
NO MORE SWEATY BALLS James Smart takes up ballroom dancing


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Ballroom dancing is sweatier than you think. It doesn’t feel like hard work - although your arms can start to ache at the end of a ses- sion but there’s actually a hell of a lot of shifting going on. It makes you particularly careful about guid- ing your partners hands to your shoulders and back, not the dark patch under your arms.

It was mostly because of my friend Helen that I went. I mean boys don't do ballroom dancing, do we? We stand at the bar at formal weddings looking drunk and ever so slightly nervous, wondering why the gently rotating couples moving around the centre of the room aren’t crashing into each other. And while I’ve always enjoyed flinging my arms in the air to pop music, ballroom dancing's pre-ordained moves have always felt a little bit

()pt‘n I);t} at 2] Hill I’qu‘ Sulurtlu} .\’lIi .lzinuur} l|.l)(l;tm to Killlplll


too much like joining the dots. For courses in other languages. While the Dancebase classes I went to hardly turned me into an expert, they did please contact me Office of Llfe|0ng

at least give me some idea. It was a nice, non-intimidating set-up. We were taken Learning 0131 650 4400

through the quickstep, the waltz and the jive, taught to stand up straight and lift

our chins imperiously. By the end of the course I actually felt quite confident, able Institute for Applied Language Studies;

to move about the floor without stepping on Helen’s toes (most of the time), able Tel: (0131i 650 6200

to do the steps without counting in my head and able - perhaps most importantly - Fax: (0131 i667 5977

to enjoy myself. I have, of course, forgotten some of it. But I have the perhaps Email: IALSenguiriesu attacuk

foolish hope that, when the time comes to sweep that swell girl off her feet, I‘ll be able to waft her around the dancefloor with effortless ease. I Wit/v.1(/(i.'2.:el;.'t:;i9.r:o.i/A

c E R 0 c Learntodance INDIAN MUSIC 8! "‘1 “'9'”! DANCE COLLECTIVE

0 Learn to partner dance to any music, Jive, Latin. Club... - Come alone or with friends (no need to bring a partner). 0 Complete beginners welcome every week at all nights. New

SPECIAL OFFER: 19! Nieufféiooouqfa . WITH nus AD. (Incl. FREE membership). ! Tabla. Sitar. Vocal music. Kathak dance. Bollywood dance.

commencing 7 Jan in Edinburgh

GLASGOW: Tuesdays: .Jumpiii’ .Jaks.

L’UL’ Saintlneligill Street Mahiniyattam dance- Wednesdays: Glasgow Uni Union, Bharata Natyam dance. it.) [JIIIVL‘ISIIy Avenue, West end

EDINBURGH: Mondays 8. Thursdays: tel. 0845 125 9926 I\.1.H(i()'3x. of) ()rove Street www.imdcoflfifqflk

Tuesdays: St Stephens liall. St Stephens Street. Slottktmrtge

STIRLING: Tuesdays: Smith's~ Restaurant

Kerse Ix’tl (ASH A905) Roundabout) PERTH: Thursdays: Salutation Hotel . _

3.: South Street For the Tune of Your life ! DUNDEE: Mon. Invettiglse hotel. :i/t I’L'IIIT Rd Scotland’s Multi-Actmty Adventure, ABERDEEN: Tuesdays: Hm (Inlter I\.1IIIS(:|UI) Social 8 Sports Group

Cairn Road Petereultei " i. '.' of? one! T‘ ' I d .

Wednesdays: Jninpin .Jaks. urn/f.)- I’nlt 3"» 3: C! I

.131. Union Street 3" My ' f

Thursdays: The Loft \m ()IJOHJUIIUL‘S. _ ' 3 E' I"): For fun] .

1(5 JllSIltit.‘ Mill Lane .'. i ; S i- 0 t, .. .. .. .. ,t , well-being - ab! ' AI. ;.|..|:“:-L' | A. ~ I '1'“ 7' :I .“W L n. .A ' '

and CfeOIIVIIY- '74-'27; MONTHLY PART ItSw- i v 1, J... H i I I KW - GLASGOW Second Saturday of the n n z I 5 .1. n 5 .tDINBURGH Last Saturday ot the nio'nfiz‘ / [REE INFO'RAFK' 4 . { e WEEK END \NORKSHOPS: . ' " ' or our lmx. mi.- REGULAR ‘l‘ a 4 " " " C E R 0 C (0M; K.) 09R 98F.V'_E.VY.~.'GHIS kings .n on Sat 18 Dec :4 -lerossmodun Edinburgh cm 210 Edinburgh :1' Tel: 01324-613 209 - E-matl: . . ' .. "

Glasgow '.

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