Road. ilh-7H (ititl 6055 S ‘liptn. L3 \tgcl and ('hrh chr} arc thu tlkl5 to lollo‘u. lot‘ a ll‘wh hatth ol totncd} iX‘lellllL'l'x


OOT:Trendy Wendy’s Christmas Party The Stand. 5 York Place. 555 "3‘3 X. illptn. L7 lUii lltttng hoxt Janc \lacka) and camp lltlllltirhl Brun- l)c\ ltn torn loin-x \kllll ltlllh} l).l 'l'rcnd} \Vcnd} lot a night ol ga} -ll'lL‘lltll_\ laugh\ and lllllL'\

Wednesday 8


The Fred MacAulay Show 'l llL' Stand. 3 H \Vt it itllillltlS [(UUd‘ tlhqll (till) (ill55.

S. ’illpni. LES. ltllt‘ Scotlanth \UIL'L' ol hrcaldaxt radio rcturnx lor lll\ llltillllll} L'Ulllt'tl} ollcrtng .lotn l'l'L'd and \[k‘t‘lal lelL‘Sl l’arrt it lot mo hout\ ol lllittl'll}.


It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7333. Uptn. L5 lHi. llritiotithl} \la'tt‘h \htm lcaturtng thc nnprm lSillltillill talcnh ol cral} kidx l‘.\\ttll .lohn. lan (’tot'kcr. \Vill .»\ndrc\\\. (iarcth ('rut'ltxhanlt and ('olin llcggtc.

Thursday 9


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltillglt'tll'S. l'( i(‘ Building. chlrcu Strcct. (LS-7U" 870707. Spin. l'l'tilll L'l‘).‘)5. \o nonwnxc lunn} tnan Raynond .\lt'arn\ toinx ladd) Ht‘llllStill. Km tn (iildca and ttttpt'cxario (icoll Boy to bring on laugh\.

The Thursday Show the Stand. 33* \Voodlanth Road, llS7ll (loo (toss. ‘55“an Ui (LSI. .'\ Ill} \tcr_\ hoxt tntrodut‘t-x ('anadian ('raig ('antphcll. Sttxan .\lorri\on and \igcl llucldand.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()tnni (‘cntrtz (irccnxidc l’lact'. (LS-[U7 S7ll7ll7. S.l5pnt. l'rotn Ll‘).‘)5. Northern Iri\h icxtcr Martin lligpig |tilll\ Mart} \Vllxtin and ItitilikL‘} ho} Sand} \L‘lvill tor a night ol laugh\.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'l'ltc 'l‘hrcc 'l‘unx \Vinc Vaults. 7 I l llanoxcr Strcct. ll7*)tl‘) 553345. 0pm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘hu

The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lat‘c. 55S 7373. Uptn. Lo tL'5i. l-‘ranltic Bo} Ic plan hoxt to high cncrg} lrixhtnan JilStlll BHHL‘. \ltitllt‘l‘“ CHIS Mark Bratchptccc and .lohn \lcllridc.

The Snatch Social 'l'hc liquid Room.

‘k \ It‘ltil'la SINCE. 35h4 lli 5UP”) 5am L4 it: 5th Scc 'lhu 3


Ha Ha Comedy ( )'.\'ctll\. 45" Sauchlcllall Strcct. 5554.1"ti Spill

Ui Ll“ “CS \lt‘lt‘dll llllt’tidtltL'S \xordpla} \wndcr l)c\ ('larltc. llatlig.ttc\ Hill Dru at and Sutton \lt'lx'tnntc Jongleurs Comedy Club .lollglcuh. l‘(i(‘ Budding. chlrcu Strcct. HS-“- SVl-Wl", Spin, l-rotn U905, Soc 'l‘hu ‘l The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 5.55 “midlandx RtiaiL llS‘li (will (M55. .\.5llpm_ L'- thil. .loltcx and icxtx lrotn part-Dink ('taig ('atnplwll. \lark Hl'illk'llplct't'. .Iohn \lt'llrtdc and biting t'ontpct‘c Suxan \ltil‘l‘IStill.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltiltglt‘tll’S. ()ntni (‘cntru (irccnxidc l’lat‘c. llVll" S"ti"li". Sl5ptn. l'rotn Ll‘).‘)5. Scc ’l‘hu ‘l. The Stand 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lat'c. 55S "333. 0pm. L” LS «Uri. ll‘lSllllldll .laxon Birnc. lowahlc \th Countr} tnan Ruxwll Howard. (iar} l.tttlc and hoxt .lanc \lacka} litic up the lttllg‘llx

The Bedlam lmproverts llcdlani 'l‘hcatrc. l lh Brixto l’lat'c. 335 UNIV ltifitlpni. £5.50 tUi. Scc l'l‘l 3.


