Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.

Glasgow Ema_

Activities & Events

An Audience with Margaret Salis Arm. lhc ()Id ('hccscmzirkct. l3 19 Walk Strcct. (r32 2554. 7.30pm. £20. 'l'hc L‘lilll’\()}illll zind p\_\chic lulkx zilroul hcr uniquc cxpci'icnccx u ith L'lilll‘\t)}illlC}. iollou cd h} u ()&:\ \cxxion.

Name Neil Butler.

Profession Managing director and co-founder of U2 Events. the festival and events organiser. How long have you been in the job? We are celebrating ten years this month.

Best thing about it I enjoy going to work. A lot of my time is spent with people I admire the UZ team and artists and performers with vision and a unique view of the world plus I get to go to some of the best festivals across the world for ‘research'.

Worst moment so far Working in New York during 9/1 1.

Favourite lunch spot Stravaigin. Gibson Street.

Favourite building in Glasgow Clock Tower Glasgow University guiding me home and filling my bedroom window.

Best thing about Glaswegians Friendliest people in the world when you need a friend.

Worst thing about Glaswegians Friendliest people in the world when you want to be alone.

The song that best sums up what you do Steppenwolf's ‘Born to be Wild'. An anthem. celebrating youth. curiosity. a sense of adventure and a film where art met entertainment probably about to be rediscovered by a new generation.

How would you spend your ideal day off in Glasgow? Wake up to the snow. steamroom and swim at the Arlington Baths. walk up the River Kelvin, late lunch at Brel with family and friends. back to my place for a jam session. chat and wine.

40 THE LIST 22-16 Dec 290.1

Family History Surgery \lricht-ll library 20| North Strcct. 2V 2999 5.30pm l'rcc. Stuck \iith )our tuinil} lll\lllr} l'L‘\L'llrL’ll (‘omc along to thc l'dlllli} lll\ltir} (‘cntrc and consult thc c\pclt\


Absolutely Christmas Sl-.( ‘( '. l‘llllllcxltrll (Jun). 0870 040 4000.

10am (rpm. £3 £l0 i£7 £Hr. ('hrixtinus ItlL‘ih. food and dropping \\ ith dixplinx illltl dccortitions illi undcr onc root. Glasgow on Ice! (icorgc Squurc. UVI 200 39 40. .-\ intigictil \lirxcou »\t_\lc

\\ intcr \urndcrlund \\ ith ('hi'ixtinux murkcts. htirx and ctllc'\ and grit opcn .ur icc rink. l'ntil ('hi‘ixtmzix l'.\c. Yd}. (.ill'ixlllltix l'iK‘hxi

Workshops Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Hoi'dci'x Books. 98 Buchiintin Sticct. 222 7700. (rpm. £5. An opportunit} l'oi' adults to c\ploi‘c thcii‘ crcutix c pttlt‘lllllll. PureData Workshop (‘( ‘.r\. 350 Sziiichichzill Strcct. 352 4900. I lgun. l'i'cc. tickctcd. 'l‘hi'cc tilt} culllpl‘chcnxh c lllll'()(lllCll()ll In l’tll‘cl);tlti it llc\ih|c. cxtcnxix'c \} \tcm l'oi‘ crcziting illltlllt. \ idco and intci'zictn c \xorkx. Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘( ‘..\. 350 Stiuchichull Sti'cct. 352 4900. 7 8pm. £5 (£4). (ict to gl‘llh “llll lliix tun duncc form it’s )our ci\ ic dut} to \hukc _\our hoot}? Bring kncc pudx il' _\ou hm c thcm. Transmission Meditation Workshop lllllllt‘lltl Lilrt'ut‘}. liyl'cx Road. 33‘) H H”. 7 9pm. l-‘rcc. :\ \implc _\ct poucrl'ul lorin oi group lliL‘tlllillltlll. u ith lhc plll‘ptrxc ol‘ \tcpping doun \pii'ituzil cncrgicx lor thc hcnclit oi humanit). (iirxlt.

Activities & Events

:1: Illuminated Umbrellas l’oi‘tlund Suxpcnxion Bi'idgc. 4.30 (rpm. l'niquc [X'rl'ormzincc ("'1 c\ cningx on l’lll'llillltl Siixpcnxion liridgc. lclling comp|c\ \lt)l'lL‘\ (ll. lhc pctrplc oi ( iizixgim Using light and imugcx.

Reading the Leaves 'l‘chui-( )\ nu. 42 ()tzigo Lunc. 357 4524. H ltlpm. £l. .loin gucxt writcrx lor an m cning oi pocli‘} und crcutir'c \\ riting. l’rcx'ioux l'L‘iltlL‘l‘\ ll£l\ c includcd Louixc \Vclxh. Zoc Straichzin :ind Annc l)ono\;in. l-‘or illl‘llicl‘ inlormution or to hook it rcziding conutcl .\';i|ini l’uul ill rcudingthclcmc\(n lltlllllilll.L‘(llll.


