I Diggity Hogmanay at the lixtalilixliincnt. |0piii 5am. £|2 t£l0 iiiciiilicrxi. l‘l'l 3| Dcc. 'l'lic Rtkll and hip hop night gocx tor it big \l}lc lor llogiiiana} \iilli xpccial gticxt l‘lo putting Ill a liic xct ol' Rtkll di\a \l}llllg\ including licr liit xiiiglcx ‘l.a/_\ Da} '. 'l’lcaxc l" and ‘.\lo\c' ion xtagc l|.30piii appro\i \iitli back up l'roin Diggit} 'x )oung gtiii rcxidcntx Nick (i and l’lia/c 2. :\\ tixiial tlic t‘cxidcnlx \\ lll llc ill l‘llll CllCL‘l.

I Dr No’s at Studio 24. llpiii 3am. £(i (£5l. 24 Dcc. 'l‘lic original Jamaican xka and claxxic i‘ockxtcad} night iiiigi‘atcx to Studio 24K iiitiiiiatc upxtaii‘x xpacc. noix lt‘ttllll'lllg‘ tlic l)r .\'o'x liouxc hand.

I Edinburgh Indie Society Christmas Party at 'l‘ciioi Rim l'iiion. |0piii 3am. £3. l7 Dcc. ’l‘lic lidiiiliurgh l'ni lndic Socicl) pull otll ttl lllL' \lop\ tor lllt‘ll' Xiiiax part} \\ itli .-\i'ali Strap on DJ duticx and ll\ c xctx lroiii Alici'lcld} and tlic Starlctx. pltix tlic liidic Soc DJx plining tlic licxt in claxxic indic. l’lux lrcc iiiiiicc picx. ci'ackcrx and niixtlctoc.

I Evol at tlic l.iqiiid Rooni. l0.30piii 3am. £5. \Vcckl) inot l-‘ri 3| Dcci. lidiiihurgli'x longcxt running indic night. I The Go-Go at ('octcau l.oungc idoixnxtairx at ligoi. llpiii 5am. £5 (Hi. 17 Dcc. Sixiiigiiig (10x garagc. xoul. mod. xoul. RH! and \lL‘al) lixtcning. 'l'lic riglitcotix 'l‘all l’aul Rol‘lll\oll and .-\ngux .-\ (io-(io rcinain rcxidcnl joiiicd it} thc L‘\L‘l' enigmatic Soul llipxtcr and liix xcci‘ct xtaxh til-15x.

Headspin New Year's Eve at tlic Bongo (‘luh l lpiii 5am. £|5. l'ri 3| Dcc. 'l'hc licxt in hip hop. lunk. xoul. hotixc and hrcakhcat a.x thc rcxidciit DJ dixpla) tcaiii l'caturing .-\llan. tlic chonancc iDa\a and ('olin .\lillari and Stcxc Spin takc oicr tlic Bongo l‘or anotlicr Nlli xpccial and llicir ci ci‘ cl‘lcrwxccnt tour dcck iiii\ taking )oii through to 2005.

I Highland Gathering at R11in lligliland (’ciitrc. 8pm 8am. £79. l-‘ri 3| Dcc. .\laxxi\c l2-hour llogiiiana} haxli

\\ ith an cclcctic linc-up ol Dlx and ll\ c actx including: Supcrgraxx. .-\riiiaiid Van

llcldcn. Slain. Ra/orliglit. lirick .\lorillo. l.CC ‘Scratcli' l’crr). [DC In cllcrx. Sch l-‘ontainc. licli\ da llotixccat. Dog.x Die in Hot ('arx. l);t\ c l’carcc. litittircxhock. Jali Shaka. l.i\a l.a.xhc\ atid Sixtcr Blixx. Scc' [’I't'l'l('lt'.

I Hogmanay Hip-Hop Party at ()\_\gcn Bar & (irill. l0ptii 3am. l-‘ri 3| Dcc. .\lu.xician.x lroin .\langa and l.i\c Scicnccx

Where would Hogmanay in Edinburgh be without the now mandatory dose of cocktails, showgirls, fancy dress and swingin’ lovers? That’s right, Vegas is back once again. Relocated to the Edinburgh College of Art’s Sculpture Court, the convivial surroundings will host the usual array of swing, Latin and easy listening, with one or two seasonal surprises besides. In 3/ Dec, Edi/ibi/r'g/i College ofAr't, Edinburgh, /().,’)‘()prii—:3arii, 5‘28

