Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk. Listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.



3W)“ I’liiilih\hil\\\ Road. IN" 355”. Mon 'l'hu tk Sal Iltam 5pm. in t\ Sun llam 5pm, l'l'cc.

One Million Days in China l‘nnl Sun l3 i'ch. i‘t'cc .-\ lnaioi t'\illiilllttll that Illll'litillct‘\ .tltti t'\piHlt'\ ~1iiiii}t‘;tl'\ ol ('hlncsc hixlol‘} anti cnlttnc. i'.lllL'l through ('iimcxc patcugnx. iicar lhc \tl'cct \(HllltiN ol (liti Shanghai and hc transportctl through mm and til\litllL'L' to a tilliL‘l'L'lll norlti.


l'nncrxit} ol Slrathchtic. 22 Rlcinnontl Strcct. 543 2553, Mon in Want 5pm; Sat noon inn i'l‘cc.

Christmas Narwhal l'nnl "I ha 3* “cc. Kcn anti 'i‘lla Mallth ol lllc Naruhal (iallt-r} cnialc this c\hi|\ition ol \ctllplnrc anti Pl'llih h} lnnil artixlx lrom (irccnlantl and thc \nnaxnl 'l'crritor} ol (‘anatla

Gilt Edged l'nlil Thu 33 I)cc. .\ “itit' rangc ol contcmporar} tc\ti|c art h} lllL‘lllik‘l‘N ol iitlgc.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Slrcct. 33‘) i‘Nh. Mull \Vcti (& Sat Illam 5pm: 'l'hn Illam 3pm; l-ri & Sun liam 5pm.

Glasgow’s Art: Recent Acquisitions l'ntii Thu 3 Mar. .\'c\\ ilL‘qlll\illUll\ ol‘ ( ilaxgoxt '\ rcccnl \lcilar gcncration ol artists including \xork h} (‘hrixlinc Borlanti. Roticrick Buchanan. (irahalu i‘agcn. 'l'oh} i’atcrxon. Ross Sinclair and ilaunclinc Vixncx. Elbowroom 'illu ‘) l)cc .\lon l4 i‘ch. iixhihilion \iiti“ ing lhc culmination of an cighl month participator} art proiccl to tlcxclop llt‘“ nork on thc thcmc ol'


4* 3i 7 ,. Winter Wonderland or How to Dress 3 Cold Platter. Four crazy wares al fresco open a new design exhibition of their top shapes which includes furniture and rubber vegetation. I The Lighthouse. G/agonc Sat .1 Dec—Stir? (5 Fe!)

\ioicncc .lg_‘.lill\l \knntcn anti lhc \loiallon ol \xonlcn\ human rights \lll\I\ Kain“ lirncc. :\nnc i1iilltl. Rachcl \limicc .lntl Jamcc Sharp milkcti \kllil Rctl Road \Mlmcn'x (critic. (ii.l\:_‘n\\ \\umcn\ i.li\t.lr_\. (ilaxgim \\omcn\ .'\lti anti Haw a ':~- ' I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 t\ 25 Km): Snch 552 ll‘lii inc Sat lltam 5.30pm. Big in the City l'nnl 'i int n Jan i’rmtx «li' a largcr \calc liom tilc iikcx ot Illllttlltth “L';t\llt'\. ilcicn in}. iirncc .\1c|.can anti .-\th‘lan \\ l\/lllL'\\\i\l Glasgow Print Studio Christmas Show l‘ntil 'l'iin (i .lan. i’.tlllllllj_'\. Pl'lllh. crallx anti |c\\clicl’_\ lot lhc lcxtn c

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'l'hc Mackintosh Uallcry in" chlrcu Slrcct. 353 4500. Mon iilll

Iltam 7pm; in lliam 5pm; Sat

lllam 2pm. inc

22: Beagles and Ramsay - Unrealised Dreams Sat .1 l)cc in M Jan. .-\ writ-x ol ncu than lllf.'\. rclatctl maqnctlcx anti pt'tillvl}[k'\ ol plans. proposals. diagrams and proiccnonx tor luttlt‘c artworks. 'i’hcir ('Iii’i'lllrxi'l/ “rut/m cmcr projcch lrom pnhlic \culplnrcs lo claiioralc chcnc} \\ making. onllincx lor ntm icx anti thcalrical productions. ‘I'hc \illi“ tit‘ili\ \\ ith l‘ccnrring: lhcmcs ol' lootl. conxtllnplinn. mortalit} anti gl'otcxtiuc \clllrcprcxcntatitin. Scc colt\cl'\alion anti iillilxl. Ni Si l( N.

Textiles To Fashions 'l‘uc I-t Sat Ix l)cc. ('ollcclionx ol' \\olttcn\ \\ car and acccxsoricx it} \llltiL'lil\ lrom lhc (iillxgtm School Ul' .-\t'l'\ ‘iL'\lliL'\ lit i’axhion cotlrsc. lcatnt‘ing: \culpturctl

knit“ car. tiling: handbags and morc. Ni

8i i()‘.‘..