Absolutely Christmas Sli( '( '. l‘illllic‘xlon ()uai)‘. 0870 (H0 4000.

lilillll (rpm. £8 £10 (£7 £3). Scc Thu 2.


PureData Workshop (‘(‘.'\. 350 Suuchichull Strcct. 352 4900. l Iaun. l-"rcc hut tickctcd. Scc Thu 2.

Saturday 4

Activities & Events Illuminated Umbrellas l’ortlund Stixpcnsion Bridgc. 4.30 (rpm. Scc Fri 3.


Absolutely Christmas Sli('(‘. l‘llillic‘xltlli Qua}; 0870 040 4000.

ltlum (rpm. £87 £l0 (£7 £8). Scc Thu 2. Christmas at the Hill House 'l‘lrc llill Houxc. l'ppcr ('olquhoun Strcct. llclcnshurgh. 0|43(r 673900. I lum 4pm. Frcc. ()pcn (‘hristmux cr'cnt including u musical pcrt'ormuncc at 2pm cuch du). tcuroom and gilt dropping trpptrrlunilicx. Atmosphcric ziltcrnutirc to thc normul prcxcntution of thc Hill llotlxc.

Body and Soul Psychic Healing Fair Royal (‘onccrt Hull: Slruthchdc Suite. 2 Stillcllichilll Strcct. 55.3 Hill)”.

I lum. £5 \\ cckcnd tickct; £3.50 duil}. Scotland’s higgcxt guihcring oi tarot rcudcrx. tixlrologcrx and L‘ltllf\(l};llll\. complcmcnlur) thcrupixtx and hculth pructitioncrx ax \xcll us crutt \lilllx. With guest \pczikcr. Richard Luurcncc. thc hc\t-\clling author of The Lin/v Book of Karma.

Food <3 Drink

Glasgow Farmer’s Market QuccnK Park. 520 l,.mg\idc Park. 25- 2500 Ilium 2pm l'i‘cc Bu} .1 \xidc Lingc ol producc diicct from \ci'llhll Lirmch


Celtic v Hibernian ( ‘t-ltrc l’.irk. Kcrryiulc Slt‘ccl. l’ 551 \053 3pm 'l'hc Humps \iill hc hoping for .i \\lll on homc turl .illcr lhcii icccnt dctmt tr} Alwrdccn.


Mehfil 'I'mmxigi). 25 -\lhcrt l)i'i\ c. 0x45 3303501. ".30pin. £(r .\ multilingu.d pUcll'} L'\L'lll \kllil pct'lilllllch llillll til\cl\c ll'utllllttlh. Hcdr contciniwdi} \wik tiom ilL'L'lilllllCtl poctx in Scotx. ltnglhh. into.

I? " \‘ f 'x /‘\I -“':\


Tramway, Glasgow, Sat 4 Dec

l’tinmhi .ind \i.d‘it \cc pincl


Weave a Willow Garland l\\ililll\ likil. lhompxon llinc. HQJIMit'll. 95“ hllNl l 3pm licc (icl lllli‘ thc (‘hiNnLis \[‘llli .ind lc.iin hou to \\\'.t\\' .i \xillou g.iil.ind to dctomlc \oiii ilillli tii'i‘l

PureData Workshop t t‘ \. WI \tlilxlllt'lldii \ticct. 352 4900 I |.un licc l‘lli titkclcd \cc Hill 2


Absolutely Christmas \l ('t '. l-innicxlon ()u.i_\. llVH 0.10 .li N in 5pm :5 tlll H.“ \cc lhu 2

This Mehfil, which is Urdu for ‘gathering’, is the inaugural event and launch evening for Ankur productions. It’s a poetry evening with performers from different traditions reading contemporary works in Scots, English, Urdu,

Punjabi and Arabic.

Organiser Lalitha Rajan feels this sort of event is a good way to make the wider public aware of Muslim and Pakistani poetry and help encourage cultural integration. ‘In Muslim and Pakistani cultures, many art forms are forbidden; poetry is one of the few that is openly celebrated,’ she says. ‘There are some incredibly vibrant works being produced, as there are amongst Scots writers and poets, so there’s no reason why language should be a barrier in the sharing of this art form. The common love for poetry should bring people together regardless of the language they

choose to write in’.

Scottish poet and playwright Liz Lochhead and poet and writer Jackie Kay will perform alongside Pakistan’s most celebrated and controversial feminist poet, writer and activist Kishwar Naheed. Scottish poets Ghazi Hussein will be performing in Arabic, Rahat Zahid in Urdu. Daljeet Singh Dalbir, who will perform in Punjabi, will perform the literary traditions of many other ethnic communities. (Morag Bruce)