Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.



3W!“ I’lllllll.\ll.t\\\ Rlltlllc 35“ 355” \lull 'lhu & \al Illani 5pm. l II & Sun I lam 5pm «clmctl 'luc 3] \un 3h llcc. I H il l)cc lllaln lpnn l‘lt't'

One Million Days in China I nul Sun lil'ch | Icc \ malui c\lnlnl|nn lllal lllll'ntlllt t'\ .llltl L'\Pll'lC\ I. ;ll” _\L'.ll\ Hl ('lnncw lll\lHl} and cullulc l'.lllt'l lhrnuyh ('lnncxc gateway. hcai lllc \llccl \Hlllltl\ ml ultl Shanghai and hc tranxpurlctl llnnugh lunc aml tll\l.tllct' to a tllllt‘lt'lll \\lllltl


l'nncixn} nl Sllalhclylc. 33 Rlclununtl Slrccl. 5-l.\' 355K. .\lnn l'l'l lllaln 5pm. Sal lltmll -l]nn. l'rcc

Christmas Narwhal l'nul lhu :1 I)t-c. Kcn and 'Ina \lanlcl ml lhc \amhal (iallcr) culalc llll\ c\lulullnn nl \culplurc antl [ll'llll\ h} Inun .ll'll\l\ lrnln (ircculantl and lhc \unmul 'l'crrnnr} ul (‘anatla Ml l/«N’ LE 7’ Bl E

GILT EDGED l'nlll 'lhu 33 |)cc .\ unlc l'angc nl cnnlcnlpul'al'} lc\lllc al'l l\_\ lllt‘llll‘t'l\ Hl lltlth‘

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()llt‘t‘ll Sll't‘t'l. 3:" l‘lllli \lHll \Vctl tk ~\Vgll Illaln 5pm; ‘l'hu Illanl 8pm; in & Sun llaln 5pm lclmctl Sal 35 tk Sun 3" l)cc & Sat 1 Jan-Mun 3 Jan; l'll'l .il l)cc Illam lplnl. Glasgow’s Art: Recent Acquisitions l'nlll 'l'hu 5 Mai. \cn ;tt‘t|lll\lll(lll\ ul (llaxgmx '\ rcccnl \lcllal gcncralmn .ll'll\l\ Including \wrk h} ('hrlxllnc liorlantl. lecrlck lhlchanan. (iraham l‘agcn. lult} l’alcrwn. Rll\\ Sinclair and llanncllnc \'I\llc\. Elbowroom l'nul .\lnn l-l l-‘ch. li\|nhlllon \ll(l\\lll:._' lhc culnunalmn ol an clghl month mrllclpalor} arl prulccl lo tlc\c|np nc\\ \un'k nn lhc lhcmc nl \ lulcncc against \mmcn and thc \ mlalmn ml \mlncn‘x lnnnan rights. :\l'll\l\ Kallc lirucc. .-\nnc lillml. Racth \lumcc and .laulcc Sharp norkcd \\ nh Rctl Road “0111th ('cnlrc. (ilaxgmt \\‘tnncn\ lunar}. (ilaxgmx \Vunicn‘x :\nl and llaxc


33 k 35 King Slrccl. 553 U704. 'l'uc Sal Illam 530nm.

Big in the City l'nlll 'l'hu h .lan. l’l'lllh on a larger scale lmm lhc llltcx ul ‘l‘nnortnnx licaxllcx. llclcn la}. Brucc .\lcl.can and Adrian “ix/Inc“ \l\l. Glasgow Print Studio Christmas Show l'nul 'l‘hu h Jan. l).llllllll:_‘\. [H'llllM cral'lx and g|c\\cllcr_\.

