

2 \Iul'Iu‘l \Ilt't‘l. <3" “I”; \IHII \.Il IHIIIn *pin

Pleasurelands l nnl \.II '1 Int Im- \ Inn p;kain mInInIInn mpinnng IIII' pnpulni Il|\IIil} nl I.nI§_'InnnII\ .IIIII (“(1wa III (in-.II IIllIdlll . I’) CI I

JOHANN GEORG VON DILLIS I'nIil SuI H Jun I)I.minj_' .InII \\.IIt'ItHIUlII\ It} (IL'IIIIAIII MIN \\IIU\L' IIIL' ximnncd IInIn IIIC InIII IHIII In IIIL' InIII I‘IIII t'I-nIIII} It’s No Palm Beach l'nnl Sui I Inn Il't't'. .\ \lhllllll \llllL’ «.1 [Il'lllh IIlllI t‘HlllI‘lllt‘ [Nil’ll’tllh \NIIII Int \HIIIcn In [it'nplc lI'nIn Inun} t-llnt' nnnnIII} 3_'I'nnp\. Arttextiles3 I'IIlII Sill h .IIIII.

Ilium Spin. l-n-c. .\ t'nnIt-Inpnmi} MIMIHIInn nl I'.‘\IIIL' Int Ul'fJJIIlM'lI I1} IIIL' Iinl'} SI IZIIIIIIIIIII\ V\I'I (Lilla). t'II.n'IInj_' IIIC L‘\I)IllIlUll nl IInx gunnn


23 33 ('nt‘khinn Slim-I. 22H llnll.

'I'ut' Sui nnnn 5pm.

New Work Scotland Programme 13 l'nIII Sal IN Hut \cxx \Utl'Ix I\_\ ("Ignp ('nnIIIInIIl. ‘.\It'IncnIn .\InI'I'. it'IIIIII‘IIITJ lnIII' L'Hllllllt'lllttl'IIIHL' haunt-Ix scun In the III‘IIxI ;l\ I‘L'tlllk'\I\ In I‘InnuI t'Innt‘Ilcx In I‘IIL‘ IInIl t‘ni'n'nl \xni'k Ii} \Iit‘lmcl Snnnpl. \xlnch lnkcx lungnugt' .I\ it pnint nl IIcpgiI'IIn‘c lnI' \L'UIPIIIIL' \xni'kx, Tommy Grace l'nnl Sui Ix Du: "I'lit- Rnxt' ’I‘ullnn' IIIRIN IIIL' (.UIIL'CIHL' lIIInIIfJII IIIt' ()III 'Iimn and mm Ihc ncu. I‘t‘t‘I‘mIIng.‘ IIIL‘ I’I‘nlct‘l ann ;l\ IIt'xignI-II h} Ihc glinxl nl _\nnn§_' nI‘IgggnnI t'lllIlll\l;l\I .Ignncx ('I'uig;


73 IIL'IIUHI RnIIII. (II-I (CHI). .\Inl1 \VL‘II Ik I'l'l Sun Ilium 5pm; 'I'lIu Ilium “pin. Richard Demarco Focus 2: Edinburgh Arts 1972-1980 l'nIII .\Inn 3 Jun. I‘Iu'. ’I‘hc \ccnntl In ll \L'I'IL'\ nl' IIII'L'I' IIprln} \ tinm mg; nn Inult'nul lI‘nIn IIIL‘ Dungut‘n .‘\I't‘III\t‘ :InII lnt‘nxlng nn Hcmurcn'x mpcrnncnlnl Iztlinhui'gh .-\I‘I\ \nnnnt'r \L‘Ilnnlx nl IIIc l‘l7ilx and Ill\ \mi‘k \xith Iiuxlci‘n IiIII‘npcnn artists. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney Sat 4 “cc Sun In Jun. I‘I'cc. .\ Inuring \Iln\\ nl U\L‘l' ill \xni'kx nl Iii'ilixh ZIIIII ccnIIn'} Il'Ulll Ihc I’IL'I' .-\I‘I\ (‘cnlrc In ()I'knc} “IIIIC IIIL' I\I;IlltI guIIL‘I‘} llIltIL‘l'gUL‘\ II muInI' I'cl'urhixlnncnl. NIN‘.’ SI lI )\.‘.'. THOMAS WHALEN Sat 4 Dcc I‘ll 35 IN). I‘i'cc. \Vnrkx I») Ihc Irith-hnrn sculplni‘ li'nin Ihc ('n} nl‘ IiIIinhurgh .-\I'I (‘nllccnnIL Ihc Rn};i| Scnlnxh .-\c;IIIcIn_\ and twin \Vlmlcn linnil} mcmhcrx.


