Ringing Singing Tree Sat 27 Nm. 2pm. 1.4501050). SL'HIIISll Maxk & l’tippet 'l‘heatre ('eritre. b’ I” llalcarr'es Axenue. Keliindale. ‘3‘) (ilts'5. limo} llllx lztiropean lolk tale about a prince and lllS qtlcxl tor a magic tree.

The Little Mermaid Tue 30 Nm Stiii 2 Jan. 'l‘rniex \ar}. U) H.550; {l5 larnil} llc‘kcl i. 'l'liL’ Arches. 25.5 :\rg_\ lc' Street. 565 lli23. Arches 'l‘heati‘e ('onipan} l\ \CI to bring a brand neu \erxion ill The Ian/e .llermuu/ to Me this winter. taking children oi all ages on a ltrxc'lttiilltig. lextixe adxenture.


Tall Tales in the Tower Sat 27 Nm. noon l2.45piii. l-ree. 'l‘ron 'l'heatre. (i3 'l‘r'ongate. 552 42(t7. l-tin interactn e \tor'}telling SL'SSlUllS in the 'l‘ron'x ('lock

'l'tm el' l‘()r ztgex .5 .5.


Activities and Fun

First Impressions: Joseph Stella Sat 2() No\. llani tk lprii. to tL'l.5t)i'. members ol' the (loud Neighbour Schenie £4. North litlinbtirgh Arts (’entre. l5a l’enn} \\ ell (‘otir‘t. .‘l5 2l5 I. Make pop-art tixing mixed media in the \t} le ol' Joxeph Stella. l‘ir‘xt \iorkxhop is for 3 6 years and the second is litll‘ 7 l2 yeah.

Family Flora Celtica Sat 20 No\. 2pm. l'ree. Ro)al Botanic Garden t('aledonian llalli. lll\L‘l'lL‘llll Ron. 552 7l7l. lell (iranny l’lora oti her island and find otit about Scotlanth nati\ e platit\. An iiiter'acti\'e Slit)“ hit all ages celebrating the Publication ol I’lurtt ('e/Irt‘u. Edinburgh’s Christmas Lights Switch-On! Thu 25 No\ in 24 Dec. 5.4.5 8pm. l'i‘c‘c‘. Princes Street (ittl‘tlctix liast. Princes Street. 473 2()()(). An exciting programme ol L'\ClllS for all the family to mark the \lttl'l ol' ('apital ('hristniax. Including the lidiriburgh \\ heel. the traditional (iernian ('hrixtniax market. Winter Wonderland Ice Rink. circus.

iiati\ it} scene and Santa.

An Edwardian Enchanted Christmas Sat 27 Nor. l larii lpiii. £3. Laurixton (‘astle. 2a ('raniond Road Sotttli. 330 2()(i(). Imagine \\ hat kltlx did for (‘hristnias lt)() _\ear,\ ago and make (‘hristniax decorations and criio} the Magic Lantern Show. For ilgC\ t,

Meet the Lamonts Sat 27 & Sun 28 No\'. l lani- 3pm. £5 H.575). (ieorgian lltitlSC. 7 (‘harlotte Square. 225 2160. Step back in time to I796 to meet the first

on tlL'l‘S ol' the (ieorgian Home as the) prepare for a dinner party. 'l‘imed lt)lll'\ exer')‘ 2() minutes.

Big Art Wee Hands Sat 27 No». I lam & l.3tlpm. L‘o tL‘l.5()i; members of the (iood Neighbour Scheme £4. North lidinburgh :\t1.\ (‘entre. l5a l’ennywell Court. 3l5 215 I. Have a go at a range of \‘lSllill an media including painting. sculpture. installation and digital photography. Workshops iii the morning are for 3-6 years. the afternoon tor 7+ _\ear.\. The Antonine Guard Sun 23 No\. l2.45pm. l.45pm ck 3.45pm. .\ltiseuni of Scotland. (‘haniberx Street. 247 42 It). Meet Scotlanth last remaining Roman legion. Legio \'l Victoria - The Antonine Guard and uncover the truth about the Romans iii Scotland.

