nhud} could dcn} that 2(ltl4 \\;l\ a \pcctaculat' war l‘ut‘ culturc in Scotland. :\Il historic unc. L‘\L‘ll. 'l'lti\ \\;t\ thc )cat' that our lucux linall) ntmcd ltc_\nnd thc cmt ul unc hig nc\\ huilding unto \\ hat that building t‘cpt'cxcnts. l)id )uu takc a trip to ntat'\cl at itx ct‘a/_\ (‘atalan dctailing'.’ Quitc puxxihl} not. hut that\ not ncccxxaril} thc point. 'l‘hc httilding‘x \ignilicancc \\a\ tnttch

gt‘catct' than its \tatux ax a \ixitur attraction: it \ignallcd a ncxx ct'a l'ut‘ cultural lil‘c hct‘c lk‘L‘ilth‘ it placcd a group of politicianx. clcctcd h} Us. into a milicu \\hct'c culturc uax right in thcit‘ laccx. Donald l)c\\;u'\ final act. and in our \ ic\\ hix gt'catcxt. “ax to ram it dunn thcit' lltt‘nzllx. Bccauxc of that. 2(ltl4 “ax thc war \thn Scotland linall} cmhraccd ct'c;tti\it_\ as a l'llltthttttCltlttl part ol‘ itx l‘utut'c.

But lltiltg\ didn't l\lL‘l\ Ull \\ cll. .'\\ thc clockx struck II to ll\ltL‘l‘ in thc nc\\ )c‘ar. thcrc \\;l_\ a dcal’cning \ilcncc in lidinhurgh; just thc llU\\ ling \x'ind hluu ing its galc LlL‘I‘U\\ thc \chn

14 THE LIST LI: .‘

Here, for the second year, The List names its HOT 100: the people who made the finest, the funniest and the most memorable contributions to cultural life in Scotland this year. Nick Barley sets the scene.

ltillx. LlL‘tl}ltt:_' l‘C\cllCl'\ [ltL‘ L‘liitltcc [U \xatch lit'an/ l’crdinand pla} thcir highcwt prolilc )L‘l. 'l‘llL‘ part} \\;t\ L‘LtllL‘tl till. lilll thct'c \\;t\ tttl \topping .'\|c\ Kapranm and thc gang: that night thc} pla_\cd an impromptu in a l‘t'icnd'x lidinhut'gh l'lat. Within a l'cu \xcckx. illiLllx'C .\lL' ()lII. ltdtl lk‘L‘ll I'L‘lL‘;t\L‘Ll Ltlttl lllL‘ tut'chpapct' \\a\ lit. 'l‘uclw nionthx on. it\ Sntm l’att'ol \xhu'll talxc to thc llogniana} \tagc. thix tintc in (ilaxgtm. ’l‘hcit' intcrnatiunal acclaim. coining alitct' man} _\cai\ ol~ hauling tor a hrcalxthruugh. \\a\ \Cl'} dil'l‘ct'cnt l'rotn thc tnctcut'ic l'l\c ol l‘t'an/ l-‘ct‘dinatul. hut thc tun pat'allcl \ttc'c‘c‘\\c'\ t‘cxultcd in a liccding lit'cnx}

l'ot' 'ncn‘ Scuttixh handx. Suddcnl}. thct‘c \\;t\ a \Clt\c ill \L'lli-l‘L'llk‘li ill Sc‘ttlll\lt ltltlxlc (t cumiction that thc likcx ol Sonx & l)au;_'htct\. .-\hcrl'cld_\ and Kl 'l'unxtall at'c capahlc ol taking on Ihc \xtit‘ld.

.-\l| thcxc hand\ l'caturc in thc llot lllll, But w do lilninialxcrx. actutx. nmclixtx. :tl'll\l\. t‘c\taut'atcur\. \ptlt‘hpcwplc. and f_’;tltlc\ tlL‘\l:_‘llL‘l\. 'liltt‘ttttgltnttl tltc )cat'. i/i/It' /./'\l\ cditun and \\ l‘llcl'\ ha\ c tt‘aclxcd thc pl‘tlgl'c\\ ol Scotland'x hcxt talcnt. Drawing up this )cat‘\ lixt ol' liitlttc\ uax cax}; putting thctn in ot'dct‘ ncat'l} cauxcd a riot. But \\ c t'cclmn thc light \\a\ worth it.