“4 I.;IlII'l\lnll I’IIIt‘L‘. III (Mill), Mun ’l‘hu Ilium 8pm; I'Il SIII Ilium 3pm.

ECA Masters of Design Exhibition


the third major survey of british artists

working with textiles

1 3 november -

31 december 2004

monday - saturday 10am 5pm city art centre

2 market street edinburgh eh1 1de


IIIII ‘) \M'tI I; ILx. I".Illl <I‘II: In"; \ \IIIw} nI xxnII. Iv» \III\I’CI\ nI I);\I;_'I‘. \IIIIIL'III\ .II I.tIII1I\III;II (’nllt'g nI \II I.Illf_‘IIl‘_' IInIn _;'I.I\\ .lIIlI InIcIInI IIC\1‘_'II In lIIll\Il.IIlHll .IIIII [‘III'III'JIJI‘II} III-.'IIII~_'III\ Inan Intlntlt- \I.I;_'_:II' IIII'IIIIH \\|‘I'IK'I. InnnII \uin}; IIIIII IIInInngIIIwnI Int Inn: IIan nllt'nng IlI\I.lIII I\'_‘_'I'\'\\I|‘II IIIt'I.Ip_\ lnI' .ltIIIII\ uhlnnj; In cxtnpc j_'In‘.|.n up IIHIII " '

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS I; l'ninn \Iit't‘l. “a 31"” Inc \.:I “Linn npin

Christmas Exhibition I “III llm 3* I)Ct \ ‘MIII' \L'Ik'tIIHII nl pIInlx Int IIIIIIII: punt-x Ii} .lnIIn Iit'IInn}. (XIIIIIn ( 'nlx III. I’.inln//I .IIIII \In_\n.I I I.lIII1If.'tIIl


I; \I.III\CI \Ilt't'l. 3:; 2 In; \IHII \.II

I I.nn npnl. \nn nnnn *pin

>3: Ellen Gallagher - Orbis \.II I I Du Sun I i It-h .\I.I|nI \nIn \‘\IIII\IIIHH nl ncu .inII mutiny \knik In \t‘\\ \nik I‘.l\t'(I .\IIIt'I|\.lII .llll\I IIII-n (i.lII.I_L'IIt'I lllt'IllIIlll}! nilnllngx InInIn IIIIn pinlct'nnnx. tunwd «Imu Ingx .lIlII .in I l IIIt‘IIt' Inn; dinning; mmlc «Inctl nnIn IIIt' gullci'} \\.il|\, IIL'I \\HII\ ll\\'\ It't‘IIIIInf: lllHIlI\ .lIIII until txnltuilnn'x nl «in. lips IIIIlI Iltlll' IIIItI Ill nnt' pit-tr IIII.I§:I-\ nI lilgit'k IIIlht'Ik' Incn lInIn //mn\ lll.If_'.I/lllt' IU\IIC Init‘k ;IIIII lnIlII In .I 3:.IIII.II.III Inuli \lllllpIL'II llHlIl I)I//t'k' I\’.I\\"II. \I‘I' IIllIl\l. 'iI 311’ '


*5 Ht'IlnI'II Rnnti. (ii-I (CHI). \Inn \\t'tI & I'll Sun Illnin Spin. IIlll IIMIII "pin, Andy Warhol: Art, Death and America 0.. l Hill In il I)“. I'I'u'. I’uInIIngx. xt'nlplnn' .lIItI phnlnginphx I») \\;nlin| pintlnt‘ul nmnil} III III\' I‘fllx .ind .\Il\ It-Ilt't'linp Ins Int'numn; III\\t‘\\|Hll \\ llIl \IK‘IIIII .IIIII IIInI'I;IlII_\. plnx [it‘lllillh nl ilill\l\ \nt‘II .l\ .IH\L'PII Buns. \Iun lx’.I_\ .IIIII (ilII‘L‘ll untl (IL‘HI’fJL'.

