

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

§5ll \nmlnt-lmll \III'I'I. llHl 15L‘J‘Hlll L1I9_25lII.III.IIIIII'c LS 5llIL3I Soc

llllk'k' llllll\ got my lIIIIIIlI IIIII' II‘I'c Hannah and her Sisters I ISI (I IS Old BoyIIxI .\ IS

Before Sunrise I ISI 0. I S Before Sunset I ISI 3. I S.

Before Sunrise I ISI 0. I S. Before Sunset I ISI .\ IS.

Illli«t ,(y i‘

Manhattan I ISI .\.-I5. ‘II'III III‘III'II " [I I,

Miracle on 34th Street I l’( ll 2 00. Manhattan I ISI S00 Coffee and Cigarettes I ISI 300.

.II IIII II‘II’ I II I; Miracle on 34th Street Il’( II 3.00. I: II :IIIA‘I’ '.1 III I;

Coffee and Cigarettes I ISI II. I S. Billabong Odyssey I l’( i l x. I S.

.'.l lINl SHAY ‘I:' [)l (;

Billabong Odyssey I Pt II II. I S. Coffee and Cigarettes I ISI x00.

IIII III‘ESIIAY III III I; Coffee and Cigarettes I ISI MS.

Glasgow Film Theatre

l: l\)ll\t' Sll't‘t‘l. lll-ll 5.5: .\ l :3. (‘Illtl/l‘ul'. \ll III‘I'IIII‘IIIJIIL‘IN lIIIIIkulIlI‘. ll)|. llil. l'\t‘lllllj_'\C L5 IUI. \lgllinccxz [-1 IUI. l‘l'l ll‘t‘llllt' 51IIIII: L'.i IL'ZI. (il' l’ \uwrx: L'le IL'IIII III \t't' 5 lllmx I\;I|IIl IIII' linu- llllllllll\l. ()[Icnx Sunday lltlll‘ :0] limit l‘t‘llllt‘ lll\l Illm \I;II'I\ 110ch \;II'_\.


I. NuckabeesIISI I.IS. .\'.-lII.

C02 (Seek you No) I I.\'I 3.00. Tats Toi! (Ruby and Quentin) I I3.»\I S00, IIIIII

lnguelezi I ISI “.00.

.5. ill, (12“.

l lI‘ll MY 3‘» lll (I

IONuckabeesIISI I.IS. .\.-ll)

3.30. (l.:ll_

76 THE LIST ._‘—‘:: 1‘0: 1

NobodyKnowsII:\I1‘«II. SIS. \IIII Five Children andltII I II IIIIIII LoslafirosII3\I ‘l5 IONuckabeesIISI H0. 030 \.lll NobodyKnowsIIZ\I S IS. x00 Bride and Pre)udice (Subtitled) I I: \I

1 ill

NobodyKnowsII2.\I 3.10. S IS. \IIII Poilde CarotteIIIIIII 400 IONuckabeesIISI IIZII. .\-1II. 210M I [I

I’liuckabeesIISI I IS. 1.10. IIJII

Nobody Knows I l3.\I I Sll‘ l) IIII Bride and Prejudice (Subtitled) I I: \I 5.40.

Bungalow I ISI ‘HIII.

lLJESDAY DI—I,‘ I’liuckabeesIISI IIS. 0.30. 340 Nobody KnowsII2.-\I 3.30. (Illll.

Peace One Day II. II 00. ‘.'.’I IINI-SIIAI/ [Ll I; I. "UCKaDOOSIl5I l.l5. x40,

Nobody KnowsII3.\I 3&0. I\.|5. inherit the WindII‘I SRO.

K lll_ (\43ll_

llllJRSl)AY III! I: IONuckabeesIISI I.IS. HII. MS Nobody KnowsIIZAI 2.10. .\,IS.

Monster I IxI 0.00,

l RIDAY ll" I'll—(j

TripleAgentII'I 3.30. 3.30. Napoleon Dynamited’m 300, S00. ".00. IIIIII.

TheWomenIl'I 5.45.


It’s a Wonderful Life Il’( il l l..5lltllll. TripleAgentII‘I 2.30. 5.45. Napoleon Dynamite I l’( i I H II I_ “.00. Ulll).

TheWomenII'I N.l5.


TheWomenIl'I I.IS.

it’s a Wonderful Life II’( II 2.30. Princes and Princesses II'I 4.00. Napoleon DynamiteII’m S00. 7.00, 000.

Triple Agent I l ' I 0.00, 3.30.


