28 Suhayl Saadi AUTHOR

1' ,. 1 ‘1““’ ' ' 11"": , ,0 0‘ 1, u, ' 0",V "i,. ' , v I “:1'1'; ' 1 r . I , o , 1'. 1‘ rvll ,} Ir I «v I I” I I, r ./v‘

If r I r b [I ' I r '1; , ‘T rt "1"" )z' "I'v- ,', 1, o H 0 n // v, r 1‘ I H rt r; run/11;, :' :‘A :rr..° v . 0‘ r r : lv tr. :7 .77‘1'.

rv [/l‘," 7‘ r ?; 'r“ . r ’c. ‘I r ,r 1 °r Ir ‘rv‘u ' ‘I it,” ’2” ‘r‘ ,;r ' t 1" Tr r‘frv .y,. 1: l‘ y r )‘ n "r v / : ,r "l'}' :rrr'rt r ') t")! t'rr.“'r «'2'”) ant .‘y {man 'l‘u'rr’r'rt‘: a.

r,rr;ew'rhr/IeDira't ’t'w mt ,ttzrf .‘.«'t. ’r

27 Scott Harrison


fi' mtlarrrt ee'rr‘ tr, have a 'rr'arl ’rl rurrrlurrrrr; .‘.'r,»rl’l treat‘rrr; [)lltllillfkt‘r arrrl fir rrti Harrw ,rr“) v’ 'rtttlrrtwl surge-w. ';.'e' the ant ‘m rrrr rrthr; haupawherl that trartrtrr )rr err After he )rr ltlf; trtle tar/r trerrr Mexrr ah Marrue! Merlrrra laat lrr.errrher_ he}, ruarle three t;<)lrrl deterreef; Ml hrir lllle, the last arrarrrst f‘Sar'ruel Kel e le ‘.'."ltrr:lt lat;tert arr allt<>rr r;‘.-.rrtt :35) r;er:r)rrr 18. l larrrtx )h was als;<> rrrx‘err the Brrtr5;h Bexrrrr; Bea'rt' et (Irrtttrrrl Az'xarrl for l rrrl‘ter rrt the Year. the trrtst trrrre the ar:<:elarle has ever trrrrre tr) a Serrttsrrrart. The Real MeCw. hat; hrt; eyes; err the turrrrer err/e how: to urrrt\ the \N’orlrt’ l-eathern'1errrht trtlea 'MRl

26 Fire Engines


lhe trrrtk It; krrewrhr; when In step. But as; Dave‘, Herrrlermrr arrrl Frr'e Errgrrres; rlltr:;tratert m 200-1. rt max he rust ai; harrrtx Rhett/rug; them to start agarrr If there was exer a trrrre that these true rrrusrrtal prorreers; sheulrt starrrl up ahrl retterxe the plaurlrtt; they (leserre. therr rt':; rrev.‘ Fer a harrrl who <>rr|\,’ ever reeertlerl 1-1 germs, therr rrrtluerrr:e rurrt; \.er\ tleert. Wrtheut the Frre Errgrrtess. we'tl haxe Ht) Serrt; arrrt Daughters ()r

l rarr.’ l errlrrrarrrl Iheth r>t wherrr thm plat wlth re the hex: tex'.’ ,‘Okf‘u x.'.rhr<:h \‘atulrl he erreurrh ta rustrtx. some krrtrl ()t stretlal treru the rtueerr. Whrr‘h \<)u like te thrrrk the\ \t' refuse, IMRr

25 Anthony Neilson PLAYWRIGHT

Nerlserr til the Phrrt‘e at Shet‘k rrt UK theatre. \et there's a \.'.arrrrth arrtt hurrrarrrh te hrs: xterlx that rs otterr merleokett Thus latter \.‘.'a:1e\rtleht rtt hrs The l'rhrrtrerttu llh'ra at 08300;: rprt‘turettr at thrs \ear‘s Ettrrrhurgh Irrterrratrorral Festnal. Nerlsorr's oeuwe rs well krrewr to aurtrerrttes rh hrs rratwe Etlrrrhurgh: sut‘h past Frrrrge hrts as Sfrtt‘hr/ru arrtt Perretrate' hax e created sterrrrs of corrtrowrsx as well as at‘mlades. and he leeks lrkelx to rerrrarrr at the teretrorrt or hrs gerrer'atrerr at

\‘.'rltersr Nerlsert's \‘.’Ol‘l\ deal 5 v. rth human errrotrerts at extrerrres on a lexel

orrl\ paralieled bx Patrrck Marher. SO

24 THE LIST [[5241 Jr"

24 Niki King JAZZ SINGER

t\lrk‘l<.'r:le”er:rv ta» te't‘ arrrt’rmrrtrte-ta'trnf ' Therm: ‘, 6w: \Jlrrnrr“; a 1a="‘ tr fl" {rwlh The

‘1'”, "UK: 5"}‘f‘w Ttr'l‘r ‘tflir .. Silt. f(‘||()\'."(‘(j n :H/ \h 'k lit? (1‘? ‘tflv‘ l. R1...-

‘;l£lll(l£tl(lf;. Ave. W a 're.'. rltre I."

that let ufserl rrr‘ m: we rrerw >r‘al w "‘«lf» '1 arr areuéstrr, xr‘ttrrrr; that “tren'. r'l m. rhythrrr arrrt’ hluea ttrrzk arrrl tltr‘;tn7l irtrrtrrrt; rather tliarr ntrarftht V;a.'.' ltrr-re ‘.‘.'a.‘; never rrrurh rtfituht arr ut 'ter almit. tr) tarrrrt. hut she feels :;he 'rat; merry )lllz,‘ t;<>rrte <>t her resecurrtret; aheut trezrrr; ()tt stage l)(?ll()‘.'|tt(_; that rt't) he‘s. a l‘l{t(i(?

