HoToHL’v BUT ALWAYS Channel 4, Thu 30 Dec. 9pm 00..

When you put a dead person‘s life on film and the relations left behind are hoppingly livid about the portrayal it‘s a fairly spot-on sign that you've done something right. And so, the late loves of Peter Cook have whipped up a storm in a gin bottle over this largely brilliant drama; one of the complaints appears to revolve around the moment when Cook flirts adulterously while stroking a bee on a park bench. Weird. But a lot of things were weird in Peter Cook’s life, which ended with him lost. lonely and sitting around, hot and drunk, calling talk radio shows to impersonate miserable Swedes.

None of his impersonations, however, came close to the displayed here by Rhys Ifans. He quite simply is Peter Cook, from the camp facial flickers to the cigarette-holding gait and the clipped vocal delivery, used to put down fools and vagabonds. Like Dudley Moore, for example. Poor, little, sidekicked Dudley. Another supreme job is done by Aidan McArdle, who takes Dud from henpecked showbiz accomplice who can play a mean tune on the joanna to full frontal Hollywood midget superstar appearing beside (give or take four or five inches) the likes of 80 Derek.

No one really comes out of this well, except perhaps writer and director Terry Johnson, whose stab at distilling the personae and paranoia is commendable. While the second half drags slightly to its sad conclusion, you are left with a hankering to dig out the Derek and Clive tapes that Dud so desperately wanted to bury forever. (Brian Donaldson)

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Channel 4, Thu 23 Dec, [,g T§A(/‘l'!‘,,’l [MAMA ML ;,~ jll ;,_::;.r.':. Five, Wed 29 Dec. 9pm _ ' , .

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108 THE LIST f 1 -'. F