join lidinhurgli'x lincxt DJx proiidiiig c\ccllcnt lii c iiiuxic and part} atinoxplicrc o\ cr l\\t) lloiit'\ lo xcc in lltc NU“ Ycar. I The Honeycomb Hogmanay at tlic ll111ic‘}c‘oiiih. l0piii 5am. £l5 £ | 7.50. l-‘ri 3| Dcc. 'l‘lic licxt lioinc-groiiii talcnt around ax thc man ol tlic )car .\l_\ lo lolloit'x lll\ \cl oti tlic \trcctx \\llll a DJ xct indoor» jotncd l3) Silu‘t' Storic. l)l liclici L' and (i-.\lac. “lnlc lhc lta\lion\ ol lttnk i.\lotlicrltinki and hip hop iScratchi takc our room l\\o. Sclcclcd driiikx on promo and ('lianipagnc on £15 all night. Joy/Mingin’ Hogmanay Party at lllc \cntic. llpiii 5am. £|3 i£20i. liri 3| Dcc. 'l'licxc l\\o haxtionx ol ga_\ dancc takc oxcr all thrcc lloorx ol~ lltc \ctlllc hit an almight} llogiiiaiia} part} iiith all tlic uxual xtixpcctx Maggic and .-\llan Jo}. Sall} l". Brian Dciiipxtci‘. DJ .\liclicllc. Brctt King and Dalc l.uxli itickctx aiailahlc lroiii ()- Storc. llahana and thc chcnti. I Mission Hogmanay at Studio 24. l0piii 5am. £l0 £l2. Hi 31 Dcc. (‘io oxcr to llic dark xidc tliix llogiiiana} ax thc .\lixxion gii'c iou xcicn liourx ol' thc licxt in rock. nictal. goth. induxtrial and liliM pltix Iii'c muxic lroin lidinhurgli'x god\ollncl1tl Man of tlic llour. l’lux \arioux lrcc boo/c ollcrx throughout tlic night. :\d\ancc tick'ctx ai‘ailahlc l'roin Studio 24. Ripping Rccol‘d\ and (iround (’ontrol. I Mocha Hocka! at licrlin llic-i‘liaiix. l lpiii 3am. £5 hcl‘orc midnight; (1 al'tcr. l7 Dcc. 'l‘\\o ol lidinhurgh'x lk'\l collccliicx join lorccx. Spacc liacc l'L‘\ldL'nl\ l’cpc Santaiiiaria and lllc lilondc l-‘laxli bring thc Rtkli. hip hop. l'tink. dixco and tiiorc \\llllL‘ 'l‘ok}o Blu takc carc ol thc liotixc. I New Year Revels at .-\xxciiih|} Rooiiix. 0.30pm 3.30am. £40. l"ri 3| Dcc. 'l‘lircc tloorx of MC“ )car pai't_\ing \\ illi DJx .-\qua Baxxino. Joc \lttltk. c'l;t\\lc [\Mi-lottc troiii 'l'liix R 2-‘l'onc. and ccilidli iiiadncxx troni l-ixixct' McNaughton Band and liclla .\lc.\'ali'x Dancc Band. Sn Iii/iii/iiirg/i Huumimiri (am/1' tor lin'i It'll. I Huklear Puppy New Year Party at ligo. ‘lpiii 5am. £2\'. l-‘ri 3l Dcc. .\laxxi\c hard houxc night to gct )ou all rci \cd up t‘or Nili. thc quccn ot' hard dancc/trancc .-\nnc Sauigc takcx thc top xpoi iiitli a littlc hcll‘ l'roni licr ll‘lL‘lltl\ ilaxon ('ortc'I. l’hil York. Ja) l’idgcoii. Simon .\lacl.cod and (iarcth liiiikxi \\llllC Room 2 gocx t'unk} liouxc and dancc claxxicx all night long “till .\'ick Biotin. .-\rrogant .\likc. \Varncr l’oucrx and .»\nd_\ ()pcl.

I Obscene .it tlic \cnuc llpiii 5am

£5 it3 it )ou kcpt _\oui Digital tickct xttilii l" Dcc (‘liiixtniax l’art} ax tii c (ll‘xccnc tcxidciitx hattlc it otit iii tlic ditiiii c\ liaxx xtakcx \xilli icprcxciitatncx liotii Split. .-\DK. Rogtic Statc. Ktiiiiiiiiiiiiiid/ and Sllatlim xklll l-llt' (‘oolct g'tKN .tll \‘ltl \kiiol \xith llic (icnctal. llc\ and Nick lot)

I Planet Earth at (him (‘luli

l0 30pm 3.1m £5 \\cckl} iiiot l‘ll 3| Dcci \liixic lioin I‘lqti through to l".\‘| or. in othci \\ot'd\_ a hcalth} doxc ot punk. tic“ \\;i\c. ttcxx romantic and clcctio pop llic uxual l’l: cra/incxx on (‘lirixtinax l:\ c but “fill a tcxtn c |l.i\oui and .1 MM \inax liitx iplux .1 Sam liccnxci

I Progression NYE Party at lltc (‘otniiiplc\ 0. 30pm ~1dlll Ll.3 l'll 3l Dcc. llugc llogiiiaiia} night ot piogicxxixc liotixc licatx lroiii .\l.in Dolixon. (iax (iiant. 'l'ok_\ohlu. (Bari l’nmtnan. Hair} l‘cll and Dcrck Martin ax tlic_\ takc oici‘ tlic old church in l.citli (lid) 450 tickctx .i\.iil.ililc xo act laxt.

