U85 9

Hogmanay The latest a

an where cafe/diner -

bu here? in Glasgow . Theend for PAGE ‘2‘ PAGE 124 digi cameras?



eehnnlug} is integrating at a rapid rate. \Ve'ie storing mnsie on our eunipnters rather than our ('I) shel\es. uttr il’tids are lweetnning Htll stereos. \\e'i'e reenrding 'l‘\' direet tn the Sk_\+ deender and pla_\ing DVDs on our games ennsnles. \Ve lme the \llllpllt'll}. l.ess is mine. and there is still that letish lot the small and eumpaet in the world til teeh. ln mobile phones this is a ke} etnnpunent. espeeiall} as thex need In he pni‘tahle. The biggest eui‘rent relinements are in eamera phone tllltllll). \Vhat \\ as nnee ennsidered a ginnniek is non regarded as etistnmar} and is rapidl} reaehing digital eamera qualit}. l’nr sheer design \er\e and desirahilit} the \tikia 73M) tpiettn'ed) is the one. It’s got a lilllllilll eainera as standard but when something ltmks this sleek its l'eatures ahnust pale intn insignil‘ieanee: the solid \nkia engine pins underneath. and Bluettmth and \niee dialling are inst the ieing UH the eake. .'\lsn matehing st_\le \\ith tisahilit} and qualit} is the Siemens Slhfi

with Video messaging and

hnilt-in eamera \xith li\ e

times digital mmn: or the super slim. super dtirahle .\I()I()l'()lil V}

almnt as thin

as tun eredit eards xx ith eatnera and \ iden elip pla_\haek_

linr piettire t]llillll_\. phones are nmx enming \xith in—huilt mega pixel eameras. Nukia has gone as tar as in\'iting Varitins artists to test nut their eamera phones. tr_\ing to prme that the} entild he the next step l'nru'ard in the world til art photograph} tnr. as it dnhs it. 'l‘nnetngraphfl. 'l'raee) limin. l)a\id Haile}. Rankin. Sir Peter Blake and .laek Vettrianti. amongst others. ha\ e their el'lprts diNPIa}ed at London's .»\ssneiatinn till Photographers (ialler_\. 'It tneant I eaptured things I don't normal!) eapture.‘ said one «it the partieipants. photographer 'l‘nm Hunter. ‘lt‘s quite l'reeing in some \\'tt}s. lt‘ll tnake photograph} mueh lL‘ss litll'lllill.. .«\nd that idea ul‘ itl\\';l_\s ha\ing a earnera on _\nu ennld hreak dnun the regulation and eeremnn) til pllntngraph}. l.ike text messaging. this ltmks like it is about to explode and help

Picture this

The line between camera and mobile is getting finer ehange htm \\ e enmmttnieate an an e\er}da} ltasis.

by the Henry Northmore Checks out some Of .-\gain. Nttk’ia has se\eral \et‘_\ niee mndels. The latest is the Nnkia ()(i7l) land its super s[_\llsll little brother the

the beSt models on the market Nukia 7260) or the Nnkia (i630. hnth enmhining smart

phone teeh \xith mega pixel eamera photograph}. Sun} liriessnn’s S7lllli with IS mega pixel digital eamera and Check with your retailer for the best deal to suit you. With thanks to Carphone its swnel Plttms‘ WWI” tiff-“ids” L‘SS‘L‘UC'” SCWC” 5"“ " " " While still being enmpaet. Siemens Sl-(m taunlahle lrnm Warehouse (www. carphonewarehouse.com); other stockists include Vodafone


Deeemherl also enmhines mega pixel eamera hut builds

(WWW.Vodafone. co,uk) and Phones 4 U (www.phones4u_co,uk) on Video eamera teehnnlng} with Hip-nut s\\ ixel \ iexx er and eamera. b

~1 THE LIST 1 19