Sciciiccx ioin l;dinburgh\ llllL’\l I)J\ prmiding c\ccllcill li\c immc and part} atinmphcrc o\ cr [\Hi t‘looix to \cc in thc \cv. Ycar.

I Hogmanay Jazz Party Double Header 80 ()uccn Sti‘ccl Bar and l<t‘\lltlll'.’llll. 80 Uncut Strch 226 5007 lllpiii 3am. l'i'cc tad\aiicc tablc booking rccommcndcdi. (‘clcbi‘atc lloginana} uith a tan iiighl ol ltllilllHUS ia/x o\ci' mo llooi'x. \\ ith lllll8lt‘ltlll\ li'oiii lhc l'i'cddic King Trio and a \pccial llogmana} .la/I ()uiiitct lcd b} trumpctcr (‘olm Stcclc. L‘Hlllllltltillxl} \uappiiig bctuccn lhc tun lil()()['\.


I Keith Edwards Quartet 80 ()ticcii Strch Bar and RL'Nltllll'éllll. 80 ()uccn Sti'cct. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. Fi'cc. ' IOKcith l'.d\\ard\ ()uartct ' 2 80 ()uccii Strch Bar and chtaui'ant. 80 ()uccn Sli'cct. 226 5007. ()pm—-midnight. l'rcc. Saxophonixt Kcith l'.tl\\;ll'tl\ and lll\ Boptimixin ()iiai'tct kccp lhc part) \uiiiging “ith a mi\ ol uplil'ting L‘lltxxicx and lL'\\L'l’ knoun tuncx. l’art ol' thc llogmana} chtixal Ja/l pi'iigi‘aiiimcSa\ophonixt Kcith l‘.tl\\;ll'tl\ and hix “optimile ()tiartct kccp thc pail} \uingmg \xith a mi\ ol tiplil'liiig L‘l:l\\lc\ and lL‘\\L'l'l\'l1t)\\ll lllllL'8. l’art ol~ thc lloginana} chtnal .la// programmc.


I Kenny Paterson Trio Mcrchani‘x ('orncr. l8 .lolm Strcct. 552 380]. 5 8pm. Fi‘cc. Scc Sun I”.


I Jazz@Lunch 80 (‘luccn Strcct Bar and chtaurant. 80 ()uccn Slrcct. 226 5007. 2 5pm. l‘l'L‘L‘. ('hancc to wind do“ n and rclax \\ ith \UlllL‘ sophisticatcd. mcllou' al’tcrnoon ja/l li‘om thc 80 ()iiccn Strch piano trio. I Paul Kirby Trio ()x_xgcn Bar & (ii‘ill. 3 5 llllll'llllll'}' Strcct. 557 9097. 0pm midnight. Frcc. Scc Sun l‘).

I Three in One lluman Bc-ln. 2r 8 Wcst ('i‘oxscauscxxa)‘. 662 8860. 0pm. Scc Sun l‘).


I Guest Bands Night chiar. 25.3 (‘ougatta 557 2780. 9pm midnight. l'l‘L‘L'. Scc .\l00 20.

I Jam Session 80 Quccn Sti‘cct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Sti‘cct. 226 5097. ()pm midnight. Frcc. ()pcn \cxxion \xith thc l)a\'id Patrick 'l‘i‘io - comc and play or comc to hcar a \Vliolc load of ncu' talcnt.

Tuesday 4


I Delta Croft Revue .\'cktar. 253 (‘owgatu 557 2780. 0pm midnight. Frcc. Scc 'l‘uc 2 l.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gL‘ll Bar & (irill. .3 5 lnlirmar)‘ Strcct. 557 0007. 0pm ltlitlniglll. Fi‘cc. SL‘L‘ 'I‘uc 2 l.

Wednesday 5


I Chaos Theory chtai‘. 253 (‘owgatu 557 2780. 0pm ~midnight. Fl‘L‘C. SCC \Vcd 22.


I Freddie King Quartet chiar. 253 (‘on-gatc. 557 2780. 9pm —- midnight. Frcc. Scc Thu 23.

