

I Double room with null bathroom. .i\.’illal\le III \pa (Ittth. modern llat at St (it'ttt;_'t‘\ ('i'oxx. \lIIl triendl} [Ilttlt‘\\ltlll.'tl lemale. ni’x to \haie \xith \dIIIL'. L300 pem ~+ ("I » bill» 'lel' IFXIS 3‘)!» HUI.

I Spacious, newly fur- nished double room a\ail able mm in large. light. eolllr loi'tahle tlal. e\ee||ent lI'ItII\ port. L343 peni I ("l + bill» 'Iel10I4I 0471809.

I 1 n/s flat mate wanted to \hare 3 bed Southxide llat. plttlt'\\lttll;tl or mature \ltttlt‘lll pielei'red. \tiperb en} eentre aeeexx. leu IIIIIIlIlL‘\ \\a|k Irom ()tieenx l’ark rail/Victoria road lttl\L‘\. eonxement \lltt[t\. \er_\ It‘lhtttldl‘lt‘. I; l 50 peril. 'lel: 0|4I 433 5380

I Young professional to \hare \\Illl 1 other III niee.

\\ ell loeated Shau landx I'lat. Large double room. £340 pem. e\ehiding billx. 'l‘el 07747 (ill) 3.30

I Woodlands area - Room a\ailable m \ptlL‘lUth 3 bedroom flat. kitehen/dming room. \ittmg room. \eparate bathroom «k \htm er. .'\I| mod eonx. Hill) I'nrnixhed. Suitable Ior )oung prol'emional. [3‘0 pm + bi||\. 'l‘eI: 0704‘) 007 57‘).

I Room in lovely. modern I'lat. \haring kitehen. lounge \\ith l'riendl) lemale. o\\n bathroom. big \ereen 'l'\’ plth \k}. cit} centre location \xith good tranxport linkx. (i(‘ll & \\;I\ltL‘t'/dt"\ er. £335 pem including billx. ’l'el: 0|4I 553 808

I Garnet Hill area. mod- ern I'lat. lull) rel'urbixhed. doti— ble room. pri\ale parking. 5 minute \xalk to eit_\ eentre. tI/\ prol'exxional perxon uanted. U00 pem ineludex ("[1 Tel: 0777l t)l.\’ 353.

I West End Broom Hill. tltllll‘lk' room in tIiL‘L‘. 3 pL'l'xth l’lat. lull} turnished. all mod eonx. (i('ll. l)(i, \uit protes- \ional I'emale. £300 pem + bills. Tel: 07740 001 XhS

I Modern & bright 2 bed apartment in (ilaxgtm eit} een- tre. lull} Itirnixhed. (i('ll. tllxlt “axher tk \atellite. pri\ate parking. £450 pem. Tel: 078% ()(l7 8‘)” or (l7‘)(l| ~70 (Ml


I Female, n/s wanted for large room in quiet l.eith llat. \Votild \uit prolewional or mature \tudent. {3‘5 per month all iiielti\i\ e. e\eept phone.

‘I‘el: (IIRI 555 5054.

I Double room avail- able in \tlltlt} eentral Ilat. at the top ol l.eith \xalk. l5 min \\a|k t'roni l’rineex Street. cen- tral heating and double gIa/- mg. \\Otlltl \uit n/\ protexxional l'emale. £353 pem. ineluding ("II e\eluding depoin & \hare 0i lttllx. 'l‘Cl I lll.‘\l 473 0805. I Spacious double room in nexxl} ret‘urbixhed. lull} l‘urnidied .\'e\\ limn basement tlat. l.i\ing-room. kitchen. bathroom. utilit}

room. (i('ll. ni’x. )otiiig prote» xional preleried. L' W0 pem + lilll\. 'lL'l ill—mil.z 35‘) Mi“ (ltuan I.

I We have a large, dou- ble, \tllttt} room tor a metal but \L‘Il\lltlt' perxon. Sharing mth 3 otlteh l‘llh a dog. £350 pem + ("l + billx. \o USS. l)L'pH\ll reqtnred. \emngton. lll 3| (i()_. 023—,

I Large room \\ llll en \uite bathroom in ltI\llI'It)tI\ Ilat.

u \\ \\ .xharedl'lat.eom. lieautrlnl Ioeation. | perxon to \hare

\\ ith 3 otltet‘\. .-\\ailable mm. £330 pem + l‘lll\. 'l‘el : III.” 336 l l(i7.

I Large double room axailable m \paeioiix lirtmtxtield l'lat. \hare mm 4 other\. \uit n/x Iemale prolex- \lttlltll. axailable .lanuar) 3rd. [375 pem + billx. 'l'el: 0|.il 477 4030.

I Large room to \tHI l'riendl} Iemale prolexxional. age 31-30. £385pem IIIL‘ltl\l\L' ol ("ll lel: 01%| 333 (PIN or 0777l 044473.

I Large room to \ttit li'iendl) I'emale prolexxional. 3| 30. Morningxide. lounge. 'I‘V. kitehen & landline. £335 pem ineluxhe ol’("li. ’l'el: 0|.il 4770394 or 0777I (>44 473 or (H .il 333 ()7 l X.

I Double room in gorr geotix neu -btii|d flat in

l’tm tlL‘t‘ltatll \illage. .-\ll llltltl eonx. ()un bathroom & rexi- dential parking. l5 minute\ to Princes Street. £335 pem + billx. 'l‘el: 07793 048780.

I Sunny double room in l'i'iendl} flat in 'l‘olleroxx Bruntxlield area. £347 pem + ("l. + billx. Tel: 07705 058 338.

I Room for n/s in Marchmont. L'tht) pem + ("l‘+bil|\.'1e|:0|3l 33‘) 4I04.

I Double room avail- able, xharing uith 3 Itt;llC\. \uit prolexxional or \tudent. lt/\ pl'clet't'cd. tlL'ptI\ll required. [235 [k‘ltt lltL‘ltltlL‘\ ltL‘ttllttg billx or £310 uithout heating ltlllx. 00 (“ll 'l‘ClI 077-17 7‘): 37(3 or ()l.“ 467 (i983.

I Double or twin bedded room, central lidinburgh. lull} t'urnixhed \xith \\i.\l. L'Ultitlt' 'liV. \ lthU L‘IL'. £40 - £45 per perxon. [‘«L‘l' \\ L‘L‘k. no l‘lllx. 'l‘el: 0l3l (‘57 5555.

I Leith, large double room mailable in modern 3 bed flat. \haring “int 3 )titiiig l‘t‘ule\\itiii;il I‘emalex \uit elean & lid}. n/x 5o1mg prolexxional. axailable immediatel}. all mod eonx. £300 pem + ("l' + billx + thPU\ll. “77.” 50-1 135. Alter 5pm \\ eekda)\.

I Trinity, fantastic, tic“ I} Itirnixlied large room in protexxional lamil} home. female on|_\ plea\e. {3'75 pem ineludex billx. 'l'el: 0I.‘~I 554 130] or (V086 4“) (ll I,

I Fabulous double room in \tunnmg. .\'e\\ 'l‘oxxn. 3 bed. lull} I'urnixhed tlat. \hare \\ ith 3 other\. unit eax} going. n/x protexxional. a\ailable almoxt immediatel_\. .-\ppro\ £360 pem ineludex l‘lllx Tel: 0131 55' M30.




w ./ x2 THE LIST 107