It’s a Wonderful Life (Parent and Baby Screening) II’(;I lll..5ll;llii.

it’s a Wonderful Life ll’( II 3.30. Cyrano De Bergerac III 300. Napoleon Dynamite Il’( II S00. ".00. «I00.

Bread and Tulips (Pane e Tulipani) I III 5.45.


TheWomenII I \ IS

Napoleon DynamiteII’I‘II IIIII. :Illl.

Bread and Tulips (Pane e Tulipani) I III I lll‘ .\ ‘sll

Callas Forever I ISI 1 :0 it’s a Wonderful Life II’I'II S III Cyrano De Bergerac II I S 4S

>4 >- \‘ Av 5' \

Napoleon Dynamite Il)(ll I 00. .100 (I. :ll

Bread and Tulips (Pane e Tulipani) I I 2 I I III

Cyrano De Bergerac I I 'I I III

it’s a Wonderful Life Il’( II .\ IS Callas ForeverI ISI .\ 10

7n ICSLA‘I’ ‘I 27E .

Napoleon Dynamite II’I ll I00. :00 SUN),

PeaceOne DayIl'I IIS

Cyrano De Bergerac III S IS

it’s a Wonderful Life II’I ll SS0 Callas Forever I ISI IIIIII.

Bread and Tulips (Pane e Tulipani) I | 3 I NM l.

.\\lilllll l..i|lk'. llIlllImIl. “HI 3 W H-i-H. l‘l'l Sun: L55“ lIclIII‘I' (Ipm; £0.51) :IIICI‘; .\lII0: L55”; 'lIIc llilil {4.5” lIcIIII‘c (‘l‘llIL [5.5” gillt‘l‘. Silltlt‘llh’l ):\l’i {5.5” IIIIII ;I\;IIl;IlI|c :IIII'I' (Ipm l‘l'l Sum; (‘lIIlIl1 L55”; KIle‘ Club Sat Morning: £35“.


Birth I |5I Illillum.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI I30. 400. 040, «I. III.

The Gmdge I ISI l.l(l. 0.20. The Manchurian Candidate I ISI 3.45.

,‘shll l.

l RIDAY 1% - ll-lURSDAY (I

Billabong Odyssey I l’( ;I

Sun: l.(III.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI l);lll_\l I.III. 3S0. 0.40. 0. I0.

Dr Dolittle Il’( ll

Sui Ik Sun: lll..5ll;|lll.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ll’( II

Sui Ik Sun: lll..5ll;illl.

Ladies in Lavender I I3.-\I

l);IIl_\: l.5ll. Jill). (till.

Ladies in Lavender (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I 2.-\ l

llllli llHllum.

The Manchurian Candidate I ISI Hull}: 8.45.

IMAX Theatre

(llungm St‘lcncc (.L‘llll't‘. 5U l’IIt‘Illt' (300}. “HI 4.?” 5llllIl. UI.‘)5 IUU5I. lll‘I tll\k'lllllll IIn puI'wa IIl IIIIII‘L' IlIun I'IIUI'.


Santa vs the Snowman 30 II’( ‘0 I130. 3.00. IIS. T-Rex 3DIl'I l.45.


Santa vs the Snowman SD 0% II \VCL‘lulu} \i I15”. .5.llll. 4. l .5. Sat It Sun: IZRII. I45. Hill. Him: 30 Il‘I

\\'L'L'lxtl;l'\\i l.—l.5.

SIII Ik Sun: «l.l5.



Santa vs the Snowman 30 I I’( II

Dull}: IIHIIIum InIII Hi I. 12.30. Kllll. 5.30 mm HI I.

.'\l\ll \xccktl;I}\: ll.llll;Im InIII HI I. -l.l5.

Sui & Sun: l.—l5.

T-Rex 3D II‘I \VL‘L‘lxtlzl} \Z l. Sill Ik Sun: -l.

45. I5.

Odeon at the Quay, Glasgow

llII l’.0\lc_\ RIutl \‘l‘l‘\‘\llt' ll.II'I) R.IIII\IlI‘II'~. IIlJl ~il.\ Ill ll [Him and It lmIIkIn; H5") 5” 5IIINV [ll] ll-l \IlulI z-I SII IIcIIIIc 0pm. L5 SH .IIIcI I.InII .III Ila} 5.1! I\ \IIIII \M‘tl .Ill Ilt‘kclx t (Ill SIIIIlI‘Ile (‘lIIlIl IIIIIch H {3 ‘5 lunnlx llt'lxt‘l {l4 4“ l It'L‘IISt‘tl l‘.ti .

