Visual Art

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- «was». "APOLLO" - No.959-83-zt Stretch Wig

:2: Ellen Gallagher - Orbls New York artist whose work ranges from delicately carved watercolour paper and Plasticine modelled wigs to video work sampling Dizzee Rascal. She wants to reanimate old images and bring them to life in new ways. It seems to be working. See feature. page 18. Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, Sat 1 l Dec—Sun 73 Feb.

=i= Beagles and Ramsay - Unrealised Dreams Inspired by the grotesque at last year's Leonardo da Vinci show, these two genius reprobates put on a show of beautifully sketched uglies and use Mackintosh-carrying cases to contain gallons of blood (not their own this time). See conversation. Glasgow School of

BEAGLES AND RAMSAY are just back from a performance at MoMA in New York, where they featured a black pudding made of their own blood. They talk to Ruth Hedges about sausage self-portraits and their new renaissance—style show at

Art. Sat 4 Dec—Fri 14 Jan. :1: Torsten Lauschmann Brooding. kooky video work that

Glasgow School of Art.

How did the blood go down in New York?

John Beagles \Vc \xcrc tjuitc \hockcd \\ ith him conxcnaln c pcoplc \\ ct'c. .-\dmittcdl_\ \\ c \\ crc cooking tllc \auxagcx. .v\nd \xandcring around in \xhitc lah coals \liarpcning knncx.

Graham Ramsay .v\t onc \tagc thc gallcr} managcr appcarcd and \lat'tcd l’rcaking out.

JB \\'c kccp gctting l'laxhhackx to thc \mcllx horrthlc. cxpcclall} Ill tltc gallcr} \\ licn \\ c \\ crc cooking it

it's pt‘clt}

up it clings to }out‘ clothcx.

GR 'l'ltct'c'x that kind ol cannibalism axpcct c\cn though §ou‘tt‘ not cating it. )ou can \mcll it. l’coplc look rcall) dixguxlcd. 'l‘hc on|_\ \xa_\ \\ c could gct thcm into thc Statcx “as to \tick ‘cm in thc mail and hopc for thc hcxt.

JB lllL‘) ‘I'L‘ l‘lg \tlll\;l:_‘t‘\ ;t\ \\ L‘ll.

GR \Vt‘ \iIItI IllL‘} \\ L‘I'C \t‘t‘tllltllltllltl INNII\\. II \\;t\ qllllt‘ ncr\c-\\ racking. hut thc_\ appcarcd.

JB 'l‘hc_\ \\crc kind ol' oll. hut it \xasn't as had as I thought.

I thought thc_\ \xcrc going to hc rcall_\ rancid.

GR \\c rcall_\ loadcd thcm \\ ith \alt \o it \xaxn't too had.

JB IIIIL'I'C \\ L‘l‘L' llIllL‘ pillt‘llLN Ul :JI'L‘L‘II . l‘lll IU l‘t' IIIIIIC\I ll \\a\n't ax disgusting ax uhcn \\ c madc it. \thn _\ou \tcam it it turns hlack and it‘s not so had. hut llic hit hcl'orc \\ ith thc harlc} and thc porridgc it looks likc diarrltoca.

GR \Vc'd takc lllllml cach da_\ and thcn trcc/c it and put it in \\ ith thc icc trap.

JB 'l‘hix is in m_\ ltouxc \\ ith lll_\ thrcc-_\c'.u‘-old \on. I’d \cnd him out ‘l)add_\ \ got to do somc cooking'

GR l)add} \\ant\ to pla) \\ ith unclc (irahamf

And what about the new show? GR I gucxx \\ ith this onc \xc'xc \ct up a littlc hit ol tcnxion

112 THE LIST .‘ "

hcl\\ccn thc l‘orm of thc Illlllf_‘\ and thc conlcnt in tlial tlic_\ look \cr_\ traditional. jtxcudo rcnaixxancc and qtutc hcaulil'ull) l'ramcd. So lirxt glancc _\ou'll \cc thcm atid

thc_\ 'Il ha\ c a traditional kind ol \cduction and _\ou'rc going

to llax c to gct _\our noxc stuck into thcm tjttitc t'loxcl} to \cc

\xlial’x going on and \cc thc :Jl'tlIL‘\t|llt‘. lllllllitlll\l. dixlurhing.

A bit later on . . . GR \Vc got \ottlc good llc\\ \ )t'xtt'l'tl;i} 3—‘l‘anl lor t' l Milli) l'rom tltc Scottish .'\rt\ (‘ouncil So )cx.

\xc'rc going to hc \xorking hard c\ct'_\ da} on thc ncu

\xc'xc lll\l got a

dirccliom a\ outlincd in thc intcr\ ic\\ _\c\tcrda_\. JB I “cut a hit ci'a/) laxt night .-\nd .lack l)anicl\ hclorc )ou turncd up.

GR .'\II\I I’ill'l.

JB .>\nd I’orl . . . .\ pcriod ol critical rcllcctlon “as. l

hclic\ c. thc phraxc uxcd lll thc application.

GR 'l'cchnical intimation.

JB \\'c'\ c al\o got a rcall} had \llltllll. ll docxn't ha\ c an_\ \\al|\.

GR lt'x thc chcapcst \tudio tn (ilasgoxx.

JB lt‘x {till a month. ll'\ chcapcr than gcttlng a lock-up. actuall}.

GR lt‘x horrihlc. \Vc look do“ n on \oltlc kind of \lliitlllllg' gallcr}. \\'c'rc going to mm c to a rcall} l'lash \Illtllll ahout Hill) a month.

JB \cah. \\c'rc going to \tart \\c;tl'lllg \\lIIIL‘ \llll\.

GR \Vc‘ll ct'illcall} t‘cl‘lccl. 'I'llat‘x what It's all ahout at lltc CIILI ill lhc tltt}. l\ll'l ll (iotl hlcm )otl. JB 'l‘hc .-\rt\ ('ouncil. (iod hlcxx _\ou thc .-\rt\ (‘ouncil Beagles and Ramsay Unrealised Dreams, Glasgow School of Art, Sat 4 Dec-Fri 14 Jan.

drinking clicap champagnc.

takes you into wooded landscapes and beyond to the Turkish Wizard of Oz. Transmissrm Gallery. Glasgow. until Sat 4 Dec.

=5: New Associates Revealing the new direction of the RSA, its new members include Calum Colvin, John Byrne, Gordon Munro and Michael Visocchi - fresh strokes for different folks. It's a winner. See review. Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, until Sun 79 Dec.

Kingdom Modern day horror vacui - the fear of empty space lives in this crowded. asswed celebration of substance. texture and colour. Market Gallery, Glasgow, until Sat 77 Dec.

=l< Ed Buscha Californian hero of text and landscape whose pal. Janet Street Porter, is currently sweating it out in the jungle. This major retrospective covers his artistic career from small photographic books of gas stations and parking lots to large- scale paintings which reach right to The End.

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, until Sun 16 Jan.