Theatre & Dance

Cut to the Chase Thu l8 Not. ltl..‘~tlarn & 7pm. £6 (£3); members of the (mod Neighbour Scheme £4. North lidinburgh Arts Centre. l5a Penn} \t'ell Court. 315 215 l. A new modernised \ersion ot‘ the Barber o/‘Sei'ille non transposed to the world of pop as “e t‘olltm the nii\ed fortunes of teenage opera diva Charlene. For ages l2+.

Jack and the Beanstalk Thu 25 Nov—Fri 3| Dec triot Sun/Mon). Times \‘ar_\'. £S—£l2.5tl (£8). Bniriton Theatre. Ladywell \Va). Musselburgh. (>65 2240. A traditional. l’un pantomime for all the family to erijo} with outrageous costumes. fantastic sets. oodles of gags and local references. Christmas just wouldn't be the

\gillic \Hllititll ll. SL'L' llk‘allt‘. page llli. Too Many Cooks Wed I Sat 4 Dec. Wed l-ri lti._‘~tiarii t\\'ed 'l‘liti niat lpmi. l-‘ri/Sat 2pm tSat riiat l lami. {o H23. lllc'ltllk'l'x ot' the (loud Neighbour Scheme £4i. North lidinburgli Artx (’entre. |5a l’erirnuell ('otir't. il5 2 l 5 |_ Meet the chelx in the tair‘}talc caxtle\ krtclien. Instead ot rnakrng dinner the} ‘re cooking tip a \ltirlll uith lll_\ xter}. tiiagrc. danger and a little bit ol \car‘iricxx a\ then lllgl‘c‘tllClllS. all l'L‘Slllllllg‘ in madcap mi\tinderxtandingx and ph} \rcal coined}. See picture caption.


Pleasurelands l'nttl Sat 4 Dec tnot Surii. lilani 5pm. l'r'ee. ('it} .-\r't ('eiitr'e. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3093. .-\ tun-packed exhibition exploring the popular lilSlUl'} ol lair‘grounds and circuxex in (ireat Britain.


Books for Babies Sat 20 No\. l laiii tk lpiii. £4 tL'l.5ili; nienibcr‘x ol' the (iood Neighbour Scheme £2. North lidiribtirgli .-\t'l\ (critic. l5a l’enn} u ell ('ourt. .‘sl5 2l5 l. Ages tip to 3. Stories. \ongx and ill} tries to introduce the \er} \xee ones to books.


Storytime for under Fives 'l‘liti IS’ No\. Thu 25 No\ tk Thu 2 Dec.

lt).l5 ltl.45ani. l'i‘ee. Wester' llailex l.ibral')‘. l chtxide Plant. 52‘) 5693.

Check out the

on paqei3

Too Many Cooks

('onic along and hear _\otir ta\our'itc \torie~ and pla} \Kllll puppch l:\c't}oiic‘ \Hlll children under 5 \xelconic

Stories in the Forest Room Sun 2| No\. 2pm. l-iec Ro}.tl Botanic (iar‘den tl-.\hibition llall i. l‘.\llll‘llltlll llall. ln\erleitli Rim. 552 7|"l Join the th(il- Stor'}teller\ tor talc\ oi lll_\ \ter} and magic. tr‘ec\ and lr'a\el\

Storytime with Elizabeth Laird Sat 2" No\. 2pm. L4 tL'l5Hi‘. lllt‘tlll‘c‘h oi the (iood Neighbour Scheme "2 North l-.tlinbur'gh ;\rt\ ('entie. l5a l’enn} \\ ell (‘otirt. ‘l5 2l5l llear lxli/abeth\ taxcinating \lttl'lL‘\ abotit _\oting people Stiitalile loi’ agcx lll+

Activities and Fun

Irish Dance Workshop Sat 2o Not. 2 5pm. ill). liaxtgate 'l'hcati'e ck .v\r't\ (.L'llll'L'. l'.;i\lgtilc. l)L'L'l‘lk'\. (ll 72l 725777. learn the liaxicx oi ll'l\ll dancing. \tritable tor ach S l2. Diana Hendry Thu 25 Nm.

l..‘~t) 2.l5pni. liree. limited capacit} booking essential. St Andreux l.ibr‘ar'). 7H Stitlllt SII'L‘L‘I. SI .-\iitlt‘t'\\\. (ll .554

4 l 2(tS5. Poems and r'h}nie\ loi‘ all the l'aniil) ii'orii the popular cliildren'x \xriter.

