'l'ti‘ltel" {win he i‘LlK'l‘tN‘t " (“iii iw‘ 4373‘:

, l . illlwlttw’ tltt llwt' «litrlflnl‘ / lllt'llllll'l" fl l)i~\i',l\3£i\ i . l;

\itii-iii at» For inch“, 0‘ m oliic’ial pie-club hwy in 'THE STREET- I


I Thrust at the Bongo (‘luh llpin

“.tlll £llli£.\i 24 Dee .\'e\\ night \pannmg teeh-ltotixe. teehno and .ill thiiig\ eleetroniea \xith \peeial guext ()lner llo. perteet tor ('hrixttnax l:\ e.

I Tokyo Underground .it the (‘ellai Bar .\'e\t date l4 Jan

I Tokyoblu .it the Venue ltl 30pm 3am £3 imemherx treei hetore ll..ill[‘lll; £5 .itter " Jan. 'l'he l.i\e llouxe Sexxionx eontmue. .tS lith'Mtl‘lU reaeh their \eeond hirthda} no“ tirml} enxeoneed iit their lie“ home .it the Venue l’unk}. tll\(t‘. l.atm. (‘hieago and eleetro tinged home and e\peet a pre\ lt'\\ ot a \eleetion ol next traeln lrom .lohn & lain \Hlll their ll\ e hand.

I Trouble at tlte (‘ellar Bar. ‘lpm

3am. l-ree helore lllpin. UH” hetore midnight; Ht“) alter \Veekl}. 'l‘he |a// inlleeted danee \eleetion hrmgx on DJ/MC .loxeph Malik i('ompo\ti tor one ol lll\ mueh lauded \et\ at llll\ pre-Xmax l‘ltl“ Hill 1 l7 l)L'L‘l \klttle (‘ltl‘hllltttx l‘i\ e \eex :\\lt‘oho_\ and Mr /.imhah\\ e (Departure lounge! drop h}.

I Ultragroove NYE at ('aharei Voltaire. lll._‘\tlpm 5am. £l5. Hi 3! Dee. lolllillg‘tlt“ e take their lilllt .\'e\\ Year part} to the nut le\el “Illl a lull eompliment ot' I).l\: (lareth Somen ille. Mike} Stii‘ton ilhig/ iii the .4\ttiei. (‘olm ('ook. Roh Mathie and \iek Yuill eapture tlte lull houxe \peetrtim in the main room while the l‘ilk'lx l’ititllt t'itel\\ lit the SUllllLlS ol hip hop. \oul. ja/I. limit and lettlield helterx.

I Vegas! Grand Hogmanay Ball at lidinhurgh ('ollege ol'.-\rt. ltlpm 5am. £38. l‘ri 3| Dee. 'l'he (irand llogmana} Ball returns in st} le ax the Vegax team onee again dexeend on the ('ollege til :\t'l \xith their wank} lllllL‘\ and hig hand groo\e\. l-‘ull rexidentx roxter in plaee alongxide \peeial guest l'elonioux Monk plux |i\ e haiid l)_\namo\ Rlnthm :\ee\

\\ ho specialise in re-arranging popular tunex iii their on n inimitahle \t} Ie.

Chart & Party

I Christmas Eve at Massa at \litxstt. .S’pm 3am. £(i U“. 24 Dee. .-\l\\a_\s a sell otit at Maxxa \\ ith Paul and Lee \pinning ehart. pop and ('hrixtmax llllx.

I Joy at the \enue llpm Kim 1h hetoie midnight. {S attei lS liee \lonzlzix l'p-tiont. dirt} hou\e groo\e~ on the lll.:l' tloot lrom \latt A Maggie Jo} and Brett King to \M‘lh tou up into a iathei on the mam tlooi l’lii~ llt‘ltd} \\en\l_\ and Salh l'K eheek} llll\ ot \oul. tunk and {lldll in the tli‘\\ll\l.tll\ \inte \ote that .lo\ l\ a eluh tor ga} people and their lllt‘llil\

