Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activrties as run Pottery Workshops Sat 4 I)cc .& Sal

ll l)ec. Noon (rpm. £5. I'll'c‘\\tri‘kx Studio.

35:1 I);IlIIt)tIxic Street. 332 3733. :\j._'ex 4+. l’arnt potx or lia\e a go on the potter”x \xheel In lhexe \\ eckl} \kor'kxliopx Int clnldren.

Saturday Art Club Sat 4 Dec tk Sat I l l)cc. IIIam lprn. l-ree. (ialler) oI .\Iodern .-\r'I. Queen Street. 22‘) WW». I'un art actrxitiex Ior children aged .3 III relating to art on tlixpltt} \xith drau ing. collage. xculplure making and gamex parentx can gel xltlck ill loo,

Sunday Craft Club Sun 5 l)ec & Sun l2 I)ec. l lam lprn. I'ree. (ilttxgtm .\IIIxeumx Rexource ('enIrc. 20H Woodhead Road. NiIxIIiII. 27o 93M). l)ropvrn craIt club \\ Hit a diI‘Ierenl Iherne each ueek. Suitable Ior S l2-)c';il‘—tildx. Co-operative Young Film-Makers Festival I’ri 3 Sun l2 I)ec. 'l'imex \ar). (‘(.x\. 35“ Sauclrielrall Street. 352 JUIIII. Non-compeliln e )oung people‘x Iilmmaking chli\al. I‘ull delaiIx can be I'ound at u\x\\

Meet Mrs Claus! Sat 4 & Sun 5 I)ec. Sat II & Sun I2 l)ec. lIIam 5pm. £2. l’ollock ('ountr') l’ar‘k. 2min I’ollockxlia\\x Rtrtttl. (i4‘) “875. \'i\il Stlnltt‘x \\ lie in her cox} li\ irIg roorn and I‘ecei\ e an earl} (‘hrixtmax giI‘l.

Pantotastic Workshops Sat I I l)ec. 3.30 4.30pm. £2.50. 'l‘ron 'l'heatre. ()3 'l'rongate. 552 4207. The Iron learn r‘e\eal the xeer'et III a good panlo in thix I'un workxhop I'm 5 III-)'L'tlt‘-Ultl\.

CCA Kids Club: Make Your Own Christmas Cards Sun I2 l)ec.

Noon 2pm. £3. ('(':\. 35H Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Karena lcadx lliix \\’t)l‘l\\litip making I'unk} ('hrixlmax eardx Ior your Iriendx and I'amil_\.


Children’s Classic Concerts: Christmas Classics S'al I I l)ec. lprn & 3pm. £‘).5() I£5I. Vanni) ticket £2o. Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S'IIIXI. I'cSIch cheer Irom (‘liildren‘x (‘Ittxxic (‘IIIIcL‘I'I\. 'I‘Iiix year‘s line-up includex carol xinger'x. ballet dancer‘x. xleiglr bells and a certain Snon man. and. ax al\\a_\x. plenl} oI' audience participation. See prex'ien.

Theatre & Dance

Jack and the Beanstalk I'nIiI Sat 2‘) Jan. 'I'imex \ar')‘. U I. I’m ilion 'I'Iieatre. l2l Renlield Street. 5.32 I846. The I’axilion'x xpectacular I'amil) pantomime I'eatur'ing the Krankiex. lain and laughter I‘III' kids Ul- all tigex.

The Borrowers l'ntil 'l'liu lb I)ee Inot Sun). 'l‘imex Var}. £ln £l4 (£5 £(r.5lll. l‘amil) ticket £37. ('iti/enx‘ 'l'lieatre. I l‘) (iorhalx Street. 42‘) 0022. Stage adaptation oI' .\Iar_\ Norton‘x popular tale ol‘ the tin} I'amil} \\ ho lix'e beneath the floorboards.

