Global style

Whether you’re salivating over our shopping guide or planning a getaway, you’d better get the right luggage. says Rachael Street.


ll loo ollen ill the hu\ine\\

ol tl‘a\el|ing. luggage is

ignored ax \eeonilal‘} ileln. .-\\ loilg ax tlle elolhing lll\l(lL' ix elaxx}. \\ h_\ holhel to \PL'lltl nloile_\ on a top L‘l;l\\ \illlelixe.’ Hill like \hoex. _\oul' ehoxen llolilall \peak\ \HllllllL'\ ahout _\oul‘ pel'xonalit}. \ot onl_\ this. hill in\e\ting ill gootl qualil} llL‘lll\ al\\a_\ \ pa_\ \ ol'l'. With all tlle i‘ough handling it l'eeei\e\ on eoll\e_\ol' hell\ and l'l‘oln ll'a\el \lall. _\oul‘ lilggage llk't'tl\ to he \\ ell made to \lzllltl a ehallee ol‘ lasting more than \i\ llltlllllh. 'l‘hix ix exen lnol'e exxenlial il"\oil'l'e planning to do \onle haekpaeking. Make sure _\ou ehoxe a l'uekxaek lllat litx )oul' hoil} \i/e allil eonloul‘. ax \\ ell a\ meeting all _\oui‘ eal'l‘} ing requirements. It )ou‘i‘e a heaeh hulin} l'lllllL‘l' than a mountain aihentul‘el'. ilo _\ou l‘eall_\ llL‘L‘ll llltl\L‘ ice pick \ll‘lllhi.’

Old world class

‘\\'hell ili Rollie. do a\ the Romans llo.‘ ll'x a \\ ell \\ol'n elielle hill il' _\ou‘l'e al'l‘i\ illg iii the allll‘elnenlionell ell) or an) \llllilzll‘l} Claw) (lL'\llllilllUll. )llllill \tanil oill like a sore lllillllh il'_\ou‘i'e dragging a \ei'ul'l') olil \uiteaxe lk‘llllltl )llll. l'itll‘ [llL‘\L‘ L'l;l\\lL‘ ClllL‘\ ehoxe tlL‘\l:_'llL‘l' lllllllL‘\ and natural IllillL‘l‘llll\ \ueh a\ leather or L‘;lll\;l\ l‘ol' nla\ilnuln at} le anil ilui'ahilit). 'l‘hix \lltlllltl guarantee that. like the appeal ol' thexe eiliex. )tllll' elioxen luggage \\ ill \lill he laxliionahle and look good ill len _\eal\ linle. .'\l‘lel‘ all. \\ hat eoulil he more appropriate than laking a l.ui\ \'uilloll ellxe lo l’al'is.’

Take it to . . .

.\'e\\ Yolk. l);ll‘l\. .\li|;ln. .\lunlhai. llolig Kong. .\lal‘ake\h.

New world style

llo\\e\el'. il_\ou pl‘el'ei' heading to more oil heal ol‘ eutling etlge Llexlinalions. _\ou'll “ant to take a \eleelion ol' l‘unk_\ luggage to inateh. llai‘il \hell. plaxlie iipl‘ighl\ tlUll.l llL‘L‘tl [0 look laek} lllltl \\ ill enxul'e lhal _\oui‘ pl'eeiolix eonlentx al‘e \\ ell pl‘oleetetl. l’iek a eoloui' to suit )oui‘ [k‘l'\t‘lltllll). hill inake \ui'e it is one lhal _\ou'll \lill like attel' \i\ nlolltllxl Baekpaekx allim lna\ilnunl ino\elnelll antl lle\ihilil_\. hilt llL‘L‘tl to he properl) llllL‘tl to lllllllllll\L‘ haek \ti'ain \o gel

;itl\ iee from a trained \hop ;t\\l\l;llll.

Bext l'ol' \hoi't \lop ll'a\elling are

those that open like a \uiteaxe rather

than l'l‘oln the top.

Take it to . . .

’l‘ok}o. .\lelhoill'ne. Vaneoinel'. San l'l'flllL‘lK'U. Re} k‘ia\ ik. Singapore.


1. Samsonite Organiser T0l|et Kit. £79. 2. and 3. Leather holdalls. £165 and 52220. John LeWIs (JL). 4. Lime green bag. 5285. Marks 8. Spencer. 5. Vanity case. 5220. JL. 6. Travel Prolect alarm clock. £29.95. JL. 7. Flower luggage tag. £16. www.1ulieslaterandson. 8. Samsonite pink vanity. £45. JL. 9. Berghaus Spirit. £150. 10. Antler Pulsar. £95. 11. Antler Arrezzo Superllte. from £59.