
100 Mark Bender & Garry Marshall FILM ANIMATORS

.. . 2' ' . r H ' I y ' J1: " ' ' . I. 0‘ v‘. (:7 J} ‘7’, r .7. v M. H ' v ' 5 1' 1‘ n; ( ° 1‘ t J (r t: 4 r t rvr- x 7‘ ‘7 ‘r I r .V " r,l\l_>lt 1. )x (in 5t (“1. \r r) \Ir .‘ ‘1'

’Il t‘fiflt't‘fl (1' t‘rt‘tt "1t r./1(1r“\";tt .. ,.."t

(ttl’tlfn’it‘ér‘) at The Ef’th'ttflltttil l"T-':"'a‘,r:ru: lrlrn F estual a'i't temrrd. A "e.‘. rhapter t'or Shuttnr arwr'ratrur‘ turns

here. Pt)»

99 Laurie Keith


ll‘e Goat has [rl'irttéttlh teen the ":r rs? assured addrt-on to the \"Jest l 'rd (Elasdr>r.'.' har and put; srtene thrs year. Much of tl‘at Is due to the srmrlar‘r, assured and relat".e!§. unassumrrrg;

l aurre Ildd‘. Kerth. who rrranj, r.'.'r|l remember from 'rranadrnr; strnts at Bret and, more rrnportantl, rn the earl, r.earit of Bar Ell \.'.’rth Irartner's Rohrn and loma Morton, he has put Goat on the map, Physreally. the plaee doesn't look radreallr, :trtterent from ‘.'.r'nen the srte traded as Moloeo. But come the nex'.’ \.ear‘ that should (:hanue. and .‘rhatex'er the alteratrons. Kerth's smrlrnu manner and keen r:er pr'ox'rde the personalrty to keep the Goat krekrng. rBSr

98 Julie Duncanson STAGE ACTRESS

Julre Duneanson has been a slou‘: hurner' rn Seottrsh theatre. always talented and much. adrnrr'ed. hut hurldrng; momentum rn a career that looks rnere; Srrrgly unstoppable. From the holshy (B(Z()-‘.‘.’£tl't'l()t' rn 7:8-1's D/SSO/Tt nearly a deeade ago to the lonely \.'.'artress rn last year's Fr't'rnkre and Johan/e a? {he Clare De Lune.

wags had an

Duneanson's work has a edge. Thrs year. she put rn a showstopper rn ‘.'.'hat was aeelarmed h‘, the Crrtres' Awards as the best ensernhle pertorrnanee rr‘. Ex Back Cand/es. {SO

97 Mark Cousins FILM WRITER. MAKER 8. PRODUCER At the hegrrtrtrrrg of 200.1. Cousrns went ‘\.(‘I\ duret. H 2 was actually rn drst‘ussrens tt‘ Sonarn C‘re'rret. to entree the celebrated ttrr'<x:t:,r' to Scotland to open up an arrrrrratror‘ hroductron studro. On. top of that Cousms was ‘.‘.'o'kr'rd t‘ard helped is programme the exce‘re'fi Sever Ceema slot at the Fr'r‘r'x‘xrse. rut "test rrnportantlx September sax. the Hardbaek publrmtro'i (3‘ hrs hook We for". 0?wa a drxm'rg. CC'lTCéft‘VK} hrstori. at the 'r‘ed‘run‘. 3;;s:ris

gtettrcattxt hrs We to. One atra'ter 3‘ -1

1 I) 0"” Obh'ttr rv :Nv ; I .

" “" I: II\ t. " ’\'y..

E‘; ' (i' : It 1’ )KA' ' fr I, '3 "‘ (/r‘i‘l v IL: { ‘1' 1‘ tr. ' V. r ;)l'\

96 Tom Bancroft JAZZ DRUMMER. coupossn D'LI'Y‘rl'at' t’rr'" Bétt‘t‘t’ltt "n15 "‘ttrr'""r t ’4

tr r"rr,t w’ t: arrd : e;rt</rrr.rr\: ..r_lr 'rm

tilifllittrta'. --><: er "‘errtar trrd t a'Xt at?" r

ltrr‘d [WW/(t at It eerrtrasrd mun °

he: "';tfl'.‘-‘:'lé r'l f'tr- (Lat Us";