The Little Mermaid l'ntil Sun 2 Jan. 'l‘imex \ar). £(i (£3.5(Ii. l-‘amil_\ ticket £I5. 'l'he .-\rche.x. 253 Arg} Ie Street. 565 lll25. .-\rehe.x 'l'heatre (‘ompany ix xet to bring a brand next \erxion of The little .‘It’l'liltlltl to life Ihix winter. taking children of all agex on a I‘axcinating. chlch ad\enture. Mr Punch’s Magic Christmas Party Sat 4 Dec. 2pm. £4.50 (£3.5(Il. Scottixh .\Ia.xk & Puppet 'l‘heatre ('entre. .S' It) Balcarrex .'\\enue. KeIVindale. 33‘) (ilS’5. (‘hrixtmax Inn for all the Iarnil}. Ihat'x the \\a) to do it! Scott l.o\'al entertainx \\ ith a hoxt of magic triekx. not forgetting Benjamin the Rabbit.

Aladdie: A Magical Tale from the East (End) Tue 7 Dee -Sat 8 Jan. 'l'imex \ar}. £4 £l4: Iarnil) ticket £39. 'l'ron 'l‘lieatre. b3 'l'rongale. 552 4267. The \lt)l'_\' oI' \xee man .-\laddie and hi.x pigeon I'riend Peel} \Vall)‘. “ho \xork in I’antoland

.\Iarkel Ior hrx mother \Mdou \Iank} 'l‘ogether' the} Inn e to xa\ e the market Irorn rede\elopmenl at the handon hix exrl l'ncle Rah .l\na/er Boo. hixx” Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs \Ved S In 24 Dec £5 £lo5ll. Sl-.('(‘. I'mniexton Qua}. (IS—'1) Ii4ll 4ooo. (i.-\.\I'l.-\ Ilor'rnerl} the Stage School oI Scotland! prexenlx thrx traditional Iarr}tale.

Flotsam and Jetsam Sal I I l)ec. 2pm a 3.45pm. £4.5III£3.5III. Scoltrxh .\Iaxk It I’uppel 'l'liealre ('entre. S III Ilalcarrex .-\\enue. Kelundale. 33‘) olS5 .~\n enchanting xeleclron oI “Inter-lime rh}mex. \IIII'ch and xongx. Meet xorne naught} elxex. a teen} tin} baker and a nee ('hrrxtmax mouxe. l.otx oi routing in Iun Ior 3 (r )ear'x.

The Singing Kettle - Santa’s Big Surprise 'lhu lo Sun I‘) l)ec. 'lhu l'r‘r IIIam IIIIII mat Ipmi; l'ri/Sal 5pm ISaI mat llam «k 2me; Still noon S 3pm.

U) U”. Ilraehead .v\r'ena. Kingx Inch Road. RenIreu. SS5 l-l4l. .-\ (‘hr‘ixtmax Ireat Ior the “hole Iamil}. 'lhix magical. muxical xho\\ Iiax brilliant ne\\ xongx ax \\ ell ax Singing lx'ettle Iaxourilex Ior the audience to |IIIII in \xilh. plux oodlex oI iIcItonx too.

The Happy Gang’s Christmas Sweetie Shop 'I'Iiu to Sat Ix l)ec. 'lhu I'ri III.|5am I'lhu mat l.l5pmr‘. Sat 2.3(Ipm. £7.50. l-amil} ticket £25. SI-'.(‘(‘. l‘inniexton Qua}. IIS7II ()4t) 4IIIII). lt'x (’hrixtmax and our onl~cenIred heroex are hard at work in their x\\eelic xhop. but watch out. heeauxe Ilah Ilurnbug ix hiding behind the ('lu‘ixtmax tree plotting xtick} ('hrixtmax cliaox?


Tall Tales in the Tower Sat 4 Dec. noon l2.45pm. I‘r‘ee. 'l'ron 'l'healre. (I3 'l'rongate. 552 4267. I’un interactixe xtor} telling xexxionx in the 'l‘r‘on'x ('loek

Io“ er Ior agex 3 5.


