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I Skinny Giant. Artist ol humoroux poetic bent. and keen dahhlcr in unmc concoction. 4‘). look\ lilol‘L' IlkL‘ 2‘). \I\ lolll‘. lc‘lt \lonc. llL‘L'il\ .1 I‘ll chx \oll~ ludc. Seekx \toman ol pla_\lu|

\\ II and trim l‘uild uho lo\c\ thinking and talking. l’relerahl} a hra/en lcmplrexx lidinhurgh. ilio\ no: WNW/2|


V I Saw You (H lchihan Queen St. 2pm. I l/l2/llJ. You: black-haired girl \\ lIll \I/L‘dl‘lk‘ \pcclaclcx & hlondc lriend. .\le: dark—haired gu} \xith l'riendx. staring at )ou. You \lared hack. ll _\ou ha\en'l called the police _\ct. \\ant to go lor a drink‘,’ [/5 I 2/I V I Saw You at the Scareodeli \\IIII _\our llopp} emo l'ringe. can I he )our secret scar} l'riend _\Ull talking machine'.’ [/5 l 2/2 V I Saw You concentrating on _\our U\\ll uork in the ('('.»\ (ilaxgoix. What a \hame )ou ha\ e spent 3 liotll‘x in the galler} thix neck. l'/5l2/.‘~ V I Saw You concentrating on _\our own cleanliness in the \himct' Illlx morning. It} con- centrating on me \.\\ l'/5l2/4 V I Saw You Kat) S l'rom lnchture \\ e met in summer 2002. I want to knou hon u r. I lill\\ 11 line l’aul. \ \ \ l'/5l2/5 V I Saw You . . . u e \au )oll . at Sil\er.\1ount '/,ion (ilaxgou “IIII )our camera. l'x: I\\(l girls in front ol' _\ou mathed in patchouli and garlic lxorr} i. (‘an we we )our 48 pholox'.’ [/5 l 2/(i VI Saw You I )L‘lll' ago . . . _\ou \\ ere 26 and the lSth ol December )ou'll alread} he 27 II? I \iish _\ou a HAPPY BIR'I‘III).’\Y MARI-LR?! Big k’l\\c\ l‘rom Suit/erlandll liSMl-L. [7512/7 V I Saw You \ex} huhaki browsing through the Ioreign hookx section at the (ililxgim l'ni lihrar) . . . wanna meet up for a hecherm ka \onietime'.’ Bring lloual loo . . . \\\ .-\I .\\';\YS [/5 I 2/8 V I Saw You No delectable Dennixtoun chapx S/I 2/04 in _\our beautiful llat. 'I'hankx l‘or a labuloux al‘ternoon. hope _\ou'\e managed to scrub all that \oup oil the “all. .\ \ \ l'/5|2/‘) V I Saw You Bean Scene. Sham Iandx (ililxgtm. Sipping on _\our hot chocolate. "concentrat- ing on )iitii‘ own hixcuit”. I [me _\our t-xhirt. .\' l'/5l2/lll VI Saw You at l‘aithlexs. You had loads of ama/ing piercings on _\our lace and )ou are gorgeous. You clocked me 'dancing' nut to _\ou. wanna do an equall} rocking gig soon'.’ US l 2/I l

Classified Personal


ISawYoueont. ' 2,.


V I Saw You \cllltug llic cl.l\\lt‘\l llo\\ci\ c\ci (U (Icean 'l'ernunal | \Mtlll ti} and lllll‘lt‘\\ \\ ith llo\\cr\. do )on do \CiIItNNI ' Ii I:

VI Saw You liunn} .it the (Enema. \iatclung thc lncrcdihcx .\Ir l’rcxident \.l\\ yin hut )iiii \xcic gone. li.i\cn't \cen }oii \Incc _\oui l‘dll,

[/5 l 2'I3

V I Saw You at lc.i\l I think I caught a glunpxc ol }oii. \I} meet loxc. I \\III tempt _\ou \xith nothing. .\Iinc. l’. l‘ 512 H V I Saw You u \au inc I.l\.l hut il'm \o glad \\ c met, ('c\ ain't that had alter .ill. hut nc\t time lel\ not \ta} III the end' \l'/5l2/l5

V I Saw You .\Icrr_\ ('hrixtmax ()uiggcrx .ind I.idl docx llll\ make inc the hcxt girl.’ K \\ 13/512,! lo

VI Saw You hcing \o incied ihl} patient \ilule I l.illed like all liliol ahoul lltL' \I/L' ol lltt‘ mike) and then again about the \i/c ol the pudding. I)on't kllou him _\ou do ll, I.o\e _\ou l’or it though. .\ \ \ l'/5l2/l7

VI Saw YOU Holt. lc;ll’lt‘\\ leader ol the l’eartrce ha\ ing a lantaxlic laxt night at the lie l)a\c mixxex u conic hack'