Ha Ha Comedy ()‘thll'x. 45* Sauchtchall Street. 355 437i). Spin.

U) Llll. Ra) tnond .\lcarn\ lakt‘x to thc top \pot in thc t'otnpan} ol \\lllplk‘l‘Sllttplk‘l‘ l)c\ (‘larkta Sutton \chutnic and host .'\|an .‘\lltlt'l'\tlll.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltillglctll'S. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrcu Strcct. llS'i’ll',‘ S7070". Spin. l'rotn Ll‘).‘)5. (irccn ixlc lolwr .\lartin lligpig. Mart} \thxon attd llltISIL‘dl tnamtro Sand} \clxon takc owr thc laughtcr part) on Saturda) night. Madcap Comedy Club The Statc Hal. 14S Holland Strcct. 333 3|5‘). 3.5mm]. £5 lL'4i. (icnial local l’arrot hcadlincx \\ ith atnplc comic \upport lt'otn Kirxt} .\lo\\. (icrr) .\lL'l )adc and \aq.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 333 Woodland\ Rudd. “87” (300 0055. 9pm. L3. SL'L‘ l'il‘l Ill. although .lanc Macka) taka m er a\ L'tilllpcl'c.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()nini ('cntrc. (irccnxidc l’lacc. 08707 S7ti7tl7. S.l5pnt. l-‘rotn £19.95. Rih-

The Charlatans once sang about a west country

boy. Perhaps they had in mind one Russell Howard. Or maybe they didn’t. Either way, with his set of excellent fun about cow shaving, horse tickling and phone sex, this rising star is far

from a comedic charlatan.

The Stand. comm/gr. Fri 70 Dec. ma Srano. Gasgc... Sun


[lkhik'l\ ltotn lltcndan Rtlt'}. l dd} Britnwn. km in (itldca and llol‘lyx llt‘ \tro lllll‘lt‘\\lt‘lll\l (it-oil Ho};

The lilk' \l.tllti. 3 \l‘lh l'ldtt‘. 53‘ "3—3 "[‘lll :5 \x' l ll 1”. hut \\llll hm! Suxan \lotttxon

G asgow

Michael Redmond‘s Sunday senice Vllllt' \ldllti. 3‘51 \\tlt‘\lltllltl\ Raul, ox'ti non titiSS .\ lop.“ 1.1.11. .lo\ tal \wt‘ Rthwll llo\\.ttd routx John \lt‘lllltlt' .tlltl llt|\l \lltlldt'l Rt'tilllt‘lltl Xmas Comedy Talent Competition IlillL‘ \dllll. Ill“ I’tillt‘hSlld“ \ Rikki. “4" lilitl‘ ‘tptn L5 St't‘ Sun 5


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lilt' Stand. 5 \orlx l’lat’c. 55.S 3333 lpni l-t-cc Scc Sun 5

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge 'lht' l.l:_‘llllltill\t'. 53 54 lhc Shqu l ctth. .554 W405 Spill L5 liathgatt'K lltll |)L'\\.ll law“ thc laughx tolling \Hlil support lioni Kicr .\lt*\llt\tcr and .Llllllt' .\lltlt'l\till Bruce’s Sunday Social I‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lat‘c. 55.\ “333 S ‘llpnt L4 it'll ('atnp hoxt Hruu' I)L'\llll tottnd\ ol thc \wckcnd \klllt tip top huntout ltotn \latk litalt‘hptct‘c and (il.t\gti\\ hard nian ( iat} littlc.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance l‘lic Stand. .5 55 \\(N‘llitllltl\ Rtidtl. ilh—ll NW (ill55. Sfillptn. L4, St't' \lon o.


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 \otk Maw. 55.\ “3‘3. S.5ll|iiti. L'l. Jo Jo Suthcrland and Paul \lt‘thll initiatt' a liandlul ol Stand up \ irginx tnto th' \xorld ol L'Hlllt'tl}.

Tuesday 14


“8d Raw .Hlt‘ Sltllltl. .5 55 \\0Hlll.llltl\ Road ox?) (illll (ill55_ .S. top,” {3. (’ontcd) autx (itacntc 'l‘hontax and .\|lcn ('halntcrx _|oiti a hunch ol stand up


The Fred MacAuIay Show litt‘ Stand. 5 York l’lau'. 55S 3333. Sfillptit. LS St'c \Vt‘tl 5.

Wednesday 15


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(' Building. chl'rcxx Strcct. HSV)~ S7tl7tl7. Spin. l‘l'tilll £10.05. l’hill .ltlplltIS lookalikc .-\ndrc Vint'cnt iotnx up \\ ith top dog Ra_xntond .\lcarn\. lan liduardx. Stu \Vho'.’