Activities & Fun

Mr Men Day! Sat 4 Dec. l lam 2.30pm. Illackuellx. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 022 S222. ('ome and join the Inn at thix Mr Men themed e\enl. Including coxtumex. It colouring competition. qui/Iex. a pri/e than and cake.

First Impressions: Islamic art and tiles Sat 4 Dec. I lam & lprn. £(i I£I.5()i Memberx ol- the (iood Neighbour Scheme £4. North Iidinburglr .-\rIx ('enlre. |5a Penn) \x'ell ('ourt. 3l5 2I5 I. \Vor‘kxhop I'oeuxing on pattern. rh}lhm and repetition in traditional lxlamic art and decoralne Iilcx. 'l‘li Iit‘xl \uit'kxliop ix Ior 3 () )ear‘x and the .xecond ix I'or 7 l2 )earx.

Family Workshop: Christmas Wishes Sun 5 Dec. | lam 12.30pm &

I 3.30pm. £3. I.aur‘ixton ('axlle. 2a ('ramond Road South. 330 2060. linio} a Variet} oI' cral'tx in preparation Ior ('hrixtmax in the warmth ol' the caxtle'x Ultl kitchen. Booking exxential. Christmas Country Crafts \Vetl S’ l)ec alxo Wed l5 l)ee. l 2.30pm. £I. l‘amil} ticket £2.50. (itil‘gic ('il} l‘ar'm. 5| (itll'gic Road. 023 703 I. :\ chance I'UI' kidx oI‘ all agex to make xeaxonal decorationx and giI-lx.

Santa’s Reindeer Garden Tim I) Thu 23 Dec. Illam (rpm. I'ree. \Vext l’r‘incex Street (iardenx. Santa'x r'eirrdeer‘x come and xet up I'exidence It) xpt'ctld xome I'einVe I'un.

Big Art Wee Hands Sat I I l)ec.

l lam noon & l.3() 3pm. Ur I£l.5ni. Member‘x ol‘ the (loud Neighbour Scheme £4. North Iidinburgh .>\rtx (‘entre. l5a Penn} \\ ell ('ourt. 315 2I5 I. A \ ixual artx project which encouragex children in their unit creati\ e pr‘ocexxex. e\ploring cla). collage. painting. digital photograph) and more. I-‘irxl “orkxhop ix Ior 3 rb-Ixear-oldx. the .xecond 7 7 Ill-)car-oldx.

Satan’s Grotto! Mon l3 Dec-Sun 2 Jan. I lam—4pm. £9.95 I£4.‘)5—£73)5I. Edinburgh Dungeon. 3| Market Street. 0870 S460 bob. An alternatiVe Sanla’x (irotto with el\ex impaled on xpikex and

robmx roaxnng on an open lire ()nl} naught} kidx can grx e their ('hrrxlmax \\ rxh IN to Ilnx chap in red'


Children’s Classic Concerts: Christmas Classics Sun I: l)ec. 3pm £‘I 5IIl£5l l-amrl_\ ticket £2b l‘xher llall. l.otliran Road. 22S ll55. See (ilaxgou lrxtmg and pre\ Ie\\

Theatre & Dance

Jack and the Beanstalk l'nlrl I'rr 3| l)ec «not Sun/\lonn limex \ar‘_\. £ l2 5” I£Sr ltt‘tlnton llicallc. lad)“ ell \Va}. \Itrxxelhurglr. no.5 224i). _\ traditional Iun pantomime Ior all the Iamrl} to euro} \\Illl outrageoux coxtumex. Iantaxtrc xetx. oodlex oI gagx and local reIerencex. (‘hrrxlmax iuxl \xouldn‘l be the xame \xrlhoul it.

Too Many Cooks I'nul Sat 4 Dee.

'lhu l'rr III.3IIam I'l'hu mat lpml; I'rr/Sat 2pm ISal mat llaml. I£3I. \Iemberx III the (ititltl \chIII‘tItll' Scheme Ll. \UI'III Iidinburgh .-\rIx (‘entre. l5a I’enn)“ ell ('Htil'l. .3 I 5 2 I 5 l. Meet the cIIch ill the IIIII'}I;IIc L‘IISIICS kitchen. Inxtead III making dinner the} 're cooking tip a xlorm \\ rth rinxler'}. magic. danger and a little bit oI xcarrnexx ax their ingredientx. all rexulting in madcap mixunder'xlarulmgx and ph} xical corned}.