I Luvely: January Sail .ii the l liltllil Room llpin 5am LI” 1!: l .lan ("ten more decadent than llogmanat itxelt. the taithtiil keep the \pitih high and the daneetlooi pumping ‘i\ tlte l ii\el\ ie~ideittx turn it up one more time tall pnkenh go to ('tmeei Rexeaiehi

I Mission at Studio )1 l 1pm i.tlll 1* i£J lllt‘llll‘t‘lSl \\eel\|§ \ight ot metal iii.t_\hem. goth ioek and more tioiii the daikxide .i real I dmhiiigh lll\lllllllt‘ll Still \Hlll a loin tanhaxe and .iii open door polie} toi .in_\one “till a lo\ e ol rod and metal l‘hingx .iie eeriamlx a tool ilimlt \llSSIt‘ll \Nd} ax then next top tlooi polit} kiekx into gear \Hlll the he.i\iei than thou \‘Ultl 1 lo llt‘t‘l

I Mothergroove at lleiliii lilt'lllatlS llpiii 5am £.\ 35 llee \lt‘lllt'lllllth and l'ltiagrome onee again [out toieex lot .in alinight} pail} eneompaxxing the hext in tank and llitlht' l‘he lllll‘lt‘\\l\ e lt‘Slilt'ltl i‘mter eulled liom txxo ol l dmhtiigh'x laxourite ellll‘S |U\l ean't help hilt tuin ll tip lor otie more (‘hrixtmax Ha} \peeial

I Progression a! [lie I ltlllltl Room

Ill. illpm 5am. £“ |.\ ltee Montlil} \lan l)ol\\itlt ltthe\ o\et the ilt'ehx lot .i \et i'l trihal goodnexx lot the \ttt.i\ l’.iit_\ \tith hack tip lrom \ome ol ltdmhuighK ltotte\t taleiit‘ (ia\ (iraitt. Derek \laitm. Stiiait .lttltllxittl. Barr} l-ell and the Solexeient e l)l\.

3:1 Taste: Escape Christmas Party at ('aharet Voltaire. I lpiii 5am. £ | I £15i£llliiieiiihei\i. 25 Dee. l).llt‘lll\ nagging getting )itii dou n ( iiaiin} getting a hit tip\_\" .-\llttlllt'l iiiinpei ltom .’\lllll Sue‘,’ ( )l' g|tl\l tlt'tltetilt‘tl lit the \ .ttl\e ol' part} ing" 'l'axte Ullt‘l )oii the ttlt\\\t‘l\ to all thexe (lllt‘SllUHS. get oot the ltotlw and get a doxe ol lull on up liont littll\t' tltt\\ll _\otlt' neek.

I Tease Age at ('itrtix ('Iuh. Ilpni 3am. l’ree helore llillpm; £ i altei \Veekl}, ’l'hix indie \tahxart dixhex iip

I The Tartan Fling at .\ltt\\;t. ‘lpm 5am. £(i. l‘t'i 3| l)ee. 'l'i‘aditional NYli part} with In e piper. \treamerx and all

ewrfihing lroin \\\lllj._'lllg l)ll\ llllS to hagg} .\lanehe\tei' l;t\t‘\ ;t\ \\ ell .t\ it lltt\l ol eiirrent .\'.lll; ehait hotheierx \tith In

; ~35th " m if " .n "’ 1' ,, ».

Edinburgh's Hogmanay Official Aftershow Party

Friday 31 Decé'i'i'ibr 2004

the trimming\ all to a soundtraek pl pop. than and ('hrixtinax hitx.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Beatsville at the 'l'ron. 9pm lam. £3. l8 Dee. lieatxx ille returnx u ith the hext in roekin' ia/l. \(tlll. suit and earl} Rtkli. joined l1} the Nueleotidm hit some \ei-li \url' instrumentalx.

I Breakitdown at Hone} eomh. lt).3t)pm 3am. £7 £|2. IX l)ee. Monthl}. l)J ll}per ix the gllexl ol ehoiee. heralded h) man) ax the next leader ol' the hreakheat \eene. lle'x eurrentl} uorking on hix mueh antieipated alhum ial'ter t\\o maxm e eompilation mixex and \onte huge remi\ work i.

