The sound of the city

Some of New York’s new wavers may be floundering, but INTERPOL just keep getting better. Doug Johnstone finds out their motives behind their latest antics.

onte I‘tllItI\ _ill\1 eotiltln't hti\ e eotne l'rotn tin_\\\here elxe. You eotiItIn‘t initigine tlte Stone

I{o\e\ or IItipp} .\lontlti_\\ tIe\eloping otit ol

titt}\\ltere htit .\Itinehe\ter. ttntI likeuixe Interpol tire elettrl} ti protItiet ol' the to e hot‘ottghx ol' .\'e\\ York ('it}.

the tour pieee tire not alone itt thtit tixpeet. ol' eottr\e. .’\Iong \\ith tlL'I\ like the Stroke\. the Rapture and the Iexxer kno\\n Rtitlio I-‘otir. Interpol tire tit the heart ot the Big .v\ppIe\ etirt‘ent l'L‘lItII\\tllI\'L‘ in retro roek and it their \eeontl tiIhttnt .liilit'x ix tin_\thing to go h_\. the lllll\L‘l'\II_\ - horn litintl inti) \\ eII outIi\ e them till.

\Vhile the Stroke\ \tt'uggletl htipIexxh to protlttee ti \ttiler-thin toIonx tip to their \ttirtIing tIehttt. tintl olIteI'\ hti\e _\et to pro\ e thein\eI\e\. Interpol htn e prothieetl ti \eeontl reeortI \\hieh in its tInerxit} 'tIIILI inxention L‘;I\II_\ tIe|i\er\ on the pt'otnixe ol their tIehtit. litrii on [/It Brig/II lie/1h.

lIiIiC I‘ttlltI IUIIIICKI \i\ _\e;tl'\ ttg‘ii til \en \IUI'h I'nnerxit}. ;I\ gttittirixt I)tinieI Ix'exxler \et tihottt tintIing e\tietl_\ the right eonihintition ol’ peixontilittex to enihotl} the idea itt hix tnintl ol' the perteet htintl. It this \nttiek\ ti little ol~ ti intintil‘tietttretl ho) htintl. \\eII there tire \onte \IlillItll‘IIIL‘\. tilthottgh erueitill} there tire no \xengtilix. no \t_\ Iixtx and no major ItiheI intintpttltition; the htintl rettiin eotanete eretitn e eontrol o\ er e\ er} thing the_\ do.

But Interpol knou him to plti} the lillhlL‘ I‘ll\IllC\\ gtitne. It‘x htirtll} \urprixing to Ietirn thtit Ix'exxler II;l\ .\C;ll'\ ol t‘eeortI I‘ll\IliL‘\\ e\l‘erienee hehintl hint. IItt\iti1—' CIUCIxL‘tI up \UlllL‘ Itttlll‘\ \\llIt \‘ttl‘lolh I'L‘L‘itt‘iI IIII‘L'I\. Ix'exxler then ran the Domino .\ntertetin ot'liee ottl ot hi\ tiptit'ttnent tor ti eoupIe ot wars. ti poxition he onI_\ gtn e tip t\\o _\etir\ tigo \xhen Interpol \ttirtetl ttiking ot’t. \tltl

to thtit the Met thtit tIrtinitner Stini Iiogtit'ino II\L‘tI to work tor llltl\le tIixtrihtitor (‘ttrgo tintl \inger I’tiul litinkx II;l\ tlone ti \tint Ll\ ti IIIlI\IC~IIIIII-II1III\I tintl )ott'x e got ti htintl thtit tire highl_\ \;l\ \_\ to the nttiehintitionx ot the IlltIll\Il"\.

‘I think it\ pt‘ett) gootl tor tin} _\ottng hand to get inlortnetl.‘ \;l_\\ KL‘\\ICI‘. ‘It Ill\l ttikex ti Iot ol eoniinon xenxe tintI Ietirning tihottt the industry

that Interpol knoxx tihottt the I‘ll\IllL'\\ \itIe \hotiItIn't tIetrtiet l'roni the ltiet thtit the} tire titterI} tIetIietitetI to the intixie. 'I‘hi\ ix hoxx the} got their intItixtr} e\perienee itt IIIC I‘ll‘\l PIiICL‘.

