rs; ..* .

{10.111 Her «nan \Hll‘_'\ h.1'.e11 l :-II\III.lIl EClll'll/J'le" _ ~ I ie _ 7 3<>e is:

krlIIII‘IiIk' 1111.1111} lo lhenl I Flogging Molly ll.e\e11;.e. i" :1 ' M s - g __ a i‘

I Moving Units K111: Illlk \\.1h \\.1h (‘.1I1o11l\’.»11d.<<“ 1' "4 " "lpzt. :11 7 ' . _ V

Hnl. :"L \l \ 11111-111 \lleel. :3] ‘3‘" I \ h.1\edeolletl1\e xx'lloeozllhzzze 7w; y7tjMz, jufié‘f;

hplll Lllx \ItV-lllL' l n1l\ lelllln lo ('elllt Illihlt'lhtN xtllh p1111'1. :1: \lfl.1:11

(11.1u'ov. lol lnole huh pow. eled 1m i. new lo lhe I’oglle\ .1nd lhe ( "1.19".

.nllon an 1\ 111 «ppm! ol lhell |.1le\l I Hayseed Dixie \lndlo :1. :1 I"

\lllL'h‘ '\'..1ll.1hle'. nahlth l\ on! on I: (111lon “tutti. *“ lii\ l‘Ipln L I"

\11‘. \t‘k' Iilll l\ I '

I Simon Joyner .1nd Lucky Luke I Tim Lomas, Prime Suspect .1nd a -O L h _ A _ «a, .“i

\lono‘ I.‘ Klilj,“ ('ollll‘ K111}; \lleel. <54 Oatbeanie \\ill\1it‘i‘lllhlr'\ l \onlh J i " a; '14]: T1

31110 \[Hll I)1Ill.llltlll\ gldlelnll} Hlldge. *5" 5! ll hpm llee I’lnne I - “5.7;: "+1 3 -

.ltxt'l‘lt'li \1'1' I'll I” Sloped 11111.11 ‘lpll11.111'.1dllole.1l1nln:' ;" f ~ 1 LE.— 4

I We Rock like Girls Don’t, I).1\e lhldgeon ol lhel \1l.1l \nxpetlx

Dieselbone .1nd The Sleeping

Prophets K111: '1111x 11.111 “.111 111.1. am y l th ®

21M \1 \1neenl Slleel. 33] *2"! hpnl 4

Li \ loeklnj: mph! 111 ploxpet‘l .1\ lhexe GlaSQOVV

lhlee he.1\_\ 111lx lake on 1 ul\ onee more I Acoustic Jam \1t'1"11'\lt'.1/}_ ill

I Aereogramme ('oll1e1 'l‘heulre. Snuehlehnll Sneel. W1 Won \pm

"i ()5 H}ndl;1nd Sllt't'l. *5“ i505. UV I‘l't't' \\k‘t‘I\I_\ \llll\\t'.l\1‘ Ill! hkdl

'l he nnehl} lunlhle ol hnxule ponel' lrlo \1Illj_'\\lll1'l\ pellolnnnjg ollelndl

\eleojgmnnne \\ll11[ll;l} out on lill\ Innlel'ml. ,1 ' 1.,1‘ m, ,. 17;"; .g; U I, ~ “fly “a.” Ht“) {1133\1LX13531‘1J

"“"""” I” ‘h‘m “H"”“”” I“ 1"" mmm _ , t.:'1.'<* tax-3a fr A‘}I‘.‘.’(,‘(~’.'. 1.x l" ; (Ft; )'1 RAW :x» 2211') 2, A'lM‘fSl (hazawwr

llnenew ol lhen l.1le\l H’ .811 llmolr ECWUU'QH w H)" $1 taint». 11(171 Hanna’iu ~ 11bit 12"!)e1r()'1

, I Gomez ()ueen\ ||.1||_ ('Ielk \lleel.

tdlllbtlrgll (1(13 :l)|l)_ a. illlun L Ill (itHIIC/ ll.l\1' r” J r u

I Inge Mcllroy, Mexico and tried lo he .1 hll elewlel \\llI1 lhen n V, l m, ‘IU

Jojocoke \Vhlxllehlnklex. 4 (1 Soulh hluex} lnllueneex hul lhe) don’l mom! ’1' l" boat ‘06.. _

H111lpe.557 5! I41 (1pm. I'l‘ee helol'e lnldnlghl; U;1llel'.(‘o\el\;1nd t'lllllt'lllplll‘dl'} l'oek.

I Mutterfly, The Shows 11nd Sleeping Dogs The Bongo ('luh. \Illld} IIHUW. i7 H0|_H'1Hld Road. 553

1|lnle .1\ lnll'lggulnjg .1\ lhe} dld 1n lhen Mereur} \Ilhlt' I’ll/e \\ lnnlnj: e.11|_\ d;1_\\.