A Thirst for Materials l‘iitil Sat 4 l)cc. :\n asxcmhi} ol’ matcrialx compich in a l'ormal to inspirc anti triggcr crcaln c conncctionx tor ncu ticxignx.

The Redheaded Stepchild inc

7 Hill 33 l)cc. ii\hihition ii) lhc stall lrom Visual (’ommnnication at (BSA \xhich c\plorc\ lhc \cnxc ol' dislocation.


ptcintiicc and thc c'xtiattgcti “inch 1\ 'litc cnrlcnl c\pcncncc ot \ l\ll.ti

communicatil\n' .: \"


ihc iiriggalt. HI iilltigcgatc.

The Third Person i'll |)cc.

.\ 3” ‘i 45pm i'tcc (inc-oil l‘lt'\c‘ltl.lllult ll\lll:_' \ itico. wnntl .liiti nnagc. \iltt\\c’.t\lll:_' thc culmination ol .l lincc month pioicct lnxoix Ill}: lhc local commnmt} ol litlgggan Ioncc homc to lilc Uiti il\il lll.tl‘i\L‘ll

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nnclxll} ot (ilaxgmk. h: ilillhcati Slrccl. “it 54‘! Mon Sal ‘i illam 5pm i'lt'L'.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection l’nnl In Kl Hcc. ,-\ \clcction ol thc liuntcrlall\ linc .u‘t collcction ol Brillin .n‘l ltom lhc Iltlii ccntnty

Mackintosh Architecture l’nnl Hill 3; “cc. L35”. ill lilt' \ittcixlltltwil iilttlu‘. a tcmporar} ti|\[ii.l} ol til.l\\ ingx \xincii characlcrhc lhc (il\llll\'ll\ c tlcxlgnx ol ('harlcx chinc Mackintosh

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM l'nncrxlt} .4\\cnnc. “ll 433 I. \lon Sat 0.30am 5pm i‘l'L'C.

Historic Bloomers - 300 Years of Botany at Glasgow University l’nnl ill 24 |)cc. 'I'hc itlxlor} ol imlall} at (ilaxglm l'iil\ci\it_\ I\ told through an c\hii\ilion ol [)L‘l\ttltttilllt‘\. placcx anti cwnlx.


ii Mitchcli i.;lltL'. 32i (rib). \iltlt t\ \Vctl Sat lllfiltani 5pm; ’l'nc llam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 l.\’l)pl.

Art Nouveau En Projet COO l'nlil Sun 331ml. ()n|_\ l'K \htming ol this touring c\hiliilion cclchraling tllc icgac) ot lhc .'\rl Nomcau mmcmcnl in iinropc. tcatnring ('lil'l'orti's proposth l'or titc i<o_\al lntirmar}. Mackintosh/ \Valton'x Buchanan Slrcct 'l‘ca Rooms and l’agc and Parks rcticwinplncnl (it St .-\ntlrc\\ '\ ('hnrcii


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Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery fIOOr

New Ward by Adrian Wiszniewski available from Glasgow Print Studio with the new Own Art scheme

I It's an end of an era. Switchspace, the rolling stone of the West End art scene, is closing this month with a final show by Cathy Wilkes. The artist- run initiative that set up temporary exhibitions in flats across Glasgow's West End has decided to have a final switch and stop just there. Having started in 1999, the program has given many artists the chance to exhibit new work. On Thursday 16 December a ticket-only closing party will bid a big farewell to the project and launch a limited edition publication featuring artists and texts from the last few years. You can get tickets from Sorcha Dallas Gallery, St Margaret’s Place from Thursday 9 December.

I With Christmas approaching and ideas retreating, you may find yourself thinking, 'Il only I could athrd an original, contemporary piece of art or craft work from a Scottish gallery.’ Well, lear not. the Scottish Arts Council is on hand to help. It's learned up With one galleries to offer interestvlree loans no to £2000 for that special purchase. The scheme, called ‘Own Art', is linking with Dundee Contemporary Arts. the lngleby Gallery. Scottish Gallery. Edinburgh Prlnlmakers. Glasgow Print Studio, Roger Britclllle Gallery. Peacock Visual Arts llt Aberdeen, the Castle Gallery in lnverness and the Strathearn Gallery in Crieft. Repayments can he made over a ten-month period.

I GoMA is looking for an artist in residence for the month of June 2005. This £4000 residency, covering fees and materials, requires the artist to respond to the issue of violence against women, facilitate six workshops and one open studio day with final work displayed in GoMA. To apply send your CV, a letter of application outlining your approach to the residency and up to 12 slides or photos of your work to Alicia Vanner at the Gallery of Modern Art or call 0141 229 1996 to find out more.

2 ~ lv’, Del, THE LIST 115