Santa Steam Trains Sat 27 Nm Sun I” Dec. lll..5ll;tlll .5Plll. L75”. llo'new & Kinneil Railua}. lio'nexx Station. l'nion Street. llo'riexx. tll5tlo S25S55. Stearii train journey \\ ith Santa oti board \\ ith a present lor' e\ei'_\ child and seasonal r'eli'cxhnientx tor the titllllIS. Adxance hooking exxential.

Poppy Browne’s Pop Up

Christmas Cards Sat 27 No\. 2 5pm.

i ll). liaxtgatc 'l'heati‘e & .-\l'l\ ('cntt'e. littSlgttlL‘. l’L'L‘l‘lL‘S. lll72l 725777. l'lltll

brew of adventure tales, mystery and intrigue. I NOrt/i Ed/nburgh Arts Centre. Wed 7—Sat 4 Dec.

lc'\[l\L‘ cards are no ttiii. \0 go to llll\ \wr'kxhop to make one\ that pop tip' Stiital‘lc tor kltl\ aged .\ l2

Theatre 5; Dance

The Puppet Lab - The Magic Circus Sat 2” \m. 2 ‘tlprii Uni-1.5m l'.‘l\l Krlbridc .\r't~ (critic. ( )ld (‘oacli Rikttl. l'.l\l Klll‘lltlt‘. lll 2l‘lllllll llllt' talc ot loiiini} l'tl\\.lltl\. the cloxtri “fill a tear ol lieiglitx \xlio l\ desperateli in loxe \Hlll MN I a \lotii. the tiapc/e tillISI Stiitable tor ages i 7 Part ol litx/iiitiltomtl

Beauty and the Beast Hit: 25 Sun 2S No\. Spin, {7 to t (5! l'axt Kilbiide .\l'l\ (t‘lillt‘. ()ltl (\idc‘li l\’ti.ltl. l‘.t\l Kilbi‘idc. (ll555 2hltNNl. New production tit l.i/ locliliead\ Hearth tint] the Hi .rxr li‘oiii l’htii'iotix Productions

Merlin the Magnificent Mon 2" .\o\ l‘l'l il Dec. Sun l'll “.l5piii.

.\lon Sat 2. itlpiii talw l'll "pint

("5” {I i it" 5” I" 5th. taiiiil_\

[25 L5". Dundee Rep. 'l'.t_\ Square. Dundee. ill ;S2 22 ‘51”. llie \toi_\ oi him King :\l'llllll “ax kept \ale h) Merlin tiiitil he \\;t\ read_\ to accept lll\ r'olc ax king b} pulling l:\ca|il\ei otit ot the stone IS retold in iiiagical. lt‘\l1\t‘ axle b} the Dundee Rep l‘.ll\t‘llll‘lt'


Telling Tales Sat 20 Nox. I l.illl t‘l tltllllIS it | .5“ children i. Dundee Rep. la_\ Square. Dundee. (ll “2 22 ‘5 it). .\leniber\ oi the Dundee Rep coiiipan} tell tales old and lie“ to lxltlS aged 5 S Diana Hendry lllll 25 Nm.

lit) 2. l 5pm. l'i‘ee. liniited capacin booking L'SSk‘llllill. St .-\ntlre\\ \ |,'_\. 7S Sotitli Street. St Andreux. til H4

4 l 2(iS5. l’oenix and r‘li}iiie\ lot all the laniil} l'roni the popular children'x \xr'itcr'.

Well, you know what they say. Travelling Light Theatre Company is working hard in the castle kitchen preparing a banquet for the Prince, but the feast turns quickly into a

$1 ll’,.~2 LE“, [diff/‘1