ltLL'ttLL‘ and coIIIpltItIentat'j. doot l)_l 'loaxt Ix III charge ot tlte tIItIxIc

I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at thtdda llptII iaIII Ltbc \Veelh Inot (‘ht'IxtIIIax l)a_\I ('ohtt liart attd JaIIIex llext dectdc to turn on the l’ttcct xt_\lc at tlttx new glatIIoIoux part} at llttdda l’attonx ate

ltt\ Ited to book a table attd get decadent I Lite at ('ottnthtan ‘tptII iatn ttbc Weekl‘. Inot ('hrtxttttax Ha} I lleautttul next. ill-titlt'ltt bat and club at tltIx gorgeottx lngtattt Street IIIeg.t-\eIIIIe 'l he} itl\‘..t}x put .I lot Into tlIeII \enttex. xo It} to ttt.tlxt' an ettott. \ttll _\otI'

I Million Dollar Disco at 't he ttutt ('lttb lttptII iaIII LES (‘ltttxtIIIax Ha} \lottthl}. l)ance .Iutt} the tttt'kc}. tr} ottt \ottr next xtteatet. reel ot llt Katate and dattce \ttth allot )tttlt IIIatex l’tatxe be. It‘x xottltttl tunk} dtxco tIoIII [U \l Kent ot \ltllton I)o|lat |)txco Recotdx

I National Pop League at \Mmdxtde Soctal. .\.~15pttt Iatn. Li IS l)ec \lottthl} llte bext IIIdIe ntght III the en} ()olt. contcttttoux. Sttll. tt‘x a great part}. \ttth tlte bext III (Sh. xltoe ga/Ing IIItIxIc. poxtpttttk attd underground gttItaI acttott Ktxxtng and dattctttg attd ltt\tttg and xtttngtttg aIId xttoontng.

I Pressure at tlte .-\rclIex ltt. ittptn -l;tltt. Uh. IX I)ec. \lottthl}. So. Subculture Ix on a l‘rtda}. aIId no“ l’texxttre Ix on a Saturda} ’.r\ll \et'} contttxtng. bttt tlten agatn. tltexe are ('lIrIxtIIIax xpectalx. Slattt. l‘llllb l)‘\‘oId. (iene l5at'rtx attd llep—l: are belttttd the deckx at thtx Ittad part}.

I Saturdays at the Buff at llte thttt ('lttb. Itlpttt 3am. l‘t'ee IL'S’I. I .latt. l-or aII_\oIIe xtill xtattding. come join

(ilaxgott ‘x oI‘IgIIIaI Ian. onII and tunk club \tith rexident |).Ix Mark Robb attd Nick l’eacock. pl;t}lttg tlte bext III ltL‘\\ \chool.

I Sola at ('lth l.i\ItIg. ‘tptn .iatn. £7 (L'treeI. \Veeld} tttot ('ltrtxttnax Ha} I. I)! Jttlex platx xottltttl ltouxe attd :\|an Macken/Ie pla}x retro claxxtcx III thix nice attd taxt} nett bar/club III Nelxon Mandela place.

I Subculture at the Sttb ('lth. l lpIII .iattt. L'ltl. \Veeld}. llarrt attd l)oIIteIIic'x houxe part} txtill tlte bext in the L'ttltllll'} I getx back to baxch tlIix tortnigltt \\ Ith a t'L‘\ltlL‘ttlx-otll_\ line up. .-\Itd _\eah. it Ix open ('hrixtntax Ha}.

I Winchester Club at the \Voodxide Social. ‘tptn Zant. £4. II the .\lont|tl_\. l’la}ing the at tltix latext inxtaltnent ol the \thcltexter xhindig lt‘dlltt'c‘x |i\ e IIttIxic lrotn 'l'retnbling Blue Stat'x attd the language ot‘ l’ltmet‘x. 'I‘hen. alterttardx It'x the ttxttal top ttIIIeage t'rotn the \Vlttt‘ltcxlt‘t‘ l)_lx.

Chart & Party

I Cubism Hedonism at (‘ttbe. lt).3t)ptn 4am. L‘S’ (UH. \Veeld) tttot ('hrixtntax Ha) I. Scott pla}x tlte bext itt t‘ttnlet hoIIIe-groun aIId l‘S lIotIxe. t'ttxed \\ ith cotnntercial attd club claxxicx in bar oIIe. ('ttt/ attd l)a\e .\l alxo cotttitttte to keep the dancettoorx packed in (‘ube J4 \\ itlt urban beatx.

