Any Porter in a storm

The highs, lows and power structures of love are to the fore as Steve Cramer and former Eastender MICHAEL GRECO talk love, loss and KISS ME KATE.

till there. ixn‘t xhe/he‘.’ l ineiin. _\ou eun xee

xtitllt‘iiltt‘ Cl\L‘. git iittl itllil get ptxxt‘tl \\illt _\titll‘ piilx. or xtii} hoine ;inil etit. Still. thtit ptirtieuliir

perxoii eoinex hiiek to ion |;ixt thing hel‘ore _\ott xleep. and il\ _\our thought ini\ex in guild} xerentlipit} \xith

}oiii' tlreinnx in the morning. It iiiigltl h;i\ e heen )iitii‘

lil\l reltitionxhip. or xi\ people :igo. )t‘t therek xtill the

little jolt ol horror or longitig. or |i;itt'eil. or tlretitl. or

low when )ou think )tiii‘xe xpottetl them in it erouil. l’erhiipx h_\ lo\ ing them xo inueh. )ou tolei';iteil inore llltlll _\ou norniiill_\ \xoultl llil\L‘. and in thix \\;i_\. :illo\\eil tor ;i e_\ ele ol’ :ihuxe. \xhieh entletl thingx. lt‘x :1 him er xtrueture. lo\ e. iiiitl one in \\hieh inoxt ol' iix ll;t\ L‘ Pill} L‘tl lll l‘lllll l'iilt‘\. l eonlexx lllltl l klltllhl t‘i\\t‘l‘ in) .xell‘ in glori with the lil\l perxon \\ho telt thix tor me. ()n the other hand. the l;l\l perxon l t‘elt thix tor hehinetl inueh. inueh \xorxe.

I‘m not iuxt xountling oil: it‘x ;i thought proeexx thiit‘x illllt‘llltlllL'tlll} xet in motion hx [Vin .lli- Aim: lntleetl utter the illlltllllilllL' \erhiil rexponxe. ‘kixx _\er \xhiit’.“ it'x the lirxt tlting _\oii think. ’l‘hexe po\\er xtriieturex tire l‘elt h} one lllltl illl. il\ e\ laiixtl-{iii/i r .\lieh;ie| (ireeo eontirnix. 'l’eillile eun he xo xiiihlmi'n to\\;irtlx eiieh other when the} lime thexe einotionx. |‘\e iuxt heen through it \er_\ xtuhhorn t}pe ot‘ rel;itionxhip \\llll thix \\oni;in. .-\tlinittetl|_\. I kind ot’ negleetetl her. \xhieh ix it thing _\ou xhoultl nex er do to ;i \\tllll;lll. illltl xhe'tl ll'iltl enough. I kind of tlexer\etl it. heeiiuxe | tlrtln‘t re;ilixe I lo\etl her. The pim er rel;itionxhip x\\ ingx het\\een one perxon iintl ginother.‘ lt’x the kind of eoii\ei‘x;itioii llllll \xoulil litll'lllilll) lllilkL‘ the feel ;i hit red top ;l\ .i journgilixt. _\et one th;it eoniex to inintl \xith thix ('ole

l’iil'let‘ t‘ltlxxit‘. 'l‘llttl L‘\ en (it'L‘L‘ii. ti \L'\ (iotl. throttling to the etit—groxx ling girlx in the etlitorizil room. (I\ Bepe in lp'iii/i'rx. eoulil go through illl thix ix eoinl'orting. in it hitterxxieet kintlu \\;i_\.

.'\lltl hitterxueet ix the opei‘;iti\e \xortl. l'or thix niuxieul. hiixetl ol' eourxe oit llltll other liiinouxl) tl}xl'unetioii;il rel;itionxhip in Shrikexpeiire'x 'l'lii' [inning of I/lt‘ S/iri'ii'. llil\ t\\o e\ti'eniel_\ litit'tl-htilling pertorinerx in it pi'oiliietion ot NillLl xhim lizilling iii illltl out of low. But for till the iigoniex the_\ entlure it \xon't xpoil the end. thix heing Ll Broutlxxzi} legend. to tell )oii th;it the} lillilll} \xin through. "l‘he'\'\e done the griixx ix greener thing. LlllLl then the} l'L‘illl\L‘ \\ll;ll the} h;itl in the lirxt pltiee \\;ix \er} \[TL‘CltlH (ireeo x;i_\x. alerting iix it” to the \\ ixli liiltillnient ill the llL‘Lll'l ot thix niuxie;i|. l‘oi~ in ('ole l’orter. \\llLllL‘\ er htippenx in lite. \xe're :ihle to engage in the lainttix} of people \\ ixing up and reulixing \\llill the_\ '\ e got.

The element of itintiix} ix enhaneetl h} l’orter'x glorioiix xongx. "So in lint". '\\'iintlerh;ii" iintl '.‘\l\\;l_\\ True to You iii .\l} I";ixhion' iiinong llltlll}. .\nt| th;it‘x \\lltll xellx it. ‘\\'hen l reuehetl .\l;inehexter and met up \xith ;i eoiiple ol' l'i‘ienilx. t|te_\'tl ne\er he;irtl ot‘ it. hut it'x innu/ing hon the} rexpontl \\ hen _\ou \ltll'l to mention the xongx in it. The} xii}. "()h. xo thiit‘x \\ here that xong'x t'roni." lt‘x ulna/ingl} ;ieeexxihle; xoniething thzit openx out einotionx to till [it till ei'u ol lexx ezit'th} or einotioiiull} honext inuxieiilx. it'x great to xee the l'(’(l/ \erxion ol lo\ e. hoth tentler Lllltl tough.

;igex untl L'l;l\\L‘\..

Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 14-Sat 31 Dec.

Theatre >l<



* Mamma Mia For all its schmaltzy, vacuous plasticity. the Abba musical is an entertaining night out. The story of the Greek island wedding of a young girl with three possible fathers, it'll get you singing along, possiny against your better judgement. Playhouse. Edinburgh, until Sat 27 Jan.

* Kiss Me Kate Cole Porter's delightful musical, revived with great authority by Michael Blakemore on Broadway and the West End a few years back. makes a visit to the Festival Theatre. The story of two battling performers and their trials and tribulations backstage during a production of the Taming of the Shrew, this piece contains many of Porter's greatest songs. Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 74—Fn' 31 Dec.

* Compact Failure Strong prison drama from Clean Break, a company that has worked extensively with prison inmates. This tale of friendship. uncertainty and loss in a womens' prison has something to offer beyond moralising about the penal system. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Thu 2—Sat 4 Dec.

* Aladdin Panto season kicks off at the King's with this exotic tale of mischief in the Far East. Andy Gray and Alan Stewart can be relied on to mug their way through with the usual pizzazz and comic timing. King's Theatre. Edinburgh, until sun 76 Jan.

" 1,».- ./ ,’ .1 THE LIST 107