Glasgow Print Studio

There is No

I [ inch/wrurv‘w(it: (insulin

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'l'hc \laclunlmh (iallcr_\. lh" Rcllll'c\\ Slrccl. 55 i ~l5(lll. .\lnn 'l hu lllani "pm; l‘l'l Illain 5pm; Sal Illaln lclmctl l'l‘l 3-l lnc -l .lanI. I'Icc. Beagles and Ramsay Unrealised Dreams l'nlll ll! [-1 Jan .\ \crlcx nl ncxx than lllf_‘\. rclalctl maqucllcs and prnlnl} pcx ul plans. [\l'uptualx. tllayranlx and prulcclmnx lur lulurc ;tl‘l\\ul‘l\\. ‘l'hcn' l'nrcallsctl l)rcam\ cmcl [\I'HIcch ll'Ulll puhhc \culplurcx In clahnralc chcnc}

\\ lg-making. UlllllllL'\ lnr mm m and lhcalrlcal productions. 'l'hc \ll(l\\ tlcalx \xllh rccurrlng lhclncx ol lmnl. cunxtunplmn. Inorlaln} antl gi'ulcxtluc \cll rcprcscnlalinn.

Textiles to Fashions l‘nnl Sal I.\‘ l)cc. (‘ullcclmns nl \\Hlllt‘ll\ \\ car and acccxwrlcx l1} \llltlclll\ ll'Ulll lllt‘ (ll;t\f_'n\\ School ol .~\rl\ ‘l'c\lI|c\ In l'a\lllnn course. lcalurlng \culplurctl knuucal. hllng hantlhagx and morc.

The Redheaded Stepchild l‘nul lhu 35 Hcc. li\lnlulinn h} the \lall lrum \‘lxual ('onununlcalmn at (BSA \xlnch t‘\plnl't‘\ lllt‘ \cnxc Hl tllxlucallnll. prcnnhcc and thc cxlrangctl Much I\ ‘lhc currcnl c\pcr1cncc nl \ I\ual cnnununlcalmn‘. 1A8? :Tr MN" 3% St E


22/25 King Street. GI SQP open1Tues-Sat lOam-530pm

t~ O l 4 I 5520704 gallei‘yQJgosart cook

Gallery Ill

4 (Jlasgow ‘Prinr Stu

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dio Clu'istnms Show

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t ‘Hleva. chzltlnn. h no: .5 .(ax'c 1: .x .; \ttatc 'r ..;

Gailer es l + ll

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1 12 THE LIST ‘6 [\‘x‘ [

ck c\-'-- 'c; clt‘tll 20,05

Prints on a larger scale.

SKIRTGIRL 'l hu Sal 3" Jan.

Illaln "pin. Skirts alc lhc camasxcs ul Ilnx mlnlulmn. crcalctl I\} hand will clnlnunlcr} and print chulllng: lll Intlnulual \culplctl \\Hll\\. NE xi :1 l'

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nncrxn) ul (ila\;_'n\\. X3 llIllhcatl Slrccl. UH, .\lnn 8.11‘).ill;|lli 5lhn lclmctl Sal 35 Ha 'l'uc -l .lan; l’ll 3-1 l)cc 0. 5llillll lplnl. l~rcc

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection l'nul l'n Kl |)cc. ‘\ \clcclmn ul lhc llunlcrlan\ linc arl collcclmn nl British art lrnln lhc 3lllh ccnlur). Um" 7913i." SE mi E MACKINTOSH ARCHITECTURE l‘nlll Thu 3‘ |)cc. £3.5ll In lllc .\l;lL‘l\llllH\ll lluuxc. a lcnipmar) thxpla} ul than Ingx \\ Inch characlcrlxc lhc \ll\llllL'll\t' tlcxlgnx ml ('harlcx chnlc Mackintmh.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM l'nncrxll} .\\cnuc. Vill ~l33 l, \lnn Sal ‘lhillaln 5pm.|‘lcc,

Historic Bloomers - 300 Years of Botany at Glasgow University l'nul l'I'I 3-1 l)cc. 'lllc lil\lHl'} Hl lmlan} al (ilasgmx l'lmcrxll} I\ told lhruugh an c\lulutmn ul pcrwnallllcx. placcs .unl


l| .\lllchcll lanc. 33| 0‘03. \lnn tk \Vt‘tl s.” Illillam 5pm; 'luc llam 5pm; Sun Hum] 5pm tclmctl Sat 35 “cc «K .Still 2‘) l)t‘L‘|. {.5 lfillltl.