Beyond the SeaIIZ.\I I: III. 15‘ Will)

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI

: :0.

ll 45.00. I: 3H. lllll. 215. .‘IIII. SSH. SIIII. 5 i0. IIIS. "-IS. 2‘5”.

‘I IS.

The ForgottenII3.\I 0000. 3 IS. :I ‘III. "IIII_ IIIII

The GrudgeIISI 2 IS. 4S0. 04S. “.15

The lncrediblesII’I‘II II JS.IIII. I III. 2.00. 4.30. SIS. S-IS. ~SII. 54S

The Manchurian Candidate I ISI 0000. 3 IIII_ 000. Ill)“

Taxi I |3.\I 5-15

Veer Zaara II'I IIIIIIII. J 00. .\ IIII l‘RIDM I lIlUl'I‘slfiw :'

Arlington Road I ISI

'l'IIc: lll..5ll.till.

Beyond the Sea I I:.-\I

l’I‘I 'l‘uc. Kill I\ (I.l5 IIIIII 8:0 I\ Sum. ‘l.l5

.I\l\II mulmcc \wI'kIlgI}\: nIIIIn

Blade Trinity I ISI \VCIl Ik 'l'lIu: l.llll. 03”. 3.45. ‘HII. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI l);IIl_\: l:.l5. lllIl. 321.5. Kill. 5.5“. MS. 8.15. (Hill

.'\l\il lulc l'I‘I Ik SIII: ll.l5.

Christmas with the Kranks il’( ll

l);Ill_\: l.~l5. 4.l5. ".llll. Will.

.'\l\l‘ lnlc l'l‘l Ik SIII: IIIIIlIIIglII.

.’\l\ll mulmcc Sal Ik Sun: ll.l5;IIII.

The Forgotten I I:.-\I

Hull}: 8.45.

.'\l\ll [:00 ll! Ik SuI: IIIIIlIIIglII. The Grudge I I5I

\Vt't‘lxtl;1_\\i 3.l5. 4. 5ll. (‘45. I‘ll Sun: ‘HII.

.'\l\ll lulc l'I‘I Ik Sal: midnight The lncredlbies I I’( ll

Dull}: ll.~l5;InI. ISI). JIIII, -l..‘~II. 5.00. 5.45. 5.45. H45. .'\l\ll luIc l'l‘l Ik SIII: HUI) IIIIII SIIII. IIIIIlniglII.

.'\l\ll SIII Ik 800: (I45.

The Manchurian Candidate I ISI Hull}: IIIIIIII. Hill. ().llll. ‘HIII. .'\l\ll l;IIc l’I‘I Ik XIII: IIIIIlIIIglII. The Merchant of Venice I I’( iI I)IIII}: 0000. 3.00. 0.00_ IIIIII. Polar Express II'I Sal Ik Sun: ll..5llillll. Shark Tale II'I

Sui Ik Sun: ll.l5:IIII. l.|5. Surviving Christmas I I3.-\I

Dull}? I30. 4.00. 0.30. ‘).l5. .'\l\ll luIc l‘l'l k SuI: IIIIIlnighI. .'\l\ll mullncc Sui Ik Sun: I l.llll:Im. Veer Zaara II'I

Hull}: 4.00. 3.00.

x\l\II IIIulIIIL'L' \‘I L‘L‘lxtl;l_\\3 IIIIIIII.

5(I RL‘lll-lt'ltl SII‘ch. (ll—ll 5.53 .l-ll5. lIilII and ('(‘ lIIIIIlIIng: 0870 5050 (MIT. [D] wrccnx 5. (I. 7 and >4. l‘I'I Sun: £5.35 l£.5.25l1.\ll)lli £3; 'l‘uc 'l'hu: £5 IUI. l‘umil} iIclwI: {l2 Lil.

1-15. Kill. 5 45.


l|.llll;un. l.l)ll_ lllll.

l.45. 4, l 5. 0.45.

IleJB§DAl 2

After the Sunset I I2.-\I Bad Santa I ISI 9.00. Beyond the Sea I l2:\l 12.45. 3.30. 6.“). 3.4.5.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I ISI

12.15. 5.45.

nIIIIn. I.IIII. 3,30. 330, 500. (:00. 7.45. 8.30.

The ForgottenIIBAI I30. 4.00. 6.30. 9.00.

The GrudgeIISI IJIII. 2.4S. 5.45. 3.30.