I The Dyad Thc‘t Bank. 37 (Euthric Strcct. 225 8675. 9.30pm~ r l2.30am. Scc Thu l6.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 1 6


I Paddy Reilly Rina] (.tlllccl'l llall. Strathchdc Suitc. Satichichall Sti‘cct. 353 8000. 8pm. U6. li\-(‘hicttaiii\ and l)lll\llllcl'\ \Illg'cl'. and 1081 thc inan loi' thc big ll'l\ll ballad»


I Francois Eberle llhllltll l'l'allcah d'lzcoxxc. Randolph ('i‘cxccnt. 225 5366. 5.30pm. Frcc. Frcnch compoxcr-xiingui'itci' l-‘rancoix libcrlc l8 iomcd b} lll\ daughtcr Maric and clccli'ic guitarixt .-\i'iiaud 'l‘ilmanl.

I Midwinter Party St (icoi'gc'x \cht ('hui'ch. Shanduick l’lacc. 226 I40”. 7 ll.30pin. l)0ll;llltlll\ \iclcomc. l.i\c lllll\lc and bcalx lrom thc Middlc liaxt and .-\lrica. lntcriiational lood. In aid ol lidinburgh Rcltigcc ('cntrc.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vawi‘l) Bar. Sl .\1;ir}'\ Strcct. 556 8855. llpm midnight. ()pcn-inic scxxion l‘oi‘ lidinburgh-baxcd \ingcr \ongu l'llL'l'\.


I Caledonian Christmas R0};ll ('oncci‘t llall. Sauchichall Strch 353 8000. 7.30pm. £2.50 U0. ('clcbratc ('hristinas “llll lhc (ilaxgou l’hocnix (him. \i. ho “ill bc joiiicd by lhc lmcrchdc School\' Youth and Junior ('hoirx and thc National Youth l’ipc Band of Scotland.


I Yule Night Crack (Enid (‘i'ack (‘lub. \VavcrlL‘} l'pxtairx. St Mar} '\ Strcct. 7.30pm. £2.50. llai'pcr and stontcllcr llcathcr Yulc.


I Emily Smith Band 'l‘olbooth. Jail Wynd. 01786 274000. 7.30pm. 9.8 (£5.50). ()Id and ncu in Scottixh l‘olk lllll\lL‘ \iith thc )‘oung ilL‘L‘Ul‘tllUlll\l/\lllgL‘l' and hcr group.


I North Sea Gas Rouantrcc Folk (‘Itib. Rowantrcc Inn. Old Mill Road. (0698 303407. 8pm midnight. £5. lintcrtaining \ctcran Scottish t'olk band who combinc guitars. mandolin. htltllll‘illlx. banjm. “histle lllillltltilih with vocals.

Saturday 18


I Tell Me A Story for Christmas St (‘ccilia's llall. ('owgalc. 2.45pm. £5 (£3.50). 'l‘rax'cllcr/singcr/stor}tcllcr Duncan Williamson tclls thc talcx. (‘hrixtmas snack»

I Yule Night St ('ccilia's llall. (‘owgatc7.30pm. £6 (£5 ). 'l'hc Scottixh Storytclling (‘cntrc prcxcnts Scnga Munro. Donald Smith and Jamic MacDonald Rcid.

I Xmas Charity Ceilidh 'l‘ollcroxs Primary School. Fountainbridgc. 22l 5800. 8pm -~iiiidiiight. £6 (£3): accompanicd childrcn £1. The Robcn Fish Band plan). you dancc. procccds go to thc Adult l.carning l’rojcct.


I Stuart Gordon and Fraser Kelly String Jam Club. Salmon hm. Bank Strcct. 01896 752577. 8pm. £6. A blend ol~ blues. jail and (illinlk‘xx.


I The Tolbooth Grand Christmas Ceilidh Tolbooth. Jail \Vynd. 01786

Since leaving folk quintet Malinky to strike out

on her own as a singer/songwriter, Polwart has gone from strength to strength. Fault/ines, her debut album, was an absorbing collection wherein, she expanded on the accepted boundaries for a roots singer. She brings the New Year in good company with local hero Dean Owens joining her at this

free afternoon show. (VI/ti All Cont/o. hamburg/i.