I Open Mic \Vhlxllehlnlxlex. 1 o Soulh Bridge. 55‘ 5] ll ‘lpln l-lee Iluxl turn up 11nd pellorln,

an evening with

«t a"? 411.2%" Maxi/7 717;; Wat'er

"(104 7pm. t4 I);l\\l(lllillt‘ lne \el lroln

lockers \lllllerll} lolned h_\ l.;nl;1rk\hlre\ Tuesday

//VVVV \’ /K./\/ L/L/

lhe Shonx Inning; up \ulnplex. hlp hop 11nd glnlurx and lhe \ludluln roek ol Sleeping: llogx

I Chinese Burn, Mybe 11nd Trade Waste Spider‘s \Veh (‘ellul liar. 358 .\I1ll'l'l\llll Sll'eel. 477 3471. len. t4 |.1\1ng_'\lon punk \elelunx ('hlnexe Burn (“1‘ joined h} Illiill'llllh l)erh} \hn'e pop


I The Roots(’;11|1ng .'\t'iltit'lll} (ilil\j_'0\\. l3! Inglinglon Street. 0V0 77] 201 )0, 7pm. US. The hexl hlp hop hand in lhe \xorldfi’ Heluulel) one ol lhe hexl ll\e. ;1ll}\\;1_\. See pl‘e\ lent

I Natasha Bedingfield 'l'he 0.11.121:

Glasgow Barrowlands Friday 26th November 0870 903 3444

pllllht‘l'x .\l_\he. 4‘)0.\';1uellleh;lll Slreel. 333 l|20 I Josh Rouse 11nd Tim Keegan 'l'he 7.3011111 H250. (‘.e\.\'(‘l-.l.l,l:l). L‘Xt‘hullgt'. 55 (inn 1‘ Sll‘t't‘l. 443 “404 RKWUIIL‘tIlIIL‘tI Ill (1 .\I;ll',

len. £12. .r\|l.eounlr'\ tll'lhl \xhoxe l'eeenl

\1ngle ‘l.o\e\'1hr;1l1on' hl'11nehedoul lnlo ;l\1lllI/hlllllf_'t‘ pop dn'eellon \\ llh Imekx exen going on lo l'eulul'e in ('hunnel 4 drama .\')3/.().\'.

I The Porch Song Anthology, Taurpis Tula, Jack Rose 11nd Glenn Jones ('11Iedonlun Backpackers. 3

(‘lueenxlerr_\ Slreel. 470 7234. 8.3011111. ._ V ~ {5. .-\ \L‘IK'CIIUII ol' 'I'L‘hlnl' I’olllex oll'dlool o -. I A’ proleelx and lhen~ l'riendx. "s'.n'ng to " I " Thursday 30th December 2004

this amazing i . . Edinburgh Liquid Ropms

M new band 7* . . . Glasgow called Mathew?" n I k I n g l .

I Darren Hayes (';ll‘llllg .-\e;1deln} Elllnhlll‘nh 0111319115011

(il;1\;_'o\\. Ill liglinglon Sll‘eel.01\'7077| Wed 29th Dec 0131 668 2019

11‘. 11

3000 “pm. (33.501 Darren Il;l_\e\ \;Ill;1le\ l ' lhe demand [or In\ x“ eel \oeul glellon ;1l l|n\ large

I Gabrielle and Jamie Scott Sli(‘(’. I'lnnlexlon (311.1}. 0V0 040 4000. 7pm [30 [3‘50 Sneel \oul \oe;1|\.

I Stepping Stone Metal Showcase lhe(';11houw. I5 l'nlon Slreel. 34.\' (11100. ".30pnr [4.50. l’\}k11|);1|el\. Soolh. Slnlhelle. l.1leh|1nd and (iluduzlllon Du} Illilht‘ up lhe e;1~_\ hxlenlng hne-up on 11m \er} lllt‘liti dale I John Peel Tribute 11111-11}. Ion

EDINBURGH (‘l_\de.\'l1'eel. III 04|4.1\‘pln. L4 l’;1_\ homage lo lhe hlg 111.111.1l lilh lughl \\ llh

\;1r1ou\1no\er\;1ndshakers lroln lhe To book tickets can the ticket honing

(ilnxgon underground. I Mel-“sky, Modey Lemon NM 01926 332640 or 0131 225 2564,

Tricky Nixon K1113; '1‘111\\\:111\\';.11 11111. or Visit WWW-mostly'aulumn-Com 3‘311S1Vmecnl 5111-111. :31 5:“). 8pm. 3 or £8. 'l‘hree h1111dxol'e|;1\~ de\e|op lheir erull 1n l‘ronl ol' lhe ‘l‘ul'x eroxx d. .\lel.u\k_\ are hlllldlng dune ;1 \xee 111111111111; here,

I Acoustic Goat Club Sessions .~\rehle\ litu‘llk‘l'l} l.'.-\ll;1ehel. I“ \Vgllcl‘hm Sll‘L‘Cl. :2] 3:“). 3.30pm. {-1. 'Hll\ \\ L‘L‘Ix‘\ line-up lllL‘IlILIL‘\ lhe (il'L‘L‘ll Room. \\ 101 more ill'll\l\ lo he eonl'lrlned. I Kain, The Ronelles, Definitive and Panda Stereo. I4 Kehinhuugh

Regular Music Presents

/ 17, w . Saturday 27 November . 1 IM/

'11-' “111) I“ I [III/'r

Ab rd en 1, ' w 5" fill/fill 1121112175 0 r 1 1

c . “ill/i ' "1;"'i1r.'1"l/"i '1 REZMO/W . Stlfllllgns%a‘ Christmas Live Show at: a, LIQUID ROOMS

Sat 18th December

0870 903 3444


Slreel. III 550‘). “pm. £3. hour gl‘enl - _ a : rr' . 2 1%"?11J'L :1; A”: . 1 hands lroln lhe (iI;l\:_'t\\\ underground. " i 1 W ' 4 “aleh out for Kain and the Ronellex


'~. .7 7,-1', .275- THE LIST 87