[/5 I 2/IH

9 I Saw You at Snatch. )ou \\ee Katherine i “as l.iam. on the \tall night oul l'or l’eckhainx. You were ama/mg. I apolgixe lor \parkling \\ inc lllixclticli. \Yould lo\ c to \cc )ou again. l'/5l2/l‘)

VI Saw You on the bar (H Bar Jaia in \umluer. \Yon't make .Ian '05 hut haxe Iclt \iord l‘or _\ou at The ('ourt. lio Janglex. X \ \ l'/SI2/2ll

V I Saw You at Berlin Sat Ifilh l)ec. 'I'all. hlondc girl - I think )our names (’arla. You're gorgeotixl I Sim You at Solexcicnce in Sepleniher loo. You recognise inc. (iet in touch. X l'/5l2/2l

V I Saw You looking all hot and \e\_\. sitting nerxouxl} in tour corner looking like a \tar- let \hining in the dark. Your red hair setting )iiiii‘ c} ex alight. l' are the singer oI .\Ir 7.? ('lare Hill/22

V I Saw You the elegant American hostcxx l'rom Silencio: l-‘ilmhouxe on

10/] 2/04. l'd lo\ c to here \otne more (it )our DUCIle . . . l'/5I2/23

VI Saw You l'rida} ITIh I)ec on the N22 hux making a \hou ol )“urxell'. (iood \Iit)\\ old chap? \Ye \\ ere the [\Hi girl\ \\ ho clocked _\ou ax )ou clannered oil" the box. [/5 l 2/24 VI Saw You ck )ou gax e rue Ycllou I'ieVer. You are m} oa\i\ in a desert ol' tlc‘xpolitlitllc‘} . The I.t)~.l (iirl \ l'/5l2/25

V I Saw You "come \ail )our \lilp\ around me". Do _\ou remember \\ hen I \xax )our dar- lin. l'/5l2/2(i

V I Saw You ('huntle} at

lili 1. Your \PCL‘kx make me qun er. but I lind )our Icl’t leg quite LII\Illfhllig. It has an

unicaxoual‘lc ludch lhc light one \ ok thougli'l * l.‘ I“

V I Saw You \lli‘itlx\. l knim _\ou1ciniir\ lilc loicwi lclx pla} hidc and \cck uudci llic tlll\t‘l \I‘I‘II I l\) l\l .tllil l.l\I \ l S I: 2.\

V I Saw You You lwaullul (‘oinixh cicaluie. \I.l\’l\|llg' lwookx III the hcl.itli \cction ol \\.ilci\louc\ l Ill lll lo\ c \\llll _\oll \l 5|: 2"

VI Saw You ll] IIIk' l't‘dlllt'i‘ You \icic lltc luddcu plmllux 2H doun. ill lo go liiing oul thc \chgcllanunci l *l.‘, ill

0 I Saw You \\ llllt' \Ic( int-c. in the l’cailicc on II II ll-l looking ulndxocpl and got gcoux, l~ 5l2 il

VI Saw You llugh. hugging \ll\ll.lll.lll\ .ind ci_\iu;' likc ,i hah} l low _\ou. \\ \ \

l' S l 2 ‘2

V I Saw You \Ililll lllll\t Ix lll.tlI \\llIl gic) I‘i'dltl You lookcd glcal in You I icd icui dcii horn» .\I\\.ih"l ‘RI2 U VI Saw You liming .in .uuctli_\\t hiacclct loi _\oui \luni'x (‘luistuiax I\t‘l\i‘tl You ...'l.inlric \c\ IVSI2 i-l

V I Saw You working lll llic ('al (i.illci_\' You lunk) [llt'lkk'tl t Lillimc'tl I.tiI}. I tllt‘dlll HI \Il.ll ing _\oui licd' ()h. I do'

l/5 I 2/ ‘5

V I Saw You I'k'\ll\.ll Hit-ant- gu} " 'IaIkcd 'houl lingcilcxx glow» \ana talk nioic' l'/5|2/§o

VI Saw YOU III'MIIL‘}. I‘k'\I goal kccpcr in thc undci Ill'x 'l'.\'l',R'. .-\nd _\ou'ic golgcotlx litii' I.H\L' .lll \Hlll l;tll\ [fill/3* '

VI Saw You \ioiking lll Virgin \Icgaxloicx on I’llllt’t’\ St. You \iith }oiii long goldcn llau' platcil In a lion} l.llI. .\Ic lall gu_\ “IIH c‘itlllt'x III on Saturda} lllttl'lllllj.‘\. Still to \II} to a\k )ou out. l'/§ l 2/ ‘3

VI Saw You lit the liaxcuicnt on the Nth |)cc \\ caring a culc pink top and a black skin, I thought our Iookcd gorgcotix hut \xax loo \ll_\ lo \pcak, I'/5l2/ W

V I Saw You orange and lilondic _L'|I'l\ licxl Mum and \lcp .\Ium in lhc \xorld lroin liradlc} \ \ \ I'/5I2/Jll

Is there anybody

We think so...



'3 '/’. ,Iz' THE LIST 109