".'.rhere she trrrallt, 'helerrrréy KM

23 Don Paterson POET lhese who feared the art at the

aphorrsut hart rlretl a terrel; rleath alerrrr

wth Hrr)r)<)<:rat<:-s; ~.'.er'e ehirrrhterrert hx Don Paterseh's; the Hem at S'x’rrrez'.':;r Thrt; (;()|l(}(:tr().". of <)t)t3(:t‘.’£il|()l‘$3 (:errtrr'rrrerl the Dtllttkfiflfltflfl TS Flret

/.\.'.rtlii .'.r'i"'." \t‘~ rt 1.” "Kl !""'lrt'L‘;ti‘lt’

[r'>'.'.‘¢l attl t‘é-alrte F).1?"“rll"-‘~ fr‘ "tn"

'lrs)_rr.rragrrrrrr t< llr-é‘xflr'lrifut 'rrt‘ ar'au 9/ ;rrr‘er'rss. trerrr lune fr :teath, trr ;rrw rrtusur t<> peetr‘. arrrl rrertrrrruarrre. \.'.'.'rele <;ertarrt rrt the arrl‘rrrrssrrrs; rurr trr neueral [Mitltétifix{‘lt(133(?tl!lllrtf;.IltH“{ttérflltrttlttli hraet rrlrh gerrerairtrea View; is; rtrett‘. ruuel‘ the aarrreW 1:: alelrrrht thr>53e ~.'.rhr~ take ttleétfillt'tr rh perrrrerlrrr; therr a; reer'h

‘.'./Ith ather heeple'é; t)lIl‘., .'.r>rrlxr AH

22 Sons and Daughters ROCK BAND

Arm/the whet .‘xrtrresstsert thrs lx Illarrt'. E3£1‘~.'zt§}(3‘,(‘,lLrlHléfthIrttUtlMUStrtxitTut the future 1)? Sr'rrttrfgh rvrumr; arrr: rlrrlr"f he, therr rtehut rrrrrrr ll) 1 The (Jrrrv the next (lat, “:learl. tl(:(rtlf; tr, get their ea“; <:her:l\erl. (Lerrferert areurrrl ex Aral/ Strap attrrrate Ar lele Bethel ahrt he' partrrer' Sr:<>tt Paterarm, alrrrrgrerlr-

h; TEENS? A'lrrih l er‘r‘err artrl ’l'ur'wrer [)a‘rrrl (30's.; Serra arrrt [)(ttliflli‘m’f; Ureate a rrrgrt, :;trr:le'rt rrtrxttrre rrt alt_r,r;arttr‘. a'rrt lt) tr reela'h'rrill 551 me saj. the xrnrrtua‘ parentage rrrrrrlrert :" Their rtar're 'I’Jlllll refer tr, Jehrrrr‘, (lash llltl‘?;€:lf. a fart the hartrl .‘rrrrt't rlehg the:' heat new;

'rarrtert atte' the mar rtr 'rrla [JP

21 Beagles and Ramsay ARTISTS

Ib\"'l...I/triyrl’,1, ...tH./"“) .‘"',

"ll'ltrll tw’lref;. A“; tft‘erw NM: 1 't-r'r at; l‘leagtleuarvt Harrraa. 'rarm :e’t tr u’trr’? ‘31:" "M; "Jr-.‘. rrrtlwrr", Jul? Ttrerr

Hack rrulrlrrr': we rut/ax. a re’ 4/-

'lrrt’i‘:r","r.t.“‘t ).'.' 'lrrl ..‘l“r'r

(li‘rrk‘fl‘ fIit‘yr‘frirfyr/If ;"’ Ayr","r“’:::'l“ t r" ," .‘at‘r ,’.' r‘ "tarrlr/r trr Itrrre ‘3‘ >' "K ' '2',r:’l*:".l’,.r" Ir'l‘:‘, "" ‘: 7,: RN )‘,":I)lr‘ I ‘U’r‘f ".‘r r’rr“..”‘ (x’l’l ,r“/'\.'T, (,7me H T'-' Jr ’I‘» i'll'l’llz

8’ l.. ,'.r":’f‘. ~1’(r>.1,l/.. I} 1’, “rt/UT

’,"‘:£17.‘.‘:':l:’,‘f'r’m‘13]. ’l° PH

20 Belle & Sebastian pap BAND

K‘frw .'.r£‘,l ."': ,‘yr' 1'1‘017": V/l‘fr'h' ‘0' H05“: r“: \3‘:t,rr’,:«:' «0' 'ht'.

it the .ea' fi"e, r a' astrr't. althrmth

r/1{:r(fl‘r' "/er r I'. /17 'nw‘r‘ 'I'rllf

Ti‘fflfflr’} ' ’,.'.‘7.‘:'. T':‘; {71' '71‘;/

i/{, li/‘(,, I‘ , ..r‘ , ,( rt I, u ,

Edit/(la. lr' (Jay, 1y]... ; Ejlerir‘lf, (1'1’ I" l)

u. 1‘! (I 1. I I / r/{II/pz‘(,'r

T' ‘: Cfrt'X‘; T"‘:. "5"‘5’1 ““1

{,lrb‘, fytardflnmm tr (I, 11/ ‘r r] o'rr/n tr{:rlr;1(J(:

(irrr: {1 (2,{,/: 11:; I! A ,‘ ..'1 ,rll. C‘, )2 {JIJK/ ' ’1 1/{:(, ' (l I J, z A" ‘A//r