Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


3.5 i .'\lj.'_\lt' \llt't‘l. 505 l”:: l\\('. \\ \l The Little Mermaid l ntil \nn 3 Jan St't' Kill\ ll\llllj..'\


lx'inyx lnt'h Rimil. chlit-u. hh5 ll-ll il’. \\ ( ‘. \\,\|

The Singing Kettle - Santa’s Big Surprise 'lhu lli \un l‘l lh'y 5w Kltl\ ll\llllL'\.


Il‘l (iltl'l‘.tl\ \tict-t. ~l3‘l llll33. ll’. ll. 1"]. \\'( '. \\’.r\l

The Borrowers l'niil l'l'l it lit-c iniit Suni. Sct' Klll\ ll\llllj_‘\.


‘li 9.5 ll}ltill;ilitl Sllt‘t‘l. ‘55 ihlih. Ill. \\'( '. \\'.\|

Beauty and the Beast llill It» .\ l'll I7 Du: 5pm. L5 lLl l twin ‘55 (i5-l5. lhc l’;n'tit'l\ l’l;l_\t‘l'\ pit-sent llll\ tigiihtiiinnl [lillllli \t‘l\lllll til the t'l;l\\lt' talc.


‘) l'niwr'xit} .\\cnnc. Kill 5533. |\\‘(’. \\'.’\I

Scrooge Illll 0 Sat I I [ti-c. 5,5llltlll. th (UH. l‘lllill _\‘ \lllllt'lll\ lt‘iiitt Slim (‘iillcgc pi‘t'xcnt llil\ llillNlt‘ill adaptation lll lht'kt'nx' \wll ll‘\t'll iimcl. .l ('lrl'iilmm (ii/ill.


3‘)? Bath Street. 31” | I l I. [ll. \Vl‘. \\’.\I Miss Saigon l'ntil Sat 4 Dec tniit Suni. 57.30pm lllitl tk Szit ninl 3.3llpnii.

tlli UH. Set in l‘l55 during the linnl llil}\ leading up to the American L‘HICllillltill iil Saigon. .IIIH Stimuli l\ an epic lmc \tiir} about the i‘clutiiinxhip hct\\t‘cn .in .\ (El and :i )iitnig Vietnantcw \iiiiiinn.

Mother Goose l’i'i lll lice Sun 33 Jill] lniit Sun). llllltN \gii'}. [-1 (ll). Much lmcil lillllll} Pilllllllllllllt‘ telling thc \tiii‘} til Old Mother (litit\t‘ tilill llit‘ :30le lltgtl

In} \ giililcn eggs.


(\ limnxillt' \ttt'ct. lt\~l5 1“" 15”] H.

l l. \\ l '. \\ \

Take the Stage by Storm \.:l »l .\ Sun 5 Hut 5 Winn :5 IL5I l’uptts .::.'il hulk-mun .5 l\ liltlll the \li‘lllt \t.i;_'c \tllttt‘l l‘lx‘u'lil .t \IIIlK.\IlIIIl ill t'lllt'lldllllllL' niuxital llttllt‘t‘ and than“:

Plk'k k'\


55%| 55 :5 (llk'dl \\’\'\l&'lll I\’l‘.l\l, ;5; “NW Chase the Moon \\.-tt 1* lie. \l‘llt Ll» \ ttiitlc hill «it \tit't't. Lip and \l‘lllt'llll‘lll.ll_\ ll.lll\t' pt'itutnit'il h} I’ ll .intl Illa/c


\t-xx \tit-t-t. .\\“ llllll [It \\(‘. \\ \1 snOWhIIe .\.ll lll il l)t'\ \l't' l‘\ltl\ ll\l|llf_'\


l3l I\)\'lll5lk'lll \lll't‘l. “3 l5“! \\ ( h. \\ \|

Jack and the Beanstalk l inil \n I" .lilll. hct' link listingx


‘lh In;_'i.ini Slim-t. 553 i-lh‘l ll’. \\(5. \\.\. \\.\.\t

Eva and Victoria I inil Sal at Dec 5. illpni. to U) it'i L'-l.5lli. Su-

pim lk‘\\.