Art Nouveau En Projet l'nul Sun 3% Jan. ()nl} l'l\' \lhm mg; ml llnx touting: c\|nlnlmn cclcln'allng lhc lcgac} ml lllc .\rt \ntncau mmcmcnl Ill laurnpc. lcaturlng (‘lll'lortl'x pl'upnxal\ lur lhc R0}al lnlirmar}. \lacklnu“ll/\Vallun'x Buchanan Street 'l‘ca Rtltilll\ and Page and l’arlx'x I‘ctlc\clnplncnl nl SI .'\lltll'L’\\ '\ ('hurch llall.

Glasgow 1999 Design Medal 2004 Exhibition l‘nlll Sun 3H .lan. Shorlhxlctl L‘llll'lL‘\ lm‘ lhc auaitl lhal cclclu‘alcx _\uun;.'. cnnlclnpurar} tlt'\l:_'li \xurk.

Defyra: Winter Wonderland or How to Dress 3 Cold Platter l’nul Sun (\ l'cli. 'l‘hc all-lcmalc Suctllxh \lL‘\l:_'ll quarlcl \htmcaxc tlL'\l:_‘ll\

Glasgow-based artist Benji DeBurca exhibits new paintings on the theme of home sweet home. ' . .: I).

un lulllnj.‘ lllllllllllt'. aluminum. \\.Ill[l.l|‘t‘l .llltl llll‘l‘t‘l \t'}'t'l.lllllll


3"!) \lutluchall \llccl. 5M5 llllll In t\ ~\un ll.un 5pm. \lnn lhu .\ \al Illam 5pm

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l nul \\ctl ill \(l\ .3llll5 \\ lllt' kk'l\lll}'lll\t' \luwuln .\ \ll (l.tllt'l_\ llax Him t lll\t'll nx tlHHl\ lHl lll.t|Ul It'lullnxlnncnl. mcl 3”” ul le painllnjgx lala' up chnlcntt .l lllc \ch cllan (l.lllt'llt‘\ lhc thxpla} Inclutlcx lllUIII.t\ l .ml's 'lln- l .l\l ul lhc (‘lan' .unl lx’clnlnantll'x ‘\ \lan Ill \Hnuln'. plm \Klillx l\_\ ('llallcs lx’cnnlc \‘l\lllln\ll. lhllcll .unl l'lcnuxh .ul ArtBites! lhu lh l)cc. lpin Ilt'k' \hnll talk m1 \cllclu'x \I (ill/[rum (Jun/n l/ ArtBites! 'l hu h .lan. llnn licc \hnll lallx Hll I/lt [bun/1(null‘} \tnlllxll \‘Hllllllhl X .l l’t‘lilllt'


3lll \ullh Sllccl. 3h" .“N‘l \lnn lllll lll,§ll;|ll1 (l illlnn. I ll Sal Ill Wain lpnr

Nelson Mandela: Images from Apartheid to the Presidency l nnl Ill 5 Jan Suulll \llnan phnlnjglapllcl l)! l’clcl \lapullanc «lucuInt-nlx \lantlt-|a\ lllc lrnin lllc 'llcawn 'lnal Ill lln- l‘l5ll\ In lll\ ammlnllncnl ax l’icxnlcnl nl lhc chuhllc nl \oulh -\lln.l Ill I‘l‘l-l


3h Klllj.’ Slit-cl. 553 3l5l 'Iut- \al lllain 5. 5llplll

The 6th Street Level Open 1 mil Sal 3‘) Jan. (ht-l hll \hnlltx l\_\ W .llll\l\ and [illHleJlilpllt'h c”H\t'llllf,' \uhlccl Inallcl' as (ll\t'l\L‘ ax llltllhlllnl plallh h} tla} and llllell. cuaslal l.llltl\L.l[lt'. \_\mlmllc l't'lHlL'\l;lllHll plnlccl lHl Rannnch \ltmr. [limb «in \tllltll‘l.l\lt'tl glass and lihn PHL'llh.

Private Galleries

I THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Sunlc 543 I5lh llmn i. Baltic (‘hamhcix 5ll\\'cll1nj_'lun Slit-cl. 313 NW \lun

l‘l‘l Illam 5pm. Sat lilanl 1pm

The Christmas Exhibition l nul \\L'tl 33 Du: (hcl l5” paintings h} Inalnl} Scottish ttl'll\l\ lrnm lhc Will and 3th