
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


I THE ARCHES 351:\t'j_'}Ic-Stt'cc'l.505 I033 [\\'('. \\ -\l The Little Mermaid l'ntil Sun 2 Jan Hint Sat/Sun) 'Itiiicx mt} 1L I501; {I5 lgttntl} ttckct. 'I'hc \tchcx 'I’hcuttc (‘ntiiptttrx IS \ct tn bring tt httmtl ncu \L‘l‘SlHll n1 'Ihc I.tttIc \IctttittttI tn ItIc IIll\ \Hlllt‘l. Iilhlllg chiItItcn «it all uch on u ItlSL'llltlllllg chlnc .ttItcntutc.


Kings Inch Road. Rctilrcu. SSS IJJI. II’. \\‘( ‘. \mt

The Singing Kettle - Santa’s Big Surprise 'I'htt I!» Still I‘) I)cci Scc KltI\ Itxllngx.


ll‘) (iut'hulx Sttcct. 42‘) (I023. |I’. II. II. m '. WA]

The Borrowers l‘ntil I‘I'I 3| I)cc umt Sunl. 'I'tnicx \gtt'}. L'III L'I-l tL'S £0.50). Sluyc adaptation tiI' .\Ittt‘_\ Norton's popular talc (it lhc tin} ItllliII} \xhu In c hcticttlh thc I‘Ititit'htittt'dx.


I'innicxtun (Jun). 0871) (NH 4001). [I’. II. \\’(‘. \\':\l

Balamory, What’s the Story? Mun 27 In 3| I)cc & Sun 2 Inc 4 Jun. Scc KltI\ INIngx


‘U 95 II}lltII;llltI Sll'cc‘l. 357‘ 3303. III. \\'('. \\'.-\|

Beauty and the Beast 'I‘hu It» & liri I7 I)cc. 7pm. £5 tL'I l I'runi 357 (i747. 'I‘hc I’ut‘tick I’l:t_\ct'\ pl‘c‘SL‘lil this traditional pgttitu \ct'xiun til the cluxxic talc in uhich all is not “hut it \L‘L‘lll\.


1) I'nixcrxit} Awnuc. 330 5523. |\\'('. \\'.»\|

Faeries \Vc‘tI :3 I'll 2-1 I)L‘C «Y \VL‘tI 5 Salt S Jun. Scc KItISII\IIl13_‘\.


2‘)" Bath Strccl. 24H 1 l I I III. \\(‘_ \\ \} Mother Goose l'tittI Still 33 Jan IIIIILN \.tr_\ 2.4 LII). I:I.itnc (‘ Smith \\ .l\ uItI Muthcr (iumc. uhn thtnkx that thc glitiSL'.\ glUItIL'lt c‘ggx \klII \UI\L' .lII Itc‘l tIc-hh \xhcn rcaIIy hct [‘rHI‘IL'llh .ttc tuxt hcgtntittig'

h c‘HSIlIlItC\. I.lIiI.t\Il\~ \CIS. \‘i‘tIIt‘\ U? :f.::_‘\

q and Iuc.tI tctctcnccx t Itt'i~ttii.t\ tuxt \qutIti't I\c thc mtnc utthnttt II


I..ttI}\\c‘II \\.i}. \Ilhu‘II‘UlgIt. Ni.‘ Ill”

II’. H. II. \\('. \\ -\I

Jack and the Beanstalk l'nul In 1|

Iicc lllt'I Sun \Iunl IllliL‘\ \ttt) {S

:13 51' MAI -\Il.l\IlI1Hli.lIIlllll‘dlllt‘lltlllit‘

IHI .tII thc t.tttttI} tn ctilu} \\tIIt nutmgcuux


“a \Inttimgxttlc Raul :38 I I55 {I‘. II' Dick Whittington I tittI Ihtt :1 Iic. "tint tttut \llII'. \JI .\ \tttt IIIAI .‘ 1“pm 1* t L“ IN! gtuutu til Ill 1‘! Hh‘lc” (Itxm I‘JllIi‘

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE tun I01 .tII thc I.lllllI\ .t~ thc I thutiutch \t-u Strccl. xx" lttlll III. “(I \mt Snowhite l'tittI In 3] I)cc Illllc‘\ \.tl'} LS {II 1U) {M I).'\(.I‘, IIlt'dIl'L' cumpttn} \ [Mlllti \xtth .t c.t\l «it culmtt'luI and IllItlrlUlh (Iitll‘;tL‘IL‘l'\ In l‘L‘c‘l'c‘dlt‘ thc L'Itl\\lL‘ Ittll'}I.lIL‘,