Old Time Music Hall lliii tl But I I Hui 5. illpni. L'Ill l '35 i. 'l he (‘clchralcil (inxhght (inn-tics imitate the lill'le‘l than lllL‘ characters .lllll \ ihinnt‘} iii the lltllxlt' htillx.

I ROYAL CONCERT HALL :Silllk'lllk'lldll Sin-ct. 35% siiiiii. ll’. H. \\('. \\.\|

The Best of the West End - A Christmas Gala Sun I: lit-c. iiini .\ 5.3lliini. L'I35ll L3 ‘5“. hip \\c\t I'llll tll'll\l\ pci'liii'ni win li'iini inniiii' innxitnh til the past 35 _\c;ii\ including //Ii‘ I’lnllllunl ul l/Ii' U/ti'l'il. l,l \ .l/lxi'l’il/t/i'i. .llimmm .lllil'. lli' llI/l' li’ut/x lull. (ll/i. Iln llun King and ./('\Il\ (ill/'H/ .Vll/u'ri/ill}


l‘innicxtiin (Jun). l).\"ll till) -llll|ll. ll’. \\'(‘. \i'..\|

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs \Vt'tl -\ l'l'l ll “CC, SCL‘ Klll\ listings.

The Happy Gang’s Christmas

Sweetie Shop llill It» Sat |.\‘ Her. Sec

Klll\ listing:\.

I THEATRE ROYAL 3‘3 llw;\*\1:.'.'i. il.‘."t""' ll \\l'. \\ \ The Wizard of 021 :ttzl \.;I 4 list

5 5";‘!',. \\.'.f \z'. :t‘:.:'.3 Wyn: L" :I\ llt.’ \1‘wllv l’..:\.':\ :.",_.:". tutti: .Lft ...i..-\:..-t.-:~. :i{.- tiny. time; The Nutcracker \.:'. 1'; ll: it lhx nut \nni l2311\'\ L: 1:15" limcti un th.‘

~tt;:n.:1l l\ ll~‘?!ft!.titlt \lwtf. ’\nt.i.-..l\;t and 2h.- lxni: wt \li.." \iitttxh liailuk .itt:\tt. tint-uni \xtzit'} l’.::c tt'lix tit."

:2 \twij. wt \l.:i:.' .tn.l tic: tiltinnlt twtnncj. Ti“-‘-.:!tl\ .ztinlthiuul l\’.'.~tti:i;.'tiil.ul I TRAMWAY 35 \.‘\'r' llf"-.‘. "‘45 ii" *5") [‘l \\l _\\\ From Calton to Catalonia l Itlll \.:l 1 l).'. \i‘nt L" 'LV \t't' t‘tcncn


M lll‘llfldlt'. 553 l3li5

Aladdie: A Magical Tale from the East (End) luv 5 l).'. \.:t \ .l.lll Inwt \un~ \t't' lxiilx ll\llll‘3\



l.iil_\\\t'll \\.i}. \luxxt'lhtnjgh. lili5 33in jl’. ll. l l. \\('. \\ \;i

Jack and the Beanstalk l nn| i ll it l)k'\ innt \un \liin~ \t'c knh ll\lllij_'\


iii \liiinnifgxnlt- l\)l‘.l\l. 33\ H55 {I’. ll] California Suite l niil \.it 1 lit-t

5” {li 5th lht‘ l ihnhtnfgh \\.n\ l‘lt'\k'lll \cil \iniiin\ pl.i_\ liillimnig tht~ Illl\.lll\L'lllllll‘\ «it ll‘lll giiitipx iil _‘_'llt'\l\ .il lllk' lint-ll} lllll\ lllllt'l lulu-h train the Slit-ltt'i \hup. \liiiinnyxitlc l\)ll.lll. HI ;I it“ \SW