I Solescience at lllc \‘ciiuc.

|0.30piii 5am. £51£4i l" Dcc. Dcdicatcd to bringing tlic hcxt ol uiidcrground liouxc. tliix night tcatuicx digital dixco and tracklicad xoiil \\ itli rcxidcntx .\'ick Ytiil and Rob .\l.itliic ioiiicd h} (iarcth Soniiiicn illc tor thcir (‘lirixtinax Part}.

I Stereotype Hogmanay Special at llcrlin liicrliaux. l0pm 5am. £|3 liri 3| Dcc. .-\|'tcr aiiotlici xticccxxtul )car at licrlin llugg} takcx to thc t’loor lor tliix lloginaiia} xpccial cclchratiiig tlic licxt liouxc talciit in thc (‘apital it itli \Variici l’oixcrx. .\laxtcr (‘aird. Darin} 'l'ciincnt. Krix l.}||tl\;l} and KippS joining tlic main man liiinxcll.

I STET at thc Bongo ('luh. llpiii 3am. l‘l'L‘C. l7 l)L‘L'. \Vc'll lk‘ llonL‘xl ll‘x a hard onc to xuiii up xo \xc‘ll liaic to lct tliciii do tlic talking. '\\'ith a purpoxclull) crt'atic arm. a night at S'l‘li'l" \ciitttrcx ohicctiicl} through xonic licldx ot xurgiiig liaxx. l'orcxtx ol iiiicro—xaiiiplcd clickx and \ihirrx. L‘\L‘ll tll'l\ ing through tlic niarxliland ol cxki«duli and grimcf loincd h) the magnificent ’l'hix |)ri\cr \ilio t'uxc tlicir clcctronic clickx and llllL'l‘oiutlllplLN \iith acouxtic l'rcc lloii ing iax/ \ocalx and inxti'uincntatioii. And tliix datc ix lrcc. with a ('lirixtinax prcxciit and 'l'liix Drixcr ('D on ciitr}. chult. 5w pin-mi.

I Taste: A Hogmanay Hoose Party at thc Liquid Room. l0piii 5am. £l(i £20 i£l2 iiicinhcrxi. l-‘ri 3| Dcc. Surprixing to hcar but tliix ix 'l‘axtc'x lirxt cici‘ lloginana} part). l‘ixlicr & l’ricc \\ ill bc tranxl‘oriiiing tlic Liquid Rooiii into a kitxch 70x ll\'lllg' rooin \iliilc thc back room hcconicx a tccnagc hcdrooiii ax thc} pla} tlic licxt tuncx till 2004. RL‘ll‘LWlllllL'nlx. canapc‘x and part} gaincx through tlic iiight \\ ith a midnight countdoun l'roiii pipcr 'laxt} 'l‘rixli. Scc (iay

I NYE Tease Age at ('itrux (‘ltih 10.30pm 5am. £l0 £l5. l’ri 3| Dcc. 'l‘liix indic xtalii art dixlicx tip L‘\L‘l‘_\llllng l'roin xxiinging (iox liitx to hagg} .\lanc|icxtcr l'aicx ax lllc} takc oicr thc higgcxt night ol' thc icar in thc capital'x calcndar.


1 “no of Edinburgh’s best under one roof. You’ve got Motherfunk lllO Honeyconib's one and only Tuesday night riistitution and home, of course. to Gino and l‘iyoi's eminently ass—shakable C()ll(XIl|()l| ot funk, soul. Latin and hip hop. 2 . . . and Ultragroove. Hence the name Ultragroove is Gareth Son'ieiyille's regular Saturday night outing at Cabaret Voltaire. an explosive and always well populated mixture of house. disco and all party starting pOints in betwcen. 3 Something for all tastes, then Either of these clubs is well weithy of recommendation on Its own. Put them both together and you've got a truly sprxnal land not Often repeated'i Occasion worthy of the season. 4 It‘s an Intimate affair Wrth both Clubs pitching up at the West End's Berlin for the occ‘aSion. capacity is strictly hunted, and a sellout guaranteed. Which means anyone y0u know who parties regardless of public holidays Wlll be right here. 5 Work off the turkey What else are yOu gong to do? We‘ve not checked the telly schedule On Christmas Day yet. but you probably got all the good films on DVD anyway. So get out there and socialise! (DaVid Pollock) Mot/iergroove Christmas Party at Berlin, Edinburgh. Christmas Day

Vintage and Retro to Modern Clothing: Jewelry & Accessories.

Sale starts noon. ’IHiesday 4th January.


151 “1031 Port, Edinburgh. Tel. 0131 228 2589

1' 92?. THE LIST 47