:3: Ed Ruscha O... I nIII Sun In Ian. M 1U); lI'u‘ In llIltIt'l l.‘\. I n\ :\llj.‘t‘IL‘\ IKIM‘II I'.tI Rllu‘IIII I\ “NC HI IIIt' lllU\I inl'lncnlml III‘Iixlx nl Ilic l.le ill _\c;II\. knimn lnI Ins pinnm'ln; ll\t' nl lungnugc and lnI' nngigci'} damn li'nln pnpnlui‘ culInI'c. 'I'Inx L'\IllI‘lIlUll int'lutlcx \\UI'I\\ lI'nnI I‘Hillx In Intln}. Scc IIlIIl\I. Ed Ruscha: Curator’s Tour .\Inn 1 i Du: |3.-15p1n. I'I'cc. KL'IIII IIIII'IIL'}. (Incl t‘III‘IiInI‘. Hullci‘} nl Ninth-In ,\rI. lunlx Ilnx Inui' nl Ind RIIxt'IIu\ \xnrk,


Rinul Sunllixh .'\\‘IIII\‘III} IiIIIIIIIng. 'IIIc .\InunII. (illnjlllt .\Inn \\L'(I I\ I‘ll Sun Ilium 5pm; 'I'hn Ilium 7pm.

The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections 0... l'nnl Sun S Hut t'" 1L5); lI'cc In IIIIIIL‘I' Ils. ('clchmtin; IIIC cnlnplclinn nl' lIIc IIIIIII \Iglgc nl IIIL‘ |’|;I_\ lun' I’I‘nict‘l. l'lu- .Iur n! Ilium brings




Scottish Arts Council

Embarrassed? He sho - I"..“I.‘,',,r),.1",.”54

IngI‘IIIt'I \\HII\\ \iInt'II |I.m~ k'IIIt'It'tI St'nlllxh t’nllt't'linnx .Ilnnpxitlt- \Mil'Ix\ I\_\ Ins t‘nnlcnipni‘.”ch I InInicIIn. IiI-Ilini. |.nlln. \t-Inncxc .lIItI anmnn '

Works on Paper from Flemings Display l'nIIl Sun lil'ch I‘I'u‘. \ \clct'linn nl \inl'Ix\ nn pnpt‘l‘ It‘t'unlh \k't'II ;II Ihc I'lt‘nnngg (‘nllt‘t'linn (Milt-I} In I,HIIIIUII.


(it'nI'gt' I\ Iiinlgt'. 330 15”. \Inn Sal liknn 5pn1;.\unl 5pm. The Private Lives of Books l‘nnl \Inn il Inn. (.t‘It'I‘\ lInIn L'IlIIllIt'. \pnII .InII [N‘IIII\\ Imw I'nnII’IIIIIIt-II hnnkx III.iI haw .l \pct‘ml signllimnt'c Ini‘ IIlL'lll III [III\ t'\IlII‘lIlUll Ilml mpInIt-x IlIc It'lnlinnxlnpx lIInl III-\I'Inp Iva.ucn INHIIxx and IlIt'n‘ n\\ III-Ix

uld be proud. [I ‘1', I! l, 4" ~I".’

Visual Art

My Say cheese! Here is Stuart

McCaffer at the age of one with his two favourite aunties, Mary and Bet. One hundred and sixty other classic photos adorn the walls of the Traverse in a new show that collects together the most embarrassing family snaps of all time.

“'1‘; (I: 1 .


I ()Ilt'k'll Sllt't'l. (II-I (LIIIII \IIIII \\\'lI tk I’ll Sun Illnni ipin. IIlll

Illnin "pin

Modern Women 0.. I “III \nn I i I't'I‘, I'Ik‘t'r I'.\IllI\lIlU|l tIl.l\‘.II IlHlll IIII' t‘nIII't‘lInnx nI IIIL' \t'nllhh \.‘IlInn.II |’nIII.nI (i.lIIt'I}. t'IldlIlllf.‘ IIIt' \nu t‘\\t'\ nl Inntlt‘In \xnincn. Including Rnhml (film's nnnjgt' nl It'nn} I l't' IlIlII \Inn.I SIImII'I In K.II\II

Keeping Faith I “III Sun (i I'k‘I‘ I Ik'l' I’IIHIHfJIIIPIl} In IIII\U\\.II\UIIIHIII\III1' nn It'mIt-Ix/Inllncnlml lllt‘lllI‘k'I\ nl IIlt‘ Innini \MIIIII I;IllIl\ pigu'Im-II lll \tnllnntl IUIIII}.

Modern Women: Artist’s Talk \Vul h I)t't. IJI‘ISPIII I'Ik't'. .\lll\I IIC\L'II_\ IIIHHI pin-x .‘i I.‘III\ In lllll IlIUIl“._‘\IIIt' IIIL' \IUIIL'lIl \\Hlll\'ll minhninn

Royal Scottish Academy Building,The Mound, Edinburgh t: 01 31 225 6671 www.myalscottishacademy.org

x " THE LIST 117