The Student Prince lllll tl Sat I I lh'p 5 illinn i\'.it that 3 illpnii L'.\ 5') .\l.lll liiiitlmn‘k l‘lt'\t'lll\ Siginunil lx’iiniht'igg'x l‘l3llk iiitci'attn .ihnut I’iint't' Rail l mm and lnx inipiixxihlc Imcx

Dick Whittington \\t-tl IS 'I lttl I: lit-\- 5pm; 3 illpni [5 Itli lltl f_'ll‘l|]‘\ til Ill l‘l iniiici. (limit [unto Inn .1\ l tlinhnigh l’t‘iiplc'x 'Ihmti'c tells the shit} ill link

\\ lnttinytiin .intl lnx iiiui‘nc) to l iiniliin

5 illpni L5


I 1 \cu \\ct l\)l‘.l\l. ~l55 Will jl’. \\('. \\.\; Big Big Xmas Party l'l'l lll .\ Sal ll Hut 5pm l.ini. Hll. l'.llllll‘lll'_‘._'ll.\ lilijJLNl .intl hcxt (‘ln‘ixlnigix part} tuitin'ni; liw nnixn‘ li’iint (5llllll\t'llt'll ( )tit .lllll the Soul King» plus l);llit'lllf3 \\llll Dougie. Karaoke Idol and .i llllL'L' t'lllll\t' l’iullct lhnncr.


Stage Whispers

I Recently. David Greig's The Swan Song set Whispers wondering at the possibilities presented by readings in the theatre. A reading has the special quality of exposing a writer's work as an uncluttered essence. providing imaginative possibilities that are sometimes actually limited by full-scale stagings. They also have the great benefit of being cheap to stage. Stellar Quines has been admirable for its repeated stagings of work in progress, so perhaps other theatres could follow suit more frequently. It‘s deplorable. and not the fault of Philip Howard that the Traverse has been unable to stage a full scale production of its own this autumn, and funders should think long and hard about the restrictions placed upon Scotland‘s new writing theatre. But given this situation, perhaps Howard might think about a run of readings of some of the theatre’s backlog of new plays. It certainly seems a waste that there are no doubt some high quality scripts which are merely gathering dust on a shelf somewhere in that building’s bowels. So too, other theatres might consider similar possibilities. If work of the quality of The Swan Song is out there, audiences would benefit from seeing them, even if in this limited form. I The replacement for Vicky Featherstone. now director of the Scottish National Theatre. at Paines Plough has been announced as Roxana Silben. Silbert. 40. was formerly Philip Howard's right hand at the Traverse. and will be known to Scottish audiences as the director of such Fringe hits as [mm and The People Next Door, as well as the more recent A Whistle in the Dark at the Citizens‘ theatre. Whispers wishes the company well under its new regime.

Theatre Guide

j; Tron Brunton = r - ' Church Hill

Festival Theatre - . __9!t3!av.._, ..... King's Theatre

in "initiate" ’k ll

“ii3;.i“i’y“c‘;..‘a 5 ‘5

Thursday 2

Little Mermaid

Wizard of Oz

Calilomia Smite

Mamma Mia!

“averse l 1 Compact Failure

Friday a

Little Mermaid

See Rock 8. Pop

Wizard of Oz


Gilmorehill 612

King's IA: : ' Oran Mor "


Theatre Royal

1.5a Tramway


See Rock 8. Pop

California Smite

, MammaMia!

Compact Failure

Saturday 41

Little Mermaid

\NEZGKI of 02 See Kids

California Smile

Mamma Mia!

Compact Failure ;

Sunday 53 Monday (5

Little Mermatd

Mamma Mia'

Continued over page > Werliirrgrléiy 5-“,

llllio,‘ Pvlie'iziair: lliil“ l."~'~r" .: it

Tuesday ’l'

Ataizrm: Farr)“.-

lvlfz'i'i'f‘a v'vl'éz'

Mamrra Mia’

Ouarigte 'Hiddarice

-'~ THE LIST 109