274000. 7pm. £6. l,i\c Scoltixh dancc band.


I The Clachies Bar I85. Buchanan llolcl. Buchanan Sli‘ccl. 332 7284. 5pm. Fi‘cc. chulai' Scottixh and ll'l\ll traditional iiitlxic \c\\ion.

I Christmas at Cossachok ('al'c (‘oxxachok. Ruxxian ('ultural ('cntrc. King Sum. 55.3 0733. 8.30pm. £5 lL'3i. .-\ lcxtn c programmc ol' muxic \\ ilh l.c\ .-\lla\ and \pccial giicxtx.


I Moishe’s Bagel llL‘lll'} \ .lal/ (‘cllaix Morrixon Strch 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. 'l‘op l‘light ian-inllcctcd Humor and Balkan dancc muxic lcaturing (ii'cg l.;l\\\0ii t.\li‘ .\lcl'all\ (‘hambcri on tiddlc. l’ctc (harm on accordion. l’hil .-\lc\aiidcr on piano and Mario (‘ai'ibc on basx.

I Leo McCann and Co \Vcc l-‘olk (‘lub. Ro}al ()ak. liilii‘inai‘} Strcct. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. li\-.\la|ink_\ ll'l\ll accordion and \\ hixtlc pla_\ci' \\ ith llllISlL‘dl palx.

Monday 20

Glasgow I Yaman 'l'chai-( )\ iia. ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. L'l.50. ('Iaxxical \itar muxic.


I Michael Marra l.cllll Folk ('lub. 'l'hc Villagc. South Fort Slrcct. 478 78“). 7.30pm. £8. .\lichacl .\lai‘ra. on guitar and piano. \lllg\ hix (m ii inimitablc \ongx. .-\ poct in bluc \iicdc shoch

I Folk and Friends \Vzncrl} Bar. SI .\lar_\ ‘\ Strcct. 556 8855. ()pm. .\'on- \llltlklllg l’olk and countr} \cxxionl

Wednesday 22


I Christmas Session Dunlcrmiinc Folk Club. 'l'hixtlc 'l‘a\ crn. Baldridgcburn. 01324 48924 I. 7.30pm.

\)(’l' l! i/(l'i.

l‘l't‘t‘. Soiigx. \to\ lL'\. \toiicx and \pccial


Thursday 23

Glasgow I Yaman ’l'chai ()\ iia. l)L‘;lll\lUll lli'n c. 8pm. H50. Scc Mon 20.


I Out of the Bedroom \Vaxt-rl} Bar. St Mai} \ Sti‘ccl. 5568855. ‘lpin midnight. Scc 'l'hii l6.


I The Clachies Bar “*5. Buchanan llotcl. Buchanan Sli‘cct. 332 7284. 5pm. l'i'cc. Scc Stiii l‘).

Glasgow I Yaman 'l‘chai ()x na. 4( )tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. LL50. Scc Mon 20.


I Stirling Folk Club Annual Ceilidh .'\|bcrt llall\. l)uiiibai'ton Road. (0786 47 3544. 8pm l2.30am. [I I. High Socicl} arc an 8-piccc iaI/ band pla}ing trad and l)i\icland ia//. North Sca (Bax mi\ giiilai‘x. mandolin» bodhi'anx. baniox. uhixtlcs. inouthics and \ocalx.

Tuesday 28


I The Impossible Flowers 'l‘chai ()\ na. ()tago Lanc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. l2lccti‘ic and acouxlic lolk.

Edinburgh I Folk and Friends Wawrl} Bar. Si Mar} \ Slrcct. 556 8855. 9pm. Scc inc


Wednesday 29


I The Squiggly Gigs 'l'chai-Ox'na. l)can\loti l)ri\c. 8pm. £2. Folkx} sounds in a hcad} lilllxlcill mix. hosted by Andrcn Kcanc.

J::' 227.7, THE LIST 95