Mixed bessings

On the eve of the release of their new mix CD Johnny Regan looks at the

phenomenon that is OPTIMO.

\ ()lttinio tcxjiacioi (ilaxgoxi‘x hcxt lo\cd cluh‘.’

('an\axxing thc countlcxx intcrxicxxcc‘x that

contrihtitc to articch in thcxc pagcx. ()ptimo ix almoxt ;i|\\;i}x natnochcckcd ax I/It’ rixk-taking cluh night. ‘l‘\\ itch and .loniiic’x Sunda} night phcnomcnon hax non olliciall} \\cathcrcd thc laxhion xhit—xtorin that \\ ax clcctroclaxh ta 'mmcnicnt‘ that thc_\ cxclicucd \\a_\ hack in Mill) and ix mm a \\tll'iti rcnouncd chih in \xhich houndaricx arc c\p|odcd and \\hcrc ii;l\ilitlll\ ttl‘t‘ c‘l‘calt‘d illxlc‘ad Hi. folio“ Cd. ilix

cultural cxcgcxix on a \xcckh haxix. and thc i'cxultx of

thc c\pci'imcnt arc gcncrall) xtriking: ()ptimo ix an c\hi|aralitig kalcidoxcopc.

.\'o\\. thc cltih ix putting otit a mi\ alhttm. llle' in l\'i‘// l/lt‘ IU. l’iiri 3 on the ‘l‘igcrxuxhi lath. 'l'hc cluh‘x audicncc hax hccn clamouring l'oi' xuch a mi.\ l‘or xoinc timc lltl\\. and .lonnic \\'ilkc.x c\plainx that. \\ith a club likc ()ptimo. thc proccxx of putting thc rccord otit \xax cxpcciall} dil‘l’icult: ‘lt'x takcn lar longcr than \\c aiiticipatcd. l.iccnxing .xo man} trackx lor rclcaxc at thc xamc timc ix a lot of \xot‘k. 'l'hcrc \\ci'c thc inmitahlc dixappointmcntx \xhcrc liccnccx \xcrc rct‘uxcd or \xithdraun at the Iaxt minutc. In xomc caxcx. thc mi\ \xax complctc. 'l‘hix mcant xomc rc-\\oi'king and putting thc xchcdulc hack. .-\ xchool choir xinging '(iood Vihi'ationx' or '.\'urxc With a \Vound‘ on a mi\ (’l) ix prctt} unuxual I xuppoxc.‘

'l‘hc mix (‘D l'orm hax hccn cnci'\atcd at‘tci' _\cai'x ot

mixuxc at thc handx ol pcoplc more intcrcxtcd in caxh than claxx. llo\\c\cr. .lonnic and 'l‘\\itch arc xct to tunnittinglM put thc lil‘c hack into the idca \\ith a


mix that rcprcxcntx a club \\ ith an idcntit} rathcr than a hrand. .lonnic cxplainx thc ximplc idca hchind thc alhtiiii: '\\'c \xantcd to prcxctit a kind of xnapxhot of a night at ()ptinio “ith the l\\o (‘l)x (the club mix and thc compilation). lt‘x hccn xucccxxl‘ul on that lc\c| and containx a lot ol' grcat muxic. ('l) 2 ix a xong compilation rcl'lccting thc lirxt hour or xo at thc club. and (’l) l. which ix mi\cd. xoundx likc thc cluh in full xxxing. 'l'hct'c \\ ax no conccpt othcr than thix rcall}. \xc juxt tried to prcxcnt thc xpii‘it and muxical dixcrxit} tii~ litL‘ Citllli

The club hax choxcn to xcll thc ('I) iron] on!) hrilliant underground xtorc and hangout arca Monorail in thc \xcck Icading up to (‘hrixtmax. ()ptimo ix a curioux inxtitution hccauxc. in xpitc ol' itx inhcrcnt indcpcndcncc and dedication to thc cityx undcrground muxic xccnc. it hax hccn latched onto h} xomc ol the \xorxt I)icxcl-xtorc caxualtiCx ax a place to hc xccn. .lonnic talkx about the ()ptiino balancing act: ‘I think it‘x normal that pcoplc \xill attach thcmxchcx to xoincthing thc_\ '\ c read about or hcard talked about \xhcthcr or not the} trul} lo\ c \\ hat the} hear or xcc. \Vc can‘t do an_\thing ahout thix. Houcu‘t'. putting on a hand likc \Vhitchouxc and xtlppi} ing carplugx on thc \\a_\ into the cluh ll\tl;lii_\ gocx xomc \xa} to making our intcntionx clcar to thc audicncc. that xtilltclillle it'x intcrcxting to make the atmoxphcrc unctiml'oi'tahlc ax \xcll ax coinl‘ortahlc. 'l'o chcck out xomcthing reall} c\ti'cmc. We don‘t mind hcing trend} hut no don‘t mind being untrcnd} cithcr.‘

The Sub Club, Glasgow, weekly Sundays

II: The Skatalites Messenger invite Jamaica's inventors of the true ska sound for a full live show of heavy bass and upbeat tempos. while the Soundsystem takes over taking you through to 3am with dub and reggae specials. The Bongo Club. Edinburgh, Fri 3 Dec.

71: Funkeymagic present Nordic Trax Label founder Luke McKeehan, famed for his deep house style and latest mix compilation Many Shades of House. is joined by Vancouver compatriot Kelvin K. Ber/iii Bei’rhaus. Edinburgh, Sat 4 Dec. 21: Headspin Swiftly followed by another killer night at the Bongo as DJ Cam (pictured). One of the founding fathers of the abstract hip hop movement alongside DJ Shadow and DJ Krush. he refuses to be classified and his sets cross all boundaries from jungle to jazz. The Bongo Club, Edinburgh, Sat 4 Dec.

:1: Numbers We have always supponed this little experimental electronica night, and for good reason. This new venture at the Brunswick Hotel is well worth checking out with Secondo, Ego Spastachrist. Bobby Cleaver and VJ Retina Glitch. Ba3ura Blanca, Brunswick Basement. Glasgow, Fri 3 Dec.

:1: Atomic A newly relaunched venue. out of the way of the regular footfall. Atomic plays anything from the guitar or dance frames in the attempt to make you dance all night. The Apollo Club. Glasgow, Week/y Thu (from 9 Decl.

:It XFM presents The Remix XFM's Eddy Temple Morris drops bootleg bombs all night, along with tvlcSleazy. the Freelance Hellraiser and some guys called Slam. The Arches, Glasgow, Thu 9 Dec.

:1: Bebado A class club night showcasing the very best in Afro-Braziliance. The live act on this date is Recife Against the Machine. flanked as ever by the incomparable lrian De Jaya and Ge. Riverside Club, Glasgow, Sat 77 Dec.