III RL‘IIIICItI Sllc‘t'l. 332 ISM). III. \\ ( I. \\'.'\1

Jack and the Beanstalk t'nttl Sat 3*) Ian 'Iitiicx hit}, {I I. 'I‘Iic I’.t\ tIiutt'x \[iL‘L‘ltlL‘llItll' IttllllI} [itlllitilllllllt‘ tcatuttng lhmc UItI wags thc Kl'.lllI\lL‘\. Hill and Ittttghtct tut I\ItI\ «it all ugcfi


I'tnnicxtuti ()titt}. “8701141) 4111)” II’. “(I “At

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs l'tittI I'i'i 3-1I)cc. £5 U051). (i:\.\I'I‘.-\ ttnt'tiict‘l} thc Stgtgc Schqu UI Scntlgtntli prcxcnt this trutIittutiul I;ttt')t;tIc tit thc

u ickctI \xitch. hcr ttiit‘t'ut‘ .ttitI thc I'utr Stitm \Vhitc.

The Happy Gang’s Christmas Sweetie Shop 'I'hu It» Sat lh‘ l)c-c. Scc Kld\ Iixtingx.


:32 “0pc SII‘L‘CI. 33: VIII)“, III. \V(‘. \\'.-\I The Nutcracker l'ntil In 31 Dec tnut Sun/Mun). 'I'itncx \gtr}. £3 {3.151). BLISL‘tI till the original Ii'I'A IInlt'munn slur} 'Nutct'uckct' and thc King ()1. Micc‘. SCUIIISII IiilIIc‘l'x .-\rll\llL‘ INI'L‘L‘ltH‘ .'\\IiIL‘_\ I’agc tclls thc magical slur} ul' Mztt‘ic and her tIiIIicull jutit'nc} I()\\ill'tIS .ttIuIlhtmcI. Highly t‘ccutntiicndctl.


(i3 'I‘t'ungatc. 552 4267.

Aladdie: A Magical Tale from the East (End) I'titil Sat 8 Jam tnut Sat/Sun). £4 -£I41£7l; I'uniil} £31). 'I'imcx \ttr). 'I‘hc \ltit'} of woe man Aludthc and Ill\ pigctm I‘t‘icntI I’ccly Wall}. “Iiti set nut to saw I’untulgtnd Mzit'kct from the IlitlttI\ (it c'in l'ticlc Ruh Anti/ct. lino. Ill\\II.

The emotional complexity, sophistication and humour of the songs of Cole Porter will be brought to Edinburgh with this production of the classic modern version of The Taming of the Shrew. With soap star Michael Greco prominent in the cast, there might also be a female phwoar factor.

I Fest/val Theatre. Edinburgh, Tut) 74-851! 3/ Der;


Theatre Guide I Thursday 16 Friday 17 . Saturday 18 Sunday 19 I Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday ’22

Arches . Little Mermaid . See Rock 8. Pop I Little Mermaid I Little Mermaid T Ltttle Mermaid Citizens Human": Stardust Butrwms fifti'titlffi Ii ,vv' ISTALIQQ 1 Cottier Beauty & the Beast ' Beauty 8. the Beast I Gilmorehill 612 King's Mother Goose Mother Goose Mother Goose Mother Goose Mother Goose Mother Goose Pavillion itlrm 3‘. 2m» {Stemware I! k '-‘. fft-u II‘:.t"‘x'.JtLi\ .ytt: . - n r t . i . . r u ,1 ,. . . . . . . , Theatre Roval . Nutcracker . Nutcracker Nutcracker Nutcracker Nutcracker NutCracker TI'OII ' A”. . WALL!" AAIIJ’A . Brunton Jack 8. the Beanstalk EJack 8. the Beanstalk back 8. the Beanstalk I islack 8 the Beanstalk Ilack 8 the Beanstalk Church Hill 1* “~ t1 —\ 71"‘4’. '\ t, ._ w trr' 2 cu '7' :‘u' I, . ., y r _ . ,, .

= _ FQSIIVBI Theatre n KISS Me Kate Kiss Me Kate Me Kate 7 I Kiss Me Kate i E Kiss Me Kate I Kiss Me Kate

0 Gateway . w; w r

0: . - z . * t * . I * . ' * * .

3 King srTlIeatre 4.7 Aladdin : Valerian” m Aladdin - 1 7 I . l "Aladdth Aladdin

g Playhouse w rrrr mm Hymn,“ .... v u -- n u --

E ROXY AI'I I'IOIISG Gandfather Frost l Gandtather Frost I Royal Lyceum sum. 2 1:, i 7 _ Theatre Workshop 7 i Last Little Fish Last Little Fish Last i I H H Last Little Fish I Little Fish Last Little Fish Traverse I v . , if ’- ' I, . t

104 THE LIST Iti Doc .‘UtiJ—z? Jctr‘. 2JO5