
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 1 6


313 The Private Lives of Books \atronal lunar} ol Scotland. (it-orgc l\' llrrdjgc. 32oF” Illanr 5pm l'tcc ('clcltx lrom culttnc. \porl and pullllc\ hax c contnhutcd hi tokx that lta\ c a \pccial \rjgrnltcanc c tor tlrcm Ill tlnx c\lnlntron that c\plotc\ tltc rclatronxlnpx that dcxclop ltctuccn hook and lllt'll' o\\ ncrx, Donald Smith lllackucllx ilormcrl} .larncx 'l’lnn South llrtdggcl. 5i 5‘) South llrrdec. ()2: 3333. (t. illltln. 'l ltc dn'cctor ol tltc .Scttllhll Stor}lc|lrn;_' ('cnlrc cclclttalcx tltc nndxxnncr \c.r\oll in Scotthlt landxcapc and communn} ltlc \\llll a rcadtn}: lrom lnx ncu collcctton ol pitt'tlh. llllt'tl .l Ill/l!" .S/Ilt/i’.

353 Our Favourite Books at Christmas National l.rln'ar} ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' litrdgc. 23o ~15 il. 7pm. l'tcc. I/r'nr/t/ Irtcrai'} cdrtor Roxcinar} (ioi'itn: grxcx a talk on popular lcxtn c lmokx hotlr past and prcxcnt. appcarrng alongxrdc Richard llolloua}. \\ Ito \\ lll lwc rcading: lrorn tltc hook ltc has choxcn lor tltc currcnt I’l'nurr' Inn or Him/u c\|nlntron. In addition tltc .\'l.S \ltop \xill hr.- rutnnng a \pcclal (‘ln‘rxunax promotion lor um cwntngg onl_\. \\llll l5‘r oll all ltookx.


Cafes Philosophiques .-\l|rancc l‘t'ancatxc l)c (ilaxgon. 3 Park ('lt'cux. §_i‘l-13S|..l Spin. [5 (Ur. .\ l‘rcnch discuxxron group on plnloxoplncal qucxtionx. lltghcr l‘rcnclt rccinnrnctnlcd.


The Private Lives of Books National lunar} ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' Brrdgc. 320.15.”. lllatn 5pm. l‘t'cc. Scc 'l‘hu lo. Christmas Guid Crack Club \Vau‘l‘l} liar. St .\lar_\ \ Strcct. 550 SSSS. 7.3llprn. adnnxxion l\_\ donation £3.50. .-\udicncc participation cnconragcd at tltc (iuid ('rack (‘lulw'x lcxllu‘ \tor)tclling_' cxcning. lloxlcd. amn'oprtalcl}. l3} llcatltcr Yulc ax part ol tltc Scottish Stor_\tcllrng_' ('cntt'c'x ‘Yulc Imrmi‘ progratntnc.

Saturday 18


The Private Lives of Books National l.ll‘l';ll"\ ol Scotland. (icot'gc l\' llrtdgc. 330-153 . Illarn Spin. l‘rcc. Scc 'l'lru lo.

Lin Anderson

:34 Lin Anderson Blacloxcllx il'orrncrl} .larncx 'l‘lnn South Bridch 53 5‘) South Bridgc. (‘23 S332. noon. l-rcc. 'l‘hc (‘irccnoclx-horn author talks about ltll't'll. hcr \ccond crnnc no\ cl lcaturin; torcnxic \cicnuxt Rhona .\lacl.cod.

Tell Me a Story for Christmas St (‘L‘Cllltl.\ ll;lll. \ltltll'} SII‘CL‘I. HMS :lll‘). 3.45pm. £5 tL‘FSlh. Join Duncan

\\tllram\on tor a lcxtr‘.c storch \lltthS and dccorattonx tor ailtllh and clnldrcn agcd to c and o\ ct

art ol thc Scottish Stor}tcllmg_' ('cntrck 'Ynlc l-cstnal progrannnc

Storytelling at the Traverse [mt-m- l ltcatrc. ('amln'rdgc Slicct. 33S HHJ

zpm l‘t'cc Storrcx. songs and lots ol tun tot lxltlS ax ('olrn \lcli\‘.att hosts tlnx \ct'llhll Hook ’lruxl c\cnt. lHllH\‘.lllf_‘ tltc matrncc pcrtormancc ot 'l’ltc (‘lnrstmm ()uangglc \\.lll:._flk'

Guests and Strangers Si (‘t-crlrak llall. \rddr} Strcct. ooh Illl‘l " ltlpm 1 L5 r. 'l ltc Scotttxlt Storflclltn; (‘cnlrc'x \ulc cclcl‘l'.tllitll\ contnnrc \\ nlt

' ‘_a \lunro. Donald Snntlt and .latnc\ .\lacl)onald lx’ctd marlng thc nndmntcr c\tr\al u III) a night c\plorrng_' \tor}tcllrng_' ll';ltlllltlll\ liorn Scotland and acrim laui'opc. cclcln‘aung.‘ gucxtx and \lrangcrx.

rclaun; atlcrnoon ot


Holyrood’s Winter Tales llol} rootl

ark l'.ducatron ('cntrc. l ()uccn'x l)t't\c. 3pm. l-rcc. -\n attcrnoon ol \kllllt‘l'

\tor}tclling_'. and nnncc ptcxl Hooking;


The Private Lives of Books National lunar} ol Scotland. (icorgc |\' Hrrdgc. 33o 45%|. 2 3pm. l'rcc. Scc 'l‘lnr lo.