I Saturdays at Wigwam at \Vigttatn. l 1pm 3am. £7 tL'oI. \Veeld} tttot (‘ltrixttnax l)a) I. Robin B IIIi\ex tip Refill. xottl and club claxxiex \\llllC tlte legettdar) Ton) 'I‘abak pla_\x ttpbeat contntercial ttIIIex at thix ne\\ \enue.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at the ('atltouxe. lttfittpttt .iattt. l‘rec belore l laitlpm; £3 (USUI at‘tet'. \Veeld). :\ ntilder ttti\ ot‘ indie attd rock than )tttt'll find at the cit} 'x prentier rock \enue on Fri or Sat.

I Brazilia at (‘lub l.I\ ing. ‘lpnt giant. l-‘ree belore l lptn. \Veekl}. .-\ next bar that turttx ittto a club. it] the (‘orner ot' Mandela Square ott‘ Buchanan Street. lt'x DJ actiott aIId li\ e percuxxion all the \\a_\. \\ itlt tubiquitouxl rexident 'l‘it't‘ l’eachex and a hoxt ot‘ unnIentionable otherx.

I Cabaret at the Tunnel. 1 l.3tlpnI

Barn. (4 (UL Week). The 'l‘unnel'x .xecond ga} clth night. 'l‘hingx are definite!) tabttltItIx at thix Sttttdm night part}. i i

I Colours Winter Party at the \t’cltex ‘lpIII Jam :5 ILZHI Bonn; l)a_\ ottl} llIIx Ix getttng to be a btt ot a ttadtttott let't'_\ ('otxtett. l.ttc l’t_\d/. (in) ()rttadel. Ronald \atI (ieldetett. (ittt\.tttttttl l't'tt't. Stuart (iIeeII. Roget SaIIchc/. \tc l‘dttclltllt. ,ltltt \lattctttt. .\l.tll\ Ktttght. Hut 1 lIoIIIonI. ,loIIatlIaII |.lee. Stexe (iertad. and KIIIg. \ltehael l’atterxon. l)arreII l)ee. l.attget attd

l)c\ IIII. \latco SIIIItlI aIId ('olItI Salex all appear.

I Disco Badger at liatttboo I IptII iattt £5. \\eeld_\ tttot 2 Jam. llottxe Ittttxtc claxxtcx all IIIght Iottg ttoIII l)otttttttc \larttn aIId boogte ttIIIex ttotII _\la\ III the lounge

I Disco Badger New Year Party at llatttboo. lttpttt -latII. L5 2 Jan out} llottxe tIItIxIc all IIIgltt lottg ttotII |)otIIItIIc .\l.trtttt. Rtkli ttottt Scottte It attd boogte ttIIIex troIIt .\la\.

I Free Sundays at llte t Imetxat Ilpttt iattt. l't'ce \\eeklt lltp hop. tttnk. xotII. reggae. ltottxe attd Ia// all III tlttx great. \Irtttall} unknown \entte ItIxt behind Sauchteltall Street

I The Fuse at ('tha \ot‘te. ltt, itlpttt 5am. UH. lioung |)a} ottl_\. 'l lIIee ot (ilaxgoxx ‘x \ct‘} bext l).|x come together under the Merchant ('It_\ at thtx tItteI'l_\ great clttb \entte. llarrt trottt Subculture. ()xcar trottt .\lix|I .\laxh attd litll} tI'ottI ()tItet‘ I)rt\e all appear. xo I'll be damned Il' thix Ixn't a great part). .St't' [’l't’l It'll.

I Haberdashery at the l.ttttttd lounge.

‘lpllt Jatn. Li. \Veeldt. \\'eeld_\ Sttttda} xhettatttganx troItt t‘extdetttx l)ann_\ Sltat‘ke} and Dirt} Ian}. D] |.ettt arrIxex at the llaberdaxlter} on lio\ing l)a} tor a gttext xlot.

I Mungo’s Hi Fiat the littlt. Spttt

.iatn. l'ree belore l Ipttt; £5 alter. \\'eel\|\.