.atw u"-:"tt‘. tr". ter trr‘anr at rm,

T::'r"‘afttreer'plannd.'.'fh In Afit‘) t~ arm-"flu, r r ;.v' ,;.v f‘ aux/rt; (2’31:th tztrt Prrs rte '5 Mr: tray-l i22hr: ‘1': at r; ftw retorxrserrh.so‘.'.'rrrnusreal(rebates Irarr‘tw rum. :9. r, . Drought hr'r‘: a(IreatryeSeotlarrrtAxerrr. rut H rrtrvw', .. v ; r

and took o'r rrro'e solrd shape .'.'tt> the a H; rvr"""‘ are." Mr?

delr‘.er‘, of a lent-delayed Radro L-3 eernrnrsserr tourrng; the UK as Slam

Orchestra Interrupto -.‘.rrth Arrrerrrzar‘ DJS

guest Ger: Allen. IKM‘ E‘Jesdes f'rm lltl 1‘.”th :r: 1' MW" rt'w ever rmr-ula' Dunstan“ rrrt‘tu ow ,: hurte .ea' ? ftdrfl. {AK/x fst‘trar‘

txlelxtrlfar‘ arr/t Urdt- Merle] l)? r-

95 Eleanor Yule FILM DIRECTOR Wrrtrng a sereenpla, rn rust .7". :t; ‘,s 's a

r‘ernar'kahle feat rn rtselt. hut thrs ma'ks T‘w r‘ex‘, uter rr‘ ‘5‘ wk ,_r ,r,

there's the "Us. grlttr'l' rr‘fir' . i. .'.'ll '

deter‘mrned young trlrrrrr‘aker‘ meet or ‘g, ‘Lirltifrr’t at ,u' :t a rrr ~' «y'v; Em w.

drr‘eet BUR/(Kt rn as few days. .'.'or‘krn;; struvtuw t‘h ) :Ir‘tr rr (2., " r :f r on a shoestr'rng huddet Net onl, are the the tyre Hart :1 't‘ :rr‘ f“ ' ' ' ; results rmpressrve. hut Yulearrd «rlor, l r ‘l‘ t’ar‘v r :y r' r producer Osear' nan Heek's frlrrr trerres best dance feet at a.’ I, ‘t-u‘r. rt 2’ ,wa' rts mrnrseule hudoet, from: tl‘e t;(,!tt Paske/t carramrf, alr'» trx. " r' ;, photrxrr'aph, to the hrdtt profle east. t“, tree rrr, troaste't ', .r' ".rxeq , .e The ever (:andrd Mullah t‘art ". "uh? rrarr es as Base" e' ‘, tum r’," e" deserrhrnu Blndmt as a ‘hrd. funk at? B'utheru. Far/N r 21'" (2’1‘ lr f‘ l lr' Gothre melodrama. It r'rutit he a and. of tutrrue. 8‘ .a" fr'r’t ’w'rr- {Hear 3;; _r;r, 93 Zinnie Harris PLAYWRIGHT, DIRECTOR i‘ T'\‘:": r: lz’r/‘f "1’ t/fl " 11" ' ' ’1‘ T'“: ,‘rét'. T' ‘f' 75":127‘7" " 1/" " t‘ z" x: r»:- ’,"7rl’}" ' a .' ‘e' 2-" ; ':"'1"1'..'." "(V/ .'r '<1‘. PULL’U'" 1"" I " f" t :171F‘Jt'lfl' .V't‘tt‘t' (J / . “1' M 'K I helped Ian-er Tl“: imam '1' t , 8' 80072:." ’2. “NO/2",”) 3.7/1.2 ' 3." ‘.' -':

I Ii :1 rVI/I I r ', LJ’." I II "

, r, :2. , Ju- L r, : ' f 1 I 4 1 I /- / w). (,r 1 A '1 f, , 1 C I'r ( s { A v v ’3 {1 A l/ 1 Ir 1' Y- K ' / r ,‘ t , Sr ' y I v I III 7 I! 'Q: r A 1 13/ ' J/ I 'z I 1 I I r r v { { r Br 1- 1 ( v I r 1 A L1

' ,z' " THE LIST 15