"I‘Ite t'eti\on \\h} I \ltit‘tetI working lot' t'eeot'tI IAIIK‘I\ \\;l\ I Ill\l \xtintetl to he tirottntI nittxie.‘ he \tl)\. 'I \xtixn‘t \o tirt'ogtint ;l\ to ‘tl\\lllllL‘ thtit Ill\I heetithe I \\'tt\ iii ti hand and I \\;IIIIL‘tI to do llllhle‘ \\lIIl in_\ lil'e. thtit I'tl he able to do \o. \o I Ithl got iii there.’

\o\\. ol~ eottrxe. he and the rest ot~ the hand are making ti Ii\ ing otit ot' lllll\IL'. and the \tteeexx ol~ their tirxt reeortI II;l\ eletirl) IihertitetI them in the making ol the tolonx tip. \\'hiIe I'iii'ii on I/It' Brig/it l'.\(\ \\;t\ ti Iiltle t\\o-

tIIIIIL‘IINItllltlI tintI ol'ten too tntteh in thrtiII ol' the like\ ol' .Io} l)i\ ixion. .lii/it'x ix ti hright-e}etl. open-\kiex kintl oI

ti reeortI; tin tilhtint thtit ix the \tilIIILI ot ti htintl \ettIing into their rlnthin tintl letting rip.

'iI‘IiI\ l‘L‘e‘til'tI I\ tIL‘IIltlICI} tttot'e tIi\Cl\C.- \tt}\ KL'\\IL‘I'. ‘\\t‘ \\ L‘l'L‘ tiI‘IL‘ Iii L‘\|WIHI'L‘ tIIIIL‘l'L‘ltI \ItIC\ HI- IIIC I‘LllItI [Ital litne ;II\\;I}\ been in e\i\tenee. hut niti_\he not \Itoun. I'or thix t‘eeortI \\ e \xet'e able to gi\ e ti little hit more tittention to \\II'.II etieh \ong \\;l\ etiIIing lot?

No“ IIIH\C \ongx tire etiIIing out tor tin tititlienee.

Carling Academy, Glasgow, Fri 17 Dec.

The SL Christmas Party Not tritit‘li titttint‘o ot pliotot‘opttati tiir‘tu; or :;nr tip. Iitrlléft’tIIt tlit; nii:;ti<:-tt to. I)'.II I)£iIII)()‘.. Diagram. tlio Statiotzt and a host ot onion; do II”: who pot) conga lt)llll(I IIIt: IItIII in paper hats. Bongo (Ital). [Minority/i, [Ito .’(J Nor).

Interpol Set: tirt -\./ti:‘-.‘., Ii ett (Jar/trig} /I(,‘t'1t/tP/7l\,; IIJI.‘)(}()'.'.. /!i I f I) it:

Franz Ferdinand It it )I ‘il.’ it] off if) inontlit; ot niailnostrs \thli two sold out nights; at 19/4 emit to?) tavounttr {lll()l£lII lianitar Wliorovor tlit: vonrto. it'r; notir Ilill)()f§filI)I(: to l'(:f;lt%I thotr topprsti (:ltai'ttis. 8m,- toattiro. 8/ (X; G/t'itmrrytc Sat it“: (‘2 Sun I?) l)(,‘( 80! I) OI]!

Tatsuya Nakatani Int,- Japan born, New York liaer llllillt)‘v’lf§lli{j pointisfsiontst ir)i(,ttire(h WIII nortorn‘i solo and collaborate ‘NlIIt lo<,al llltlf>l(,l(illf). led Iii, st'txotilionirst Hayrnonrl MacDonald. Biol. (ii/t'i.';oo-.«'v,: ‘Jii/i if) [)oo

Kings of Leon the noow; IlI\'(}I£I(1l£lI hair may have all Ill it gone at irl Aha Shit/«2 / lot'i/tti/‘ot'it' may lit; the stupidest alouin Iitif; of the year ixit it's a raupingl, lino collection of l7)IIl(JI<Z‘3. IIIIXXII‘) an'l avails front YIN-flat: lirottiors; in ari‘iis. Set-3 lil'C‘JIUNt Car/i1 2g /7I(Z(1(}(;‘Iilj,’. Glasgow 7 l to Rt ) [ )oc: SOLD OUT

Bruce Adams liar/t tiitttnr; boorooted trumpet man makes an all too rare return to Scotland for this gig with some of the host of the generation tax/era. 80 Queen Street. [idiom/r91). ‘./"/oo‘ 2‘)- T/it/ 30 DOC.

Fire Engines, Sons and Daughters and Aberfeldy The past and future greats of Scottish indie clash in a tire l’iogrnanay melee. [Jot/id Room. Edinburgh, 7hr; 30 Dec.