Scotlanth number one reggae dattceltall collecthe. torttterl} rexidetttx at the \Votttlxttlc Social. tltt “hat the} ltt\ e tttttxt at their ttL‘\\ \eIItIe. p|a_\ing iIt a xotItId

,I tit

\}\lc‘ttt xt}le. .tttd paelattg :II the tttaxxex \tttlt then toon tIddttIIx and In .:tltt‘t‘. I Optimo (Espacio) a: the \m t i-ah llt‘ttt larr. L"‘1<I \\eeixi_\ \o. to It'x tlie ( tpt::t‘.o part}. at. :12". fliet lttzxtzttax atl‘e l‘tttll tft \\ :ll.ex .zttd lutite l‘, piax the ttttx tot allot tltoxettteel} dtexxedtlpttttto (attx l‘)tt!el\ toIItId tzp l" llee. t‘lIIIxttIIax l’att_\ ‘.\tll1\e't_\ xpeetat :ttext at Ito e\tta

e Iatge Io lie. lto\tttg llat xpectal I .latt bael. to 'IIottIIal' utth lttztelt attd \btllxt'S

I Pee Wee‘s Christmas Carol .II the lltttt ('lttl‘ llpIII zatI‘. 1‘ I“ [let \lottthljx loIII Ill l’atIl \\elxlI ttt lIIx ('lItIxttIIax ad\eIItttIex III H: l t llattee ot? that e\tta xltee ot I.t.lIate‘.e: eatltet III the da}

I The Priory at lildttlxt'l Ilpttt lettt.

1* “eeklt llIIx e ltIle onIIetlItIIg ot a IIIIxIIoIIIeI l Itlexx ot eotttxe dattctttg all tIIglIt to xtttdettt atItlIeIIIx aIId lx’t\ll Ix ltott tott deto\ .ll’ attd the ltIIItIel'x lx’teltatd

l t‘\ tttxtItt .tlt' lltc‘ ltttxlx

I Reindeer Section at the that t'ttth lttpttt \IIII H l" llee \lottthh lt'x xoott to appear on e\ett tlIttd \\edttexda_\. teattIIIIIg ltte attx attd tlte lx’etttdeet

llIIx tItIIc. thottglt. It'x \\tlll the Sttou l’attol Mix the tIIIglIt} |\’Ichatd ('olbttttt ot llclle attd SebaxtIaII aIId chIdctItx .\l. (i attd \ot

I Spunk at the (athottxe llptII idltl Ltbc \\cel\l_\ (iet a good \I‘dltlxlttg' on the Sabbath. I).l Bart} pla_\x .tllc'ttt.tlt‘-t'. punk. claxxtc Iocle. lIIp ltop. metal and etoxxo\et IIIdtIxtIIal to a late \\ eeltend ctott d

I Sundays at the Buff at the that ('Ittb, Ilpttt iattt. Li “ct-kl} SoIIIc litttt dtxco gt'oo\ex attd lltttlxt'tl up |.I// tIoIII litttt llt'\\ gtt} Stttatt.

Chart & Patty

I \flnylicious at lottdtmn \ltdtttght idllt. Neil. “filly lltt' \c‘t} \t'\} people tt'oIII Sottlxa bI‘IIIg ttx another line ntght ot hottxe tun attd gatnex


, r. The newest signing to Ninja Tune drops by at the

delightfully strange hip hop, funk and electro night

Mixed Bizness. Boom Monk Ben and Pro Vinylist Karim are in full musical support as ever. The Art School has an excellent record for hosting these fine hip hop nights, so this should be a great one.

C' CC C: Ht“

371’ 77 Dec. @339 It 3am. £8 £5,

’3‘ gj';r\'rr;) :

Q.,.',;’la f" (‘( ,1, n ' .t’ 7 rr_

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at the litttt t‘lttl‘ llpIII i.tttt 1th\ 1 latt \t‘tttt\l\t atId /ettx plt _\otI

xx ItlI a lull eoIIIplIIIIeIIt ot tttttle lIotIxe \dd .I daxl‘. Ht ttttt .Ittd :xxltote load ot pIxxed ttp bat \\otlxetx.

.Itttl dtxe o gtoo\ex

aIId the ptetttte Ix eotttplete lx‘edetttttttg the xtatt :IIglII out. ttx littttt

I Broken Computers at the t ttttttd lottttge llpIII Ii llee \lotItlIh \ otIe ott t'lIIIxtttIax teehtto \l‘t't lt'alttftttf.‘ ltttltlt' l .tl‘t‘l lit‘\\ l.t\t\lt liItItItt-II. \xlto Ix IoIIch ht label tIIate lx’eet l oet tlt\eI alottgxtde \\\‘ll and Stephen ttoIII \lIItt

I Inside Out Christmas Party at the \Itltex ltt lllttttt lattt Ll *I' :‘l)\'\ \lt‘lllltl} \ltttlltl l’ttt‘llt‘ .Itttl \l.ll\\‘ \ appeat III Ioottt one. \xlttlc \IatI ltelxlt.t\\ and l taxet l atta l‘lt|\‘. \otIt l‘t.tltt\ out III