The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolle III Charity Appeal The Stand. .55.“ Woodland\ Road. ilh—'0 hill) (M55. 5.30pm. to tL'5i. The With"- haxhtng Rm gathcrx lllS latthlul lolloucrx togcthcr lor an unhol} cwntng ol \ptrttual hcaling.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jtiliglctll'S. ()tnni ('cntt'c. (it'ccnxidc l’lat‘c. “VH7 S”ll7tl". Sl5ptn. l‘l'tilll L'l‘).‘)5. (icordic ho} \lickc} Hutton takcx to thc L'tilltL‘tl} \tagc along \idc Stow Harris. Km tn (iildca and .»\u\\tc giant (‘oltn ('olc.

A Kick Up the Tabloids The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "333. ‘lptn. £5 t£4i. RCSidcnt political \attrixh l’aul Sncddon. l-‘ranlxic Bo} lc. Stixan Morrixon and John l-‘lint wan the licadlinw tor the l‘L'Sl land \Hil‘Sll topical tit hits lrotn acrtm thc \xorld.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(' Budding. chlrcu Strcct. ilh-ll- mm". Spin. l‘l'tilll “9.95. Scc \M‘d l5.


Simon Munnery :

{mt :' ‘t‘.l"‘

Xmas Comedy Talent Competition .‘.1 ".l" ..

.li \t ‘5'. tlt ltlt~

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge 71'» Siltili‘t:lt"l.l-'*‘l ,"ai 'tt' t"‘l"‘ utféxwla. t1tt;l‘.I""Tlt.lllil"‘tl.?1t-l“ Stat? "turf "aw with} ‘t‘. tl‘w-lt ti tili‘f

J !. {‘IJ!"‘. I I’V (‘

d- '. lK/‘M

Mark Thomas i Zuttitit; '.; lino: €::;t.ttiltti!it'i~'it .‘utt‘ 'li‘i Wham? /).'iwei”‘w".' iii! in fil‘il‘lli).‘.‘t'l l)‘.‘.'.{ll“. .;"T.'t?’ .[t'V‘tt‘T'i

sf” (/6: 'tl’.,‘ I [’331.

Jason Byrne lr ith'l rial a


l'w". t;.‘,‘.-tl math: it titwl

l‘itmtni if .l‘nf .tlilttllt: ,‘ mlit: '1!

"ittJ/‘r, it)? “Vt/L lli: ll l-lli illi’itil

w: u. xiii and mum? tIM: a

'lé:l€:.’l’lilll’. Inc 8.21.“ r. r not?!» I’d”. l“;, 't 5'. 55.1.7 'ti‘ Uta/,1

Russell Howard l'lf: 3.9:): canintt‘. .'.'if>€;/Ll’ztt,k(;t' it) tiarm. Sta,- twat; ’Ltll)ll’il‘. lt‘o Sum. {(Ii/?.'i.,‘."«','ti, I r" 7/7' Um.” flit: _‘Stariz,'. {has} Six/7 7.” Due.

The Thursday Show 'l'ltt- Stand. Hi \Vtititllantk RtidtL (LS—3H (illll (i055

S5llptn. Ur tL5i. I‘ull lott'c lltixl R;t}tttotid \lcarnx introduu-x ll'ISllllldll Brendan lk‘ttiiixc}. Rtt'hard .‘\HL'll and Paul \lt'Nt-tll.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltitlg‘lClllx. ()tnnt ('cntt‘c. (irccnxidc l’lau'. llSqlW SVWJ“, Sl5ptn. l‘l'tilll Ll‘).‘)5 Scc \Vcd l5.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'l'ltc 'l'hrcc ‘l'unx \Vinc \aultx. " ll llanowt Strcct. HWH‘) 553 ‘45. Will], l'l‘cc Scc 'I hit

The Thursday Show lhc Stand. 5 York l’lat'c. 55S "333. Uptn. Ui tL5i. Sharp \hooung hoxt l'ranltic lio_\lc introducm top notch ltllllltit'lSl Stcuart l'l'illlL‘lS. John (iilltck and \igcl liuckland.

The Snatch Social The|llltl Room. 9c Vittoria Strcct. 33.5 3564.

lli.3llpttt .5ttlll. 2.4 tL‘N5Hi. Scc Thu 3.

South Queensferh/

Capital Comedy®The Roseberry Hall RtixL'hL'lT} Hall. 13 \VCSI 'l‘Cl'l'itL'L'. WWW 553345. ‘Iplll. L". The unhol} Rcwrcnd ()hadiah Stcpiwnuollc lll lL'ttlllS up \\ tth l’aul l’ll'lL’ and Jun l’ark tor a night ot ('hrtsttnax lun. ‘-‘-llll [WI/CS lor thc ik'Sl llth’.

:2.- ./ '-'- THE LIST 57