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Shoppin’ all over the world

Anna Millar and Rachael Street search the globe and discover it’s the quiet ones you’ve got to watch when it comes to great retail experiences.

Wow baby TOKYO Ra/ed to the grottnd ttsice in the leth century. once b_\ earthquake and once b_\ \s‘artime bombing raids. 'l'ok_\'o has risen from the ashes to become one ol the \\orld's most di\'erse cities. lts shopping cliliot'ls are just its eclectic. ttlttl while it ma) be best known tor its high-lcht electrical \\;tt‘cs there is much lor the retail lanatic to enjo}. l‘or audio. electronic and photographic goods opt lot the :\kihabara and Shiniuku areas. Stores like 'l'—/one and Yodobashi are a solid call l‘or computer and camera equipment. 'l'hose with a keen e_\ e for l'ashion can sample the delights oi. the designer boutiqttes in ()motesando. ()l‘ a similar ilk. (iin/a is ’l”ok_\o‘s \ersion ol‘ New York‘s 51h.-\\enue. 'l‘op tip. though. is to keep ‘em peeled tor the plethora ol‘ ltlt) Yen shops. where _\‘ou'll lind tablenare. kites. tails. and ridiculous amounts ot‘ [Iv/lo Kitty paraphernalia at bargain basement prices.

Bourne to shop MELBOURNE

ll. SMlnL‘) is Australia‘s l'a\'ourite child. then Melbourne is its hipper. l‘unkier cousin. ('ould there be an_\thing better than shopping b_\

the beach'.’ \Vhen _\ou get bored ol‘

sunning )oursell‘ on the sand. )ou can take a murder to the shops tor a spot ol retail therap}. .’\ustralia‘s second largest cit} ol'lct's L‘\;tcll_\ this. set on the stunning south coast \sith plent} ol' niches in which to e\ercise _\our bu} ing po\\ er.

.\lan_\ people will recognise St ls'ilda from the cult TV series The St’t'H'l Uli' of ('s. but \shile the programme shim ed ol‘l‘ its bars and restaurants to great effect. the plentil'ul boutiques \seren‘t so \\ ell represented. .-\cland Street is 11 ll\c‘ minute stroll t'rom the beach and manages to cram ample independents and tunk} labels into a hurl} small area. This is delinitel} a bonus. gixen the heat of the .-\ustralian summer. .-\long the \\a} there is an arra} of restaurants and cafes \\ here _\ou can pick up the

necessar}. delicious rel'reshments.

ll _\ou'\e got mone} to burn and time on )our hands. head to the boroughs ol‘ South Yarra. l’rahran and 'l’oorak. ('hapel Street otters o\ er a mile ol' l'antastic shops lrom the top ol‘ the market to more pocket—triendl} stores. But l'or designer \\ear and designer prices. tr_\ 'l'oorak Road l'or understated glamour and elegant chic b_\ the httckcllozttl.

()\er in the north ol' the cit}. l‘it/ro} has a tnuch more bohemian l‘eel. .-\|ong Brunsuick Street )ou can find e\ei"\thing l‘rom great second-hand gear to designer \sear. “ith a host ol‘ unique shops in betneen. Again. _\ou‘ll find a host ol' great eating places along the \sa} and some \er_\ cool bars that are perl‘ect l‘or lounging in when the sun goes tlo\\n. I'iil' Hie/Its \('(’ atropjlig/ittWit/tautuk.

Golden wonder


lt ma} not haxe the bling lactor. but San l‘t‘attciscoK laid back chic makes tor a retail \sonderland. \Vhen _\ou talk about shopping in .-\merica. most people instantls think ol New York. Hut San l'irancisco. \\llh lls tllsltttcll} \\csl coast \ibe. is a great place to pick up some lunk} numbers. 'l‘he tlo\\ttlo\\lt area has the usual selection ol~ department stores and popular labels such as \Iacfx 'I‘il'l'an} 's and ()Id \ax}. \\ ith l‘nion


Square as the retail hub. Outside the cit} centre. in some ol‘ the smaller neighbtiurhoods. shopping takes on the l'la\our ol' San l’rancisco‘s cultural hislot'}.

'l‘r} heading south. lo\\;tt'tls the predominantl} Hispanic Mission district tor a satislsing mi\ ol unique clothing. l'urniture and second hand specialists. Valencia is the main shopping street. with plent} ol boutiques. bookshops and boo/ers to choose l'rom. 'l‘hen “hen the Ilitl'tl \sot‘k' is done. cross o\cr lo .\Iission tor some great Mexican l'ood to erl those \scar} limbs.

The llaight-Ashbur} area is most lamous l'or being the epicentre ol San l-‘rancisco‘s hipp} mmement in the Wolls. and an element ol' that past still remains. But thanklull}