Monday 20 Edinburgh

The Private Lives of Books \attonal |.iln'ar} ol' Scotland. (icorgc l\' Brldgc. 230 4531. Illatn 5pm. l'rcc. Scc 'l'lnt lo.

Tuesday 21

m 9—. 3 U r: 9

Private Lives of Books National l.tln'ar_\ ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' Brtdgc. 320-15,“ . Illatn 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘lnr lo.

Wednesday 22

.4 3' o

m C}. 3 U S to 3

Private Lives of Books National l.rln'ar_\ ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 220 45.”. Want Spin. l‘i'cc. Scc 'l'lru lo.

.4 3' t‘b

m 9—. 3 U c: “2.

The Private Lives of Books \altottal l.ihrar_\ ol' Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 23b 45.”. Want Spin. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘lnr lo.


The Private Lives of Books National l.rhrar_\ of Scotland. (icor'gc l\' Bridgc. 2% 45M. lllarn 5pm. l'rcc. Scc 'lllll lo.

Wednesday 29 Edinburgh

The Private Lives of Books National l.iln'ar_\ in" Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 330 45.”. Want 5pm. l'rcc. Scc ‘l‘ltu lo.


The Private Lives of Books National lunar} ol' Scotland. (icorgc |\' Brtdgc. 326 45.”. Want Spin. lircc. Scc 'l‘lnr 1r».

Wednesday” 5 Edinburgh

The Private Lives of Books National l.iln‘ar') ot‘ Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 220 ~15.~l. lllain 5pm. l-‘rcc. Scc 'l‘lnr ll).


The Private Lives of Books National l.iln'ar'_\ ot Scotland. (icorgc l\' Brtdgc. 22o 4531. lllain 5pm. l-‘rcc. Scc 'l’hu lo.


MARK KALESNIKO Why Did Pete Duel Kill Himself?

.0. .- :" '1: 2 - ' : COMICS OF ' = = THE YEAR . . e. . , The List comics I, 1 reviewers choose , y . their favourite , ' . comics. graphic __ " u . novels and ‘zrnes of '" ”‘= *-i“ t 2004 «ti tn 2H: l r . ,‘ut' ‘»T.i' ""le ' ;"_I‘v rim M v N v an' t.

. ALEX cuuu 2’ x 9- (ED) ' " The Classic Pin Up

'lw‘ I -‘- “1-. \ Art ofJack Cole

t;e".n antmtwidrieh. :a F t'llml'al lit»

\Ltillirtiiltfii :‘f inhrltta O... '

lt's madnes‘; trying to choose the C(JlllKlS from what has been a phenomenal year for new. old and heaven sent reissues. Here is; a list of some of those we loved Ill 2004 but there are many more and we t;t'()‘.‘.’tl no] \‘qenders; apologise for any the booeh trot. Next ‘1, the :l'i:zt°. E-l orrnssaonsi.

£lll(:(:<l<‘l<3f; ‘iorn (Illlltll‘()(,tl yearn

school deter‘tmr‘. l)‘.:lllt_; l)lllll(:fl. tatlr'at til lJTJ'h’l ‘.'."tlt [)atl. ettt

suggemt. to the l)ttll‘i(:l|“ protagoiafa of The trim. ’\.'.'lt:,'t; rlr'au'xt‘ at; a lioili); earett irrertgiew

t tat He 5; reks. ‘lt hat; I“;

he better when you're

desperately unsure of l.‘."t:"’l T'l‘a": r" ‘1' M The beginning of the answer. in” ti: gut-fit rr‘ ‘3 a: the year kicked off It's a fElltllll. though “riot, twin Jar/r t; m wrth the release '.'/(: nevertheless; insightful (Lofi- Hal 1,." e fl " at" had all been twirling lntterssx'reet trip (lr:.'.r: (: strait ,‘ l’rlli‘: Ti, " a for. The League of titerrtor", latte. tater ’a'eei : ,rt'tt Gentlemen erler; l-ieliteri rev-54 l/rl ti, " ,‘. Volume II. No one f), t,- rr a ii,- a was (,lrsannornted. "",.‘: Tllzi‘. “.ng 0'1. tn’: Next came Holiday Special 2004 "“"" .’ " M9swee"ey’s 13' Mm“) ... twia, 'l‘: ,tW-v 4.. an issue of the T' r, 'eu‘ x ,' Pl.» ' gentleman's My» * e e7". ‘f' e quarterly that was 191" ig/m l,|.'-' e ., dedicated to the 1 i, .' 2i,- i t,’ i great and the good I' " :elar i, in comics. Peter ,r o E") .f U. r,- Millrgan's magnificent l' t rr' :ii'rr,‘ series X-Statix We rent,- .~’,~: Wye/f sadly came to an {:‘f‘:' "‘:l‘:’,'. 8' ""1" " ‘: GNU lhlS year and ' r;.'.“,_iiai/,-' 52' K: Daniel Clo/res gave " t/' ’< 'i '. W 2 us the brilliant i ’l’ - v S ' Eightball 23 . In . r *2 * , .' r, terms of satire Tim "M: "r,- i,‘ Kreider's The Pain : : «Ira/r i swept all before it. ' i ' Heavyweight .. . , i' ~ 4 . r,- l ' polemrcist Joe 'ues .t' 3.1 r r ,,' ,‘. Pm ix ,, Sacco introduced us i."'i':‘.: 311653 7" 3:39. 9’: f’ ‘, {fit it“! to The Fixer and ‘0 ran ,r i x "4’30" Martane Satrapi ' ,3 '5 i J ' ' z 'e' W; er, ' r ' came home to lran on." ,-::/ rr ‘2; '. , ' N v in Persepolis 2. HOW" ' . ii, i