Sucking the blood of popular entertainment

I It", anothiri .i:ai o.i,~i and '.'.l:at inm- m: learnt? llr is; l‘) llltr Leech

T‘llltlltlfdrtl to knox'.“:’ llti- l owl“: unit»

am: if; to 'lirttlll and dondig no at an: |()()l\lll(l tin iiiatiiw, ,itaif, ‘,llll‘ll‘(it|tll15;(llltl t)l|l)itll£ll’>il‘, look blunts/how. Htt?tt:lfl‘tlllt1l?>i 3a.. “(W/(Wt :l. that :t it; got >11 to at «r hidl‘. and low (:tilttin: ltlltl titi: ,t:ar on a good old tasnionod Fir-(tartan onto In tho nad tittllllfl it; an:h (iatholit~ (i()ll‘l)()f;tfl James MacMillan, .z'h: l(?(i(?lttl‘, midnitod hit; ()lltlthllt} lllllll ‘.'.'ltll thtz- SCUHISH pillllétltltfltl ()‘.(‘l tht: amount ot ntonw, itt; fil)(}ll(lf3 on tho tiioatwo arts. And lll “it: oiantit: (toinoi thoio If; tho 'paitktolai lar lai l\,' Proshxtonan Walter Smith. the n‘an who niax do for SCHHIEKH national toothall (?X{1t7l|\ tho opposite oi ‘.‘.’ltill ho did for Horton in the 19903».

MauMHlan'z; lanioi agenda is; said to ht?

the tllf§lll£lllt|lll§l ol the urolont soctanan (tonxulsion that old Jonnm, Knox brought about in tho latv toth century, which allo\.'.'<>d tho St‘ottish [woplté to turn thoii hatik on the arts. Sn‘ith on the other hand. Just \.'.'ant:; a not. ‘.‘.'Lllt§t(‘0dl. Scotland. it's a snail country hut oh so (ll‘~.t?lt§(?.

I At; a now war won‘t; it}; tin‘o to reflect in a "glass: halt on‘pn' kind o" \'.d\ Just how. man. this world stili 8. lo the east. lllltt‘, out ot ton Chinese people calling a suicide i‘roaxntzon hotline in 80”ng got the bum tone; to the west redneck gunmen Tvon‘ Ohio are (T‘Xt‘k‘tlllltt) metal rockers il‘.(‘

man arrives in Greenock

12 'I’HE LIST .‘ 11 (A -'

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T'tw hat": ‘4 ,i ,-,o_|.v lw i Universal Declaration of Human Rights " TH»- Est \i'l ;:. m- . monkeymenhandgun-z: '~

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tlw‘ii .'.a. ti twain. l" LaLaland. 1"» than .‘a: at or no l‘L-d’ Jac Bauer Slit". «v'a

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I And not l tat-oh has; found solace and hope for n‘ankind‘t: ttitti'éz TM; .'.a:; attor all thtz- near that !i .'.a:\,

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hum sniff-tn: Sonia. new".

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I Ami "r‘ai. i'w i. w 1 w". sa‘. Farewell Fardell. Stat ' ::'. : cartoonist Jo.“ 'ra'dol‘ "as; 2 ;: have at 77w L. :4.‘ ‘6' ti‘t- past ‘otx

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at hair straighteners 5- :

ttllt‘ Li.'..i.. T":' L-f‘t'f" Ti: H.138 .


3 o c women m J cow


9m wuv AN V’l? MN"

How would you like it if someone chopped off your legs and then made you sit in a bucket while children and red cheeked adults throw coloured packages all around your phantom limbs? Killing real spruce pines is cruel whatever way you look at it. so why not invest in a good plastic tree and a can of pine spray. It will last you forever. and by then someone may have worked out how to recycle polyfibrous plastics.

The clue is in the name: ‘LEFT' ‘OVER‘, the bits of the meal that didn't quite qualify as good enough to make it onto the plate first time round. And don't think disguising them between two slices of bread makes it acceptable. We‘re not hobos. We do not need to scrabble around in the rubbish for bones to gnaw on. A meal is to be savoured, not to be rehashed in a slightly less fresh and appetising form a day later.