I Passionality .II t ttl‘t' tt illt‘ttt

idtlt t * Heft \\cekl_\ l’leaxttI;' \lt.ttlt\lt\ tIotII Ill \ltaxxtt lx’oltettx. Itlto doex lIIx bext to texttxe Hate the ucekettd lot the pa} tIII\ed e Iottd

I Undercover at lildttlxt'l Ilpttt idltt L-l Heft “celdt (ildllllxdlltttt le\e|x ate htgh ax xettet .tt't'lll lItII Ila liext platx out tlte tttttle\ lttttt\t‘, tlttalttt lx’t\|i attd petteet pop l’lettt_\ ot dtttth pIoIIon xhottld lea\e tott both \lltllxk'll attd xtIIted I VEGAS! West Coast Christmas Party at llte lx’ettttett lett} ‘l ittpttt fattt L“ Newt I." llet oII|_\ llte \t‘t‘.t\ ('Ieu tl t.tltlxtt' SIIIIIatIa. Ilttto \laItIIII. litlg\_\ \cagttll .ttltl lx’tck llttdxon. pltIx llttto \latttttt. \Ikkt \e\.td.t. the \egax Sltougttlx and. III llte Statdttxt (thItIo. llte l athlotIx Stott litothcth do tltett eax} ltxteIIIttg thtttg \II tItItIxtIaI date lot the p.ttl_\. bttt Ito doubt tlIIx Ix gotttta be the poxt ('IIIIxtIIIax xhtttdtg \\ Ilh tlte tIont lo\e belttttd It

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag in lllt‘ ( il.t\_~__‘tt\\ School ttl .\I‘t. Ilpttt iattt, L'I ttIeeI llatgattt baxetttettt IIIdIe ttIIIex. barrel Ioadx ot cheap tllllllx and a hunt h ot ktdx that ttxed to lt\t' III good lIoIIIex

I Camouflage at the|llltl l otIIIge Ilpttt iattt. {I \\celxl} \ ttt‘\‘. \teeld} tltat aIIIIx to put the tlttaltt} back Into xtttdettt clttbbtttg \xhtlxt bk'k'l‘lll},‘ llte tlttltlx\ pttcex ltt\\ l.I\e\\Ite ate tlte IIItIxIcal Icptexcntatncx. pla_\tttg tlte tIIIext lIIp hop. elettto. techno. hottxe. dItIIII ck baxx attd bteakbeat

I Fool’s Gold at (i3, llpIII iattt Ltbc \\ecld_\_ ;\ dedtcated IIIglIt ot Ittdtc tock troIII \lt l’attl (ioIIIIaII attd tIIeIIdx lt‘x a poptIlaI lt'.I\\l through the Hell xea ot Independent IIItIxIc ttoIIt lttttattt attd abroad met the laxt tttent} tearx

I Later Lounge at the |.tt|tttd lounge ‘lpIII idttt. l'tce. \Veeld} .\anII l’ettte t('lIIIIca|I cotth up a xtoIIII \tttlt onIIc cl;I\\lc Itac'lex old and ttc\‘.. llttttxt'. broken beatx aIId lIIp hop tla\ottrx

Glasgow Wednesdays

Club I AAA at the l.ItItIId lounge ltlpttt IatII. L i. \\eel\|_\_ \ext tttttl\\c‘t‘l\ drtIIII & baxx Ittght teatttrtng onIIe ot Scotlattd'x l)t\ll talettt on regular totatIotI. I Allure at the 'l tItItIel. l I. itlpttt iatII. £3. \\eeld}, (ilaxgott 'x net‘. ext ga} IIIglIt \\ Ith the _\oung and \et} talented Darren Young tlpratchIng onIIe xtIperb ttIIIeage. I Club Living at (‘lttb l.I\IIIg. Upttt iattt. Ltbc, \Veelxl}. th Steal} xptnx up the Rtkli. hIp—hop and handbag lltttl\L'. Club Tromolo at the Bull (‘lttb ‘lttltt iattt. £5. 33 flee the ttIIIIIIext club ItIglIt around. l).l Scrooge pla}x blealt ltouxe tgetIItIxI. l’ert'} (‘oIIIa and M. K Stupor xIng the. and l’rextott l’att/ attd Seaton Sandx pla} lt\L’. 'l he} 're Itothtttg It not poltttcall} correct. xo to make xtIre tlIeIr non-('ltrixttan trtendx are not alienated. the} \I. Ill be ttaIlItIg a goat In an ;t\lt lt'c‘c'.

.lattI '7' tun