y. “if...- i f,’ . .fi-jgg, Surely the biggest draw at this student Xmas All

-‘ l” Nighter is a live set from electro-garage perverts Electric Six. OK, so they are veering into the world of novelty act with their ‘Radio Ga Ga’ cover, but then there's the guilty pleasure of ‘Gay Bar’ to look forward to. Grim Northern Social, Colin Murray and Sammy Jo help take you through to the morning light.

‘3‘ I I {)otr, Xmas; Al/ NIg/itm (it Sll't’Il/lti/l’dt? Ullll’fll'S/ll U/i/on, Fit) John Show}.

Chisgoug 8;)17i~6)‘.'1r7i, 5‘75.

al lhtx tlL'llCltillN. gtt}/lill\t‘tl Merchant ('it_\ cluh. Moxt \xho enter come out \miling.

I Friday at Wigwam at Wig“ am. llpm 3am. £(i (£5). \Veekl). lttlllcx (iardner pltt}\ a mi.\ of Rtkli and commercial clawicx. while Normxki and [cm pla} lunk) hoth and disco heats. I Funhouse at Barll). l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekl). :\ night ol clued-up punk and cathartic indie pop nonxenxe. lt’x pogo-a-go-go \\ith Radio l'\ Vic (ialloxxa). Mr Paul Needle\ and DJ Alpha Mitchell.

I Funk Room at the .-\rche\.

llpm 3am. £12 (£10). l7 Dec. Monthl}. Special guext i\ 'l'} “ith a DJ wt and Barry King. Residentx are Andrew Divine and Simon Bigheatl

I Goodfoot at the Rixerxide ('luh. Midnight 3am. £5. 3 Dec. Monthl). Ma\imum \Ulll pt)“ er from the (iootll'ool [)1 team. \\ ho axxail the \enxe\ with oiin the linext \election ol‘ lunk'. northern \otll and Rtkli on lmcl) old \in_\l.

I Heads Up Present Jazzanova at the Stih (‘luh l lpm 3am. £3. 3 Dec onl). Another rather \plendid night from Paul (‘au le} \ tine cluh. \\ ith the (ierman l'unk pioneers. 'l'hexe ginx ha\ e re\olutioni\ed production. and no“

the} 're putting in the rexolutionx hehind [hose Stlh deck.

I Kinky Afro Monkey Cum Sessions at the Sub (‘Iuh l lpm 3am. We‘re not entirel} sure it. the reference to ejaculating monkey ix necexxar}. hut

\\ ho the hell carex'.’ DJ Prime 8 and Mr Mal‘ro la} donn the Ian on guerrilla gigging tt\ the mixchiexoux duo drop ‘micro-chimp‘. their m inging electronic 4 deck jaunt.

I LiveVEvil at (ilasgou School ol~ .-\rt. I lpm Ram. £5. 3 Dec. Monthl}. The end of the _\'ear party \\ ith guext M(‘ liaxthorn. alongside rexidentx Morph}. Simon 1). Paul Rexet and M(‘ (iulu\. Visuals h} \'l'\'.-\ Motion.

I Lite at the Corinthian. ltlpm» 3am. £thc. \Veekl}. The (‘orinthian l‘acelit‘t gets into lull m ing. \\ ith the lite bar and club taking ox er the action on Friday. All the top DJx from (i l \ other \enuex make regular appearance\.

I Merry Christmas1994 at l‘ur} Murry. £4 t£.‘~i. l7 Dec. Monthl}. l5eattii‘e\ li\e muxic from the l’oppadomx. Autopilot and guextx. l).l.\ pla) an


eclectic mi\ ol lilll\lL‘ lrom I‘M-1. Drinkx promox aplent}. too.

I Miso at l3th Note ('al'e.

h’pm midnight. £thc. 4 Dec. Mottlhl}. Yellotone \\L‘ltl\ rau materialx into a huxhed toad lull ol gold. .'\t thix utterl} great e\perimental electronica night.

I Mixed Bizness at the (ilil\:_'t)\\ School ol'.-\rt. ll)..‘~(lpm 3am. £lhc. l7 Dec. Monthl}. l5ollo\\ing on l'rom the \uccexx of their charit} night. entitled Ji\e Aid. there'x thix claxx night u ith Ninja 'l'tine'x latext \igning. 'l're\a Whateui. Boom Monk Ben and Pro \'_\nalixt Karim are rexidentx.

I National Pop League at Woodxide Social. NC“ date lh’ Dec.

I The N00 Groove at ()ran Mor.

I lpm 2am. £(i (£4). \Veekl}. 'l'hix \xonderl‘ul. long rtmning cluh goex ueekl) at thix ne\\ \Vext lind inxtitution. Brian and Nick pla} the hext record\ from e\er_\ angle ol' the funk \pectrum. Jan. \oul. houxe. hip hop and \\llillL‘\ er. A brilliant \ieekl). in a nice hig church. Just lor the record. two nicer cluh promotcrx )ou'd \truggle to lind.

3:3 Numbers at the Brunxuick llotcl. ltlpmrlam. £(i. 3 Dec. Motilhl}. ()ne of the hext lel‘tlield electronica night\ in the cit}? We think \o. (iUCSl Secondo i\ a London and lurch hawd cut up techno lunkmaxter. and ligo Spaxtachrixl. Bohh} ('leaVer and VJ Retina (ilitch are in charge of )our entertainment.

I Offset at ('uhe. I()._‘\()pm 3am. £8 (£5 l. \VL'L'lxl}. lXillL‘L‘ L'lil.\\lC\ ttlltl tul'l' home from resident DJ\. .-\ \er} popular venue and club night.

I Outer Drive at the Sub ('luh.

I lpm 3am. £thc. l7 Dec. Monthl}. Bill} \Voodx play old} the \er) hext in for“aid-thinking dixco and home. It )ou ha\en‘t checked thix gu} out behind the deck\. )ou ha\'e a mid in )our lite.

I Papacool at the \Voodxidc Social. Next date the.

I Pressure at the .-\rche\. Ne\t date l3 l)CC.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

llpm» 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl). Masme he“ night for the Tunnel. bringing together three of (ilttsgtm 's lk‘xl-kntm n DJs. Krix Keegan. lain ‘Santox‘ 'l'homxon and A]. li\pect hig \ ihex. cox llil\ one\ been hailed ax Scotlanth anm er to lled Kandi.




Lb x / ~'. THE LIST 49