Personnel lit'ttttdott l‘iltm el‘x (\oettlx. ke}ho;tt'dxl. l)a\id Ketming tguitart. .\lark Stoermer thaxxt. Ronnie \annueei. tdrumxt.

History lletex another hand \\ hoxe e\ixtenee ean he laid at the l'eet ol .\'oel (iallagltet‘. httt thanklull) the} are ax lar lrom l’roud Mar} ax amone eould \xixh. .v\l‘ter heing dumped h_\ hix x)nth—pop outlit Illuxh Rexponxe \\ hen he \xouldn't reloeate to l..'\ and ehaxe the dream. l‘louet'x anx\\ered a elaxxilied ad plaeed h_\ Keuning uhieh ntentioned ()axix ax an inlluenee. l‘louerx \xax a tan too. When tlte l'uture lloor— l‘iller ‘.\lr Brightxide‘ xprung I‘orth lrom tlteir xhared loinx. the) kite“ the} mere on to xomething. The duo xoon heeame a quartet and [hex xet ottt to heel-tip the malnourixhed \xail‘ that i.x the Vegax undergrottnd xeene \\ith a lt'exhl} heun xound. Steering \\ell elear ol' the roek 'n‘ roll plughole that ix l..-\. the} xta}ed in the eit} doggedl) gigging ;l\\1l} and xending promox ahroad. It Mix the linglixh indie l.i/ard King that ga\ e the hand a lirxt hreak \\ ith a mini—deal in the l'lx'. .-\ limited releaxe of ‘.\Ir Bt'ightxide' \xax enough to eom inee lxland to xign thetn tip tor the text ol‘ the \xorld. .-\ xprint round the .\'e\\ York (‘.\I.l llttlll\ll‘_\ l‘exthal eemented their appeal in the l'S. Hui I‘ll.“ made il onto the \ll‘eelx on IS .lune thix _\eat' and it \\;tx enjo} ed prett} mueh \\ ithottt e\eeption. making an appearanee on end- ol‘—_\eat‘ pollx and (‘ltt‘ixtntax lixtx to Santa alike. Distinguishing features Brandon l5loxxerx ma) he damn eute in the right light hut the} ‘re hardl_\ Blue are the}? .\lore importantl}. it‘x thoxe xtomping ehoruxex that xtand ottt like an ereetion at a luneral. l.ike e\er_\one on thix walk .\'.\Ili Tour. the} xound \xonderl‘ull} deri\ati\ e. hut ax the lx'illet'x and under-endou ed men t‘\et"\\\ltet‘e \\ill eonetu' it'x “hat _\ou do \xith it that eountx. 'l'heir unaxhamedl} noxtalgie glanee haek takex in Xe“ ()rder. QUL‘L‘I]. BU\\IL‘. lltL‘ (‘ttl'x IltL‘ Smillh and Duran Duran hut inieetx thexe old lagx \xith enough Vegax hada-hing to hlind lilton .lohn. Unique selling point Indie ax hell hut elaxx} \\ith it. Like Suede and Pulp hel‘ore thetn the} hax e axpirationx to get out ol‘ the garage and .xpend e\eningx pinehing the hehindx ol eont‘ttxed .-\-l.ixt eelehx. 'l‘heir eameo performing on ['8

teen drama The (M ' \xax onl} the xtart ol‘ it. 'l’he} ha\e a gill edge to their pop that gi\ex them the potential to do hetter than xo man) other one« alhum \\onderx.

Potential headlines ‘l)on‘t tear the ereetter' “In the Killerx' Brandon l‘loxxerx \xantx to get out ol' the ht'ight lightx and haek to nature. ‘llaxil‘x l'ault}' Vegax‘ other lamoux e\port Ion} Baxil jealouxl} hitx ottt at Killerx‘ xueeexx. What they have to say for themselves ‘It took ahout a )L‘ill' and a hall tor tix to get to pla_\ to around 200 people \xhieh ix reall_\ good tor Vegax. The en} doexn‘t ha\ e a muxie xeene in the \\a_\ other hig I'S eitiex do .xo it meant ex en more. But it delinitel} xuitx ttx and our muxie to pla} higger plaeex. \Vhal ean l xa_\‘.’ Were lrom \egax. \\ e think it'x in ottr hlood to he xhoumen. l lo\ e hig xongx and hig perl'ormerx. l \xax ill\\it}'x t'eall) attt'aeted to that whether it \x'ax lilVix.


\Iorrixxe} or \xhoe\ er. l’eople leed oil it. lt'x xomething to axpire to.‘

What everyone else has to say about them ‘l'itter than l5ran/ l-‘erdinand. l’op l’erl'eetion.‘ Sneak. ‘\\'hile l5lo\\erx. a \egax nati\e. ix no gamhler he xau relati\ ex ra\aged h_\ the \iee it lookx like thix reluetant hero hax hit the jaekpot.‘ .Vt'n‘ lin‘k l’uxl.

What’s worth hearing Their dehut long playr llo/ l-ttxx hax heen eroxtlmrred \xith numeroux tt'aekx that eottld xoundtraek thoxe linal eextatie momentx ol~ a l'extixal—headlining xlttm. an illieit tr} xt or an otliee part} eonga \\ ith equal eaxe. Backstage bonding '\\'ell \\ e‘\ e nex er met an) ol‘ the handx hut it \\ill he line I'm xure. 'l‘here'x no prexxure heing the headliner. it‘x a xtrong hill.~ Justify our love 'l‘lte) might juxt ha\e 'il‘. ()ka}. ma}he not on a l-ran/ l-‘erdinand xeale hut there ix enough pop in their pixtol to keep them ahead ol~ their peerx. (Mark Rohettxont

Carling Academy Glasgow, Thu 20 & Fri 21 Jan


for themselves - ‘~

Personnel F a. .. History " - -. h ., l. y ,‘ '." Distinguishing . .n .. . v .. . features What everyone else A '~ : z .' ' " 1 has to say about them ‘i p 'Il Unique selling point 7' . ~- :' z - " . »: . f: ' What’s worth hearing l't ' l" ' film. z’lr a' u ' ' ' ~ ) - it; ,tr ' ‘t' z ' . l-‘ " . .; ,' ' Backstage bonding ;‘ : l»-;' .f 'i" 1 " ' ; 8 .' A? u : .‘. ' t' ' " l I l p t v , l- t t t l U ' ' t' ' H l’ r l : ' r : Potential headlines . v . ' 1 lo: lfttz‘t t' v r H, t. . r, v t; ,. A «'

. ' Justify our love’, ' f'\-’-"‘:.'.§$"’wall’ r'-' :' ’d’r‘V'r. il\/:‘l. (1 'l‘ . H "' I I' "“ ,‘f‘fH Km, w o' :t- «' ;s:

'l’," ' ' t,t.'t ' «it; . :v‘ " ‘a' 't it ' ' W Ju‘ l“


What they have to say /

'? " THE LIST 17