Sleeping Beauty In 3 k Sat 4 Dec. 'I‘hu ‘) Sat ll I)ec. ‘I‘Iiu lb Sal IS l)ec. ’l‘ue 2l Hi 24 Dec IV Sun 2o III 3| Dec. 'l'imex \ar}. £l3 £IS I£(i.5lI £lbl. l<o_\al I.) cetrrn 'l'liealre. (irindla) Street. 24S 4S4S'. l’rincexx \Iargarrta ix under the xpell oI an ex iI \\ itch. (an her Iriendx rexcue lier I'rorn an eternal xlumher'.’



Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 11 Dec & Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 12 Dec.

('haraclerx to cheer tor and lnxx at. plnx all the uxual ‘Iie'x helnnd )oti' rnaflrem The Happy Gang's Christmas Sweetie Shop Inc .\ \\etI .\ Ilec. III.l5am. l’r'rcex \ar} I'xher Ilall. I otlnan Road. 22S ll55 See (ilaxgou lrxtmg The Christmas Ouangle Wangle \\ed S In 24 Ilec Inol \Ionl. Itre lhu l.l5pm; l‘ue III III l5am. lhu Sat 2pm II'I‘I mat llaml. Sat ll Ilec “pm. Sun noon; l'l'l tk Sun 4pm. lhu 5pm £b 5H l‘amil} ticket £24. lia\erxe Ilieatre. ('ambrrdge Street. 22S l-IIH lickel§ Split t'\Pltilc the \xondcrlul “HIItI til l'.tl\\.lltl l.ear through SIella and Stan \xlio go on in xearch ol the ()uangle “angle

The Singing Kettle - Santa‘s Big Surprise Sal I l t\ Sun l2 I)ec. Sat noon. 3pm tk (rpm; Sun Ilarn. 2pm tk 5pm. l‘.l('('. l5“ \Iorr‘rxon Street. 3”” Will) See (ilaxgou Irxllllg.


Storytelling at the Traverse Sal I I l)ec. 3pm. I‘I‘ee. 'l'ra\erxe 'I'healre. ('arnhrrdge Street. 22S l-III-l Slorrcx. xongx and lolon I'un Ior krdx ax (‘olm .\IcIi\\anaI hoxlx Ilux SeotIleI Hook lruxl e\enI. Iolloxxing the matinee perIormance ol' the ('lir'rxlmax ()uangle \Vangle.

The season of Children’s Classic Concerts continues with this Christmas special involving the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Scottish Festival Orchestra. As ever, proceedings are devised, conducted and presented by Christopher Bell who, on top of his work with children, has previously collaborated with many of the major UK orchestras. Despite the reputations of the participants, Jane Gordon, head of the small team at CCC that organises the concerts, insists the focus is on having fun.

‘Our first duty is to entertain, so everyone has a great time. They’ll also learn a lot due to carefully thought-out presentation, but we don’t want them to feel that they’re there to be educated. Christopher Bell always quoted the “three Es” in this context: entertainment, exposure (to the music) and education follows almost by stealth.’ Onstage shenanigans also help break down barriers between audience and players. Previous events have seen the orchestra dressed as aliens, sports stars and holidaymakers, proving they can be as up for a laugh as the kids.

‘lt’s important to get the balance between pieces the children may know and music that will be new to them, pieces that demonstrate a point and music that will amuse, fire the imagination or give opportunities for various kinds of audience participation,’ adds Gordon.

That aim has certainly been achieved, with the program featuring everything from well-known carols to baroque string music, a renaissance brass piece and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Audience involvement will include singing, clapping and doing the actions for the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas'. Parental participation compulsory. (Chris Bradley)

2-16 Dec 20311 THE LIST 83