

What’s hot...

MERLE BROWN looks at the styles and fashions that are going to be big in 2005.

hink nl one til the lttll

ilt‘llti\ lot 2001. i’mhn. then

add .i hit inure to it and )iiu‘ii gut 3005's hippest \ttiiiit‘n‘x li’t'iiti \xh.it 'iiipxhnp ix milling i'nik i'L'\il\;li. Sienna \liiit'i‘ \\lii ht" in her t'it'iiit-nti it's iiil iihiiiit ltm slungv xxxt-iitxhii‘ts. i’i'aii'it' \kii‘tx. t‘nltnn

lt‘.lll\. t‘iixtninixcii tii‘t‘xxt'x. lz\pt't‘t hi‘nitit‘i‘ic iiiigiiiixc it} the iilt'ilL‘. plus \t'tllllll\. hurtling: .‘lllti llili\it'} pi'iiitx \\ith a Middle i'.il\it‘l'll iiil'iiit‘nt‘t‘. Sn il _\nu nii|_\ ill\t‘\i lll lliit‘ pit‘t't' tor the _\t‘;ll' iiht‘ati lllitixt‘ it ;i lnlkx} \nint'k top. llltttiL‘l'll \i_\it' thiit lllL‘illl\ iitl \it't‘\t'\. ltl\l straps. hilt tit‘iiiliik‘i} more than ;i hint nl' \Viititixtiit'k l'ltiiint‘c.

ll'_\nii tlnn‘l iiliiL'_\ putting; l’iimt‘i's in _\iiiii‘ hiiii‘ iinti heiitiing l'ni' Siin i‘i‘ant‘ist'ii then l'ni' )iiu 3005 L'Ulliti ht- all about prints geniiicti'it' designs. iinii hnltl lllttlltlt'ill'tllllt‘\ ii iii .lniiiithiin Siiiiiiiit'i'x. (litingc \\i|l he the NC“ green. in :ili \ililtiL‘\. l'i'nni [Ntit‘ peach in bright tiingt‘i'iiit'. Designers \ut'h ;l\ iiinti. 'lt‘iiint‘i‘it‘} iiiitl i'l'tt\l l’i't‘nt‘h hinc till t‘\pt'i‘iiiiciitcti \xith '

i ‘v 1' '

Luv '~ iv

Spring 2005 at Debenhams

i Shoptalk

Spend, spend, spend

I If January is getting you down and giving you a touch Of the shi\ eis. try cheering yourself up With a 100 per cent organic cotton top from wwwhugcouk. As a speczal otter to List readers. Hug lS

iill\ t'iiiniii' in l.ihiiluii\ \tt lg

i‘ttl' the illL’il. put §iiiii tit'iiiili\ titi\\ll lit \ilt'li\. .t\ \t‘t‘ll .ll \iin.iiii \‘.liil i‘;tf.'j_'_\ illlt‘ll l‘.tlli\ .l\ .i light iiitt‘i'niitiw, i.iii\inj_' «it ticnini. Ill lllltfi (Lip \\lii he intimiiit‘iiij; .i \xhnlt- iit'\\ t'niit‘t'pt \‘.liil tht' i.t'ii

iiiinti \\t';i\t* range. Hasityill} lill\

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iliit't'i\ the tiltl‘L‘t'lltli tiiit't‘tinn ml the mill line in the tlt‘niiii l.ihi'it'. which in llltt\l lt‘itll\ \ittlli\ tn iilk‘ right ililllti \ItiL‘. ('hiingginjg lilt‘ \\L';i\L‘ tiilt‘t‘ilttll ill it‘il il.tllti t‘l't‘;lit'\ it \ttiit‘l' tit‘llllll. liltti unii't llt‘t‘ti [\i't‘ \\;t\illll_‘.'. \xnn‘t iit't'ti hit'ukingg iii. hut \\iii lll\i let-l |n\t‘l_\

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it. i‘lllti it in ;iii

(iup \liil'L‘\



Get the Boho look at M&S

List (out 20 Jan), which will be packed full of ideas for living, loving and shopping on the cheap. But if you’re planningtohead outonthe It "1 , .iw' streets this January, check .i' Ha ',‘_ ' out some of these sales for 8 .' great bargains. Gap will be ' I’m 43' »; '

llt'\l _\t';ii‘. .\ntl \xith nti (iill'l’it‘ liltitixhau

ill itiiik iii liii' lll\[tll';tilltll. gel the \t‘t‘nnti i‘t‘\i iilllljJ. Siii'nh

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rule as ( iiiii lllll\t‘.


iili'liiiilgifi i .1 /‘. i In "

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starting from just £5.

They may be gomg for a tenner.

Offering 15 per cent oft their funky t-shirts. sweatshirts and baby clothes that come in a

from certified organic (retitn using eco- frictiuiy dyes. {it"l

offering discounts of at least 30 per cent, while Harvey Nichols will be

variety of bright COlOtllS. To take advantage of this great diSCOunt. rust quote ‘L/Sl HL/g' when making yOur order. Not only will this save you money. it also helps the environment as each garment is made


guarantees far ill'CtZ' to :t‘-;3 cotton farmers. order on 08-15 Visit the websne.

I For even more great money-saving ideas, check out the next issue of The

taking up to per cent off P ace ;. ow their normal prices, with ‘3 '0‘ 52s :3: Prada handbags, down from £440 to £260, Gucci jackets, from £1160 to £580, Gucci shoes, from £305 to £150. At Topshop.

..’=.T'S NOT . . .

but you'll never wear these items more than once Without looking like a 2004 has-been.

Ponchos They‘ve had plenty chances to be cool already. and while they may be a great cover-all. they do. unfortunately. make the less skeletal among us look even bigger than we already are. And that's never good.

Ugg boots When they were exclusive. they were great. But when you catch yourself eyeing up the pale pink pair in the window of that discount shoe store. then stop yourself. They may well hit the sale racks this January. but please, leave them there. For Ugg. it's over.

Yellow It was the colour of the summer. It disappeared in the winter. and hopefully it will remain a distant memory come next spring. Lurking in the bottom of the bargain bins is where those sun-hued clothes and accessories must stay. What were we thinking of? It‘s not a flattering colour for anyone.

Distressed suit jackets Guys, please smarten up. These horrible ripped, distressed, faux vintage jackets, with threads hanging off them are not cool. Not with jeans. not with matching trousers. not with anything. They will undoubtedly be cheap in the sales, but then that‘s how they always looked. 2005 for blokes is all about tailoring and looking smart. Leave them alone. For Christ‘s sake. Please.

Capes These were a huge trend in the latter part of 2004, but rate very low in the practicality stakes. The little chiffon ones slide about all over the place whenever you move. Cape in your mulled wine. Cape in your Christmas dinner. Not a good idea. And as far as the larger ones go. see ponchos, above.

(Merle Brown)

60 per cent of sale stock :v “3; 1'5:' rir: at ’; will be offered at 50 per cent off or more with items " -'.»'> 12' : '1': “Hi, :i