I Diggity at the lixtahlithent. lltpm 3am. £7 i£5t. \Veekl}. DJ l‘ahtiloI. Hair} 3”. Rieo arid M(' l'ilou gel dimn with their had \elxes. pla}ing \tildxt}|e Rtle hip hop and \treet \tttll. Speeial rexidentx old \ehool night on Next Year'\ |)a_\ ax the) \teleome iii 2005 with the hext ol day gone h) ilree entr} l'or memherx and £2 entr} t'or llogmana} tieket littltlchl. I Give it Some! at the Bongo (‘luh

l lpm 73am. £3 helore midnight; £(i alter. liS l)ee. l‘itmk. \oul. ia/l. rare groo\ e and ma}he a tin} hit ol reggae and Mix heat throv. ii iii t'or good meaxure

Monkee Miekee. lltlllll‘lll'yllS longext eontmuall} running Indie night.

I VEGAS! at lago. Ill. illpm iitlll. £|ll it."T il ‘lahulouxh drexxed' i. IS l)ee. llep dadd} \tting. eoiiiitr} elttSSlt‘S and \le.i/} li\tening uith )oiir highkiel‘ing ll(t\l\‘ liranloe Sumatra. lltlgx} Seagull. l)mo Martini and the \tunnmg Vegax \hougirls. .-\nd do tr} to make art elloit \\ ith the drexx eode. eh ’,

I Velvet at (’ommplex Iltpin ~l.‘tlll. U). l Jan. \Vonien'x night tot ga} lel'llL'S and their \peeial|_\ lll\ ited ho} lriendx imen ean otil} gain ittlllllSSlHll it aeeompanied h} a lad} t. hoxted h} Miehelle i.lo_\. \Vigglei. 'l'hix maxxne Ne“ Year‘x l)a_\ part} \teleomex m 2005 \\ ith \t) le land a tnee late Iieeneei. 'l‘ielxetx axailahle Ill adxanee will} lrom Velxet. Sala aitd the Street.

I Wiggle at ligo. llpiii 5am. £‘I. l Jan. Maggie & Alan Jo} need no introduction ax their night ol ga} ltiii and lroliex. 'l‘t‘end} \\end} and Jon l’leaxed. pla_\ing traekx that are a little hit eamp. a little ltll cutting-edge but it whole littlti lun. l)(t\\lt\l;tlr\ l)J Dale and Miehelle \till he deplo}iiig Roth. hip hop. indie and ehart lltltC\ and him eould we lorget the loxel} l’enn} l’ornxtar oit hand to meet and greet the punterx. Big Nev. Year\ Ha} haxh \tith redtieed entr} tot llittxe \t itlt tieketx \tuhx lrom the Jo} & Mingin' llogtnanan} l’art}.

‘. Lg) W " till eourtex} til l).lRL'Ll(t il.i\e\eienee\i.

ti .: ' J I Jailhouse Rock at in tot Rtm Edinburgh Sundays

’.r_.i':. .'::".r 3'. .u' " '- J; " -.‘"v.l"r'.,,r.:- ., ix. 3/. l'nion. llpm 3am.£5i£3 £4i. IH

i Pr ,1 g / a “C a b 4 '1'; ’1'. :2. -;;-' 34.31;"; 22/ , :1: a l)ee. l“ L'Llh. Ste\e and L‘RYl’llllL‘lSlL‘l’

i " r " "N ' W A it -' s 4" \pllt old \kool rock and tnetal along the I BOOWLUSHOUS at Medina. lUpm

3 ~' '- >1 - ,4“ .~ u .. -. .- --,\ . .- - .- , .- .-_.~:. _- g ..- .. ,- ,. linex ot’: .-\(’/l)('. Motorhead. Blaek 5am. £3 hetore midnight; £3 alter. Wee-kl}. " " " ‘“ ’“' i 1" " ' " 3‘ ' ~" -- 1-? -' ' J ~ -' -' r Sahhath. Seorpionx. Alice Cooper. Judax More ol' a Sunda} Soeial than a lull on

t F J Priext i}ou get the pieture‘.’i. glam atlair \kllll l)J Dale l.u~h. Simmone

48 ‘i: DK‘KK __\\\“\l-: —’\; \/l\}1" \Kilk‘f‘